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Hoy, i just want to know:

how many times are you toxic? (Per match) And on which way? Did you flame others, give up, or something else? Against teammates or enermies? Are you sorry about that?


And ofc how does it look on the other side? Did others be toxic against you?



At least how many players (including you), did the opposite? Like being nice to you and so on.


Ty for answers :)

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> @"xp eke xp.6724" said:

> Hoy, i just want to know:

> how many times are you toxic? (Per match) And on which way? Did you flame others, give up, or something else? Against teammates or enermies? Are you sorry about that?


> And ofc how does it look on the other side? Did others be toxic against you?



> At least how many players (including you), did the opposite? Like being nice to you and so on.


> Ty for answers :)


I very rarely speak to toxic people in game or acknowledge anything toxic anyone says to me. They can hold that. I usually go out of my way to try to be nice to at least one person per game, even on the opposing team. That kitten'll eat at you if you let it.


I very rarely get accolades unless I save someone from a poor matchup.

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I lose my temper all the time but surprisingly forget all about it the moment the match ends and I never go overboard with it unlike previous experiences with competitive games. When I see someone flaming just for the sake of it I block them on the spot.

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I haven't PvPed for a long time but I hope I've never been toxic. I've been salty toward someone on the team who was being toxic (usually doing nothing themselves but ranting on how stupid everyone else is or whatever) but that's it, and never beyond the match.

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> how many times are you toxic? (Per match) And on which way? Did you flame others, give up, or something else? Against teammates or enermies? Are you sorry about that?

I always fight to the end of each match and try to do as much as I can. I also recognize that "my best" is a very constrained set of rules so thinking about the best solutions I can do + watching steams/videos of some of the best players making good decisions is in my opinion the best way to enjoy sPvP.

I do get very tilted sometimes but I never blame anyone or get aggressive in chat - it's pointless to argue about whose fault it is since it doesn't change anything.

> And ofc how does it look on the other side? Did others be toxic against you?

When I get insulted in map/team/private chat, I just don't say anything. What they do is pointless, and it becomes even more of a waste of time and brain juice when one engages in ego-fencing. It's like those flatworms fencing and trying to impregnate one another.

> At least how many players (including you), did the opposite? Like being nice to you and so on.

I'm very grateful for constructive criticism - there's maybe twice that someone gives helpful advice, I ask them more about it in whispers and it ends up super educational. Most players don't do that and that is normal - it is likely you won't get them on the same team and if you climb, you won't see them again, but these little acts of kindness will be remembered.


In the old forums, Shadowfall, one of the best sPvP Rangers NA, offered lots of solid advice and builds in the class subforum and it kickstarted a fun journey into all forms of Power-based Ranger builds. I played Druid and Soulbeast (before WI buff) to around 1500 thanks to his help.


At the moment I'm de-learning all the bad habits I picked up playing Bunker Druid and all the easy stuff (it’s got potential, but I’m just not reaching it), and am actively suffering through a Power Mirage experience (knocking me 200 rating down into backwater town, but I guess that's where I belong). It's definitely painful sometimes, but Jazz's videos teach well and I feel I can translate the experience to all classes.

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I don't say anything negative, let alone toxic. I really wish others would do the same. No matter how bad my team is I never blame them. Matchmaking can be awful sometimes. It's not anyone's fault.


My absolute worst experiences in PvP have been when someone singles me out to blame for (in their mind) not doing something well enough or for our team losing. I've had some very nasty things said to me, and though I try to have a thick skin, it really does bring me down, even if the other person is completely off base. No one should have to go through this.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:


> I've had some very nasty things said to me, and though I try to have a thick skin, it really does bring me down,


So is it our responsibility to grow thick skin through rigorous/occassional pvp toxic salting sessions? So should we forge/bend ourselves to the whims of tormented souls? :p jk


Some even spew salt in unranked... Anet should filter/find toxic chat in chat logs and apply dishonor automatically

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:


> > I've had some very nasty things said to me, and though I try to have a thick skin, it really does bring me down,


> So is it our responsibility to grow thick skin through rigorous/occassional pvp toxic salting sessions? So should we forge/bend ourselves to the whims of tormented souls? :p jk


