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Question regarding backpacks/gliders

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I recently obtained two backpack skins via the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock item: the moth wings and the branded wings. These have matching gliders, but only the backpacks were unlocked. Is there a way for me to obtain the matching gliders other than buying the combo pack? Would be a waste to pay full price when I already have half of the set...

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For some combo-packs (specifically the LS packs) the gemstore automatically reduces the total cost of the package depending on which parts you already own - did you check if this also works for the glider/backpack combo?


If not, you're probably out of luck and have to buy the glider individually (if only the combo pack is available in the gemstore you may have to wait for the glider to rotate in?).

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I personally think it is silly that it doesn't unlock BOTH the glider and backpack, since then the only way to get the glider is to buy the combo off the Gemstore, meaning you are only get 50% of the value for your money.


That said, you have to keep in mind that the unlocks are pure gambling / chance, and you take the good with the bad. I've unlocked a 50s rare item available from the TP as well as a weapon skin that costs about 500g if I were to craft it. Can't really be happy or upset about either since I don't use either skin. I have had unlocks give me mini pets and outfits that I use, so for me I still enjoy rolling those dice whenever I get one from a BL chest.



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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> For some combo-packs (specifically the LS packs) the gemstore automatically reduces the total cost of the package depending on which parts you already own - did you check if this also works for the glider/backpack combo?


> If not, you're probably out of luck and have to buy the glider individually (if only the combo pack is available in the gemstore you may have to wait for the glider to rotate in?).


Alas, I did check and the price was not adjusted. 700 gems for moth wings backpack/glider set, and according to the wiki, it looks like this is ONLY sold in the combo. It's a bummer, but I'm not going to let it bother me too much. Maybe I'll get super lucky and unlock the gliders in a future wardrobe unlock.

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Hm, I know some things are unfortunate. But the general rule of thumb is that if you do get a backpack and there's a matching glider, you can sometimes get a discount. However, sometimes the Black Lion Exchange Specialist will offer a match for items you already have, but it's often the other way around -- e.g. if you had the Wings of Love glider before the combo was released, the Specialist will offer the respective backpiece for free.


But the general rule of thumb for *most* items is that the Black Lion gem store will often discount bundles if you already have some items of the bundle. However I have not seen this for back/glider combos for when you already have the *backpiece*, and that's often the result of guaranteed wardrobe unlocks.

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> Hm, I know some things are unfortunate. But the general rule of thumb is that if you do get a backpack and there's a matching glider, you can sometimes get a discount. However, sometimes the Black Lion Exchange Specialist will offer a match for items you already have, but it's often the other way around -- e.g. if you had the Wings of Love glider before the combo was released, the Specialist will offer the respective backpiece for free.


The circumstance of those is that the items in the bundles are released at different times. The same also happened with the black and white wings.


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Summarizing the possibilities (mostly mentioned above by various people in different posts):

* Wait for RNG

* Buy the combo from the gem shop. Sometimes the price is prorated by the cost of the separate item (outfit or glider). Sometimes, that reduction won't be seen until you actually purchase.

* Buy the combo and submit a support discount for a refund. (Show the wiki articles, so that it's easy for support to see how much the three options are: glider alone, back alone, combo pack.)

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> @"Keth.3495" said:

> > @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > For some combo-packs (specifically the LS packs) the gemstore automatically reduces the total cost of the package depending on which parts you already own - did you check if this also works for the glider/backpack combo?

> >

> > If not, you're probably out of luck and have to buy the glider individually (if only the combo pack is available in the gemstore you may have to wait for the glider to rotate in?).


> Alas, I did check and the price was not adjusted. 700 gems for moth wings backpack/glider set, and according to the wiki, it looks like this is ONLY sold in the combo. It's a bummer, but I'm not going to let it bother me too much. Maybe I'll get super lucky and unlock the gliders in a future wardrobe unlock.


It's probably at full price because there's still a (reduced) benefit from having the backpack skin - you can transmute a back item for free with it rather than using a trans charge. If you had had the glider from the Wardrobe unlock instead, there might have been a discount, since glider objects serve *only* to unlock the glider. The other possibility is that they are not account bound (don't know one way or another) in which case you could sell them on the TP, hence no discount.

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