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UNTRAITED SWIPE: Where's the Beef?


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Long-time absent Thief here... occasionally checking up on patches just to see how much Anet nerfs Thieves, yet always with a slight hope that they will unexpectedly reverse course.


Let me get this straight... Anet literally halved the distance of a Daredevil's Steal and made it unblockable with absolutely no other changes. Am I correct? And they claimed to do so in order to make it more of a brawler?


My goodness, Anet logic at work here. How does this make the Daredevil more of a brawler? Let's see...


1. Steal is an aggressive skill by nature, literally moving the Thief on top of the target. By halving the range, it literally keeps the Thief at distance for longer. It seems to accomplish the exact opposite of increasing its brawler ability. Steal ALWAYS move the Thief TO the target, it is not an escape, so it will not allow the Thief to create range itself. Why not halve the range of Shadowstep instead? Why not halve all of Daredevil's ports at that? Why not remove Swiftness from Unhindered Combatant as well? Yes, let's just keep the fragile Thief inside a kill zone.

2. Steal always teleports regardless of enemy activity. Sure, you don't get the goodies if you don't "hit," but you do always get close to the target and in range for melee. So the unblockable feature doesn't create a better brawler as far as getting into melee goes.

3. Swipe is unblockable! Yay! Um, what exactly was being blocked before? All a Steal "hit" does is "steal" some kind of item from your target. When an opponent blocked your Steal, he didn't need a big shield or magic forcefield... all he did was put his hands over his pockets. So now, Swipe makes sure those pockets are always unobstructed...

4. ...except for when, you know, the opponent actually dodges or evades. Yeah, unblockable doesn't do much good there. Shouldn't centrifugal force or gravity cause the items to fly/fall out of the opponent's pockets in those situations anyway?

5. But Steal can do damage to the opponent if traited with Mug! Steal can daze an opponent if traited with Sleight of Hand! It poisons and confuses with Serpent's Touch and Bewildering Ambush if traited! It can even rip boons with Bountiful Theft! So the unblockable feature ensures all of these hit... well, unless the opponent is dodging/evading, of course...

6. ...but Basilisk Venom also guarantees all of those hit, and at twice the range!


I get the concept of turning the Daredevil into a brawler, and that's great. However, to put it politely, the people in charge of doing this are like political pundits on television... they are overpaid and have absolutely no clue. As a longtime customer of Anet, I can say that. And as a customer, I'm very disappointed in what the product has become.


Why does Anet believe that giving Steal an unblockable ability in any way makes up for halving the range? An unblockable Steal in itself does next to nothing. It doesn't damage, it doesn't interrupt, it doesn't rip boons, it doesn't do anything other than grant an item if used on somebody hiding behind a shield. That's it. In order for an unblockable Steal to do ANYTHING at all is for it to be traited to do those things. And those traits have always been needed in order for Steal to do anything. Basilisk Venom performs the unblockable capability just fine.


Out of all the possibilities to enhance Steal, out of all the possibilities to make it more brawler oriented, making it unblockable seems rather lacking. Come to think of it, Steal doesn't actually steal anything. It doesn't steal boons. It doesn't steal an item from an enemy... it just creates an item from nothing. Why not make Swipe do something worthwhile? Actually ripping boons baseline. Or giving it a baseline stun. Or making it actually do damage. Or disarming the target... forcing it to switch weapons/elements/gadgets... or putting a random skill of theirs on cooldown?


Perhaps Anet just wants to have a "trade-off" (nerf Daredevil compared to Core Thief), so they decided to halve the range of Steal to make up for the third dodge. I could understand that... if Daredevil wasn't already a trade-off when it originally came out. Anet already gutted Core Thief's Acrobatics in order for Daredevil to even exist. So by degrading Daredevil now, they are just degrading the already degraded Thief. It's an absolute disgust.


Why don't we just remove Shortbow 5 so it's official?


Come on, Anet! I payed you money so I can play the Thief. I payed you money so I could play the Daredevil and Deadeye as they were needed just to remain semi-competitive. I play the Thief because it is/was the closest thing to a Rogue/Assassin class you had, but perhaps even more importantly, because of the initiative system which allows me to perform the given skill I needed at that given moment in sharp contrast to the MMO-style cooldown skills of everything else. Please stop damaging the only class that has such an amazing system!