> Some even spew salt in unranked... Anet should filter/find toxic chat in chat logs and apply dishonor automatically


I stepped into unranked the other day to try a new build and I kid you not it was more salty and toxic than any ranked match I've played this season and I've played plenty. Sadly it just comes with the territory. Competition can bring out the worst in people.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> >

> > > I've had some very nasty things said to me, and though I try to have a thick skin, it really does bring me down,

> >

> > So is it our responsibility to grow thick skin through rigorous/occassional pvp toxic salting sessions? So should we forge/bend ourselves to the whims of tormented souls? :p jk

> >

> > Some even spew salt in unranked... Anet should filter/find toxic chat in chat logs and apply dishonor automatically


> I stepped into unranked the other day to try a new build and I kid you not it was more salty and toxic than any ranked match I've played this season and I've played plenty. Sadly it just comes with the territory. Competition can bring out the worst in people.


I tend to think it’s just unranked, it does bring out the worst things in people. Ranked at least makes sure you’re paired with people somewhat around your level of play, and anecdotal experience is that rarely does negativity happen - sometimes a close win/loss will prompt a short comment before leaving and that’s it.


In Unranked though... everyone believes they are above the game mode and go into an explosive rage when they feel they are being embarrassed playing with lowlifes/monkeys. Then they would go on about how much they don’t care (but in reality only people who care too much say these things), and create elaborate excuses about how even though the team is losing, they apparently aren’t, or they claim they are _actively_ making you lose and try to ignore the fact that they are also losing.


Do you think mental gymnastics should be added to the Olympics?

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I dont flame but I pour gasoline onto those trying to flame...


I say things like:

"I think your caps lock is on man"

"Hey man your shift key is stuck again"

Called a fag or hom0 "sorry man I dont swing that way but better luck next time finding that man youre after"

If they call the team trash "its not nice to call yourself trash"

And so on...


Oddly enough the people I see raging the most are the ones playing Holo/War/SlB META builds that are getting creamed by the enemy comp, its like they are just frustrated that not even a META build could carry them.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Oddly enough the people I see raging the most are the ones playing Holo/War/SlB


My encounters:

Enemies who throw salt after dying: Holo, warriors

Enemies who laugh/dance after killing me: mesmers and rarely eles

Teammates who salt: warriors

Teammates who afk/throw matches: necros, mesmers



Afaik, ppl who play guardians/thief are timid and concentrate on winning the match and avoid unnecessary discussion during matches and less ego...

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Oddly enough the people I see raging the most are the ones playing Holo/War/SlB


> My encounters:

> Enemies who throw salt after dying: Holo, warriors

> Enemies who laugh/dance after killing me: mesmers and rarely eles

> Teammates who salt: warriors

> Teammates who afk/throw matches: necros, mesmers



> Afaik, ppl who play guardians/thief are timid and concentrate on winning the match and avoid unnecessary discussion during matches and less ego...


I find its the Elementalist's that are most placid... probably because they have too many buttons to press already but they're usually the quieter ones...


The guard is busy telling everyone hes a support and to stop over rotating lol

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I shell share words of wisdom starting from core gw2 release...PvP now for me is still fun tbh I use a custom build for which I have had shade thrown at me for using a core build. I general win fights but will admit to loosing to guys who are at the lvl of putting weapons away during fights. Playing against specialisation can be dishearting as wish I could use some of the abilities they get but if they play to a Meta combo common pattern or expect me to follow a common pattern well...surprise ( I defeated as SB and he was most upset to the point of only going for me). In terms of sportsman ship it's lacking alot...I remember one guy saying he was afking without realising his team was red ( winning) thinking he was blue. Even if the team afk I'll still try to give the enemy a run for thier money, so my thrill is making builds to fight against the common meta that people don't expect

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It is the same PvP game mode for 7 years (soon). The community could have been blamed for toxicity at start, now after 7 years, and after the huge kick from eSports scene + solo play promotion (in a team), I don't think it was ever the community's fault. Maybe players are not toxic at all, maybe is the game's fault all along.

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