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Feedback for new living world :)

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What did you think about the new living world?

I thought it was pretty good. I liked the new meta.

The new map is really nice. The only problem that i have with is the "fury of the brand"-effect. Normally you can survive on the skimmer, but not at the start of the meta. It would be nice if the brand-effect where you die on the skimmer had a different name.


Overall i liked the story. I thought that aurenes resurrection was done respectfully. I liked the detail with caithes flowers. I thought that the "omg, kralk is healing super fast" part was a bit cheesy. I liked the part where kralk talked to us.


The new mount is really nice.


The new female armor is nice. But I would have liked it more if the blossoming mist armor would had crystal flowers (like caithe).



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I would have prefered, if the meta had an actual proper "boss" at the end. Currently its just killing few champs at the same time and poping kralkatoriks back pimples.

Since we got skyscales, maybe a "branded platform" could form above kralkatorik in the end, with final meta boss, to which we could only get using skyscales. When it would die, the platform would break, sealing the kralkatorik just like he gets sealed at the end now.

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I like the map. Like the new "wisp" that propels you before killing you. Like how Aurene came to help when your vulnerable on the map, non of the new armor looks nice to me.


Having directional arrows that doesn't tell you if it is above or below is not helpful when the map is multi level. Don't like the part about Joko . Never like Joko.

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My opinion that the story was bad fan fiction is me being kind. I'll focus instead on the enjoyment on the map because that is clearly where the thought was put in.


The map is great - I'm struggling to get to events on time, but that's likely just a learning my way around issue. It has a Draconis Mons feel to it which is one of their best maps. They've shown again that original maps are their forte


The events are all fun, but they lead nicely into a fantastic meta. It's a little bit more disjointed than say Dragon's Stand, but I think that works in its favour - allowing you to dip in and out doing diff things rather than commit to over an hour of linear meta to get anything of note. I also like the use of ls3 masteries - tht's a nice touch.

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Overall good but I have a few complaints.


Story overall was good and enjoyable, I like'd that it wasn't dragging me around as much as usual and wasting my time with pointless/seemingly pointless tasks.

This was kept to a minimum this time and I appreciate it even if it did make the story overall feel shorter.


I don't like that we wasted Kralkatorriks death on the living world even though it was still well done the event itself is the kind of thing that deserves to tie off an Expansion not a living world season, The dragons are too big antagonists to waste on free content updates that are supposed to bridge the gaps in the story not replace what I expect to happen at the end of expansion story's which is what I fundamentally pay for when I buy them.

His death in the living world has seriously made me question why Gw2 expansions even need to exist anymore.. Now that Anet has shown Gw2's main antagonists can die in the free living world they might as well just not bother making expansions anymore for the rest of Gw2's lifespan.. and even if they do I certainly will have serious reservations about buying the ultimate editions in future.

Continuing the story was always my main selling point for expansions, but if the Dragons are going to die in the living world instead then that main selling point is more or less irrlevant and i'm only buying them from no on for new features, specs and access to the next season of living world.. in which case I might as well pay as little as possible for them.. and that depresses me as someone who has so far been adamant about buying only the most expensive editions of this game.


Aurines Revival was my biggest issue with this patch overall, I knew she was going to come back thanks to plot armour but the way they did it was extremely cheap, lazy and terrible writing.

The Writers are so much more capable than resorting to the LOLJokomagic!! excuse and I'm not going to get into the massive lore hole that is Liches in Gw2 and how they work.

This narrative is just full of holes, feels extremely cheap and factoring in the end of this patch Aurine has essentially become the GW2 equivalent of Superman..

She's a God level powerful Elder Dragon juiced up on 2 Elder dragons, a Lich and a God and she's completely immune to death thus invincible.

If she ever goes bad we are well and truly screwed XD


As for the new Map, this is by far my favourite part of this patch.

I absolutely love that this map is made up of 3 epic locations in Guildwars lore, two of which are part of beloved locations from the original Guildwars game.

The Fissure of Woe and the Underworld.

While Melandru's domain is an entirely new location it has been an absolute joy to explore the Fissure and Underworld locations and fight with various old enemies like the Abyssal and Shadows.

The significance of these locations in the actual world also sends the lore fan in me into a frenzy, there are literally 3 massive chunks of the GOD REALMS!! on Tyria!

