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What is the New Fractal Meta?

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I have been away from fractals for a long time, pretty much since they added the new instabilities and Siren's Reef. Only played for about two weeks after that.


Considering all the nerfs to Chrono and Druid I was surprised people still asked for them on the LFG. I actually don's even want to play Druid anymore after the recent Nerf. Druid brings nothing unique anymore, everything good about Druid comes from Core Ranger.


It seems to me a good Meta Comp could be:


DPS Quickbrand

Healer Renegade for Alacrity

Soulbeast for DPS and Spirits

Warrior for Banners

1x DPS


Metabattle seems to somewhat confirm this as a good composition.


But what do other people think? What kind of builds and groups are you finding most effective, especially for 99 & 100CM?



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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> I have been away from fractals for a long time, pretty much since they added the new instabilities and Siren's Reef. Only played for about two weeks after that.


> Considering all the nerfs to Chrono and Druid I was surprised people still asked for them on the LFG. I actually don's even want to play Druid anymore after the recent Nerf. Druid brings nothing unique anymore, everything good about Druid comes from Core Ranger.


> It seems to me a good Meta Comp could be:


> DPS Quickbrand

> Healer Renegade for Alacrity

> Soulbeast for DPS and Spirits

> Warrior for Banners

> 1x DPS


> Metabattle seems to somewhat confirm this as a good composition.


> But what do other people think? What kind of builds and groups are you finding most effective, especially for 99 & 100CM?




This is meta for all fractals that doesnt require chrono skips. In fights where ports (or supperior pulls) are needed chrono is still relevant but top tier partys usualy bring power chrono for that.

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meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


Dont forget sirens landing where chrono can skip the maze

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> I have been away from fractals for a long time, pretty much since they added the new instabilities and Siren's Reef. Only played for about two weeks after that.


> Considering all the nerfs to Chrono and Druid I was surprised people still asked for them on the LFG. I actually don's even want to play Druid anymore after the recent Nerf. Druid brings nothing unique anymore, everything good about Druid comes from Core Ranger.


> It seems to me a good Meta Comp could be:


> DPS Quickbrand

> Healer Renegade for Alacrity

> Soulbeast for DPS and Spirits

> Warrior for Banners

> 1x DPS


> Metabattle seems to somewhat confirm this as a good composition.


> But what do other people think? What kind of builds and groups are you finding most effective, especially for 99 & 100CM?




I run with heal FB and Diviner Renegade(or Chrono if none is found) this is what must random groups run with because it reduce the amount of dmg you got greatly also it makes Siren Riff doable and general is loved by eles much more. You also can also see this combination on meta battle and SC. Your combinations are used often in raids and fractals cms so both are used at the moment the advantage here is slightly more group dps (2%). On top of it people still using the old meta sometimes because they got stuck in their old builds and classes which isn't surprising consider how old the game is already.


In short its pure chaos at the moment.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


> Dont forget sirens landing where chrono can skip the maze


if ur talking about skip with CS, than it was fixed some time ago

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


choya pinata tonic that you buy with casino coins in crystal oasis is also useful for skips. the roll is fast, and a very short cooldown (1 seconds)

i allways use it when i'm rushing snowblind and others

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> > > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)

> >

> > Dont forget sirens landing where chrono can skip the maze


> if ur talking about skip with CS, than it was fixed some time ago


Thanks, didnt know that since I stoped playing fractals.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


While losing 18k DPS for going with a Sup FB sounds bad, I want to emphasise that that's on paper/golem.

If not everybody in the group is an absolutely exceptional player/speedrunner who can pull of perfect bursts etc., that DPS deficit it almost entirely negated in practice due to higher Scholar uptime, DPS uptime in general due to avoidance of disables, Boon uptime, just one person going down now and then or even avoiding the occasional single wipe, especially with rough instabilities, make it generally the faster option for what I would guess to be 90%+ of even high KP groups in practice.

Just like Chrono+Druid was generally run over just Chrono+3DPS+BS.


I do recommend taking a DH or pChrono as one of the DPS then though, so you still have easy access to adpull, or even Chrono skips.


Always take the Speedrunner META with a grain of salt, as for the vast majority of players the Theoretically Fastest Tactic Available is not the Most Effective Tactic Available at all, and even those players who can translate those comps into a marginally faster clear don't always want to do so because it's a whole lot more work to pull off for little time saved, with a single mistake/wipe costing you a lot more time than the comp is faster.

In my experience Div Ren, Sup FB, BS, either DH and or pChrono and Weaver/SLB made for the most consistently smooth and fast daily runs.


Try out the META (or TFTA if you will, not as catchy) comp if you have a static of fantastic players, if it works out and you are willing to put in that much effort daily, great.

If not, go with sup FB instead and enjoy the most relaxing Fractal experience while barely losing any clear time.


