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Rampage overtuned

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After mirage/chrono/soulbeast/fb/deadeye nerfs the most disgusting thing in the game currently must be rampage. In combination with the fact that both holo and warrior already have the best cc in the game (warrior literally specs 2 utilities into cc nowadays) the amount of value rampage provides is too much. Rampage is the easiest way to force decaps after forcing stunbreak from enemy and the kill potential is still insane (especially on str warr). Not to mention that holo can literlaly have 30 cds rampages with power wrench. Let's compare that to 3 min of FGS or lich form. It does not make sense anymore. Rampage gives extreme damage, extreme cc, great mobility and very long stability. For an elite with such low cd what even compares? Compare it to one wolf pack on slb which stanceshares for 3 seconds now. It's a joke. Warrior is universally the best sidenoder especially since it's the only thing that kills scrapper 1v1. (check last monthly finals trama almots winning 1v2) and holo is universally the best 5th in every teamcomp currently. Helio already made a point about gutting rampage. The game will be better without it.

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Up until recently I would have said Rampage is fine... But because I knew how to deal with it easily on DD Tempest and thats currently bugged I'm forced to play Weaver or Chrono and just about any rampage blows me up playing those specs...


Also whats with Berserkers going into berserk mode to use rampage? Does it effect rampage stats? Saw someone doing this yesterday. Looking at traits like 20% extra damage while in berserk mode I have to wonder if that 20% is carried over into rampage mode.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Also whats with Berserkers going into berserk mode to use rampage? Does it effect rampage stats? Saw someone doing this yesterday. Looking at traits like 20% extra damage while in berserk mode I have to wonder if that 20% is carried over into rampage mode.


Rampage cancels Berserk Mode, so it's not that. Bloody Roar is not a stacked buff which carries over. Probably they just want the t3 Adrenaline proc for Berserker's Power which is a Strength trait, and is an actual stacked buff like Adrenal Health(which may also be what they want to proc). It's also most likely traited as a stunbreak.


I'm inclined to agree that Rampage may be doing too much at once. I'm rather alright on the damage and CC but maybe they should reduce the defensive value the skill has. I would nerf the damage reduction from 25% to maybe 10-15% and Stability from 2 stacks to 1. I also don't think the condition duration reduction is justified or according to the theme of the skill. This would improve your counterplay opportunities while keeping the potency it has.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Also whats with Berserkers going into berserk mode to use rampage? Does it effect rampage stats? Saw someone doing this yesterday. Looking at traits like 20% extra damage while in berserk mode I have to wonder if that 20% is carried over into rampage mode.


> Rampage cancels Berserk Mode, so it's not that. Bloody Roar is not a stacked buff which carries over. Probably they just want the t3 Adrenaline proc for Berserker's Power which is a Strength trait, and is an actual stacked buff like Adrenal Health(which may also be what they want to proc). It's also most likely traited as a stunbreak.


> I'm inclined to agree that Rampage may be doing too much at once. I'm rather alright on the damage and CC but maybe they should reduce the defensive value the skill has. I would nerf the damage reduction from 25% to maybe 10-15% and Stability from 2 stacks to 1. I also don't think the condition duration reduction is justified or according to the theme of the skill. This would improve your counterplay opportunities while keeping the potency it has.


If it cancels Berserker then why is the buff still on players while using rampage?

Like I said it was just one guy I met doing it but im going to test this later tonight with stat windows up.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> If it cancels Berserker then why is the buff still on players while using rampage?

> Like I said it was just one guy I met doing it but im going to test this later tonight with stat windows up.


Unintended behaviour probably. Rampage should cancel Berserk Mode, it's always been the reason why Berserker doesn't use Rampage. And Bloody Roar works only while in BM, or rather it should.

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> @"Flandre.2870" said:

> After mirage/chrono/soulbeast/fb/deadeye nerfs the most disgusting thing in the game currently must be rampage.

And Dagger Storm. Both skills have gone under the radar for some unknown reason, even though most people agree both of them are the greatest offenders in the current powercreep. Not that they are THAT overtuned, but there is basically no real counter to either.


Also funny sidenote that you could actually handle Rampage as a mesmer before that using the blind trait, but now that is's nerfed mesmers are pretty much free food for warriors.

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> @"Moirg.7560" said:

> Staff thief is the best side noder. But yeah we can agree rampage is overturned as kitten


I am just gonna cling to that spark of hope and _actually_ ask whether this is troll or not and if not then gimme the damn build.

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With the buff recently given to Zerkers and Spellbreaker already being viable, Rampage needs to come down fast in terms of power or have its CD extended significantly. It was a fine stopgap when warriors were sandbags but that has for the moment been resolved, and they don't need access to pulsing stab and 3 ccs every 90 seconds again.


Knock the CD up to 120 and see where that puts it.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> You sure do make a lot of threads for somebody who just logs on for ATs.


> On topic, yes, 15% dmg nerf is needed. CD is fine for Warrior, probably needs to be looked at on Engi.


