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I have a full set of Mighty WvW Infusions. No High-Level Fractals for me?

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Its best to make a second set of armor for Fractals with the infusions, because of the over time costs.


> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> Is there a reason why you can't spend 24 silver each to remove them


24 silver each gear **every time to remove them per game mode switch**. So about 7 gold to change them to use in Fractals and then back to WvW when done.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> 24 silver each gear **every time to remove them per game mode switch**. So about 7 gold to change them to use in Fractals and then back to WvW when done.

It's more economical to grab separate trinkets for WvW versus PvE, in which case the per Fractal cost would be closer to 4.8g


While that adds up, it's more than covered by what one earns in fractals.


> Its best to make a second set of armor for Fractals with the infusions, because of the over time costs.

A second set of weapons plus armor (not including infusion or trinket costs) is close to 500 gold, so it would take 100 fractal days to break even on the "over time" costs. Whether that's "best" depends on the OP's needs.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I'm a WvW main too and I recall investing around 240 gold to reach the AR requirement so that I could join my friend in Fractals.

> > I told myself I would at the very least play enough Fractals to earn back the 240 gold.

> > That was I think 1-2 years ago.

> > And I'm sad to say that I don't think I've played enough Fractals to earn back the investment :bawling:


> It's only about a week or two of fractals to get the gold back if you were doing T4s at least.


I was doing level 40-50s fractals and only managed to last for a few days before I gave up after getting frustrated by multiple deaths and re-tries especially doing those jumping portions and getting past traps.

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Anyone who play Fractal would know how expensive it is to get Attribute Agony Resistant (Mighty +9 AR offers +5 might and +9 AR).


So between the Mighty +9 AR and the WvW mighty +5 infusion, everyone can do a simple math/comparison.


Beside, if WvW set is off meta build for fractal, good luck to get in a group and dont get kicked. Same as join a WvW squad under strict commander.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I was doing level 40-50s fractals and only managed to last for a few days before I gave up after getting frustrated by multiple deaths and re-tries especially doing those jumping portions and getting past traps.


If you are interested in giving it another go, there are plenty of people here who would be happy to offer suggestions _in a different thread_ (since this one is about an entirely different topic).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > I have different gear sets.

> So what's the issue for you? The OP's issue is that they are just starting out and only have the WvW infusions; that doesn't seem to apply in your case.


@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" Thank you for clearing up that Proverb is not the OP here. When I replied to his post, I was under the assumption that he was the thread starter (my mistake) because he wrote like he was, like having the very same issue, instead of actually trying to help OP.


My reply was meant for @"Jasher.6580". If you just start out in fractals, don't worry about that stuff, just buy new rings from the fractal vendor first and infuse/attune them, then fill them with AR. On the way up you'll get new gear. Or just use a separate character slot for fractals. The difference between exotic and ascended armor is small, the big difference comes from rings, accessories and weapons. On my other account, I was soon be able to play T4 fractals with exotic armor and the rest ascended (just don't tell the meta-noobs*). I just got the more expensive +11 AR infusions. If you play a lot of fractals, you get more than enough infusions as rewards and gold is no issue either.


* a meta-noob is someone who doesn't know his class or to play smart but outfits his character according to the current meta. While in a perfect environment and played perfectly, this results in the highest dps possible, in the hands of the meta-noob, it results in frequent deaths and average dps.

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