Not just enemies from those realms escaping into the world like the underworld portals in Queensdale etc.. but actual physical island sized lumps of landmass connected/associated with actual human gods..

The potential for lore surrounding these islands going forward both in Gw2 and beyond it is absolutely massive.

They maybe contained on an island somwhere but there are now actual forces of Dhuum and Menzies on Tyria and if they ever escape that island it could mean god knows what for Tyria.

The Fissue of Woe and Underworld were sealed off from Tyria for good reason.. and now they're a direct part of it and who knows what that will mean for the future.

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- The story is good and by far the best part of the episode.


- The new mount is a perfect example of how you can screw up an otherwise good idea by limiting what it can do out of fear of "breaking the game". The beetle was a great addition to the game and the highlight of that episode (although it took them an entire episode to fix the main issue), the skyscale on the other hand is gimmicky at best. I expect them to lower the rate at which it descents which is not going the solve the core issue (the fact that it descents at all).


- The new armor sets look nice but the "upgraded" versions lack sfx.


- The new map is slightly above average in terms of map design but nothing special, the meta is rewarding but also a collection of "everything wrong with PoF enemy design" and overall rather dull.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Overall good but I have a few complaints.


> Story overall was good and enjoyable, I like'd that it wasn't dragging me around as much as usual and wasting my time with pointless/seemingly pointless tasks.

> This was kept to a minimum this time and I appreciate it even if it did make the story overall feel shorter.


> I don't like that we wasted Kralkatorriks death on the living world even though it was still well done the event itself is the kind of thing that deserves to tie off an Expansion not a living world season, The dragons are too big antagonists to waste on free content updates that are supposed to bridge the gaps in the story not replace what I expect to happen at the end of expansion story's which is what I fundamentally pay for when I buy them.

> His death in the living world has seriously made me question why Gw2 expansions even need to exist anymore.. Now that Anet has shown Gw2's main antagonists can die in the free living world they might as well just not bother making expansions anymore for the rest of Gw2's lifespan.. and even if they do I certainly will have serious reservations about buying the ultimate editions in future.

> Continuing the story was always my main selling point for expansions, but if the Dragons are going to die in the living world instead then that main selling point is more or less irrlevant and i'm only buying them from no on for new features, specs and access to the next season of living world.. in which case I might as well pay as little as possible for them.. and that depresses me as someone who has so far been adamant about buying only the most expensive editions of this game.


> Aurines Revival was my biggest issue with this patch overall, I knew she was going to come back thanks to plot armour but the way they did it was extremely cheap, lazy and terrible writing.

> The Writers are so much more capable than resorting to the LOLJokomagic!! excuse and I'm not going to get into the massive lore hole that is Liches in Gw2 and how they work.

> This narrative is just full of holes, feels extremely cheap and factoring in the end of this patch Aurine has essentially become the GW2 equivalent of Superman..

> She's a God level powerful Elder Dragon juiced up on 2 Elder dragons, a Lich and a God and she's completely immune to death thus invincible.

> If she ever goes bad we are well and truly screwed XD


> As for the new Map, this is by far my favourite part of this patch.

> I absolutely love that this map is made up of 3 epic locations in Guildwars lore, two of which are part of beloved locations from the original Guildwars game.

> The Fissure of Woe and the Underworld.

> While Melandru's domain is an entirely new location it has been an absolute joy to explore the Fissure and Underworld locations and fight with various old enemies like the Abyssal and Shadows.

> The significance of these locations in the actual world also sends the lore fan in me into a frenzy, there are literally 3 massive chunks of the GOD REALMS!! on Tyria!

> Not just enemies from those realms escaping into the world like the underworld portals in Queensdale etc.. but actual physical island sized lumps of landmass connected/associated with actual human gods..

> The potential for lore surrounding these islands going forward both in Gw2 and beyond it is absolutely massive.

> They maybe contained on an island somwhere but there are now actual forces of Dhuum and Menzies on Tyria and if they ever escape that island it could mean god knows what for Tyria.

> The Fissue of Woe and Underworld were sealed off from Tyria for good reason.. and now they're a direct part of it and who knows what that will mean for the future.


But the living world is part of an expansion?

