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In an area spawns an Event

At 25% of each Bosses -Leutenant -Elites hp , you can


a) Kill the For rewards and more ''Troop Morale''

b) ''Yell'' at the them (like the cows/dolyak Heart Event in PoF) to ''push'' them to go in 3 different captured areas (force them to retrieve in 3 different maps to regroup and there a different event will start (but they get stronger) . If killed that will lead it getting more informations about the Weakness of the Godzila (super last boss))

c) ''Yell'' at them to a captured near your base ( they defend the base from Future attacks , but they will mutinate sometimes) .


While you are going to different areas , they previous ones will be constadly attack (so either split the zerg or use the captured elites bosses)


While you maintain an area (give bonus attacks or rewards to your server) Or try to find the ''mythical era'' that has the weakness tip for Godzila


Try to rush toGodzilas , witch will have istanbilities and die . Or try to caputed nearby areas to unlock new forms - removes

istabilities or summon an other huge monsterto fight Godzila .


Godzila can move also areas .

It will aim to go in the First area that was captured and move to the second and so on .

If he is ''near'' the first , but havent reached , the Bosses that are defending your area will mutinate .

By outflanking and capturing the area behind the boss , allow you to combat him and loose his 10% of his max HP before he

wipes the Zerg with 1-hit . Retry in an other area


Godzila can be also stalled from events:

a) from ppl that Bash their shield till his eardrum pops , or movable captured point that leads to another area (lure) , where a single person

must constadly stand at a time and defend himself (most likley each person would be killed in 5 sec , and some1 else must take his place as soon as posible) .

While the rest try to stay out of the circle point and use their bodies to absorve Shadows that try to touch the Point.


b) Or get transported into a interegation room , where you cannot speak and hardy can see 2 ppl

looking at you and passing a letter that reads : ''I should have knew that something was going wrong ,

and i didnt warn my raid that the boss will Smash anything that will be on his North +East in a devastating attack istandly at 21:37

(warn you raid to get on south or get destroyed)


c) 4 ppl around the boss must channel teleportation spell that will move the boss , back 1800 yards (those ppl will

one-shotted if hit by mobs)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just thought of a great bonus event week..

Black Lion Key Bonus Week.

1. old school key farming no lvl 10 requirement for story step to get the black lion key, also no 1 per week per account limit.

2. double the chances of getting a key from map completions.

3. Up the chances of getting key drops from all mobs everywhere..


thanks this is all I've got and I think it would be a great bonus week.


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What I would like to see done, is being completely transparent and clear about the contents of RnG reward boxes. If something simply don't drop within 10 openings, don't put it in uncommon, if not within 50 it's not rare. Simply remove uncommon and rare categories: put luck essences and ascended basic mats (dragonite bloodstone empyreal) as common and everything else as super rare.


Preview categories should be equal to current drop rate.

Common: >= 50% chances of having it

Uncommon: >= 10% chances but < 50%

Rare: >= 1% chances but <10%

Ultra-rare: <1% chances


I currently take box preview as lies about the goods, it should be clear. I know it's surely made on purpose to make players believe that something good will drop, I'm not falling into the trap. Showing the real drop rates will not affect everything, the worth of the bag is based on the expensive items put in it which has a price depending on their rarity. As example the djinn box is sold around 1-2g whereas big drop is infuz 500g, but rare at a point that the cost of the box isn't higher, plus box is available on world bosses. I don't mind about rare/ultra rare categories but at least Anet, make Uncommon category uncommon: dropping in 1 of 3 openings an item. Here uncommon equal never.


Here it's even more painful since those box are limited as 1 per boss per account should have been per character. Indeed, combine the factor not much boxes + not even uncommon drops and you have a horrible thing.




Here is my feedback bonus event per bonus event:


World bosses rush:

-Farming easily with the device, earned a lot of boxes, but nothing worthy, not rewarding in term of gold or reward.


Meta events rush:

-A lot of bugs, some metas not giving loots, awful to figure what temples start. But rewarding boxes in term of gold or reward.


Destabilized magic world boss rush 2:

-Easily farmable again but horrible rewards only those annoying ascended base mats I hate them, plz just create another sink for them or decrease their drops in the whole world.... essences of lucks.... I hate them too, any easy sink? Can you create another one? Currently stocking the boxes because no interests or incitation to open them.

Great idea of making essences tradable for boxes but welp boxes are bad...