It's miaz who used to play on like 10 different accounts (got rank 1 on a "legit" way ?) . So his "I only logg in for ATs" only applies probably for flandre-acc.

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> @"dronte.3416" said:

> And Dagger Storm. Both skills have gone under the radar for some unknown reason, even though most people agree both of them are the greatest offenders in the current powercreep.

They've gone under the radar because they've been basically unchanged in terms of strength since the specialization update in 2015. Go look them up on the wiki if you don't believe me.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"dronte.3416" said:

> > And Dagger Storm. Both skills have gone under the radar for some unknown reason, even though most people agree both of them are the greatest offenders in the current powercreep.

> They've gone under the radar because they've been basically unchanged in terms of strength since the specialization update in 2015. Go look them up on the wiki if you don't believe me.


Dagger storm:

Aug 28, 2018 This skill now grants evade while casting in addition to its other effects.


Aug 08, 2017 This skill now increases movement speed by 100% while activated.

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Warrior definitely isn't the best side-noder, but I can relent that rampage needs a nerf in general.


Rather than gut the skill entirely, I think it would make more sense to do a softer nerf, or at the very least buff/rework Spellbreaker's skills and traits, or core Warrior to compensate. Maybe making it a stance skill, rather than a physical skill so it doesn't benefit from peak performance, as well as removing the benefits from HGH on Elixir X for Engies as they get it for not only longer, but also on shorter CD than warriors not running strength.


If you take away this skill without giving back, you essentially make warrior worthless as anything but some gimmicky one-short zerker build, far easier to shut down than mesmers, soulbeasts, and revs of the same function. We rely far too heavily on this one skill as it is right now. We use it to close duels and chase down kills, rotating, disengage, and having any sort of teamfight presence.


Strength Spellbreaker is considerably weaker than most side-noders outside of rampage, definitely not the best. If being able to 1v1 a scrapper is considered merit for being overpowered, then I'd assume scrapper is a more overpowered side-noder than Spellbreaker, for being the standard. Even then, ime; those 1-shot unblockable Soulbeats have a far easier time fighting scrappers than us Spellbreaker. Stability, blocks, CC and their blind field can pretty much nullify any Strengthbreaker burst.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> Warrior definitely isn't the best side-noder, but I can relent that rampage needs a nerf in general.


> Rather than gut the skill entirely, I think it would make more sense to do a softer nerf, or at the very least buff/rework Spellbreaker's skills and traits, or core Warrior to compensate. Maybe making it a stance skill, rather than a physical skill so it doesn't benefit from peak performance, as well as removing the benefits from HGH on Elixir X for Engies as they get it for not only longer, but also on shorter CD than warriors not running strength.


> If you take away this skill without giving back, you essentially make warrior worthless as anything but some gimmicky one-short zerker build, far easier to shut down than mesmers, soulbeasts, and revs of the same function. We rely far too heavily on this one skill as it is right now. We use it to close duels and chase down kills, rotating, disengage, and having any sort of teamfight presence.


> Strength Spellbreaker is considerably weaker than most side-noders outside of rampage, definitely not the best. If being able to 1v1 a scrapper is considered merit for being overpowered, then I'd assume scrapper is a more overpowered side-noder than Spellbreaker, for being the standard. Even then, ime; those 1-shot unblockable Soulbeats have a far easier time fighting scrappers than us Spellbreaker. Stability, blocks, CC and their blind field can pretty much nullify any Strengthbreaker burst.


Love the explanation. But from experience you won't be able to convince people. All people remember is that they got bulls charged hundred blades and had no stun break cos they randomly pressed all their cool downs. Then they come on forums and cry warrior op. Lol usually players g2 and below do this.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Love the explanation. But from experience you won't be able to convince people. All people remember is that they got bulls charged hundred blades and had no stun break cos they randomly pressed all their cool downs. Then they come on forums and cry warrior op. Lol usually players g2 and below do this.


Really appreciate it, though at the end of it all; those same people usually get what they want.


Already easy to tell Berserker is going to get nuked next patch, but I guarantee rampage will end up getting the same treatment, and if someone dies to bull's charge combos like you say; it'l probably be next on the chopping block after that. RIP Warrior.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > Love the explanation. But from experience you won't be able to convince people. All people remember is that they got bulls charged hundred blades and had no stun break cos they randomly pressed all their cool downs. Then they come on forums and cry warrior op. Lol usually players g2 and below do this.


> Really appreciate it, though at the end of it all; those same people usually get what they want.


> Already easy to tell Berserker is going to get nuked next patch, but I guarantee rampage will end up getting the same treatment, and if someone dies to bull's charge combos like you say; it'l probably be next on the chopping block after that. RIP Warrior.


Haha. Maybe it ll get chopped after rampage. I think rampage is the one thing that keeps let's warrior turn the tide. Take that away n u just an get average side noders. Where scrapper boonbeast and mesmer can better sustain.


I think they shld evenly distribute dmg from arc divider to just having more dmg normally in beserker mode. Just feels like a 1 trick pony noon smasher.

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