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When will this game update engine to DX12?

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Source?

> > >

> > > the elusive powers of deduction.

> >

> > As in it was made it up?


> Nope. [90% of hardware and software supports DX12](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/directx/ "90% of hardware and software supports DX12").


It’s a start. I’d consider it as reliable as using GW2effciency to represent the player base.


After I made the post, I had read that Microsoft was working on making DX12 useable on Windows 7 which I wasn’t aware of.

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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> This update would require both a recode of guild wars 1 and guild wars 2 for direct x 12.


> Guild wars 2 is guild wars 1 recoded but never upgraded to direct x 12

... then it doesnt require GW1 to be recoded, lol. What kind of logic is that? That's like saying Warcraft 3 needed to be recoded because World Of Warcraft had a DX12 patch. Its just one engine.

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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> You can look up other threads and posts of the same nature and see what anet has said.


> Guild wars 2 is a heavily modified version of guild wars 1. For it to get to direct x 12 every part of it would need recoded including guild wars 1 components.

Of course it uses a heavily modified version of the GW1 engine. Buts its still a singular GW2 engine they need to modify. Claiming that "GW1 *and* GW2 both has to be recoded" is absolutely ridiculous.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > >

> > > > the GPU side of the things are fine, the problem is on the CPU side of the things that requires massive amount of computation like model positioning, skills executions, damage counters, etc

> > > >

> > > > anet just keep on adding more and more things that the CPU needs to calculate within seconds, it's really bloated

> > > > unless Anet figures out a way to properly separate calculation processes between CPUs to work in parallel, we are pretty much stuck like this; that said, multi-thread processing is difficult because of the computation is very serial

> > >

> > > You asume, this is cause they are incapable. I think that assumption is wrong and it is on purpose.

> > > GW1 and GW2 has always been friendly on low end computers. I can run the game reasonable well on computers running intel GPU. GW1 could run on almost every system capable of running windows XP. This has the advantage that you are inviting and open for almost all new players to the genre and even to online games. People who are new will not likely want to invest into a brand new computer that cost a 4 figure amount of money. So the filosophy seems to be that someone must be able to install the game and try it out, regardless of their system. That is why it is this way. They know it limits those with high end systems (I also have a high end rig), but it is a well thought through trade off and not a lack of skills

> >

> > oh, i dont assume, i know, my old 4770K was running perferctly smoothly on medium settings for years until PoF came out, was unplayable unless set to lowest setting

> > Especially when people jumps at mob spawn groups with raptor tail swipe, the machine will go nuts maxing out the CPU and getting freezes for couple of seconds

> >

> > i was basically forced to upgrade to what I'm running now, 8700K thanks for PoF


> I'm running an I3 CPU with Intel HD Graphics and can run everything. It is not a good quality, but it runs. This is the core of my point. You want a higher quality, this goes against the concept of making the game available for most systems. And it is even doubtfull that DX12 support will make a huge difference.


i was running the game on Intel HD Graphics when i still don't have my flatscreen monitor and GW2 runs OK on autodetect.


But comparing a dedicated GPU to integrated Graphics, the difference is huge, of course.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:> > @"dodgerrule.8739" said:> > You can look up other threads and posts of the same nature and see what anet has said.> > > > Guild wars 2 is a heavily modified version of guild wars 1. For it to get to direct x 12 every part of it would need recoded including guild wars 1 components.> Of course it uses a heavily modified version of the GW1 engine. Buts its still a singular GW2 engine they need to modify. Claiming that "GW1 *and* GW2 both has to be recoded" is absolutely ridiculous.basically, what he said, GW2 engine contains GW1's engine codes, that's a stretch all the way back to early 2000s, that's almost two decades, a lot of programmers who worked on the original GW engine, or even the GW2 engine during the initial launch of GW2 are no longer with the companywhat this means there's a giant hole of knowledge gap of how the engine works, the current devs can only do guesswork base on any notes the OB devs had written down and what they experience when playing around with the engine.Technically the devs could make GW2 run on OpenGL, because GW1 can set to run on OpenGL other than DirectX

the people jumping the gun and yell out "I want DirectX12/Vulkan" shows lack of research, DirectX/Vulkan are graphics API, they are for drawing pretty pictures on your screenthe computation parts are mainly done at CPU by the game engine, things like when you press forward your character will move forward, when your press skill 1 you will automatically target nearest monster will skill 1; now times all that requests by 50+yes, a graphics API can improve FPS through simplifying some draw instructions, thus reduce the CPU's overhead, but only slightly to the point that it can be insignificant, this really depends on how the engine was written and the type of game it is

though GW1 was classified as an MMO, but it's more of an arena MMO where there's a limited number of player controlled character within an enclosed zone; it wasn't designed with open-world in mind like WoW, SWTOR, etci think anet was hoping the game can continue to run at acceptable performance by relying on the generational increment of technology, but with breakdown of Moore's law as chip makers pretty much hit the limit of what's possible with the current technologies, we are going to see more bumpy roads ahead

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Set the new map to dx12. You don't need to complete all the maps at once, so the workload is not too big. The dx12 map is updated every once in a while, the original dx9 is separated, and the data is input into the dx12 map.