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The story was predictable. I knew something had to occur with aurene eating Joko. No reason for him to die that way otherwise. There were moments of greatness there like when you got to go inside Kralkatorrik to finally end him. Even though I would have liked a proper fight of taking down a dragon of his status in a giant fight similar to the end of the last episode but bigger. I did not appreciate the long drawn out fight there at the end that consisted of a few mini fights. I understand why they were there just didn't appreciate the length of the overall fight. Mainly because my connection was sketchy and I did not know where my progress would be saved at if I lost connection.



Map reminds me of the style of maps made for HoT. They stink at first but once you start to know them they grow on you. Its just a little confusing at first on figuring out how you need to get to a specific area and on what level. The adds feel like they agro you from a mile away and will chase you for what feels like a mile. If you get into combat you might as well turn around and face the music because trying to out run them while not on a mount will only lead you to other things that you will draw agro and then they will keep you running as well. Its an vicious endless cycle.



The events leading to the meta are amazing. They are enjoyable to do. The meta... Oh the disappointment. Fight some scab pimples, kill some champs, then on to more scab pimples. This to me has to be one of the most uninspired fights added in quiet some time. I was gearing up for something on the scale of Mordremoth and this is what we got. Made me sad a little.



Lets be honest the mount is cool in all but the handling feels super kludgy and while its a cool gimmicky mount I don't see my self using it that often. Maybe like city sitting or when I need to go AFK in the middle of a map. In my mind I thought this mount would be a game changer but after taking for a test drive. I have changed my mind. If it were a vehicle I would return to the dealer because it needs work. Maybe it will get better once I actually have the mount with all the masteries but I would not bet on it. The skills you get from masteries from what I remember from the video is being able to mount while in the air. This is great in all but does not change the feel of the mount. Dashing forward/evading this could help with the mobility issue that I feel while I'm using it. Wall Grip which allows you to recharge your "Flying Juice". This may help a tad but I don't see this being super helpful because you are not always near something you can grip on to. I hope they do some fine tuning to this thing because it will be on my bottom three mounts that I do not use.



I came away feeling good after I played on patch day. I guess my expectations for what was to come may have ruined it for me. I was hoping for a good story, a good/fun map, a fun meta worthy of killing Kralk, and a responsive new mount. Two out of four isn't that bad right?



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Map looks gorgeous.

Storytelling was ok, except for the skyscale introduction part.

Kralkatorrik fight was weird and somehow underwhelming.


As for events and skyscale I won't have any feedback anytime soon. Won't be doing events since they are wasted on not gaining masteries/exp. And won't be doing skyscale anytime soon. Gated content doesn't go well with me.

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Overall good but I have a few complaints.

> >

> > Story overall was good and enjoyable, I like'd that it wasn't dragging me around as much as usual and wasting my time with pointless/seemingly pointless tasks.

> > This was kept to a minimum this time and I appreciate it even if it did make the story overall feel shorter.

> >

> > I don't like that we wasted Kralkatorriks death on the living world even though it was still well done the event itself is the kind of thing that deserves to tie off an Expansion not a living world season, The dragons are too big antagonists to waste on free content updates that are supposed to bridge the gaps in the story not replace what I expect to happen at the end of expansion story's which is what I fundamentally pay for when I buy them.

> > His death in the living world has seriously made me question why Gw2 expansions even need to exist anymore.. Now that Anet has shown Gw2's main antagonists can die in the free living world they might as well just not bother making expansions anymore for the rest of Gw2's lifespan.. and even if they do I certainly will have serious reservations about buying the ultimate editions in future.

> > Continuing the story was always my main selling point for expansions, but if the Dragons are going to die in the living world instead then that main selling point is more or less irrlevant and i'm only buying them from no on for new features, specs and access to the next season of living world.. in which case I might as well pay as little as possible for them.. and that depresses me as someone who has so far been adamant about buying only the most expensive editions of this game.

> >

> > Aurines Revival was my biggest issue with this patch overall, I knew she was going to come back thanks to plot armour but the way they did it was extremely cheap, lazy and terrible writing.

> > The Writers are so much more capable than resorting to the LOLJokomagic!! excuse and I'm not going to get into the massive lore hole that is Liches in Gw2 and how they work.

> > This narrative is just full of holes, feels extremely cheap and factoring in the end of this patch Aurine has essentially become the GW2 equivalent of Superman..