PS. Yes, Anet, we want brawling Thieves. We want assassin Thieves. We want dueling Thieves. We want Thieves that can hold their own and contribute to their team in a COMBAT-related manner without having to depend on someone else holding an opponent down while we punch them. Give us sustainability that does not require mobility so we can fight on point. Either that or give us enough damage output to be a high threat to isolated opponents so we can force them off point in a timely manner. Please, just stop attempting to shoehorn the Thief into your stated vision of the future... because you've already broken the Thief, and you're simply breaking it further, and it will not accomplish your goal. It's just making your loyal customers angry and sad.

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Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.


That would probably be the most merciful thing Anet could do for Thieves at this point :'(


I can see hundreds (maybe dozens?) of YouTube videos of Thieves being stripped naked, having their inventories deleted, then being thrown off the highest tower.

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Anet actual reason was a trade off philosophy. DD gave extra tools on top of core thief so a nerf to DD steal was the tradeoff. Ironically enough, core thief was meta in SPvP before swipe came. What is even more ironic, no other elite spec was nerfed for this ridicoulous tradeoff crap. Holosmith gets every toolbelt skill like core engi but with an extra I Win button. Chrono and mirage are miles better than core mesmer yet were untouched. Even core rev was buffed with a new skill so herald wouldnt get nerfed. Its total bullcrap. Daredevil was a spec that did not need to be touched. After much needed nerfs in HoT and powercreep of PoF, Daredevil needed only tweaks

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> @"Shade.8971" said:

> Anet actual reason was a trade off philosophy. DD gave extra tools on top of core thief so a nerf to DD steal was the tradeoff. Ironically enough, core thief was meta in SPvP before swipe came. What is even more ironic, no other elite spec was nerfed for this ridicoulous tradeoff kitten. Holosmith gets every toolbelt skill like core engi but with an extra I Win button. Chrono and mirage are miles better than core mesmer yet were untouched. Even core rev was buffed with a new skill so herald wouldnt get nerfed. Its total bullcrap. Daredevil was a spec that did not need to be touched. After much needed nerfs in HoT and powercreep of PoF, Daredevil needed only tweaks


I honestly think the balance person who decided on the trait changes thought they were giving DD enough sustain to be a viable brawler. It's great in what they were trying to do it's just the changes were not close to providing enough sustain for the DD to stand toe to toe in a fight. I get that the dev was probably worried about pushing DD into OP territory and the surely to follow forum cries but they were far to conservative with the changes. With all the soft and hard cc that the dev's have given to classes they need to actually give DD more considering even with these trait changes it still cant take a hit. They should let the person who did the scrapper changes work on DD lol if they need to shave some things a little after so be it. Better than having a weak class.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.


they can't stand someone pointing out their ridiculous mistakes so u know.. pretty much like government. ppl gotta stay silent *shush*. everytins fine.

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> @"Dave.6819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.


> they can't stand someone pointing out their ridiculous mistakes so u know.. pretty much like government. ppl gotta stay silent *shush*. everytins fine.


Mate if i had to list alll the ridiculous things i got warns for I would need a whole new subforum section xD

i can be a tad sarcastic ironic and straightforward in manner if my speech but those warns are hillarious

funny enough they aleays come from thr same three mods xD

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.


I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.

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There isn't any :(


I think part of the reason for this is because steal already gets super bloated from traits to the point where you can't give anything "new" to swipe without overlapping it with a trait or breaking the skill. Even the "unblockable" part already partially exists in the boon rip trait that prioritizes aegis before other boons.

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> @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.


> I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.


Pretty sure they don't remove your threads just for "voicing your disappointment". And I'm not sure how money spent by you is in any way relevant here :D

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

> >

> > I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.


> Pretty sure they don't remove your threads just for "voicing your disappointment". And I'm not sure how money spent by you is in any way relevant here :D


mmm nah, they can be pretty petty. They have put marks for essentially nothing.


For example one time, I deleted one of my own comments that didnt quite add to the convo but didnt break the forum rules and replaced it with "deleted comment", and they jailed me (3 points).


Also the money point is relevant because they are claiming the forum mods are silencing paying customers who have complaints. This, if true, will most certainly drive away some players.



