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New weapon types study - Knuckles, Polearms, Spears, Relics, and more


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I personally think they were gonna make fist weapons out of foci.

If you check the most recent in game models of the weapon they are starting to look more and more like fist weapons.

Professions that would be well suited for them are

Warrior: Bruiser

Thief: Monk

Rev: Something completely random again.

Ele: Channeler


Then they can add greataxes.. but just making the current ones larger.

Classes that could use them.

Necro: executionar

Warrior: Destroyer

Ranger: Beast Master


and polearms/spears by using the models in game.

Guardian: Paragon


Mesmer just needs mainhand pistol







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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally, if that wasn't clear enough, I would stick with the 6 new weapons from sections 1 and 2. The others are there just for the sake of discussion, and personally, I don't think they are viable, though they could still make it as kits or transformations, hence why they are worth mentioning. Scepter OH and shield MH are interesting as well, and staff isn't really necessary, but as I said, my goal was to approach the study from a neutral point of view.


Right now, we have 16 land weapons, and by adding 6 we would be at 22, a pretty good number if you ask me.


> @TheBravery.9615 said:

> Spear can be adapted to land use, daggers can be adapted to water use. Hell, they may even make two handed weapons capable of being equiped on offhand. (imagine- dual hammer, dual greatsword, .. dual longbow?????????)


I wish they just merged terrestrial and underwater combat.


> @Wargameur.6950 said:

> What makes elite spec fun to play are mechanics not weapons.


The visuals and the cool factor is important too. Some combinations, no matter how you stretch them, are just not exciting.

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  • 1 month later...

> @knyy.6427 said:

> Fist weapon would be possible with some of the focus skins, so maybe focus for melee.


> There are some animations ingame which could be used for animations like fist flurry, palm strike, full counter and some more.


Sounds more like a kit to be fair. Wish daredevil had been like that, with an option to just use his hands to fight.

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> @Eme.2018 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > I really don't see the need for new weapon types in this game. I mean, even warrior, the class who can currently wield the most weapons in the game, still has 6 open weapon slots, allowing for 6 more elite specs before he runs out just with the current weapons (or 5 if he gets dual pistols in a single spec like he got dual daggers). Even at that point though, assuming GW3 isn't out yet, there's nothing preventing a new warrior elite from re-using a weapon a previous one used. Nothing stopping the new one from re-using torch for instance.

> >

> > Plus, on the other hand, we already have plenty of open "slots" for weapons. Scepter could be adapted as a second hand weapon for an elite spec, torch/focus/warhorn could be adapted as mainhand weapons for some elite specs (and shield too as a stretch for an extremely defensive oriented spec). There's just no need for new weapon types, and no matter how they would be implemented it would have huge drawbacks ("wasted" dev time by creating skins for them for every existing set and recipes for making them, despite it not being new content. Or having an extremely limited set of skins for these new weapons, which you can bet real money on would definitely kitten off a lot of players who play fashion wars).


> Not every weapon type makes sense for every profession. A new weapon type will be rejuvenating for the game for sure.


> In Crystal Oasis, in the demo, there was an **off-duty cavalier fist-fight** taking place inside the casino. They were using animations I don't think I have seen before implemented in-game.These animations could easily be used for the creation of fist weapons. Plus, a lot of focus skins look like fist weapons. From the point I am standing, this doesn't even look like a hard job.



Because a GS totally makes sense for a magic based dueling class...... Anet has shown an incredibly ability to adapt weapons to every profession. If you had told me at launch that mesmer was going to wield a shield and an axe I would have laughed at you, because those aren't duelists weapons. But here we are, and they were done so well that it feels like I'm missing something when I am not running chrono or mirage and can't use their weapons. The argument of "not every weapon type makes sense for every profession" doesn't cut it in GW2 with ANet's design team.

