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Do you believe SPvP has increased in popularity or declined?

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The interesting thing is... I don't think we have lost nearly as much population as people seem to believe. However the game mode is in a decline of popularity for sure. Last year, posts in the pvp subforum were getting double the views that they are now. That's probably an indication that players are losing interest in the game mode. And I believe the reason why is mostly due to Ranked being a complete meme at this point. There is just too much match manipulation going on nowadays to take it seriously. Half of that match manipulation isn't even against the TOS. Example: Nothing prevents me from making several f2p accounts and smurfing my lower rated friends into plat range or even higher. And nothing prevents me from using those f2p accounts that I smurfed my friends up on, to later go and use its elevated rating to throw games against players who threaten my leaderboard position. How could Arenanet prove that I wasn't trying in the match?


At any rate, it's just a clusterflux at this point. Solo/Duo que failed in the aspect that it allowed win trading to effect EVERYONE now, not just the players who refused to play in a 5 man team. Arenanet needs to once again enable 5 man ques in Ranked so smart players can block mole throws on their teams, and they need to block f2p accounts from being able to join Ranked at all. Both of those suggestions if implemented, would be a strong step towards eliminating match manipulation.

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It come more Popular becuse this is the one of popular way make 2/3 dayli anyway.So no matter this is hot, pof, raid player, or roleplay the one spvp per day we have.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> The interesting thing is... I don't think we have lost nearly as much population as people seem to believe. However the game mode is in a decline of popularity for sure. Last year, posts in the pvp subforum were getting double the views that they are now. That's probably an indication that players ...

That's probably an indication that players know what and where. And only big issue can trigger view and post I think.


>And nothing prevents me from using those f2p accounts that I smurfed my friends up on, to later go and use its elevated rating to throw games against players who threaten my leaderboard position.

Don't need. This is just the game. I take pica+juice and play ranked. Have platinum - ok, no have ? - not big problem.

Get fun.


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"If I lose, I lose because of my team and if I win, I win because of me alone. (and I always win)"

This truth is valid only for good PvPers, like me.

Because I am so good I made most players quit PvP - they just don't see any valid point to queue when they will lose 100%


The moment I stop PvP the popularity increases, for sure.

In the end, we can state that I am kinda regulating and balancing the popularity.

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Unranked is where the majority of ppl play pvp. The ranked population doesn't really reflect it. As the game matures you have more ppl branching out of pve. WvW requires gear, so most go to pvp. They don't do AT's they just have some fun. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Engal.6359" said:

> Unranked is where the majority of ppl play pvp. The ranked population doesn't really reflect it. As the game matures you have more ppl branching out of pve. WvW requires gear, so most go to pvp. They don't do AT's they just have some fun. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.


Ben has confirmed that ranked is more popular than unranked when the season is live.

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Many of my friends that used to play during pre-HoT seasons and then in the first few of them already quitted PvP or even game completly (often also switched to WvW). Because of boredom, stupid meta-slavery, lack of proper balancing and blah blah blah.

Yeah, I do hear that some people still begin their journey with PvP, but those are newbies. I rarely see that any of known to me people (lets call them veterans) return to this game mode after abandoning it X time ago.

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I know its been in decline for a while now its not a believe its fact.

Pvp lack games modes. After 7 years and no devolpment into new game modes why would people who've been playing it sonce day one find it fun exciting and entertaining? I know i dont. But there is no other game that i know of that has this kind of combat, dodge system, skill system, and pvp mechanic system like gw2. So here i am a slave to anet and there unreasonable lack of development in pvp.

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I used to like PvP, before all the rewards they added. I would PvP to test builds (back then there was no split) so I could build towards WvW and not have to wait to engage in a fight with another player(s) who didn't flee from me.


It was better back then in my opinion - players who pvp'd typically did so because they enjoyed PvP and not because of PvE rewards.

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > Unranked is where the majority of ppl play pvp. The ranked population doesn't really reflect it. As the game matures you have more ppl branching out of pve. WvW requires gear, so most go to pvp. They don't do AT's they just have some fun. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.


> Ben has confirmed that ranked is more popular than unranked when the season is live.


I stand corrected. That was just my impression from talking with friends who are fairly casual.


Also - when is this Ben guy going to get a raise? It's like he does more communication with the playerbase and keeps people more engaged than the rest of the studio put together...

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This is going way back when I noticed running into lots of people with titles such as _Relentless, Merciless, Unyielding "Legend"_ from back in the day therefore, these players have made it onto the leaderboard (usually **high plat** for those titles) despite me landing **gold 3**. Also making it into plat 1 this season & the one prior only to be faced against _God of PvP_ title a handful of times aka #1 guy on the leaderboard.


Guess I'll just die.


Idk I just see that as declined/tiny pvp playerbase if matchmaker can't even pit me up against people my division/skill level.


Not only that but a lot of people disliked elite specs on release (power creep) and rendering core specs pretty useless (HoT particularly).

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It's become more casual and less competitive, a vast majority of people play for rewards; not because they particularly enjoy Conquest. Sure there is a dwindling group who do, but most are either doing it for the frankly empty prestige, or the farm.


I'd happily willing to be proven wrong, but from the way it seems just talking and seeing players attitudes in game, to most a match just doesn't feel the same as when you jump into a round of another game. Where they play the game for the game, as opposed to a chore to be completed for loot.


The only reason why I still even bother from time to time is because I solely enjoy killing players, and it's only slightly better balanced than WvW, and other games frankly sate that appetite better. Excluding the niche that this, being the MMO I decided long ago to invest such a significant amount into. (thankfully without a vertical stat progression)


Being honest if WvW got the same "pvp build" system as sPvP I'd probably never come back.

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Eh its all good , i have my fun in unranked while what's left of the community playes uncompetitive "ranked". Tho during the off season it sucks for me since I like unranked. With off season of ranked the trash players from ranked come to unranked. I'm talking afks, tryhards that lose then bring 4 man teams back lol, and just salty players.


During the season ranked all the bots, wintraders, tryhards, pve reward afks, and majorly salty players go to ranked and unranked becomes awesome again. I'd love to never have a off season. Just wintrade war season after wintrade war season.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Many of my friends that used to play during pre-HoT seasons and then in the first few of them already quitted PvP or even game completly (often also switched to WvW). Because of boredom, stupid meta-slavery, lack of proper balancing and blah blah blah.

> Yeah, I do hear that some people still begin their journey with PvP, but those are newbies. **I rarely see that any of known to me people (lets call them veterans) return to this game mode after abandoning it X time ago.**


All it would take is a Cantha expansion and probably _at least_ 50% of all players who have ever left this game, would come back to check it out.


Of all the things anet chooses to invest time in, not sure why it hasn't been a Cantha expansion. It would be the single strongest move they could make, in terms of drawing back player base and propagating more money. People have been waiting for Cantha for 7 years now, very specifically Cantha.


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  • 7 months later...

I think there are 2 main problems: you can go ranked with no idea on how to play it and destroy other peoples ranking and the rewards are farm-able even when loosing all matches. those two issues have to get fixed asap. Split rewards from rank and make it in away that eg only continuous a number of wins (2 or 3 matches in a row) make progress towards "Marks & Loot" , exit match if one player goes idle or got a dc, and auto-ban the players account for a whole day at least. Build something in that prevents botting, eg require change account password from accounts with multiple dc's, reports of beeing idle/botting (4+ reports). Create a training that needs to understand the tactics and basic machanics to pass bevor allow players to join rated. require an "Allowed to play ranked" title only available by playing an amout of like 10 matches/wins in unranked for each map. Those things arent hard to implement. If you want not to ruin your game - listen to the players.

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