Not everyone is happy with the state of the game, but are there enough who are dissatisfied for it to matter?

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> @"Shade.8971" said:

> Anet actual reason was a trade off philosophy. DD gave extra tools on top of core thief so a nerf to DD steal was the tradeoff. Ironically enough, core thief was meta in SPvP before swipe came.


See, that's where I believe they are completely off-base with the trade off philosophy... because the entire Daredevil specialization itself was a trade off to Core Thief. So what we have now is a nerfed version of a nerfed Thief. The Daredevil is literally Thief Nerfed Squared... "d = tn2"


Anet didn't create a new Thief identity with Daredevil like they did with the other professions or the future Deadeye. They basically just removed the old Feline Grace trait from Acrobatics, and renamed it Daredevil. They created some new traits based around the extra dodge, and there you have it.


Heck, they could have left Feline Grace and Acrobatics alone, consolidated some of the old traits/utilities, added a few of the new ones to the existing traitlines, and given the Core Thief access to the Staff, and the Thief would STILL be on par with with all the other Core professions... gaining only a 5th weapon (Dagger, Pistol, Sword, Shortbow, and Staff).


Daredevil would definitely have been a better replacement for failing Core Thief aspects than a full specialization. Honestly, they could have replaced Traps with Physical abilities, and everyone would be happier... especially after they continue to nerf traps to make them useless or let them rot completely unfixed.


I must admit, if Anet truly does wish to destroy the Thief, it was a brilliant long-term move. "Get access to a new, much more capable Thief through the Daredevil specialization! That is, right after we completely wreck Core Thief capability!" It reminds me of stores who advertise big sales coming up, only to find out that they raised their normal prices the day before the sale begins.


Alas, I just wish that Anet would stop trying to balance the Thief like they balance everything else. The Thief is unique in this game, and it should be treated as such. It cannot be balanced against everything else using the same standard. Once again to use the Quidditch analogy, the Thief isn't playing the same game as everyone else... playing with balls and hoops. The Thief is off on its own, trying to catch the Golden Snitch.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

> > >

> > > I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.

> >

> > Pretty sure they don't remove your threads just for "voicing your disappointment". And I'm not sure how money spent by you is in any way relevant here :D


> mmm nah, they can be pretty petty. They have put marks for essentially nothing.


> For example one time, I deleted one of my own comments that didnt quite add to the convo but didnt break the forum rules and replaced it with "deleted comment", and they jailed me (3 points).


> Also the money point is relevant because they are claiming the forum mods are silencing paying customers who have complaints. This, if true, will most certainly drive away some players.



> Not everyone is happy with the state of the game, but are there enough who are dissatisfied for it to matter?


Just skim through the forum and you'll see a lot of complaints that "magically" aren't deleted, so I'm still calling bullkitten on this. Stop insulting people in your "just voicing disappointment" threads and I doubt anyone will have a reason to delete it.

And no, I'm not saying their moderation is good (or even consistent at times), but claiming that they delete threads "because I voiced my disappointment and they can't deal with it" just seems like a big stretch.



What he wrote was:

>I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me


Which looks to me like expecting to get special treatment on boards based on the fact that he spent money, lmao. I'm not sure how paying would render you immune to the rules that everyone has to obey, that makes literally no sense.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

> > > >

> > > > I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.

> > >

> > > Pretty sure they don't remove your threads just for "voicing your disappointment". And I'm not sure how money spent by you is in any way relevant here :D

> >

> > mmm nah, they can be pretty petty. They have put marks for essentially nothing.

> >

> > For example one time, I deleted one of my own comments that didnt quite add to the convo but didnt break the forum rules and replaced it with "deleted comment", and they jailed me (3 points).

> >

> > Also the money point is relevant because they are claiming the forum mods are silencing paying customers who have complaints. This, if true, will most certainly drive away some players.

> >

> >

> > Not everyone is happy with the state of the game, but are there enough who are dissatisfied for it to matter?


> Just skim through the forum and you'll see a lot of complaints that "magically" aren't deleted, so I'm still calling bullkitten on this. Stop insulting people in your "just voicing disappointment" threads and I doubt anyone will have a reason to delete it.

> And no, I'm not saying their moderation is good (or even consistent at times), but claiming that they delete threads "because I voiced my disappointment and they can't deal with it" just seems like a big stretch.