It doesn’t work that way.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:> > > @"dodgerrule.8739" said:> > > You can look up other threads and posts of the same nature and see what anet has said.> > > > > > Guild wars 2 is a heavily modified version of guild wars 1. For it to get to direct x 12 every part of it would need recoded including guild wars 1 components.> > Of course it uses a heavily modified version of the GW1 engine. Buts its still a singular GW2 engine they need to modify. Claiming that "GW1 *and* GW2 both has to be recoded" is absolutely ridiculous.> > basically, what he said, GW2 engine contains GW1's engine codes, that's a stretch all the way back to early 2000s, that's almost two decades, a lot of programmers who worked on the original GW engine, or even the GW2 engine during the initial launch of GW2 are no longer with the company> > what this means there's a giant hole of knowledge gap of how the engine works, the current devs can only do guesswork base on any notes the OB devs had written down and what they experience when playing around with the engine.> > Technically the devs could make GW2 run on OpenGL, because GW1 can set to run on OpenGL other than DirectX> >

> > the people jumping the gun and yell out "I want DirectX12/Vulkan" shows lack of research, DirectX/Vulkan are graphics API, they are for drawing pretty pictures on your screen> the computation parts are mainly done at CPU by the game engine, things like when you press forward your character will move forward, when your press skill 1 you will automatically target nearest monster will skill 1; now times all that requests by 50+> > yes, a graphics API can improve FPS through simplifying some draw instructions, thus reduce the CPU's overhead, but only slightly to the point that it can be insignificant, this really depends on how the engine was written and the type of game it is> >

> > though GW1 was classified as an MMO, but it's more of an arena MMO where there's a limited number of player controlled character within an enclosed zone; it wasn't designed with open-world in mind like WoW, SWTOR, etc> > i think anet was hoping the game can continue to run at acceptable performance by relying on the generational increment of technology, but with breakdown of Moore's law as chip makers pretty much hit the limit of what's possible with the current technologies, we are going to see more bumpy roads aheadThis kind of assumes that Anet devs doesnt have any idea how to program anything whatsoever. They wouldnt be able to do a GW3 even it used a premade engine like UE4 since they where not involved in creating Borderlands 2 when it was using the UE3. Makes about as much sense as what you said.I'd like to give Anet a little more credit than this, even if they maybe dont have pro engine coders on their team anymore.

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By the time Guildwars 2 is able to bring the game to Dx12 Microsoft will probably be at Dx24. Then people will want it to be able to run Dx24 and complain about that. Your game runs fine as is now. And believe me your CPU is not the only thing the game runs on. Your graphics card has a lot to do with it also.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think that's actually a good reason to not change it though ... If Anet optimize it for new machines and tech ... where does that leave anyone who doesn't have those things? I'm betting most of the casual audience that this game appeals to isn't rushing out every 6 months to upgrade either. They probably couldn't even tell you what they were running ...


> eh what? how would an upgrade to game performance only effect better pcs?

How do you think reworking the game to run on dx12 would affect people playing on older systems, for example? Lot of the "upgrades to performance" we speak of would require more modern tech client-side. You don't have it? Well... not only you get no upgrade performances, but also either game doesn't run at all, or runs _slower_ than before (because it needs a wrapper translating all those new techs to your old machine).


> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> This thread is about a change that would improve performance across the board though, not just newer/high end systems.

No, it's about dx12 specifically (it's even in the thread name), which just happens to not be available on those older systems.


> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Nope. [90% of hardware and software supports DX12](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/directx/ "90% of hardware and software supports DX12").

You'd better look closer on what you just posted, because it doesn't say what you think it says.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> After I made the post, I had read that Microsoft was working on making DX12 useable on Windows 7 which I wasn’t aware of.

You weren't aware, because they aren't. They are making adjustments for windows 7 for a single specific game (WoW). And it won't actually let the game use dx12. It will simply let the dx12 client run on win 7, but without access to many of dx12 functionality.





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