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So....Anet's professions balance patches in a nutshell?


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Heavy Armour class being squishier than half-naked silk-dressed one. Legendaries with no extra/special skills/trait synergy. Nerfs/Buffs just for the sake of changes.. 90% fps drops due to skin effects..

GW2 in a nutshell- a joke. Every 5€ arpg does things 1000 times better..

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Most likely some of lead developers are playing some characters, but they can't play them well, so they buff those classes/elites they play.

For example now and few previous paths ago (or maybe since even path of fire was released) developers are playing these:

* Some kind of mesmer

* Soulbeast

* Holosmith

* Spellbreaker


However, a little bit ago is seems one of them dropped mesmer, so it got a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny nerf.

Yet, is it seems like they aren't gonna drop playing other three, so they will still remain brokenly OP. And even if some might drop one class and start playing other class, then that new class will become brokenly OP, because developers suck at playing their own game, so they need to "rebalance" their own classes.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:


> **However, a little bit ago is seems one of them dropped mesmer, so it got a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny nerf.**

> Yet, is it seems like they aren't gonna drop playing other three, so they will still remain brokenly OP. And even if some might drop one class and start playing other class, then that new class will become brokenly OP, because developers suck at playing their own game, so they need to "rebalance" their own classes.



Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.


The dev team doesn't know what they are doing. They see complaints and they play whack-a-mole until they hit the right thing. That's how it's been done for some time now. They implement things in game that " sound cool" without actually thinking " Is this going to cause issues later" or " How will this effect the game at large?"

Examples of this is

- The implementation of Elusive Mind ( even when the mesmer community told them it was a really bad idea)

- The Nerfing of Elusive Mind

- The changes to phantasms with the trait interaction of Chronophantasma

- The changes to berserker

- The implementation of Sand Shades before the nerf

- Deadeye's implementation and changes to how frequently they stealth.

- Deaths Judgement being unblockable

- Nerfs to druid sustain when the entire spec is about healing and group support.

-Over nerfs to ele






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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.


And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.


So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?



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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> > Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> > Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> > Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> > is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.


> And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.


> So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?




In terms of Spvp. Since that is where most things are balanced around.


It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

It's always been able to create clones. This simply becomes a L2P situation.

It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue. Like their is a reason this build is only effective in silver tiers cause people don't know what a cleanse is apparently.

It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

If a mesmer bunker is stalling you out that is a severe L2P issue. Especially since the things that allowed it to bunker were nerfed. Hard.

Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

Or are you talking about WvW? Where literally nothing is balanced because it's a mix of PvE?

Edit: and because you keep saying mesmer and not mentioning any elite spec I am assuming you are talking about core. If you are talking about a specific elite spec please specify.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

>Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

Probably silver, seen him in unranked few times begging to report everyone because he is bad.

If other classes get such "tiny tiny tiny nerfs" traits deleted/nerfed up to 75% as mesmer... they would be on the way of finding a new game alrdy.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> > > Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> > > Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> > > Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> > > is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.

> >

> > And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.

> >

> > So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?

> >

> >


> In terms of Spvp. Since that is where most things are balanced around.


> It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

> It's always been able to create clones. This simply becomes a L2P situation.

> It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue. Like their is a reason this build is only effective in silver tiers cause people don't know what a cleanse is apparently.

> It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

> If a mesmer bunker is stalling you out that is a severe L2P issue. Especially since the things that allowed it to bunker were nerfed. Hard.

> Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

> Or are you talking about WvW? Where literally nothing is balanced because it's a mix of PvE?

> Edit: and because you keep saying mesmer and not mentioning any elite spec I am assuming you are talking about core. If you are talking about a specific elite spec please specify.


wrong. it can 1shot a holosmith that's not glass. it can ALMOST oneshot a necro who has a big hp pool... the burst is huge


no classes can clear the sheer amount of condis a mirage can deliver. torment, burning, bleeding and confusion through the roof... i can clear my condis and get them all back in less than 3s later (that's if im playing warrior who can cleanses everything with Shake it off)


the main thing that allows mesmer to unpunished is the core mechanic. i mean, yeah its a L2P issue. but it still confuses anyone having like 576 mesmers on your screen that also dodges like the real one and uses the ambush attack afterwards... the clones should be something to help mesmer deal damage/conditions, not fill my screen until i dont even know who am i

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.


Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass?


> @"Solori.6025" said:

> It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue.


Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it.


> @"Solori.6025" said:

> It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.


Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> > > > Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> > > > Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> > > > Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> > > > is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.

> > >

> > > And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.

> > >

> > > So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > In terms of Spvp. Since that is where most things are balanced around.