> What he wrote was:

> >I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me


> Which looks to me like expecting to get special treatment on boards based on the fact that he spent money, lmao. I'm not sure how paying would render you immune to the rules that everyone has to obey, that makes literally no sense.


How do u explain my thread disappearing thief getting removed and me getting a warning when all I said was I hardly see thieves in wvw after 1.5 hrs the previous night I saw 1 DD who was on our team. Since the patch theyve almost disappeared on my server,atleast on mine anyway. I even stated other may have been having a different experience as I can only speak to my own. I then stated good job arenet.

Is that really such a bad, insulting thread? Constructive criticism pointing out there is a problem and its affecting thier playerbase, if I was a dev I would want to kno but gues that's just me.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > Carefully that post will prob warrant a ban.i got a warning cuz I made a thread about not seeing many thieves in wvw anymore and stating good job arenet. I cant believe arenet let's the moderators ban people for so little,ud think especially given recent history they'd like to keep all the paying customers they can,buy gues not. They are giving warning for rediculouse reasons.

> > > > >

> > > > > I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me everytime I try to voice my disappointment.

> > > >

> > > > Pretty sure they don't remove your threads just for "voicing your disappointment". And I'm not sure how money spent by you is in any way relevant here :D

> > >

> > > mmm nah, they can be pretty petty. They have put marks for essentially nothing.

> > >

> > > For example one time, I deleted one of my own comments that didnt quite add to the convo but didnt break the forum rules and replaced it with "deleted comment", and they jailed me (3 points).

> > >

> > > Also the money point is relevant because they are claiming the forum mods are silencing paying customers who have complaints. This, if true, will most certainly drive away some players.

> > >

> > >

> > > Not everyone is happy with the state of the game, but are there enough who are dissatisfied for it to matter?

> >

> > Just skim through the forum and you'll see a lot of complaints that "magically" aren't deleted, so I'm still calling bullkitten on this. Stop insulting people in your "just voicing disappointment" threads and I doubt anyone will have a reason to delete it.

> > And no, I'm not saying their moderation is good (or even consistent at times), but claiming that they delete threads "because I voiced my disappointment and they can't deal with it" just seems like a big stretch.

> >

> >

> > What he wrote was:

> > >I have spent a lot of Money on this game and still they ban me

> >

> > Which looks to me like expecting to get special treatment on boards based on the fact that he spent money, lmao. I'm not sure how paying would render you immune to the rules that everyone has to obey, that makes literally no sense.


> How do u explain my thread disappearing thief getting removed and me getting a warning when all I said was I hardly see thieves in wvw after 1.5 hrs the previous night I saw 1 DD who was on our team. Since the patch theyve almost disappeared on my server,atleast on mine anyway. I even stated other may have been having a different experience as I can only speak to my own. I then stated good job arenet.

> Is that really such a bad, insulting thread? Constructive criticism pointing out there is a problem and its affecting thier playerbase, if I was a dev I would want to kno but gues that's just me.


I don't REALLY know, because I don't have a full picture (like thread+responces and the warning you got). Not that it matters or would change anything btw. But there are easly multiple reasons for why it could be deleted, right off the top of my head

1. You had some light insults at someone (anet or not) in your post that you're not mentioning here

2. Your thread might have turned into a dumpster fire (and this one isn't doing so well right now either btw :grin: )

3. You say it was "constructive criticism", but saying "I see less and less DD in wvw" is not "constructive" at all. It also isn't that helpful for them, because they have data on a lot of things and probably know better how many people (and in what modes) play each of the classes/specs.


You actually should have the reason of deleting your thread written right there in the message from the mod, so me guessing is pointless.


Anyways, you also have threads like [suggesting there are perma-invis hacks in the wvw](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74303/perma-invisible-during-attacks); [saying they don't play/understand their own game](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63213/so-sick-of-being-a-free-bag-of-loot/p1); [another complaint about ruining wvw and population dropping](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64994/aoe-carpets). None of these threads got deleted, so when you're talking about anet silencing you and deleting "constructive criticism", I'll say it's doubtful and maybe even unreasonable.


