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Are there any achievement points for killing these bosses the first time. I know tequatal and triple wyrm do. How about the other bosses?


If so, where can I look at which bosses I have not completed yet in the achievement tab?


For tequatal and triple wyrm, I'm well aware of the core mastery points and achievement points awarded as I completed them.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > > Since there's a mismatch between all of the encounters listed on the Wiki as "World Boss" and what has additional rewards during this event, here's the list of what has additional rewards this time around:

> > >

> > > Shadow Behemoth

> > > Fire Elemental

> > > Svanir Shaman Chief

> > > Jungle Wurm (Caledon Forest)

> > > Modniir Ulgoth

> > > Taidha Covington

> > > Megadestroyer

> > > Golem Mark II

> > > Shatterer

> > > Claw of Jormag

> > > Karka Queen

> > > Tequatl the Sunless

> > > Evolved Jungle Wurm (Bloodtide Coast)

> >

> > Any plans to resolve the ability to multi-loot bosses like people used to do with AB?


> The event is designed so that you can kill as many bosses as you want for as many bonus boxes as you want. Calling it "multi-loot" is a misunderstanding of what the "multi-loot" bug was. This requires (if it doesn't we will fix it) that you have participated and are present for the finalization of the boss event to get bonus loot.


Understood. I just assumed that the increased frequency of obtaining chests would have been an issue but thank you for the clarification.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> So far, my feedback for this first event is good. I like that:

> - there is no limit on the boxes you can earn or how many times per day you can kill the same boss (Effort in, reward out)

> - you can kill the bosses in any order and/or skip bosses you don't enjoy

> - items available in the loot boxes are items people have been asking for better access to

> - the loot in the boxes is available year-round through different content; no one will miss out if they can't play this week

> - employees are present at these events in-game (and here on the forum), working to help people understand and complete them

> - this event is something that can be clicked on as needed and is a nice shakeup to the schedule to rekindle people's interest without costing too much in terms of time and effort on ANet's part


Thank you, my thoughts exactly!

Jeez, people need to calm down with their complaints.

It's a fun little extra and another motivation to play (at least for me so far!). You get a good extra amount of loot if you do a couple bosses and get a potential chance of an amazing and very rare item on top of it.

What did you expect? Do a few bosses and get your invisible shoes and you're good to go?


Be satisfied with what we got for once ffs.

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It's kinda disgusting how much people are trying to farm this...

There's like 2 dozen squads/mentor squads at each boss just so they can get credit for kill on multiple instances.

I think I'm done with this farm fest for good (can't even call it an event anymore at this point)

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This event feels totally underwhelming in my opinion. World bosses are a really bad way to spend your time in Guild Wars 2... they are really easy, you have to wait up to 14 minutes in between bosses and the loot is really bad for the time investment. Giving us RNG (0.0001% chance) rewards wont change that. Because you can play the whole week and never get anything worthwhile. I'm all up for tokens that allow you to choose your rewards however. At least with those you can actually progress towards something that's worth your time.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> The event is designed so that you can kill as many bosses as you want for as many bonus boxes as you want. Calling it "multi-loot" is a misunderstanding of what the "multi-loot" bug was. This requires (if it doesn't we will fix it) that you have participated and are present for the finalization of the boss event to get bonus loot.

It's making all other forms of PvE farms not something you can do as the entire player base is doing nothing but World Bosses. I don't find WBs fun so my fun is very diminished during this bonus event. I'm sure there are other players who feel the same way.


This event lasts a week long so that's a very, very long time to have my fun diminished.


Could you please look into making bonus events in the future not effect the entire player base in such a way? They should be a bonus - not something you can spam all day for a week which kills participation rates in all other farm content.

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> @"JokerM.6021" said:

> This event is a scam. 1 basic mat x3 is just stupid


Should look up the definition of "scam" is.


The amount of people crying over extra free loot is insane. If you dont like it simply dont do the events. These are not made to please everyone. These events are perfect for someone who is trying to make their first legendary and need the large amount of lower end mats.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> It's kinda disgusting how much people are trying to farm this...

> There's like 2 dozen squads/mentor squads at each boss just so they can get credit for kill on multiple instances.

> I think I'm done with this farm fest for good (can't even call it an event anymore at this point)


Why do you have an issue with people playing the game?

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> @"WolfsFang.2301" said:

> > @"JokerM.6021" said:

> > This event is a scam. 1 basic mat x3 is just stupid


> Should look up the definition of "scam" is.


> The amount of people crying over extra free loot is insane. If you dont like it simply dont do the events. These are not made to please everyone. These events are perfect for someone who is trying to make their first legendary and need the large amount of lower end mats.


If you count this as a large amount of mats, I don't know what to tell you

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> > @"WolfsFang.2301" said:

> > > @"JokerM.6021" said:

> > > This event is a scam. 1 basic mat x3 is just stupid

> >

> > Should look up the definition of "scam" is.

> >

> > The amount of people crying over extra free loot is insane. If you dont like it simply dont do the events. These are not made to please everyone. These events are perfect for someone who is trying to make their first legendary and need the large amount of lower end mats.


> If you count this as a large amount of mats, I don't know what to tell you


Yes I do, I just keep gw2 in the background while playing other games and just alt tab to gw2 when a boss is about to start. Free easy mats for me. Beats running around farming.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> It's kinda disgusting how much people are trying to farm this...