> >

> > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

> > It's always been able to create clones. This simply becomes a L2P situation.

> > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue. Like their is a reason this build is only effective in silver tiers cause people don't know what a cleanse is apparently.

> > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

> > If a mesmer bunker is stalling you out that is a severe L2P issue. Especially since the things that allowed it to bunker were nerfed. Hard.

> > Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

> > Or are you talking about WvW? Where literally nothing is balanced because it's a mix of PvE?

> > Edit: and because you keep saying mesmer and not mentioning any elite spec I am assuming you are talking about core. If you are talking about a specific elite spec please specify.


> wrong. it can 1shot a holosmith that's not glass. it can ALMOST oneshot a necro who has a big hp pool... the burst is huge

It doesnt oneshot passive carried holos even when they go afk, not to count power mesmer have not a single chance against holo. Talking about how is big burst on full zerk yolo build? Any class can do the same, shocking surprise,isnt it?

> no classes can clear the sheer amount of condis a mirage can deliver. torment, burning, bleeding and confusion through the roof... i can clear my condis and get them all back in less than 3s later (that's if im playing warrior who can cleanses everything with Shake it off)

Firebrand,scrapper,holo, warrior built for resistance dont care what condi mirage can do. No one :joy:

> the main thing that allows mesmer to unpunished is the core mechanic. i mean, yeah its a L2P issue. but it still confuses anyone having like 576 mesmers on your screen that also dodges like the real one and uses the ambush attack afterwards... the clones should be something to help mesmer deal damage/conditions, not fill my screen until i dont even know who am i

Oh... ANOTHER clone complaint, thanks for letting us know that your opinion worth basically nothing.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.


> Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass?


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue.


> Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it.


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.


> Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever.


This dude is such a comedy :joy:

How arent you embarrassed to post anything like this with all seriousness?

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.


> Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass?


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue.


> Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it.


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.


> Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever.


Yea this entire post pretty much confirms my suspicions.

We are playing at to vastly different skill levels

Where I am playing with and against people of plat rank and higher you are stuck in a loop of silver and bronze.

So it's actually pointless to debate the ranking of classes when at your level everything is powerful. I'm betting you are having problems with fresh air base ele down their too.> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> > > > Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> > > > Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> > > > Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> > > > is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.

> > >

> > > And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.

> > >

> > > So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > In terms of Spvp. Since that is where most things are balanced around.

> >

> > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

> > It's always been able to create clones. This simply becomes a L2P situation.

> > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue. Like their is a reason this build is only effective in silver tiers cause people don't know what a cleanse is apparently.

> > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

> > If a mesmer bunker is stalling you out that is a severe L2P issue. Especially since the things that allowed it to bunker were nerfed. Hard.

> > Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

> > Or are you talking about WvW? Where literally nothing is balanced because it's a mix of PvE?

> > Edit: and because you keep saying mesmer and not mentioning any elite spec I am assuming you are talking about core. If you are talking about a specific elite spec please specify.


> wrong. it can 1shot a holosmith that's not glass.

In a 1 v1 scenario Holo has a straight advantage vs power mesmer. It is no contest what so ever. The varient of holo that I run and is popular can eat burst then re heal itself to full health. So if someone is getting losing as a holosmith to a power mes then the holo smith needs to re-evaluate themselves.


> no classes can clear the sheer amount of condis a mirage can deliver. torment, burning, bleeding and confusion through the roof... i can clear my condis and get them all back in less than 3s later (that's if im playing warrior who can cleanses everything with Shake it off)


We had this discussion a while back. I believe it was @"mortrialus.3062" who made the note. A spellbreaker has had the tools to stall out condimirage when it was at it's prime. Those tools have not been touched.


> the main thing that allows mesmer to unpunished is the core mechanic. i mean, yeah its a L2P issue. but it still confuses anyone having like 576 mesmers on your screen that also dodges like the real one and uses the ambush attack afterwards... the clones should be something to help mesmer deal damage/conditions, not fill my screen until i dont even know who am i


The game gives you and option to make getting lost in clones literally impossible. This speaks volumes about your level of play if you havent learned or figured out who the real mesmer is.


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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

> >

> > Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass?

> >

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue.

> >

> > Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it.

> >

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

> >

> > Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever.


> This dude is such a comedy :joy:

> How arent you embarrassed to post anything like this with all seriousness?


Because nobody should be ashamed to state what is real, no matter what delusional people might say.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> Yea this entire post pretty much confirms my suspicions.

> We are playing at to vastly different skill levels


Really? And you assumed that because of your imaginary superior abilities?


