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Broken. ALL of it

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xxx hits you for 3,708 using

xxx hits you for 27,459 using read that again. 27,459. That's death in one hit.

xxx hits you for 3,150 using


The numbers above are real. It doesn't matter where or who or what class or how it happened. It's dead in .4 seconds before you can hit a button. This is just plain stupid. This is plain broken! I don't want gamplay that consist of waiting for cooldowns then melting 150% of players health in one blast. Any build like this ruins the game for everyone. I'm tired of GW thinking this is acceptable and not immensely frustrating.


On the other end, i'm sick of tanks that can stand up against anything thrown on a point. even 2 or 3 opponents That is also BROKEN. this stuff needs to stop. Surely the devs can read the numbers being spit out on their own game and realize something is wrong. wt actual F? Is this game so bad that only 2 extreme builds are now viable? make this madness stop!




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> @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> xxx hits you for 3,708 using

> xxx hits you for 27,459 using read that again. 27,459. That's death in one hit.

> xxx hits you for 3,150 using


> The numbers above are real. It doesn't matter where or who or what class or how it happened. It's dead in .4 seconds before you can hit a button. This is just plain stupid. This is plain broken! I don't want gamplay that consist of waiting for cooldowns then melting 150% of players health in one blast. Any build like this ruins the game for everyone. I'm tired of GW thinking this is acceptable and not immensely frustrating.


> On the other end, i'm sick of tanks that can stand up against anything thrown on a point. even 2 or 3 opponents That is also BROKEN. this stuff needs to stop. Surely the devs can read the numbers being spit out on their own game and realize something is wrong. wt actual F? Is this game so bad that only 2 extreme builds are now viable? make this madness stop!





Why didnt you...





Just getting this out the way. You know it's coming


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> @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> xxx hits you for 3,708 using

> xxx hits you for 27,459 using read that again. 27,459. That's death in one hit.

> xxx hits you for 3,150 using


> The numbers above are real. It doesn't matter where or who or what class or how it happened. It's dead in .4 seconds before you can hit a button. This is just plain stupid. This is plain broken! I don't want gamplay that consist of waiting for cooldowns then melting 150% of players health in one blast. Any build like this ruins the game for everyone. I'm tired of GW thinking this is acceptable and not immensely frustrating.


> On the other end, i'm sick of tanks that can stand up against anything thrown on a point. even 2 or 3 opponents That is also BROKEN. this stuff needs to stop. Surely the devs can read the numbers being spit out on their own game and realize something is wrong. wt actual F? Is this game so bad that only 2 extreme builds are now viable? make this madness stop!

btw, have you checked out the new mount video?

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> > xxx hits you for 3,708 using

> > xxx hits you for 27,459 using read that again. 27,459. That's death in one hit.

> > xxx hits you for 3,150 using

> >

> > The numbers above are real. It doesn't matter where or who or what class or how it happened. It's dead in .4 seconds before you can hit a button. This is just plain stupid. This is plain broken! I don't want gamplay that consist of waiting for cooldowns then melting 150% of players health in one blast. Any build like this ruins the game for everyone. I'm tired of GW thinking this is acceptable and not immensely frustrating.

> >

> > On the other end, i'm sick of tanks that can stand up against anything thrown on a point. even 2 or 3 opponents That is also BROKEN. this stuff needs to stop. Surely the devs can read the numbers being spit out on their own game and realize something is wrong. wt actual F? Is this game so bad that only 2 extreme builds are now viable? make this madness stop!

> >

> >

> >


> Why didnt you...



> Doooooooodddgggeeee

> ...

> Just getting this out the way. You know it's coming



"just LoS or invuln" are the new shit mate.

"just dodge" is so 2k18.

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This video kinda says it all. He's using the GS 2 skill to get Attack of opportunity in Beast Mode giving 25% damage increase and sic em for 40% which carries over to mount then swapping to Axe 3 for the 26k spikes or just doing it with the mount 1 skill. The warclaw 1 attack being able to 1 shot ppl is beyond broken. It's the fact that Attack of opportunity and sic em is a 10s 65% dmg increase.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> > xxx hits you for 3,708 using

> > xxx hits you for 27,459 using read that again. 27,459. That's death in one hit.

> > xxx hits you for 3,150 using

> >

> > The numbers above are real. It doesn't matter where or who or what class or how it happened. It's dead in .4 seconds before you can hit a button. This is just plain stupid. This is plain broken! I don't want gamplay that consist of waiting for cooldowns then melting 150% of players health in one blast. Any build like this ruins the game for everyone. I'm tired of GW thinking this is acceptable and not immensely frustrating.

> >

> > On the other end, i'm sick of tanks that can stand up against anything thrown on a point. even 2 or 3 opponents That is also BROKEN. this stuff needs to stop. Surely the devs can read the numbers being spit out on their own game and realize something is wrong. wt actual F? Is this game so bad that only 2 extreme builds are now viable? make this madness stop!

> >

> >

> >


> Why didnt you...



> Doooooooodddgggeeee

> ...