> > She's a God level powerful Elder Dragon juiced up on 2 Elder dragons, a Lich and a God and she's completely immune to death thus invincible.

> > If she ever goes bad we are well and truly screwed XD

> >

> > As for the new Map, this is by far my favourite part of this patch.

> > I absolutely love that this map is made up of 3 epic locations in Guildwars lore, two of which are part of beloved locations from the original Guildwars game.

> > The Fissure of Woe and the Underworld.

> > While Melandru's domain is an entirely new location it has been an absolute joy to explore the Fissure and Underworld locations and fight with various old enemies like the Abyssal and Shadows.

> > The significance of these locations in the actual world also sends the lore fan in me into a frenzy, there are literally 3 massive chunks of the GOD REALMS!! on Tyria!

> > Not just enemies from those realms escaping into the world like the underworld portals in Queensdale etc.. but actual physical island sized lumps of landmass connected/associated with actual human gods..

> > The potential for lore surrounding these islands going forward both in Gw2 and beyond it is absolutely massive.

> > They maybe contained on an island somwhere but there are now actual forces of Dhuum and Menzies on Tyria and if they ever escape that island it could mean god knows what for Tyria.

> > The Fissue of Woe and Underworld were sealed off from Tyria for good reason.. and now they're a direct part of it and who knows what that will mean for the future.


> But the living world is part of an expansion?


More like an extension of one.

If it were part of it then each chapter would be included in the expansion price and you wouldn't have to pay for an episode you missed out on and everyone who bought the expansion would get the living world unlocked regardless of whether they logged in or not.

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Setting aside the whole Skyscale debacle, my biggest bugbear with the episode is the achievements, specifically the meta achievement for this episode.


Why fix it to a specific 18 achievements rather than 18 total out of all the available options? They did this previously and it led to complaints, yet here we are again. I will get that final Corsair armor box for completionist sake, but I'll do it via reward tracks, and the 2 achievements I'm missing from the meta are both from story and are annoying enough that I'm not wasting any more time being frustrated by them. (And as a side note, if they do go on to release a legendary trinket like Aurora, you'll likely need all the armor skins from the metas anyway).


On a brighter note, the map itself is phenomenal and, as is often the case, is one of the real highlights of the patch.

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The map was beautifully done, and very well designed, but not well exploited at all. Where is the lore potential ? Where are the texts ? Where are the npcs that come from these realms and why cant we talk to them ?


The story was short. Whether it was good or not is up for debate, I think some parts were rather Strange. But it was far too short.


The skyscale acquisition is downright atrocious. It's my firm belief that it was designed like that to keep us busy longer, due to the lack of storyline content. And I dont like that -at all-. It's not a good trend to set, nor was it's designed with player enjoyment in mind, which so far runs against everything I stuck with Guild wars 2 for. I hope for this to be adressed.


The only things salvaging the episode for me was : The map which is gorgeous, classic technicolor, but interesting and varied. The first fight in the storyline, which was epic and very well designed, I hope to see more things like that that fall outside of what we're normally accustomed to.

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1. Beautiful map design that utilizes some of the obsolete LS3 masteries. Anet showed again how capable they are in mix and matching older assets to create something new.

2. Finally a map-wide meta that seems to be both profitable and accessible enough to have long term replayability. Pretty similar to HoT metas and that's a good thing in my book.

3. A new mount, a new legendary and a new armor set, the trend of offering more skin sets in game continues for S4.



1. Time gates and extremely grindy collections. Skyscale being the biggest offender. While I understand the need to retain players, they went a bit overboard with this one. The shards issue makes the whole process more annoying. Griffon and Caladbolg is collections done right, this...not so much.

2. Story on par with the rest of the season, just getting the job done. Being 99% certain Aurene would come back in this exact manner, I couldn't buy into all that somber tone during the intro. The rest was a bit too predictable.

3. Heavy reuse of assets, while on par with LS and very creative, doesn't have the wow factor of something new. It even becomes silly at times with certain npcs commenting on... Mordremorth.


Despite some flaws and annoyances, this has to be my favourite episode of both LS3 and 4. It makes me hopeful that even if we get fewer maps with LS5 they will be bigger and more engaging than the average map of previous seasons.

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