> @"Solori.6025" said:

> Where I am playing with and against people of plat rank


Firstly, that matter as much as you hair color. Secondly, it must be fun to live in imaginary world.


Is t quite fascinating top observe how people like you think. Firstly, your only argument why mesmer isn't broken anymore was "L2P", which isn't an argument in any way, shape or form in this or any other planet ever. Secondly, now you shifted to "buuuh your bronze, i pley byyter then your". I can't wait to see what other "arguments" you will present.


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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > Yea this entire post pretty much confirms my suspicions.

> > We are playing at to vastly different skill levels


> Really? And you assumed that because of your imaginary superior abilities?



No..it's because I'm at a level where I don't have issues contending with mesmer

Then we have you..

Still complaining about things you should have learned to deal with in 2012. Like finding the real mesmer.

It's not imaginary, it's common sense.

You might wanna try it.

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > Where I am playing with and against people of plat rank


> Firstly, that matter as much as you hair color. Secondly, it must be fun to live in imaginary world.


> Is t quite fascinating top observe how people like you think. Firstly, your only argument why mesmer isn't broken anymore was "L2P", which isn't an argument in any way, shape or form in this or any other planet ever. Secondly, now you shifted to "buuuh your bronze, i pley byyter then your". I can't wait to see what other "arguments" you will present.



Sorry I am not going into detail about how to play against a class. Especially when it's been nerfed to the point where people who decide to get good with something in game wont have problems with it. Do you need someone to hold your hand and tell you when to dodge? Do you need someone to show you how to zoom your camera out so you can see things on the screen? Do you need someone to tell you what abilities you have that can help you heal? If you honestly wanted to get better at the game you wouldn't be here complaining about everything mesmer. You would be learning, actually trying to get better.

Cleanses are their for a reason- use them when you get condi's

Their is an option that makes targetting the real mesmer as simple as a button click.

You can find the real mesmer every time after stealth from the buffs they have- health lost-signets AND the way they move and attack. This is stuff people learned when they started the game? Did you just start the game? No? Then this should be something you learned how to do. Why havent you?

Bunker mes isn't a thing because Scrapper exist. You wouldn't understand this because you still have problems with FINDING THE REAL MESMER

So yes.

Play better.

Or do you need someone to hold your hand to even do that?

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.


> Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass?


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue.


> Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it.


> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.


> Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever.




Are you currently trolling around?


"Since when +20 HP War/Herald/Necro/Ranger counts as glass? "

Necromancers and Heralds and Rangers are glass cannons in their own rights. Herald being the current highest Damage Dealer in structured PvP. Are you living under a rock? Necromancers have always been the "supreme glass cannon", and that is why they REQUIRE a Firebrand to be able to perform appropriately in anything structured. In such, that is why they aren't considered Duelists : they can't properly 1v1. They are teamfighters that are strong at doing damage. Adding to that, they are of the lightest weight of armor, clothe. It does have an influence in PvP's toughness system. Rangers are Demolisher's Earth Sic Em (the meta build, right now, at least), and if you can one-shot the ranger or kill him with conditions in a 1v1, that Ranger isn't good at its class. And dang, if you can one shot a Warrior, that Warrior needs to learn to play.

Really, just dodge.


"Nah. Mesmer is brokenly OP. If you can't perform, then it is L2P issue. If you can't 1v3 and kill all 3 of them, then you should L2P. If anyhting, then mesmer should be nerfed heavily. If you disagree, then you should L2P mesmer, because it is obviously over-tuned if you know how to play it."

I'll agree with one thing: not performing with any class results in a L2P issue. Not solely on Mesmer though, compared to what you're seemingly saying. And about that 1v3 thingy... man, that much non-sense in a single sentence is simply... outstanding! You clearly don't play much higher than gold 1 to have such results with Mesmer!


"Nah, you can't bunker forever. You should L2P how to bunker with mesmer forever."

Can you 1v3 as a Firebrand? As a Scrapper? No you can't. And they're the current agreed upon truest bunkers there is right now. At equal skill level, in mid-to-high tiers, they barely can manage a 1v2. Condition Mirage doesn't have the kit to answer to not 2 but three opponents without being forced off-node for at least 30 seconds.


If you're just memeing them for their point "L2P", your statement is less than intelligent. It actually just convinces a said reader that you have no knowledge on the matter whatsoever.


And if you'Re just memeing that answer and don't mean anything you just stated... dang you're a dank memer!


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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > > Like....if making grandmaster traits useless

> > > > > Nerfing trait lines and removing choices

> > > > > Nerfing weapon skills repeatedly.