> Just getting this out the way. You know it's coming



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The bigger the payoff the higher the risk should be. I don't mind professions having skills that hit for 30k but that skill should be an interruptible combo of buffs leading up to it or a long cast skill. For instance on warrior baiting out dodges then stun locking into 100 blades, that's how all these high damage skills should work. Not hitting from range out of stealth with a fast moving/instant projectile. Most of the time the problem isn't really how powerful these skills are it's that the risk is not in proportion to the reward. I don't care how glassy the build has to be to pull it off it doesn't matter if you don't have a chance to fight back and for that reason people are still run these unbalanced builds.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> This video kinda says it all. He's using the GS 2 skill to get Attack of opportunity in Beast Mode giving 25% damage increase and sic em for 40% which carries over to mount then swapping to Axe 3 for the 26k spikes or just doing it with the mount 1 skill. The warclaw 1 attack being able to 1 shot ppl is beyond broken. It's the fact that Attack of opportunity and sic em is a 10s 65% dmg increase.


This would be less of an issue if they hadn't nerf reflection over a few times. Like in the old day's, you would see zerker range builds kill themselves with there own projectile. I don't even know why reflection exist anymore if it's not going to do it's full damage back. It's like having a second bloc but with a different name. Ridiculous! Retaliation same thing. sigh...

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Take the red pill and realize that ArenaNet will never fix power creep. It would take too much effort for something they don't consider to be profitable. Their priorities are monetization first, gameplay second, because apparently in 2019 a game doesn't need to be fun in order to monetize it. A good example of this backwards thinking is the recent Warclaw update. Adding a mount to WvW makes for some terrible gameplay, but they can sell skins so yeehaw let's ride brothers!


Instead of fixing power creep, they will build on top of it by adding more power creep in the form of new elite specs that you buy with the next expansion. This is how they deal with problems in GW2. Just build on top of them with new content that can be sold which creates more problems, and the cycle goes on and on...


Just think of a person who never showers or bathes, but instead puts on a ton of cologne to try to mask their stench. That's GW2.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> So, what happens when this big unstoppable force of damage meets these big immovable damage tanks you speak of?


Tanky class wins. A PvT player will do more damage to a bersker player than the beserker will do to PvT. The way the game currently operates, people like to complain about players doing too much damage when the real problem is damage mitigation is the problem. If a berserker class were to completely unload on a tanky target, they'll be extremely lucky to crack 2K in damage. You'd think that if you spec all damage it's high risk, high reward. In actuality, it's high risk, no reward.


The OP has a point about the tankiness in the game, but they don't have a point about damage being too high. If someone is taking that amount of damage, they're also running glass, aka, high risk high reward, it's to be expected.


Just as Dawdler said, until videos get uploaded and show this out of control damage, it doesn't hold any water. For example, I'd love for someone to upload a Soulbeast video in WvW and run around hitting everybody for 20K - 30K with their rapid fire....... Not posting videos constantly edited and cut out from scene to scene. Post 1 continuous 10-15 min video attacking all different types of people showing the numbers. Do this, and you won't see 20k-30k hits. You'll likely see a 20k+ hit here and there with a whole slew of hits under 5K...


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> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> Take the red pill and realize that ArenaNet will never fix power creep. It would take too much effort for something they don't consider to be profitable. Their priorities are monetization first, gameplay second, because apparently in 2019 a game doesn't need to be fun in order to monetize it. A good example of this backwards thinking is the recent Warclaw update. Adding a mount to WvW makes for some terrible gameplay, but they can sell skins so yeehaw let's ride brothers!


> Instead of fixing power creep, they will build on top of it by adding more power creep in the form of new elite specs that you buy with the next expansion. This is how they deal with problems in GW2. Just build on top of them with new content that can be sold which creates more problems, and the cycle goes on and on...


> Just think of a person who never showers or bathes, but instead puts on a ton of cologne to try to mask their stench. That's GW2.




Well said!!

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they only seem to watch metrics, not actually test what they are doing, so if you want a change you have to force them to it. the only solution I can think of after all the years of neglect towards the competitive part of the community, that requires sync however, which is why it's difficult, is to stop playing all together, sort of like going on a strike when you demand higher wages. only when they'll open their dashboard and see a major downward spike will they be like "uh, something's wrong there".

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Just as Dawdler said, until videos get uploaded and show this out of control damage, it doesn't hold any water.

That... Wasnt really the point. The point is that we cant have both at once. But somehow we do.


A few days ago I got hit by arc dividers in WvW. 6.5K (some absorbed) + 8.5K + 8.7K. Thats pretty much instantly. While running a scrapper with 3.5K armor or so.


Cant complain about immortal bunkers and instakill zerkers in the same breath. Yet here people are. Doing just that.

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> Just dodge it, dodge it, dodge it, dodge it

> No one wants to be defeated

> Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

> It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

> Just dodge it, dodge it

> Just dodge it, dodge it

> Just dodge it, dodge it

> Just dodge it, dodge it


> They're out to get you

> Better leave while you can

> Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man

> You wanna stay alive

> Better do what you can

> So dodge it, just dodge it



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Lmao when other classes other than mirage or thief get actual OP skills/builds just dodge it becomes a wide spread meme throughout the gw2

forums from all the players defending the powercreep that's been added to their mains. Where were all the just dodge it replies when mirage and thief were a threat lmao

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Thief is built around the idea of very high damage burst, almost no survivability outside invis and a small number of evades. Thats kind of the core concept of the class. Ranger... not so much. Back when DE was everywhere, the forums were FULL of 'just dodge it' for 20k+ DJ from stealth. That being said, Zerker soulbeast gives a very good impression of DE's heyday. High mobility, stealth, reasonably good sustained long range damage, super high unblockable burst.


Mirage/chrono... nope, still a problem. Not gonna try defending that. The level of defense of mesmers i see here and by Anet is absurd. Such an overloaded class that has remained at the top of almost every facet of GW2.

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