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If elementalist get a weapon swap in future elite specialisation


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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > Or you could completely refont the staff skills ... easier and take less time than trying to find a way to fix the entire class

> > > Other weapons work just fine tbh ... Dagger is fine with the new changes. Scepter is meh but ok with fresh air. Staff is the outlier.

> > >

> > > You just have to look at the changes they made few patches ago with lava font and meteor shower. You can smell that something is wrong with staff baseline.

> >

> > Sadly with fire aura being bugged dagger is far from fine.

> >

> > The problem is wepon chose is too important for the ele class vs class who can swap weapons. If you play dagger you can only play in melee witch is a massive handicap for the lowest hp / def class in the game. Made worst when dagger dose not come with any real def build in. Class who can swap wepon are not so locked into this melee only game play and can swap there sets to let them be much more fixable (what ele was made for).

> >

> > Staff is fine because you can used ranged attks at melee scepter is only soso because its a beem wepon type that has some what of a hard time with targets that can move arone you. Dagger is the main problem and the update did nothing to fix the lack of ranged attk.


> This comment imply only MY personnal point of view and is not at all what the reality is or might be. (but maybe)


> dagger mainhand isn't fine you right ... otherwise we would only play it . the offhand has an important role too. Dagger is mainly melee and you're right. But being "forced" to stay melee isn't that bad of a deal.


> To illustrate my thoughts :

> Power Revenant (okay pretty strong build right now... right): double sword + staff => melee only

> Core Guard (less effective now but was super strong 2 seasons away) => melee only

> Spellbreaker (strong 1v1 potential and insane burst if CC lock) => melee only


> I could go on and on but i think that's enough to show you that melee only doens't mean bad most of the time.

> What makes these melee specs good? well mostly the capacity to chase targets = basically gap closing.

> Ofc active defense helps.


> Ele has some gap closers if uses dagger of hand(could use one more imo but not the point) or more active defenses with focus but looses the gap closers. The new dagger has gained more leaps so imo the dagger mainhand is in its best state since release.


> For the staff point of view , it locks you at range to be more effective since it has very few active defenses (and hard to place them to be effective) I think that reworking some less used skills on staff to make them creating a gap between the ele and their target (such as burning retreat or elixir pistol #4 on engineer) to be able to be more effective competitivly .


Few things i would not call ele dagger "leap" skills are real gap closer as they have too much after cast and are too short in effect as well as being effected by roots (BS is only effected by root but the new earth leap is what ppl think buged being effected by all MS effects soft cc).


The thing is power revs offten run hammer staff getting that ranged melee play. Core guard can run a melee wepon and scpter or staff and spell breaker it may be odd to see but they can run a ranged wepon with there melee wepon. The important thing is all of these classes have very strong def games and "free" dmg as in they do not need all the power crit dmg and crit chase in the world to do real dmg. Ele lacks real def as well as lacking build in dmg it MUST run high power or high condi dmg to do any thing of real worth. If you want to run dagger on ele you need 2.5k armor something ele dose not get for cheep like these other classes as well as highish hp (gurd has the same hp problem kind of but it can get free healing from its boon out put something that ele lacks that you see a most high boon out put classes). That and being power dose not very from class to class it become free power for already tankly classes.


So these classes who have good melee games have good melee games because they get a lot of "free" effects that ele dose not get.


Staff you just fire at your feet and your a melee staff ele but that is worthless as you need a LOT to let you ele go into melee so much so that its a waist of time to every try to go melee out side of a side note of your bunker build.


Ele is in a SAD state so sad that there is no ele dev. to even talk to about why they made one chose or another no one wants to take on the task. Every one at Anet knows ele is the "dead" or "gimp" class of the game and only despair come with trying to work on it.


No devs post on ele forms but devs who where fired. All hope is gone.

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That could actually be a lot of fun, I can see it working similarly to this:


You can choose two attunements for each weapon, so let's say my primary weapon is a Staff and I choose Fire and Water, then my secondary weapons are Dagger/Focus and I choose Air and Earth.


