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Did any of you got any Super Rare loot from the World Boss Rush ?

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Haven't actually played a worldboss event this week. Last I saw the prices on invisible slippers etc. were still going up, so either someone's been trying to fix the prices or they haven't dropped very often.


It’s rather hilarious how much people will pay to look like they’re not wearing something — kind of the emperor’s new clothes! :lol:

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No. I think these bonus events need some kind of currency system with a vendor that offers more/different items, even account bound valuable stuff like skins and infusions. Right now it feels like playing the lottery, you hope for the jackpot but you get nothing.

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That's the loot table for the boxes. I only do Teq now and then ignore the event seeing as it's not even enough incentive to get people to do Triple Trouble (the one boss I'm missing achievements on -.-). Would have really preferred a currency system or, I don't know, adding more than one rare item to the loot table?

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> https://imgur.com/rWWaSc9

> https://imgur.com/4GvlJJU


> That's the loot table for the boxes. I only do Teq now and then ignore the event seeing as it's not even enough incentive to get people to do Triple Trouble (the one boss I'm missing achievements on -.-). Would have really preferred a currency system or, I don't know, adding more than one rare item to the loot table?


Um... I've been doing Triple Trouble every day of this event. Successfully. Sometimes, multiple times a day.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> https://imgur.com/rWWaSc9

> https://imgur.com/4GvlJJU


> That's the loot table for the boxes. I only do Teq now and then ignore the event seeing as it's not even enough incentive to get people to do Triple Trouble (the one boss I'm missing achievements on -.-). Would have really preferred a currency system or, I don't know, adding more than one rare item to the loot table?


Eu or na the community on eu do wurm twice a day 2pm and 9pm gmt I belive it is.

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Well as I said in another thread, I bet you'll be able to count the number of super rare drops on one hand.. heck forget the hand maybe just the finger!

That bonus chest should go down in history as one of the worst ideas "for the players" that ANET ever came up with to keep players logged in, but I guess it depends who you considered it worked for...


I never expected to get an infusion tbh, but to get nothing more than T1 mats with a couple of T2's and a single T6 from around 30 chests... sheez so not worth the time, effort and boredom factor.

As for the garbage UNID you get - no charms/symbols just a load more T5 mats and not so many Ecto's..


Once bitten twice shy is the lesson of the day.

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> @"slpr.2647" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > no. only some mats. my best drop from the event was Genesis ( Exotic Hammer ).


> same here. an easy 20+ gold, so i was happy, kinda lol the rest was just junk


price from Genesis heavily dropped. from (27g)37g to (20g)24g. i think a lot of players got Genesis from the boss rush.


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I got nothing good in 160 boxes. This event was a waste of time seeing how they put all infusions under Super Rare as opposed to some of them, at least the cheap ones, under Rare.


EDIT: I stopped at 164 boxes. My only regret is that I wasted so many hours on this garbage event instead of wvw-ing.


EDIT2: Achi panel says I killed 177 bosses (not 164 like I thought), so nothing good in 177 boxes, lol.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Uhh? The drop rate for CES etc has always been 1 in 100k so I dunno why anyone would think these easier to acquire boxes would have higher drop chance.


I think the bigger issue players have/had is the super high chance you get at getting garbage T1 rubbish.. I really needed all that silver ore, jute scraps and green wood logs... so yeah not really worth one's time imo even with that awesome guaranteed worthless UNID.

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Plainly speaking lackluster rewards for long wait time. You have two choices Anet, either boost the % chance of all rewards tiers by 100 folds (we all know super rare is < 0.0001% and the total number of people that got an infusion at the end of this event can be counted on one hand) and remove all the spores, monocles and tier 1 mats off the rewards chart **OR** you can just remove the super rare tier all together so you can save everyone's time from this ludicrous nonsense.


Your call.

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Well, in this thread alone, 2 people claim they got drops. Gemnaid.4219 and Musetti.7163. I don't think 100,000 people religiously follow the forums, but I could be wrong? Also for those two that got the drops, how many bosses did you kill? (The achievement will tell you.)

> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> I’m the only one that got an infusion drop.


> @"Musetii.7163" said:

> I only did tequatl but got an infusion...guess I'm just lucky.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> A friend of mine opened 100 boxes and did not get a super rare. Or even a rare.

> ****

> My expectation: the drop rate is less than 1:10 000 (10k) and maybe as low as 1:100 000 (100k)


> This is an educated, speculative guess, based on having data from thousands and thousands of BL chests (from different players), without any super rares, the drop rate of exotics from champ bags being low (less than 1 per stack), the drop rate of exotics from rare unID (1:100), and various precursor drop rates (e.g. from forging exotics or from unID gear).


> If I'm correct, with map populations of ~100 people, I'd expect hardly anyone to have been present when someone gets a super rare, even those participating daily in 20+ events.


My thought as well.


Ive skipped The event for this reason.

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