(and yes, I'm allowed one forum post preaching about running a support for every time a group has a terrible and frustrating time wiping in Fractals due to insisting that they are good enough to smoothly pull of the no Heal comp, meaning endlessly)

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Quickbrand, div ren, slb, bs, dh/weaver is the best in most scenarios considering the players actually know how to play them. I dont have a static so i pug and around 90% of the 250kp+ fb+ren parties are just pure trash atm so i rather try to stick to chrono+druid setups because people have way more experience with them.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)


> While losing 18k DPS for going with a Sup FB sounds bad, I want to emphasise that that's on paper/golem.

> If not everybody in the group is an absolutely exceptional player/speedrunner who can pull of perfect bursts etc., that DPS deficit it almost entirely negated in practice due to higher Scholar uptime, DPS uptime in general due to avoidance of disables, Boon uptime, just one person going down now and then or even avoiding the occasional single wipe, especially with rough instabilities, make it generally the faster option for what I would guess to be 90%+ of even high KP groups in practice.

> Just like Chrono+Druid was generally run over just Chrono+3DPS+BS.


> I do recommend taking a DH or pChrono as one of the DPS then though, so you still have easy access to adpull, or even Chrono skips.


> Always take the Speedrunner META with a grain of salt, as for the vast majority of players the Theoretically Fastest Tactic Available is not the Most Effective Tactic Available at all, and even those players who can translate those comps into a marginally faster clear don't always want to do so because it's a whole lot more work to pull off for little time saved, with a single mistake/wipe costing you a lot more time than the comp is faster.

> In my experience Div Ren, Sup FB, BS, either DH and or pChrono and Weaver/SLB made for the most consistently smooth and fast daily runs.


> Try out the META (or TFTA if you will, not as catchy) comp if you have a static of fantastic players, if it works out and you are willing to put in that much effort daily, great.

> If not, go with sup FB instead and enjoy the most relaxing Fractal experience while barely losing any clear time.


> (and yes, I'm allowed one forum post preaching about running a support for every time a group has a terrible and frustrating time wiping in Fractals due to insisting that they are good enough to smoothly pull of the no Heal comp, meaning endlessly)


Tbh ppl don't know how to play without healer, becouse they are used to the fact there is someone that will outblock and outheal every mistake they make.

On cms, u don't rly need healer, if u know how to position urself correctly and get out of red circles. It's not that hard, but ppl are used to the fact, that someone will cover their mistakes,which made them lazy, while kalla elite is enough to upkeep scholar and outheal ppl from 1 to 100 %.

Personally I prefer to wipe few times, while knowing I played perfectly, than being carried and just facerolling over fractals.

On t4s its another thing, shiton of adds and some instabs can make it to chaotic to be properly counterplayed

Also low dps can lead to bad phasing, as for example not bringing mama to 75 before first bubble

Tldr : healers make ppl braindead

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I think people misunderstand a bit sure FB heal is also good in avoiding a wipe but there are so many situation in fractals with the other healers where your DPS drops a lot through stuns or chill FB heal/support is very good in avoiding such situations or at least extending the high dps phase .


Also it is not 18k DPS as group dmg its less more like 5-8k with 10 people at least from what I had read from when they tested it for the first time with this variation of DPS you can depending on the skill of the players come on top of the hybrid FB and heal renegade combo.( I had today a diviner renegade with an 30k+ spike in my group^^) In combination with you won't get slowed down your are in 9 of 10 cases faster in fractals


What true is people need to learn how to use it and it is a bit toxic to change the meta when the game is already so old. This is also the reason why I run the 10 case where it is inferior so that people learn what to do.


The other thing which is a problem is when raids use the combo the other way around they need a second equip and they need suddenly pull off a different rota. I know this sucks the only thing I can say against it a lot of my chars can be used more then one way and my main (Ele) 4 berserker combos (+6 which I don't use at all) and as Tempest heal

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I usually use this website to guide myself a bit. I imagine you've already been there, but in case you not, I really encourage you to visit this website:

[Fractal_Team_Compositions](https://discretize.eu/guides/fractal-basics "https://discretize.eu/guides/fractal-basics")

It's usually useful for me, so I hope it works for you. It's not exactly updated but I still think that composition is good in general.

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I ran 99cm twice now since starting fractals again, one time was with a druid and a chrono, and the second time was with Firebrand & Renegade. The only thing I missed the second time was having a good poison kiter for Siax, otherwise the 2nds group was a lot smoother and faster despite a few wipes on Siax becasue of poison.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> I ran 99cm twice now since starting fractals again, one time was with a druid and a chrono, and the second time was with Firebrand & Renegade. The only thing I missed the second time was having a good poison kiter for Siax, otherwise the 2nds group was a lot smoother and faster despite a few wipes on Siax becasue of poison.