Now if they delete half of this thread, it's not because they're trying to "silence us uncovering truth about moderation", but because we're derailing this thread to shit :astonished:

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If they made swipe actually give daredevil specific steal skills like how deadeye gets a different pool of skills then it would be fine. Make them knockdowns, a hard stun, etc. But they didn't do anything other than go. OH CRAP DD NEEDS A TRADE OFF! Umm what is easiest? Nerf steal range.


It was an INCREDIBLY lazy change with 0 thought behind it. ZERO.

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> OH kitten DD NEEDS A TRADE OFF! Umm what is easiest? Nerf steal range.


The more I think about it, the more puzzled I become. Their actions do not align with their stated goal at all!


> Patch description:

> Our focus on the thief in this update has been toward daredevil, its traits, and the trade-off that it was inherently built without.


Daredevil was built without a trade-off? Are you kidding me? Daredevil **IS** the trade-off! You literally gutted Acrobatics in order to create Daredevil!

If Acrobatics remained intact, Thieves could have actually been evasive AND chosen Deadeye. That's already a huge loss.

Well, perhaps you're right. Daredevil wasn't built with a trade-off... in the OTHER direction! What's the benefit of gaining a third dodge that we already had before?

So you halved the range of Steal, but what does Daredevil get in return? What's the benefit to choosing it over a pre-gutted Acrobatics Thief?


If you're going to make something unblockable, at least give it something that is worth blocking. Again, Steal/Swipe does absolutely NOTHING to be blocked. Blocking a Steal is like stunning an AFK player. It's an absolute waste. At least give it an inherent daze. Give it a half-second knockdown. Give it meaning.


> Patch description:

> Daredevil traits have been reworked to focus on three categories: choosing your defense in the Adept tier; choosing your damage in the Master tier; and choosing your dodge maneuver in the Grandmaster tier.


You're deciding to clearly organize traitlines now? If so, can you PLEASE go and do the same for all the other Thief traitlines?

Also, all three Grandmaster slots being a mere choice of dodge modifications is rather silly. An actual benefit to trade-off for the Steal range reduction would be to make the dodge modifications F3, F4, and F5 so the Thief can adapt.


> Patch description:

> With this update, we are adding a trade-off to the profession skill that keeps the theme of a melee-oriented specialization.


Again, what is the trade-off that keeps the them of a melee-oriented specialization?

Half-ranged gap closer? Why? So the Daredevil cannot run far away between Steals? It still can. Or to make it easy pickings for a sniping Ranger?

Weaker Staff attacks? Yeah, that really keeps it melee-oriented.


Come on Anet! The Thief is already on the bottom of the food chain in Conquest. The Daredevil is just a different shade of Thief... it's not "special" like the Deadeye.


PS. Oh my... what "trade-off" are they going to make with Deadeye now? Only one dodge? A chance for a gun malfunction? Self-knockback on Death's Judgement?

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> > OH kitten DD NEEDS A TRADE OFF! Umm what is easiest? Nerf steal range.


> The more I think about it, the more puzzled I become. Their actions do not align with their stated goal at all!


> > Patch description:

> > Our focus on the thief in this update has been toward daredevil, its traits, and the trade-off that it was inherently built without.


> Daredevil was built without a trade-off? Are you kidding me? Daredevil **IS** the trade-off! You literally gutted Acrobatics in order to create Daredevil!

> If Acrobatics remained intact, Thieves could have actually been evasive AND chosen Deadeye. That's already a huge loss.

> Well, perhaps you're right. Daredevil wasn't built with a trade-off... in the OTHER direction! What's the benefit of gaining a third dodge that we already had before?

> So you halved the range of Steal, but what does Daredevil get in return? What's the benefit to choosing it over a pre-gutted Acrobatics Thief?


> If you're going to make something unblockable, at least give it something that is worth blocking. Again, Steal/Swipe does absolutely NOTHING to be blocked. Blocking a Steal is like stunning an AFK player. It's an absolute waste. At least give it an inherent daze. Give it a half-second knockdown. Give it meaning.


> > Patch description:

> > Daredevil traits have been reworked to focus on three categories: choosing your defense in the Adept tier; choosing your damage in the Master tier; and choosing your dodge maneuver in the Grandmaster tier.


> You're deciding to clearly organize traitlines now? If so, can you PLEASE go and do the same for all the other Thief traitlines?