Technically you only have two attunements at a time, so you're weaker than the core profession and the other specializations, but you've the flexibility of playing multiple weapons and selecting which attunement to play with them.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> No thanks -- there's already enough to manage with a single weapon set and four attunements. No need to increase the complexity.


> It would also make balance more difficult for Arena Net which means we'd see nerfs to skills/traits that are currently ok without weapon swapping. Nobody wants that.


> I would rather see the typical addition of a new weapon, or a fifth attunement (like dark or light).


Fifth attunement should definitely be Arcane, if they introduce it.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > No thanks -- there's already enough to manage with a single weapon set and four attunements. No need to increase the complexity.

> >

> > It would also make balance more difficult for Arena Net which means we'd see nerfs to skills/traits that are currently ok without weapon swapping. Nobody wants that.

> >

> > I would rather see the typical addition of a new weapon, or a fifth attunement (like dark or light).


> Fifth attunement should definitely be Arcane, if they introduce it.


Arcanist elite spec with druid-like mechanic (crits and attune swaps charge it) and rifle/longbow is a great candidate for next expansion.

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Was just contemplating a mechanic for an elite spec for Ele to grant it access to weapon swap.


With the concept of trade-offs being a thought (or afterthought as the case may be), the first concept to spark to fulfill this would be to remove attunements. So now you're looking at a skill bar with a weapon swap and F1-F4 buttons being simple triggers.


So now you've got 2 weapon options but how to incorporate these with the core weapon skills? Simple. Just like you can equip utility skills, you can also equip attunement skills to each of those available if that skill is equipped. So if you've got a dagger/focus in 1 set of weapons, you can set Vapor Blade, Ring of Earth, Shocking Aura, Swirling Winds and Obsidian Flesh as that skill set and you would do so out of combat. You can swap these skills to, say Lightning Whip, Drake's Breath, Burning Speed, Magnetic Wave, Obsidian Flesh but you have to be out of combat...and each skill becomes charges based that start at 0. So it's not possible to swip-swap willy-nilly to min-max but you gain a slight capability similar to Thief in that your skills are semi-ammo dependent and some can be used twice in a row. Of course, charges still have to recharge and some skills will have recast limiting timers + charge timers and the amount of charges the skills have would differ depending on skills (Burning Speed might have 3 charges with a cooldown of 1sec and a recharge of 22 seconds while Obsidian Flesh might have 2 charges with a cooldown of 10sec and a recharge of 110 seconds).


So then what would the F1-F4 skills do? Well, firstly, the main effect likely could be determined by the main-hand weapon. So wielding a Staff and clicking F1 could grant the "Combustive" attribute for several attack charges (and limited by time), granting your attacks greater AoE range and targets that you strike will spread conditions to one other target around them and targets you strike afflicted with burn will spread burn to 3 foes. Wielding a dagger and clicking F1 could grant "Heat Exhaust" attribute which cuts condition duration greatly on yourself while giving attacks the chance to transfer conditions from yourself. Basically, the F skills would be tailored to the weapon's use.


And traits? Probably the most fun because a lot of the traits that affect attunement would be transferred to any attunement skills but only when you use the corresponding F skill and often supercharged due to their temporary nature. So Empowering Flames would grant a grant higher power when you click F1 because it's a temporary buff but you can use it with any skills. Conjurer would be a premiere skill of the spec as this trait would add 1 charge on all your skills that have charges, not just conjures.


Ultimately, the spec would be pretty flexible like an Engineer build. You'd end up having fewer available skills at a time but more variety and the ability to not only gain weapon-specific element attributes for short bursts but the ability to link some skills like a thief.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > LONGBOW 1500 RANGE

> > > That's what I want!

> >

> > 1500 range hammer. Lets do this!


> Elemental Rifle spec 1500 range with spell shell mechanics. Make it so!