Poison doesn't become a problem if you have enough DPS and phase quickly enough. But even if not, Sup FB can actually outheal it.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > meta comp would be: slb, weaver ,power fb, diviner rev, core bs. Weaver can do skips with blink and xera portal, and only fractal where chrono is better would be cliffsede where u want to mimic ur blink. also rev with executioner axe and superspeed can do most of running skips.

> > > if u want to be carried, than make firebrand go healer, but it will cost a lot of party dps( -18k dps and bane signet)

> >

> > While losing 18k DPS for going with a Sup FB sounds bad, I want to emphasise that that's on paper/golem.

> > If not everybody in the group is an absolutely exceptional player/speedrunner who can pull of perfect bursts etc., that DPS deficit it almost entirely negated in practice due to higher Scholar uptime, DPS uptime in general due to avoidance of disables, Boon uptime, just one person going down now and then or even avoiding the occasional single wipe, especially with rough instabilities, make it generally the faster option for what I would guess to be 90%+ of even high KP groups in practice.

> > Just like Chrono+Druid was generally run over just Chrono+3DPS+BS.

> >

> > I do recommend taking a DH or pChrono as one of the DPS then though, so you still have easy access to adpull, or even Chrono skips.

> >

> > Always take the Speedrunner META with a grain of salt, as for the vast majority of players the Theoretically Fastest Tactic Available is not the Most Effective Tactic Available at all, and even those players who can translate those comps into a marginally faster clear don't always want to do so because it's a whole lot more work to pull off for little time saved, with a single mistake/wipe costing you a lot more time than the comp is faster.

> > In my experience Div Ren, Sup FB, BS, either DH and or pChrono and Weaver/SLB made for the most consistently smooth and fast daily runs.

> >

> > Try out the META (or TFTA if you will, not as catchy) comp if you have a static of fantastic players, if it works out and you are willing to put in that much effort daily, great.

> > If not, go with sup FB instead and enjoy the most relaxing Fractal experience while barely losing any clear time.

> >

> > (and yes, I'm allowed one forum post preaching about running a support for every time a group has a terrible and frustrating time wiping in Fractals due to insisting that they are good enough to smoothly pull of the no Heal comp, meaning endlessly)


> Tbh ppl don't know how to play without healer, becouse they are used to the fact there is someone that will outblock and outheal every mistake they make.

> On cms, u don't rly need healer, if u know how to position urself correctly and get out of red circles. It's not that hard, but ppl are used to the fact, that someone will cover their mistakes,which made them lazy, while kalla elite is enough to upkeep scholar and outheal ppl from 1 to 100 %.

> Personally I prefer to wipe few times, while knowing I played perfectly, than being carried and just facerolling over fractals.

> On t4s its another thing, shiton of adds and some instabs can make it to chaotic to be properly counterplayed

> Also low dps can lead to bad phasing, as for example not bringing mama to 75 before first bubble

> Tldr : healers make ppl braindead



People, including you and I, don't want a healer for themself to carry and clean their own mistake. We're too proud for that. People are looking for a support/healer because even with 250KP you can't give too much trust in others members.

I do care to play perfectly, I hope everybody in t4/CMs cares too. But tbh this isn't important how good I am, I just hope people with me are not worst and I prefer someone that could erase our mistake better than past hours with a kitten comp and people insisting in a way that doesn't work here with the group. Worst when they are 3~4 guild members and you're uncomfortable to give an advice or kick the burden.


I've seen wipe at Arrk because the cat golems instant kill the weavers/DH with 300% dmg in the back; but no, "we don' pull them, nor kill them, it's trash-mobs", or not killing the first anomaly or green zone in middle of orbs because "it's what people do in speedrun"; and may be that what they do with their static, and they laugh and they repeat the action; but in pug may be here we don't have the 4 portals, we don't always think about planks and rocks, we don't have the dps or the coordination for cc/phasing, the sustain, the boons,... and absolutley not the time and desire to laugh about that.


Fractals are doable without a healer, of course; when all the conditions are there, all good players good comp, good builds well nested, good fractals good instabilities; but this isn't the reality of pug.

You don't know the FB, you don't the Ren, the war; will he use the tomes for stab/reflect/... aegis before a hit or randomly, or just "dps" to do 18k, will he use F2-F4 on cd for mights and alacrity or only F4, or nothing (it happens sometimes), is he PS or not ? You don"t know others DPS, if they all have power infusion or not, if they'll want to burst before anomaly. We can say the same about a healer, but at least with harrier you have greater allowance of quickness, stab, aegis or healing.

May be this isn't the "most effective" or fastest way, and certainly most of the times it is unnecessary; but it's a safer path; that's all; that doesn't mean everybody is bad or "quality decrease", just people prefer a safe way rather than unexpected/unconsidered troubles.