> Also, all three Grandmaster slots being a mere choice of dodge modifications is rather silly. An actual benefit to trade-off for the Steal range reduction would be to make the dodge modifications F3, F4, and F5 so the Thief can adapt.


> > Patch description:

> > With this update, we are adding a trade-off to the profession skill that keeps the theme of a melee-oriented specialization.


> Again, what is the trade-off that keeps the them of a melee-oriented specialization?

> Half-ranged gap closer? Why? So the Daredevil cannot run far away between Steals? It still can. Or to make it easy pickings for a sniping Ranger?

> Weaker Staff attacks? Yeah, that really keeps it melee-oriented.


> Come on Anet! The Thief is already on the bottom of the food chain in Conquest. The Daredevil is just a different shade of Thief... it's not "special" like the Deadeye.


> PS. Oh my... what "trade-off" are they going to make with Deadeye now? Only one dodge? A chance for a gun malfunction? Self-knockback on Death's Judgement?


DD having access to all three dodges as a way to adapt to fights is awsome.

100% agree with the rest as well.

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Arenanet talk about thief needing tradeoffs?


While we used to be able to avoid damage by evasion now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unhindered_Combatant


While we used to be able to avoid zergs through stealth now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.


While we used to have better mobility than most classes now there's mounts: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw

It also has 3 dodges and is immune to CC along with the fact it has 10,972 health which is almost as much as a full berserker's armor geared thief.

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Arenet really needs to give thief as a whole ACTUAL significant buffs for it to become viable in the game as it is and stop conforming to nerf cries that are often spouted out of annoyance rather than the the skills in question actually being OP. Unless of course it is their plan for thief to literally be a runner/decapper and nothing else. If that is the case what a waste of what used to be a fun class.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Unless of course it is their plan for thief to literally be a runner/decapper and nothing else.


I could understand that if they would actually design the Thief for that "role."

Give the Thief traits to actually succeed in decapping. Examples...


**Swift Swindler:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize at twice the rate.


**Undeniable Presence:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize even if the Thief is Stealthed.


**Unseen Defender:** A contested control node fully controlled by the Thief's team will not be neutralized as long as the Thief is present even if Stealthed.


**Right Under Their Nose:** A contested control node will slowly neutralize as long as the Thief is present and visible. If the Thief leaves the control node or enters Stealth even for a moment, all neutralization progress will instantly be lost.


**Security System:** The Thief leaves a trap on a control node that it neutralizes. When activated, the trap knocks all opponents out of the control node and creates an impassible forcefield around the control node that lasts for 5 seconds.


Could they break things? Of course. They are just examples. Unfortunately, the Thief is already broken. If it's going to be a decapper, they may as well give it the tools to succeed at it. Personally, I'd prefer better combat/assassination ability, but if they won't give us that, then the "sabotage/steal control nodes" aspect could be quite fun if given the proper tools.

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Unless of course it is their plan for thief to literally be a runner/decapper and nothing else.


> I could understand that if they would actually design the Thief for that "role."

> Give the Thief traits to actually succeed in decapping. Examples...


> **Swift Swindler:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize at twice the rate.


> **Undeniable Presence:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize even if the Thief is Stealthed.


> **Unseen Defender:** A contested control node fully controlled by the Thief's team will not be neutralized as long as the Thief is present even if Stealthed.


> **Right Under Their Nose:** A contested control node will slowly neutralize as long as the Thief is present and visible. If the Thief leaves the control node or enters Stealth even for a moment, all neutralization progress will instantly be lost.


> **Security System:** The Thief leaves a trap on a control node that it neutralizes. When activated, the trap knocks all opponents out of the control node and creates an impassible forcefield around the control node that lasts for 5 seconds.


> Could they break things? Of course. They are just examples. Unfortunately, the Thief is already broken. If it's going to be a decapper, they may as well give it the tools to succeed at it. Personally, I'd prefer better combat/assassination ability, but if they won't give us that, then the "sabotage/steal control nodes" aspect could be quite fun if given the proper tools.


While I understand the desire to improve thief, I do not think adding traits that are specific to one game mode is the way to go.


