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Raid Level Solo Content

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I think something gw2 is lacking is difficult end game solo content. We have solo story content through the Living Story, but I would like to see challenging boss fights for solo play. I enjoy games like Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, and I think gw2 has all the mechanics for similar content. Perhaps they could rework dungeons to fit the role, and revive that aspect of the game.

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I love the Queen's Gauntlet for being exactly this. Back in Pre-hot when Liadri was the single hardest thing ever in the game I have fond memories of doing what was probably almost 100 attempts to kill her. I also have found memories of Turrai Ossa last year, though that took me significantly less attempts. Personally I think every legendary weapon should have been lucked behind a Liadri or harder tier solo fight.

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I’m uncertain there is much mileage in it. Feedback on any solo content rarely steers towards making it any harder, with HoT getting nerfed after launch and various instance bosses being brought back down from the original difficulty.


I do however think that challenge motes in instances are under utilised. These would at least provide worthy achievements and satiate the niche desire that exists.


The Queens Gauntlet solo boss fights show it can work, although even then the calls for nerfs are loud

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I would be happy with some kind of solo boss mode.

A few years back I played a small mmo called raiderz (quite similar mechanics as gw2, but with the addition of active blocks, and p2w obviously... )You basically got 3 tokens a day to start one of 13something bosses on various difficulties. If you died the tokes was gone and you had to spent another one if you would like to continue. After each kill you got a special boss token and could buy nice and useful things with it. (harder bosses had better stuff obviously but you where basicly one shot on the hardest one)


It was kind of queen's gauntlet but instanced. And damn, I was really looking forward to that activity each day.

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