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Not that i wouldn't mind seeing new weapon out there, but there is still already plenty of possibility. Beside, I still have hope that they will release an underwater x-pac with some new e-spec designed around underwater content that won't be able to shake PvP or WvW... It would be... refreshing. Imagine how PvPer and WvWer would react: "What you do Anet!!!! No content for us? Why? You mad?" While in reality strictly speaking, for them, it would just remove a weapon to balance. And as a result we would have less complaints about balance... The dream...

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If you give some of the classes a weapon that is new to the game, the rest are going to want one too. So you are left with either giving everyone the same weapon, or adding a bunch of new weapons for multiple classes, and balance all that out. Eventually you will end up in the same position you are in now.

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I'm up for more! As long as they're willing to play catchup with the skinsz for example they could add skins for existing black lion sets for the new weapon, and instead of messing the the collections, make collections all of the new weapon. Collection of 16 weapons? Make 16 greataxe (for example) skins from 16 sets and make those a collection. The same applies for in game drops. That was the main issue I've seen people come up with and it's not too hard to solve

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I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.


* Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.

* As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.

* There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.

* And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.


> * Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.

> * As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.

> * There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.

> * And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.


Tomes are now abilities, used by two classes. They aren't going to turn them into something that is bought/dropped after implementing them as spells, especially since one is an elite spec.


"I'm using a tome in order to use my tomes more effectively...in my tome build...with tomes"



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> @Klowdy.3126 said:

> > @Conncept.7638 said:

> > I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.

> >

> > * Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.

> > * As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.

> > * There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.

> > * And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.


> Tomes are now abilities, used by two classes. They aren't going to turn them into something that is bought/dropped after implementing them as spells, especially since one is an elite spec.


> "I'm using a tome in order to use my tomes more effectively...in my tome build...with tomes"


> No.


Well then the OP is moot, if we're going to accept nonsensical weapons then there isn't any point in exploring new weapon types.


Or... and here me out here, you could stop making vain attempts to shut down peoples suggestions in ways completely illogical to a suggestion thread to make yourself feel important and empowered.


We're already suggesting major changes to the game here, as that was the purpose of the thread. And you're making assumptions about those suggestions says nothing about the suggestions themselves, but about you and your conduct. What I was suggesting was that "tomes" not be the firebrand class mechanic in favor of it being added as a real weapon, as anyone could have figured out upon reading my suggestion. But you didn't want to come to that conclusion, it didn't give you the opportunity to put yourself up by shutting others down.


And that change would more easily be made than adding any weapon to the game, because, as the entire guardian forum has pointed out for two months on end, tomes are tomes practically in name only these days, they are included in a brief casting animation and then never seen, you would literally have to change a single animation and sub out a single word in the FBs skillset. Oh how terrible, we changed a word, the firebrand is ruined.

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> @Conncept.7638 said:

> > @Klowdy.3126 said:

> > > @Conncept.7638 said:

> > > I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.

> > >

> > > * Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.

> > > * As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.

> > > * There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.

> > > * And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.

> >

> > Tomes are now abilities, used by two classes. They aren't going to turn them into something that is bought/dropped after implementing them as spells, especially since one is an elite spec.

> >

> > "I'm using a tome in order to use my tomes more effectively...in my tome build...with tomes"

> >

> > No.


> Well then the OP is moot, if we're going to accept nonsensical weapons then there isn't any point in exploring new weapon types.


> Or... and here me out here, you could stop making vain attempts to shut down peoples suggestions in ways completely illogical to a suggestion thread to make yourself feel important and empowered.


> We're already suggesting major changes to the game here, as that was the purpose of the thread. And you're making assumptions about those suggestions says nothing about the suggestions themselves, but about you and your conduct. What I was suggesting was that "tomes" not be the firebrand class mechanic in favor of it being added as a real weapon, as anyone could have figured out upon reading my suggestion. But you didn't want to come to that conclusion, it didn't give you the opportunity to put yourself up by shutting others down.