> There's like 2 dozen squads/mentor squads at each boss just so they can get credit for kill on multiple instances.

> I think I'm done with this farm fest for good (can't even call it an event anymore at this point)


Bottom line is.. the event isn't really for the players benefit.. it's to keep players in game longer while LS is still being finished and the gap between releases grows. Players get bored easy when new content is scarce for long periods.. this event is aimed at helping curb as much of the drop off as the gap grows.

Can't even relate this to a welcome back/new player boost because it was this very kind of loot train that forced the Queensdale train etc to be curbed a whiles back now.

I mean let's be honest for what you get 99.9999999% of the time from the bonus chest you could actually get within a few seconds from salvaging a green or a blue from an openwolrd kill without the necessity to demonstrate how bad the servers are at handling large scale boss fights before the skill lag hits.

The only plus is the fact there is the tinniest (and I mean the very, very, very tinniest) chance of getting a little infusion - which we all know is going to be extremely few and far between.

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Considering how limited the amount of boxes that you can get per hour is, T6 mats should have been in the common section. That way, it would have indeed felt like a nice bonus, but as it is now the additional rewards arent worth mentioning.


Also, remember that we had similar boxes during the zephyrite festival. People were able to open stacks over stacks of them and hardly anyone got one of those valuable infusions. So dont expect do get anything now, where you arent even able to open a great number of them.

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World boss box still only 1 per day, repeat kills only give the event loot box.

Probably not worth considering the painful low drop rates of good items and high amount of useless items that are worth nothing lol.

Opened 13 boxes and did not get a single T6 mat. Mostly T1-2-3.


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I don't understand why people cry so much about "multi-loot" abusing. The boxes are not worth it in terms on spent time vs rewards. Yeah you can have really good luck and got an infusion, but that's really weird. If you can loot more than one, what's wrong? This isn't as abussive as Tarir was.

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> @"WolfsFang.2301" said:

> Yes I do, I just keep gw2 in the background while playing other games and just alt tab to gw2 when a boss is about to start. Free easy mats for me. Beats running around farming.


what? are u serious with this?


the event was promoted different. time/gold camping bosses after 1 round isnt worth it.

the bonus chest are a joke and hoping for the lottery drop isnt worth in this game.

Seeing this leaves my hope for the next events. Especially the fractals.


i think no ones wants everything on the first day. But the items in that bonus chest are pointless.

i can gather everything faster random clicking a wp on the world map and gather everything for 1 minute.


i'm disappointed. sounds good but it's worthless.

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I think many people forget that you get a guaranteed rare item with each box, which is essentially the same reward you get from killing a boss in the first place. It's not that bad on repeat, but eh. If you don't care about the rare items then no reason to do it.

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i'm disappointed too for the rewards , even the super rare got poly cheap infusions , no mention how many times you do bosses i dont think you will make even 1k boxes in 1 week + RNG won't help too , the event sounds good but its not that good in terms of rewards RNG

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Are there any achievement points for killing these bosses the first time. I know tequatal and triple wyrm do. How about the other bosses?


> If so, where can I look at which bosses I have not completed yet in the achievement tab?


> For tequatal and triple wyrm, I'm well aware of the core mastery points and achievement points awarded as I completed them.


There is a "Bosses" achievement category in the same area as Teq and TT ach categories, but they tend to be more complicated than just "beat the boss", and it only covers a subset. Still probably a good time to go for it.


Revamped shatterer also has an achievement category.

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This is what happens when you add loot accessible to 100% of the playerbase. You have to dilute the loot so hard otherwise you crash the market. I dont think anyone is actually complaining about the free extra loot. It's more about how impactful the loot feels to the individual player. Why even put in the effort if the loot is negligible to the individual? It's like if anet marketed a "bonus raid reward weekend" and only added 3 elder wood logs to each boss chest. Sure it's more loot but who cares? Why even spend the effort to type the forum announcement at that point?

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Yeah, I got a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear from almost every box. I only did 4 World Bosses and ended up with 15 Rare Unids, 5 Rare pieces of (identified) gear, and 1 Exotic weapon. Plus lots of Green and Blue Unids, and lots of mats. Oh, and 4 trophies.


Anyone that doesn't want the Rare Unids from the Bonus Box of Goods can send them to me; I'll happily take them off your hands. =)

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Since there's a mismatch between all of the encounters listed on the Wiki as "World Boss" and what has additional rewards during this event, here's the list of what has additional rewards this time around:


> Shadow Behemoth

> Fire Elemental

> Svanir Shaman Chief

> Jungle Wurm (Caledon Forest)

> Modniir Ulgoth

> Taidha Covington

> Megadestroyer

> Golem Mark II

> Shatterer

> Claw of Jormag

> Karka Queen

> Tequatl the Sunless

> Evolved Jungle Wurm (Bloodtide Coast)


In other words this event isn't for world bosses, it's for TIMER world bosses.


Not all world bosses were added to the timer when it was made, and this was even brought up by the announcement. IIRC, the reasoning was that you didn't want everything on a timer.


It's a real shame that those other world bosses (even if it were just Orrian temples) didn't get the bonus boxes.


I think this event has also highlighted just how much every world boss needs some adjustments for things like scaling and interesting. Maybe not the level Tequatl or The Shatterer got, though. Maybe closer to what the Shadow Behemoth got.

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