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Most of the Races are hard to look at


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IMO (in regards to faces):

Humans look to plastic (bar 1 human male) and are boring.

Sylvari look fine.

Norn look fine (albeit also a big boring).

Asura, both male and female having 1-2 really nice faces, and the rest all look hideous.

Charr males have 6 nice looking faces, whereas female Charr most of the faces look great (only 2-3 odd looking ones).


Side note: I play almost exclusively Charr because I think they are really well modeled and their anatomical designs and aesthetics are really interesting. What I would regard as proper anthropomorphic animals.

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> @"Cedric Ambidexter.9174" said:

> > @"Nox.7912" said:

> > Save for Humans and Norn Women, Most of the Sylvari are ugly and have of bark for skin :# and the race is only 25 years old and for the other races, I do not want to look like an animal.

> > Is ArenaNet going to include more races in the future?


> HAHAHA I kind of agree.


> But unfortunately the spells/skills feel exactly the same whatever class/race u choose, so GW1 was a lot more successful in terms of roleplay feel and setting a character identity between the races/classes.


Err...well its easy when you can only play one race(Human). i disagree about how skills and spells feel when compared to other races. My Charr using sword ele attacks looks and feels alot cooler to me than watching a human do them for instance. Its all down to personal thoughts of course.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > So basically you want another race that's human but not human? To me this would be a waste of time. I'm not sure what purpose it serves. Just make more hair styles, face choices for the existing races, and this way you can have more looks. Adding another race that's human by any other name isn't likely to happen even if Anet adds another race.

> > >

> > > Pretty much what I was thinking. In most games human is my last choice for a race because they're boring to me - I spend all day every day being a human in real life, why wouldn't I make my character something more interesting? (Admittedly I do play elves or 1/2 elves in a lot of games, but that's ones where all the races are ' tall skinny human', 'short bearded human', 'green human', 'human with horns' etc.) In GW2 my main is human, but that's because I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 character and there weren't any other playable races in that game. Otherwise she'd be a sylvari.

> > >

> > > Considering we already have humans, norn who look like humans but bigger and sylvari who can be made to look almost human but with a wider choice of skin and hair colour I think the last thing we need is yet another human looking race. Considering the most asked for race seems to be tengu, followed closely by quaggan, skritt and kodan I think a lot of people would be disappointed if Anet announced a new race and it was another 'human with 1 defining feature' race.

> >

> > I won't even talk about Final Fantasy 14. Probably the worst races ever... Humans, humans with horns, humans with cat ears, tall human, big human, small human... literally.


> Even more annoying, their races are based on their previous MMO's races but their new Galka (now Roegadyn) look more human by removing their tail and morphing their proportions and skin tones to make them nearly identical to humans.


> While Galka wasn't a very popular race back in FFXI, it was heavily enjoyed by the players that did play Galka...but kitten those ppl. Gotta appease the people that need their different flavor of humans.


> Also also, I hate how the names of their races are so damned forgettable. Galka kind of has a connotation of gruffness and bulk, Taru-taru was cute and reflected in how their speech patterns were unique, I can't even remember the names of their new races. I have to look them up every time I need to reference them lol.


Well I guess I gotta eat some of my words here. Only just found out about their upcoming news... They even named the race logically.

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> @"Dashiva.6149" said:

> Norn females are visually the same as the ones found in GW1, including Jora, so that is what I'm used to and okay with. The Norn males deviates a fair bit though, looking more... mutated than their ancestors. As for players complaining they look too human, I think much of that is because the majority of armors in the game are designed for humans then "upscaled" for Norns. If we had more cultural skins and outfits they could be way more visually distinct beyond body size.


> The main problem I have with the Norn are two things:


> 1. Much of the lore around their culture and society found in Eye of the North (through quests and dialouge) didn't translate into Gw2. In EotN, they are basically described as apex predators in the Far Shiverpeaks, and _very_ devoted to their spirits. And since humans are mostly pack-animals and thrive in larger communities, the very invidualistic nature of the Norn felt distinctly non-human at times.


> For example: even after escaping a horde of Destroyers and certain death, Ogden still sees a single Norn as a major threat.




> In gw2, way more emphasis are put to the Norn being braggarts, hotheads and drunkards.


> 2. One of the main physical characteristics unique of the Norn is their ability to shapeshift, and it was featured pretty heavely in EotN. In Gw2 it has been nerfed into oblivion beyond all playability. It's been _years_ since I've seen another player use any Norn-skills (skills from the other races pop up sometimes). A shame because it was one of the things I had high hopes for.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/a1FGxLX.jpg "")



Quoting, because this needs to be said again and again and again.


The fact that we've never seen Eir and Braham shapeshift is just beyond sad.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > i dont understand how people can find a PLANT atractive


> Because they're still very much shaped exactly like people, and not like unshapely people, either.


The bark skin and holes along the spine (and leaves coming out of weird body sections) still makes Sylvari the most creepy looking race in GW2, which is why my only Sylvari character will forever keep his human clothes on. ;)

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