> And that change would more easily be made than adding any weapon to the game, because, as the entire guardian forum has pointed out for two months on end, tomes are tomes practically in name only these days, they are included in a brief casting animation and then never seen, you would literally have to change a single animation and sub out a single word in the FBs skillset. Oh how terrible, we changed a word, the firebrand is ruined.


I apologize, when I wrote that this morning, I was mistaking tomes and mantras. I'm against changing something that would affect more than one class, and change something that has been in game since the start. What you suggest in the end is a decent idea, and it would be changing something that has been around for only a few months.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I'm up for more! As long as they're willing to play catchup with the skinsz for example they could add skins for existing black lion sets for the new weapon, and instead of messing the the collections, make collections all of the new weapon. Collection of 16 weapons? Make 16 greataxe (for example) skins from 16 sets and make those a collection. The same applies for in game drops. That was the main issue I've seen people come up with and it's not too hard to solve


Not really necessary to go back and make skins for every weapon set out there. They didn't do that in GW1 and it was fine.


Ideally, yes, every existing weapon set would get the missing new weapon skins, but it's not something the game really needs, specially with the older uglier sets that no one cares about anymore.


> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> May have said this in this thread or another, but did I mention CROSSBOWS?!!


Just adapt these from harpoon guns!


> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.


> * Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.

> * As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.

> * There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.

> * And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.


I think tomes should be kits for elite specializations, and yeah, it's really disappointing firebrand didn't get to use them like that, the new effect is ugly and uninspired.


In retrospective, I wish they had been their own weapon type, but it's clear the focus type was designed to cover them and many other things, something I believe it's a mistake. I can't even tell [what the hell 80% of the foci skins are](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_foci), they're just ugly things with no point whatsoever. They should have been books, orbs, scrolls, and stuff like that, instead of random junk. Really bad design decision with foci skins all around, but too late to fix that, I guess.


If it was in my hands, I would redesign the whole focus category and make them all book skins and such, or make sure new skins are actually decent instead of those weird hand-weapon things, but I'm not sure the "purpose" of books/tomes would be different from that of foci, thus me not splitting them in two.


Hopefully, this will be the case now we got custom animations for the new legendary focus, but I don't know.

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I mostly disagree with OP's prioritization. I find it boring and uncreative, sorry. IMO if Anet were to introduce new terrestrial weapons, they should be just that, NEW. As in offering new perspectives to play, original tools that work differently than what we already have.


I would only add 3 new weapon types:


1- Chain weapon. Not specifically whip because that limits the design too much. Chain and ball, flail, whip, hook or lasso, the point is the weapon consist of a long and flexible part and a hitting extreme. You use it to tangle, pull and wrap things, and to pull yourself toward things. CC focused, it could offer truly new, interesting skills.


2- Boomerang/Throwing weapon. Not a normal weapon you also throw, but a weapon only used by throwing. Like boomerangs, kpingas, shuriken and chakrams. The point of this weapon is that it doesn't behave like a mere projectile. It doesn't travel straight, but in curves and circles, forcing you to calculate very well before launching, but also allowing you to hit enemies from the side or from behind, avoiding some defenses and changing the game with new timing and positioning strategies.


3- Magic Item. Very similar to focus, but two handed. It can be an orb, a skull, a mechanic box, a flame, a tome etc. It would be big, visible, powerful and slow. Lots of timing gameplay here, with long castings for very potent attacks and some protective skills too, and were you need to make the different skills coincide to truly make the weapon shine. This will be the most cannon of the glasses, a weapon that needs a caster and a protector team to cover it slow charge before it can wreak apocalyptic chaos over the foes.


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Personally, I'd rather see the addition of more skills to the current weapons. one of the things that made GW1 great was the fact that you could have two characters that had the same two classes, same weapons, but two entirely different builds. It made each character feel unique, whereas now, GW2 has been going strong for ~6 years and every Ranger with a short bow plays the exact same way. I'd like to see more weapons, but I'd like to see the addition of more skills on the current weapons first. Perhaps LW season 4 or 5 will see either of these two come to fruition?

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