> > > > > Nerfing utilities and elite skills repeatedly

> > > > > is a tiny tiny tiny nerf then I would love to see what the other classes are getting.

> > > >

> > > > And yet, mesmer still can 1shot people from stealth. It still can dance around creating tons of clones, applying tons of conditions and heal itself more than most of other classes. It can still bunker a point forever against any other class.

> > > >

> > > > So, because it is still as broken as it was bore, i call any nerf to it as a "tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny" one. If something is just as much broken after nerf as it was before it, then is that nerf was actually a nerf?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > In terms of Spvp. Since that is where most things are balanced around.

> > >

> > > It can 1shot when playing full glass vs a full glass low health target.

> > > It's always been able to create clones. This simply becomes a L2P situation.

> > > It's condition build has already been severely nerfed. If you still have issues with this, this is also a L2P issue. Like their is a reason this build is only effective in silver tiers cause people don't know what a cleanse is apparently.

> > > It cant bunker forever vs any other class. Spellbreaker, Holo, scrapper, and FB can sustain points much longer. Herald and good Sw/D thieves have advantage.

> > > If a mesmer bunker is stalling you out that is a severe L2P issue. Especially since the things that allowed it to bunker were nerfed. Hard.

> > > Like what tier of Pvp are you stuck in?

> > > Or are you talking about WvW? Where literally nothing is balanced because it's a mix of PvE?

> > > Edit: and because you keep saying mesmer and not mentioning any elite spec I am assuming you are talking about core. If you are talking about a specific elite spec please specify.

> >

> > wrong. it can 1shot a holosmith that's not glass. it can ALMOST oneshot a necro who has a big hp pool... the burst is huge

> It doesnt oneshot passive carried holos even when they go afk, not to count power mesmer have not a single chance against holo. Talking about how is big burst on full zerk yolo build? Any class can do the same, shocking surprise,isnt it?

> > no classes can clear the sheer amount of condis a mirage can deliver. torment, burning, bleeding and confusion through the roof... i can clear my condis and get them all back in less than 3s later (that's if im playing warrior who can cleanses everything with Shake it off)

> Firebrand,scrapper,holo, warrior built for resistance dont care what condi mirage can do. No one :joy:

> > the main thing that allows mesmer to unpunished is the core mechanic. i mean, yeah its a L2P issue. but it still confuses anyone having like 576 mesmers on your screen that also dodges like the real one and uses the ambush attack afterwards... the clones should be something to help mesmer deal damage/conditions, not fill my screen until i dont even know who am i

> Oh... ANOTHER clone complaint, thanks for letting us know that your opinion worth basically nothing.


well if you find clones fair, thanks for letting us know that your opinion is worth nothing :)

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/YBadLCK.png "")

> > Body is 10 characters too short.


> You know that Anet has 250 to 300 employees right? And you know that most of these employees work on just one area and have fixed schedules, right? Like, you know, a company...


If nerf elementalist looks like that, then thief probably is completely painted with darts and then some

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/YBadLCK.png "")

> > > Body is 10 characters too short.

> >

> > You know that Anet has 250 to 300 employees right? And you know that most of these employees work on just one area and have fixed schedules, right? Like, you know, a company...


> If nerf elementalist looks like that, then thief probably is completely painted with darts and then some


Not quite. Ele still gets a huge amount of nerfs. The difference is that nowadays ele nerfs are disguised as "buffs".

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/YBadLCK.png "")

> > > Body is 10 characters too short.

> >

> > You know that Anet has 250 to 300 employees right? And you know that most of these employees work on just one area and have fixed schedules, right? Like, you know, a company...


> If nerf elementalist looks like that, then thief probably is completely painted with darts and then some


My comment was regarding that Anet resources can only be used for one task area, which is not correct. They have different teams that work in different areas and produce content on a specific schedule, contrary to what the picture I quoted said.


As for my opinion of Anet's balance team performance, I will quote an earlier post by me:


> @"otto.5684" said:

> All condi builds, except scourge, are not PvP viable.

> Most support builds except FB are not PvP viable.

> Overall, instead of having elites being a sidegrade, they are a complete upgrade. Core was supposed to fulfill all three roles. Most classes can only play 1-2 roles max, even with 2 elites.


> Game is balanced in open world PvE. Group PvE, limited builds. PvP, where balance is most important, vast majority of builds do not work at all.


> Anet devs constantly make explanations for changes that are completely out of sync with the changes results. There are changes that clearly indicate whoever made them never played that class before or have an idea how it the class works.


Anet has a balance team, but the balance is team is out lunch.

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