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Skyscale: The Struggling Dragon

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Now I get people at Anet have reasons for making the SkyScale the way they did. It's their game, they can do whatever they want with it. But this Skyscale mount doesn't feel like a mount, and here's why:


This thing is struggling to fly in midair, it's pretty sluggish and there's a huge restriction when you can only use it to its full potential only when it consumes volatile magic. It doesn't make sense to use this mount at all when you have more viable options for getting around the maps such as the bunny mount, or the rolling beetle, or even the Gryphon which really serve their purpose.


Here's a potential solution to the Skyscale:


Keep the Green Flight bar only for when you reach past a certain altitude that breaks the map, add invisible walls to every map so you don't break it, and make the Skyscale twice as fast as it is now while in flight, but not faster than the Gryphon at full speed.


For now I think I and many other people will probably stick to not getting the mount, or holding off on it until it feels like it's really worth it. Honestly I think it's pretty dumb to have a flying dragon that struggles to fly, it's a literal sinking ship in the air whose holes you can't plug, we're all riding a sinking ship.

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Many ppl in this game don't want flying. We got the griffon which barely manages to get through as a glider on steroids rather than as a flying mount.

Yet Anet decided to make a flying mount anyways. And that's why it is not working well.


The skyscale was designed to fly but it is not allowed to do it. Therefore you get a clunky and in most situations rather useless mount, as it is basically a flying version of the springer mount and not so much a different version of the griffon. And the springer is also useless, except for its one niche. Now the skyscale is useless too except for this one niche


I would've rather liked to see a mount on ground where they can make it usefulwithout getting tons of angry ppl on the forums that tell them that the well working and useful flying mount just destroyed the entire game, which is funny when we talk about a game that doesn't give a shit about travel times anyways, since you can fast travel almost everywhere


In fact if you really think about it there are few games where flying would hurt the game less than in GW2, the maps are already so vertically in many places that it's hard to find players on ground and ppl already overuse the griffon (me too) and/or glide whenever possible

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I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> Many ppl in this game don't want flying.


For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can easily be bypassed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.


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I've not had much opportunity to use it yet but for me the advantage of the skyscale is that it's slower than the griffon and can hover. The griffon is great if you want to get from A to B quickly, but not so good for exploring because unless you're extremely high up (in which case you can't see much) you need to be looking for a place to land almost as soon as you take off, if not before. Whereas the skyscale makes it easier to take your time and look around.


I can see the ability to gain height (more than the griffon can with their jump on take-off) being useful too. I haven't used it on the skyscale yet, but there's been many times I've been trying to get somewhere on the griffon and wished I could get just a bit higher.


It's definitely a more niche mount than the griffon, but to me that seems appropriate for a living world mount, compared to one released as part of PoF.

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It just needs to reach the top of the “canopy” faster. Or maintain the original when flying down.


No one has it “fully” unlocked yet though, so it’s hard to truly grasp how good the mobility will be when maxed and you’re grappling off walls.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.


> For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can be cheesed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.



I get a lot of people dont want flying in the game, and im okay with that. My thing is this is a flying mount that has be restricted too much. I think a good balance would be to make it fly pretty fast , it dont need to be full time flight , put a decent flight timer on it and get rid of the awful blue bar mechanic. Within that timer it can fully fly up down all around, hover should be always a part of it, but it should have to hover or glide down and land/run along the ground to recharge the timer. The way it is now is awkward and really restrictive.

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I think people should regard mounts in this game more for their function as opposed to 'cool mounts'. Skyscale lets you ascend vertically. It's actually like bunny, except you can navigate around outcroppings. It's just another tool in the box. All mounts are tools for moving around. Skyscale isn't a replacement for griffon.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.

> >

> > For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can be cheesed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.

> >


> I get a lot of people dont want flying in the game, and im okay with that. My thing is this is a flying mount that has be restricted too much. I think a good balance would be to make it fly pretty fast , it dont need to be full time flight , put a decent flight timer on it and get rid of the awful blue bar mechanic. Within that timer it can fully fly up down all around, hover should be always a part of it, but it should have to hover or glide down and land/run along the ground to recharge the timer. The way it is now is awkward and really restrictive.


Then it would just be a glorified griffon. There is no point in even having this mount if you want to put all these pointless restrictions on it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think people should regard mounts in this game more for their function as opposed to 'cool mounts'. Skyscale lets you ascend vertically. It's actually like bunny, except you can navigate around outcroppings. It's just another tool in the box. All mounts are tools for moving around. Skyscale isn't a replacement for griffon.


I love the idea, but in practice its not working right. If you fly up a cliff and cling to it the blue bar dont refill so if you have no blue bar you cant ascend any higher you just cling to that cliff, it dont walk up. I think this is a flaw in the design, that blue bar is whats holding this back from being a really useful mount. You have to land somewhere to recharge the bar in order to proceed up the cliff. In a lot of cases that requires you to drop back down to land, which makes it awkward and slow. This mount had so much potential, im sad it had its wings cropped.


> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > Many ppl in this game don't want flying.

> > >

> > > For no good reason at all, every part where it would have mattered is already a "no mount zone", can be cheesed by other already existing mounts or prohibits the usage of mounts entirely (e.g. FotM). Not to mention that the griffon can already "break" every map no problem. Their unfounded concerns of "breaking the game" has rendered this mount into yet another gimmick.

> > >

> >

> > I get a lot of people dont want flying in the game, and im okay with that. My thing is this is a flying mount that has be restricted too much. I think a good balance would be to make it fly pretty fast , it dont need to be full time flight , put a decent flight timer on it and get rid of the awful blue bar mechanic. Within that timer it can fully fly up down all around, hover should be always a part of it, but it should have to hover or glide down and land/run along the ground to recharge the timer. The way it is now is awkward and really restrictive.