I'd prefer the longbow, because it has a higher range than the tooltip indicates. It would be 1800+ range.


But speaking of ranged hammers, you can also make greatswords ranged. Iirc the accurate leaks that happened around a year before PoF said that the devs were deciding between sword and greatsword at that point for weaver.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > LONGBOW 1500 RANGE

> > > > That's what I want!

> > >

> > > 1500 range hammer. Lets do this!

> >

> > Elemental Rifle spec 1500 range with spell shell mechanics. Make it so!


> I'd prefer the longbow, because it has a higher range than the tooltip indicates. It would be 1800+ range.


> But speaking of ranged hammers, you can also make greatswords ranged. Iirc the accurate leaks that happened around a year before PoF said that the devs were deciding between sword and greatsword at that point for weaver.


Most projectiles get a bit more distance than their tooltip indicates, our Fireball does the same thing. I still prefer rifle myself. Bow has already been done as a conjure. Rifle would be a unique take for ele.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > > LONGBOW 1500 RANGE

> > > > > That's what I want!

> > > >

> > > > 1500 range hammer. Lets do this!

> > >

> > > Elemental Rifle spec 1500 range with spell shell mechanics. Make it so!

> >

> > I'd prefer the longbow, because it has a higher range than the tooltip indicates. It would be 1800+ range.

> >

> > But speaking of ranged hammers, you can also make greatswords ranged. Iirc the accurate leaks that happened around a year before PoF said that the devs were deciding between sword and greatsword at that point for weaver.


> Most projectiles get a bit more distance than their tooltip indicates, our Fireball does the same thing. I still prefer rifle myself. Bow has already been done as a conjure. Rifle would be a unique take for ele.


I know about the arcing projectiles. I for one do not care if a weapon has been done by conjures as they are such a clunky and limiting mechanic that holds back the potential that these weapons have.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > > > LONGBOW 1500 RANGE

> > > > > > That's what I want!

> > > > >

> > > > > 1500 range hammer. Lets do this!

> > > >

> > > > Elemental Rifle spec 1500 range with spell shell mechanics. Make it so!

> > >

> > > I'd prefer the longbow, because it has a higher range than the tooltip indicates. It would be 1800+ range.

> > >

> > > But speaking of ranged hammers, you can also make greatswords ranged. Iirc the accurate leaks that happened around a year before PoF said that the devs were deciding between sword and greatsword at that point for weaver.

> >

> > Most projectiles get a bit more distance than their tooltip indicates, our Fireball does the same thing. I still prefer rifle myself. Bow has already been done as a conjure. Rifle would be a unique take for ele.


> I for one do not care if a weapon has been done by conjures as they are such a clunky and limiting mechanic that holds back the potential that these weapons have.


I wouldn't be against a conjure rework where we can use our conjures a lot like an engie can use their kits; indefinitely. And just like that a kind-of-sorta weapon swap!


Good elementalists would swap between their conjures and their weapon skills more readily, but the option to go full-time conjure the same way an engineer works and can even build around their kits would give a lot of freedom and see more conjure use from the ele.


A lot of our conjure skills would have to be balanced and reworked around that sort of use though. At present they're very strong temporary items.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > LONGBOW 1500 RANGE

> > > > That's what I want!

> > >

> > > 1500 range hammer. Lets do this!

> >

> > Elemental Rifle spec 1500 range with spell shell mechanics. Make it so!


> I'd prefer the longbow, because it has a higher range than the tooltip indicates. It would be 1800+ range.


> But speaking of ranged hammers, you can also make greatswords ranged. Iirc the accurate leaks that happened around a year before PoF said that the devs were deciding between sword and greatsword at that point for weaver.


Greatsword would have been interesting. Very aggressive, plus you could keep the 2 evades on water and earth. It would have encouraged more dagger Weaver gameplay simultaneously- since you can't double equip with Greatsword.


Sadly, given the current weapons, sword is just dagger 2.0

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