Where they went wrong with thief is in giving it a role that was very specific to the profession and then spreading all of those abilities to other classes wherein those professions did not "lose anything" to garner those abilities even as the tools that made this work on thief were made weaker. IE , lowering the ability to stealth on thief even as stealth passed out to other classes. Curtailing port abilities even as more ports added to other classes. Cutting back on burst damage even as more burst added to other classes.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Unless of course it is their plan for thief to literally be a runner/decapper and nothing else.

> >

> > I could understand that if they would actually design the Thief for that "role."

> > Give the Thief traits to actually succeed in decapping. Examples...

> >

> > **Swift Swindler:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize at twice the rate.

> >

> > **Undeniable Presence:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize even if the Thief is Stealthed.

> >

> > **Unseen Defender:** A contested control node fully controlled by the Thief's team will not be neutralized as long as the Thief is present even if Stealthed.

> >

> > **Right Under Their Nose:** A contested control node will slowly neutralize as long as the Thief is present and visible. If the Thief leaves the control node or enters Stealth even for a moment, all neutralization progress will instantly be lost.

> >

> > **Security System:** The Thief leaves a trap on a control node that it neutralizes. When activated, the trap knocks all opponents out of the control node and creates an impassible forcefield around the control node that lasts for 5 seconds.

> >

> > Could they break things? Of course. They are just examples. Unfortunately, the Thief is already broken. If it's going to be a decapper, they may as well give it the tools to succeed at it. Personally, I'd prefer better combat/assassination ability, but if they won't give us that, then the "sabotage/steal control nodes" aspect could be quite fun if given the proper tools.


> While I understand the desire to improve thief, I do not think adding traits that are specific to one game mode is the way to go.


> Where they went wrong with thief is in giving it a role that was very specific to the profession and then spreading all of those abilities to other classes wherein those professions did not "lose anything" to garner those abilities even as the tools that made this work on thief were made weaker. IE , lowering the ability to stealth on thief even as stealth passed out to other classes. Curtailing port abilities even as more ports added to other classes. Cutting back on burst damage even as more burst added to other classes.



Really seems like arenanet has a double standard regarding thief balancing when compared to other classes. Definitely could be wrong but kinda feels like not really knowing how to balance thief mixed with relying on nerf cries led to alot of the changes due to the fact alot seemed like they wernt very thought out.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Unless of course it is their plan for thief to literally be a runner/decapper and nothing else.

> >

> > I could understand that if they would actually design the Thief for that "role."

> > Give the Thief traits to actually succeed in decapping. Examples...

> >

> > **Swift Swindler:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize at twice the rate.

> >

> > **Undeniable Presence:** A control node with only the Thief present will capture/neutralize even if the Thief is Stealthed.

> >

> > **Unseen Defender:** A contested control node fully controlled by the Thief's team will not be neutralized as long as the Thief is present even if Stealthed.

> >

> > **Right Under Their Nose:** A contested control node will slowly neutralize as long as the Thief is present and visible. If the Thief leaves the control node or enters Stealth even for a moment, all neutralization progress will instantly be lost.

> >

> > **Security System:** The Thief leaves a trap on a control node that it neutralizes. When activated, the trap knocks all opponents out of the control node and creates an impassible forcefield around the control node that lasts for 5 seconds.

> >

> > Could they break things? Of course. They are just examples. Unfortunately, the Thief is already broken. If it's going to be a decapper, they may as well give it the tools to succeed at it. Personally, I'd prefer better combat/assassination ability, but if they won't give us that, then the "sabotage/steal control nodes" aspect could be quite fun if given the proper tools.


> While I understand the desire to improve thief, I do not think adding traits that are specific to one game mode is the way to go.


> Where they went wrong with thief is in giving it a role that was very specific to the profession and then spreading all of those abilities to other classes wherein those professions did not "lose anything" to garner those abilities even as the tools that made this work on thief were made weaker. IE , lowering the ability to stealth on thief even as stealth passed out to other classes. Curtailing port abilities even as more ports added to other classes. Cutting back on burst damage even as more burst added to other classes.


I think it's important to remember thief was and is a meta defining profession. They were a profession capable of in and out tactics with quick burst. So other professions needed a way to combat the thief. Anet just took it too far. Other classes can do what the thief can and better too, save for decap because of shortbow 5. Thief does not have an identity of its own. The only thing they have is steal and it is an extremely bloated skill.

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