> Then it would just be a glorified griffon. There is no point in even having this mount if you want to put all these pointless restrictions on it.


No the griffon is like a glider, what i am suggesting would make this a fully functional flying mount. It would fly fast can fly in any direction, it can still do vertical cling to walls and it can hoverfly. The only thing holding it back is that awkward blue bar , just give it a flight timer, a decent one. No way anet is going to give full time flight you know that, and really they shouldnt because it breaks games when they become full time flight. Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore as people just zoom for place to place without interacting with the topography of the game. I rather not have full time flying in gw2, but partial free flight that you can use to get to high places is a nice thing to have.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.


I do not mind it being slower as it is a trade for being able to climb. My major annoyances are things like it can not reach the same height as it could a few feet away from it. If it supposed to be a helicopter to a jet, fine, I can live with it, but it is more like a helicopter with a hung over pilot.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.


> I do not mind it being slower as it is a trade for being able to climb. My major annoyances are things like it can not reach the same height as it could a few feet away from it. If it supposed to be a helicopter to a jet, fine, I can live with it, but it is more like a helicopter with a hung over pilot.


The problem i have with that is, if you are facing a sheer cliff that very high you use up your blue bar before you get to the top, now you are stuck clinging to the wall and no energy to gain those last few feet to the top. The blue bar does not recharge clinging to the wall, at least mine didnt last night. I think that needs to be tweaked

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.

> >

> > I do not mind it being slower as it is a trade for being able to climb. My major annoyances are things like it can not reach the same height as it could a few feet away from it. If it supposed to be a helicopter to a jet, fine, I can live with it, but it is more like a helicopter with a hung over pilot.


> The problem i have with that is, if you are facing a sheer cliff that very high you use up your blue bar before you get to the top, now you are stuck clinging to the wall and no energy to gain those last few feet to the top. The blue bar does not recharge clinging to the wall, at least mine didnt last night. I think that needs to be tweaked


I noticed that. Is there a mastery for climbing or regen whilst clinging?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.

> > >

> > > I do not mind it being slower as it is a trade for being able to climb. My major annoyances are things like it can not reach the same height as it could a few feet away from it. If it supposed to be a helicopter to a jet, fine, I can live with it, but it is more like a helicopter with a hung over pilot.

> >

> > The problem i have with that is, if you are facing a sheer cliff that very high you use up your blue bar before you get to the top, now you are stuck clinging to the wall and no energy to gain those last few feet to the top. The blue bar does not recharge clinging to the wall, at least mine didnt last night. I think that needs to be tweaked


> I noticed that. Is there a mastery for climbing or regen whilst clinging?


I dont know i didnt look, but i hope so because that is the most aggravating aspect of this mount, on a lighter note it dyes pretty hope it has more than one channel though.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I love the mount, but i agree they should tweak its flying , it should be faster and the refill is awkward. Honestly its more like a glider than the griffion, i think they should just allow it to fly. Its should be faster than a griff and actually fly put a better timer on its flight and get rid of the blue bar.


> I do not mind it being slower as it is a trade for being able to climb. My major annoyances are things like it can not reach the same height as it could a few feet away from it. If it supposed to be a helicopter to a jet, fine, I can live with it, but it is more like a helicopter with a hung over pilot.


Almighty lawl that's a very hilarious analogy. Well played you get a thumbs up from me.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think people should regard mounts in this game more for their function as opposed to 'cool mounts'. Skyscale lets you ascend vertically. It's actually like bunny, except you can navigate around outcroppings. It's just another tool in the box. All mounts are tools for moving around. Skyscale isn't a replacement for griffon.


Then I will regard the Skyscale as the useless function.

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> @"zaswer.5246" said:

> The refill in the blue bar when clinging is the last mastery of the skyscale .There is a video where where you can see it


Ahh good to know. That helps with the climbing, now for flight time and flight freedom within the timer.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> No the griffon is like a glider, what i am suggesting would make this a fully functional flying mount. It would fly fast can fly in any direction, it can still do vertical cling to walls and it can hoverfly. The only thing holding it back is that awkward blue bar , just give it a flight timer, a decent one. No way anet is going to give full time flight you know that, and really they shouldnt because it breaks games when they become full time flight. Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore as people just zoom for place to place without interacting with the topography of the game. I rather not have full time flying in gw2, but partial free flight that you can use to get to high places is a nice thing to have.


The thing doesn't need "a flight timer" or anything. It already has a several drawbacks when compared to the other mounts. There is objectively no reason why it shouldn't be able to fly without restrictions. "Suddenly nothing matters on the ground anymore" is this a joke? You're acting as if you can't already bypass every other obstacle with some of the other mounts. We're talking about OW PvE here and not FotM. There aren't any obstacles "worth protecting" aside from JPs which are already engulfed in no mount zones. Also, "without interacting with the topography"? You do realise that you still want to fly up to a higher place in order to switch to the griffon if you want to go form A to B, no "mountain" in sight cause it's flat terrain? Then the beetle would still be the superior choice here. You're vastly overstating how "broken" "unrestricted" flying would be given that it wouldn't actually "break" anything which hasn't already been broken by some of the other mounts.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> Might want to wait until you actually have it unlocked with all the masteries. I remember being underwhelmed with the griffon until all the masteries were done, and since then I love it and rarely switch to anything else.


I've seen it with all the masteries already in the live stream Anet had. It's honestly a joke and Gryphon is 10x better. Unless they put volatile magic all over the place, the mount is generally rendered a crutch.

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