Maybe turning nodes like normal nodes 1 or 2 or 3 essences not only 1.

1 box per boss per account is horrible again. Better per character.


Mystic Researcher:

-Those loot bags are the best but what kill it is "junk bag" item or should I say rng box within rng box? Should be removed, I don't give zommoros magics to earn mawdrey like junk items! And each donnation of 100 materials should give to player 1 bag imho.


Parenthesis: I used to drop a ton of hoards, ascended boxes, armors and weapons but now I only drop rings and some weapons in fractals like if drops in PvE were decreased. But only for ascended. No problems for exos: got infusions during halloween/wintersday


Just to say that the drop amount should be took in account when designing reward boxes: putting 0.01 droprate on a box that can be looted like 250 times a day or 15 times a day isn't the same thing. (Comparing trick o treat bags and djinn boxes)




Finally allow us to preview infusion and change the mordrem merchant at furmand priory! Tokens aren't available anymore should be replaced by spores.


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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Since some people here still argue that the extra loot is valuable and can even help you "on your path to a legendary", here's exactly what I got from the 9 boxes I opened at once:



Well, I wasn't really interested in any of the weapon skins, and on Tuesday/Wednesday the Djinn clusters were selling for about 3g each on the TP, so I converted all my essences into clusters and made about 6g per boss kill. Maybe I would have got an infusion had I opened one, possibly, but I'm happy with the easy hundred gold or so I made.


I learned from the Halloween event that it is often (though not always) more profitable to sell the bag vs. opening it.

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Go to the prior hq in lornars. There's a mortem token exchange...we need that for such drops and a constant ability to obtain them...but bind to account those rewards while still having to as an alternative. It's been requested for token exchange for years to guarantee such drops. Infusions with cosmetic attachments would be like 300 of a token or something and for God sake, allow us to preview infusions on tp!!!


While were at it, fix the skill lag in large events, it's getting ridiculous that it's almost 2020 and the engine still lags even in high end pcs.


I have to literally go to performance mode with a 1070ti at tequatl...but I can't enjoy the beauty of this game same time!


Playing is not appreciating...i want both

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > Since some people here still argue that the extra loot is valuable and can even help you "on your path to a legendary", here's exactly what I got from the 9 boxes I opened at once:

> >snip


> Well, I wasn't really interested in any of the weapon skins, and on Tuesday/Wednesday the Djinn clusters were selling for about 3g each on the TP, so I converted all my essences into clusters and made about 6g per boss kill. Maybe I would have got an infusion had I opened one, possibly, but I'm happy with the easy hundred gold or so I made.


> I learned from the Halloween event that it is often (though not always) more profitable to sell the bag vs. opening it.


My post was from the other event before the one that gives skins, but it applies indeed to the current event as well. The difference is that we now have the possibility to sell boxes. In the former event, that wasn't the case. If you open the clusters, you will just get luck and dust and maybe an essence in 99% of all cases. And if you don't want those skins, the essences are just as worthless as the luck and dust. The price for the clusters dropped significantly since the start of the event though. There will always be players who get everything the devs throw at them as fast as possible, and they bought the clusters to be the first ones to show off the infusion. After a few days the demand for these things decreases because the show off effect vanishes.

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For each player that is lucky and have 30% chance dropping rares you have players with 0% to counterbalance, with several other kind players we referenced the drop rate on the wiki, for rare, I wasn't that far, it's 2%. Very far from 30% the very lucky case. But I can only ask those lucky players to enter their datas on the wiki would be cool.

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  • 8 months later...

what about double magic find during all those bonus events weeks and...

what about checking server for errors? getting a lot of skill lags, unnatural cooldowns (like short-term stuns but not stun or daze) and some conditions from nobody (including cripple and bleeding) for serious duration (20 secs) and i tried removing with condition cleanse utility skill but still sticking (got it while i was in Tequatl from 75% to 50% , saying Source: (nothing) )

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Well, that world boss/ meta rush could be turned into a mermanent stuff.


> Underwater combat could be spun off as a separate company... ... MermanNet.


> Hehe jk friend, jk. Please no hurty!


Nice joke. Oups did a typo, edited.

Also, why not dungeon rush event?

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Also it's really sad that the beetle races are now just rotting. Those prizes at 250 tokens are now unreachable since no more current events/ bonus rewards. Maybe new tracks could be added in addition of checkpoint/endurance boost orb as decos in gh. Daily beetle race maybe?

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