And not all is about CMs ; siren's reef or chaos ... no matter how good you are, if you don't have stab reflect etc, it's a kitten nighmare.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> 1 Quickbrand (DPS), 1 Alacrene (Heal), 1 BS and 2 DGH. Fractals favor heavy burst, especially 99/100CM, and DGH has the highest burst in the game with about 60k DPS for the first 10 seconds of a fight.


If u take sb stance share, and weavers fgs, instead of dragonhunters u will get better results. Even alone, I'm not sure if dh has highest burst tbh

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> 1 Quickbrand (DPS), 1 Alacrene (Heal), 1 BS and 2 DGH. Fractals favor heavy burst, especially 99/100CM, and DGH has the highest burst in the game with about 60k DPS for the first 10 seconds of a fight.


The problem with that comp is that your Fb is forced to run axe for fury. You also have no frost spirit. Slb and weaver have both higher burst than Dh while also providing some fury during precast. Multiple dragonhunters are only good for mama + siax because of the short burst cds. Not even sure if you can skip anomalies without a slb at art. That 40% reflect modifier hurts a lot.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"yusayu.3629" said:

> > 1 Quickbrand (DPS), 1 Alacrene (Heal), 1 BS and 2 DGH. Fractals favor heavy burst, especially 99/100CM, and DGH has the highest burst in the game with about 60k DPS for the first 10 seconds of a fight.


> The problem with that comp is that your Fb is forced to run axe for fury. You also have no frost spirit. Slb and weaver have both higher burst than Dh while also providing some fury during precast. Multiple dragonhunters are only good for mama + siax because of the short burst cds. Not even sure if you can skip anomalies without a slb at art. That 40% reflect modifier hurts a lot.


Actually you dont need FB with axe for fury. If your rev uses pack runes and you combine that with fell my wrath you will get perma fury. Also you know that DHs can prestack traps right? For example on Skorvald + your firebrand can do the same. You can replace one DH with soulbeast if you need extra 5% from frost spirit but i found it unnecesary. You can skip anomalies with DHs without any problems and one thing thats amazing about DHs is their OP heal so you dont really need a healer even with bad instabilities(for example thaumanova with boon overload and frailty is pain without healer and with weaver or SB but with DH you are fine).

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"yusayu.3629" said:

> > 1 Quickbrand (DPS), 1 Alacrene (Heal), 1 BS and 2 DGH. Fractals favor heavy burst, especially 99/100CM, and DGH has the highest burst in the game with about 60k DPS for the first 10 seconds of a fight.


> The problem with that comp is that your Fb is forced to run axe for fury. You also have no frost spirit. Slb and weaver have both higher burst than Dh while also providing some fury during precast. Multiple dragonhunters are only good for mama + siax because of the short burst cds. Not even sure if you can skip anomalies without a slb at art. That 40% reflect modifier hurts a lot.


pack + fb elite shout. pack on its own is 50% fury uptime cuz rene has 100% boon duration


when i had static we used FB f3 dome to reflect arts because it catches all balls. make sure fb spawns symbol on the mob for modifiers etc. it allowed our slb to do entire dps rotation which makes up for sick em reflect


and yeah dgh + slb is better than 2 dgh



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wow but fiery greatswords are fun and even though nobody does this because who gives af, but technically if you full gg enough times you can spawn a fire sword for EVERYONEEE

#weaver is group dps increase

^ i tried to make that a hashtag but because of formatting here, it turned it into a title and it looks so serious now LMAO


therefore there MUST be a weaver

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> @"rchristianhk.3914" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

> > > 1 Quickbrand (DPS), 1 Alacrene (Heal), 1 BS and 2 DGH. Fractals favor heavy burst, especially 99/100CM, and DGH has the highest burst in the game with about 60k DPS for the first 10 seconds of a fight.

> >

> > The problem with that comp is that your Fb is forced to run axe for fury. You also have no frost spirit. Slb and weaver have both higher burst than Dh while also providing some fury during precast. Multiple dragonhunters are only good for mama + siax because of the short burst cds. Not even sure if you can skip anomalies without a slb at art. That 40% reflect modifier hurts a lot.


> Actually you dont need FB with axe for fury. If your rev uses pack runes and you combine that with fell my wrath you will get perma fury. Also you know that DHs can prestack traps right? For example on Skorvald + your firebrand can do the same. You can replace one DH with soulbeast if you need extra 5% from frost spirit but i found it unnecesary. You can skip anomalies with DHs without any problems and one thing thats amazing about DHs is their OP heal so you dont really need a healer even with bad instabilities(for example thaumanova with boon overload and frailty is pain without healer and with weaver or SB but with DH you are fine).


I'd like to see double Dh comp easily skipping anos on Ari. Sb has to many dmg modifiers, no?

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