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I guess I am sticking to the easy PvE's

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I can't do Raids. Like, I really want to, but I just can't. It's not about the finding the right group to train, or the willingness to try. I just can't handle/play that competitive. I suck at it.


When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


I am going back to daily tier 1 fractals, the world boss trains, SW farms, meta events, crafting, and opening the map and doing the personal story with a level 1 character to farm the Black Lion Key. I can use whatever build I want. No one cares. And I can chill whenever I want to :)


Sorry for sucking guys!

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No reason to apologize, there should be no expectation that any player be capable of completing all content, or even have the desire to. At one point in my life I was in a top tier WoW raiding guild (back in the day when raiding was, y'know, hard) but I won't even consider touching raids in GW2 as I'm just not interested in that type of game mode, and the stress and dedication required in order be successful. To GW2's credit, you don't have to raid in this game for gear or to see major parts of the story.


I used to do T4s daily (dialed that back a bit recently) but I never had any desire to do the CM's. It just seemed like more work for rewards I didn't need, and while I'm not opposed to a challenge, the point of my time in GW2 is to relax, not bang my head against a virtual wall.


For fractals, T3 is literally the worst tier of them all, as the mechanics of the fight gets harder, but you are often in groups new to that level of difficulty, and are often not in a group with any support builds, or even players using all the fractal potions. It can be tough. Funny enough when I decided to make the plunge into T4 LFG, I found it was much easier than T3, as I was always with (at the time) a support Chrono and Druid.


Running with all fractal potions, consumables, and having access to quickness, alacrity and healing makes such a huge difference, you have to see it to believe it. Running the same group through T1 recommendeds, you wonder how any group could wipe on them, they are so easy.


So if you can find a guild / static group for T3, at least you can coordinate better, make sure everyone is using at least the fractal potions, and practice the harder mechanics of the fights. After that, T4 is basically the same just with an added instability.


Of course, nothing wrong with staying in T1 if you prefer that speed, and flexibility of build that tier offers.


Props to you though for having the self-awareness to know that you aren't ready for those levels of content, rather than some who come on these forums and criticize the community as being too toxic for being unwilling to carry / tolerate players who are out of their depth.


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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


That's your problem, T3 is a toxic hellhole filled (I'd say even worse than ranked pvp) with people too bad for t4's, but think they're godly players so flame others. Raids can be learned easily with a good training guild/dc group. Builds are infact imporant, but like butcher said there are a few easy builds. SB3 is super easy for condi bosses and DH/DD/DE are also easy, not as easy but still easy enough for decent dps as dps role.


Ofc it's your decision if you want to try raids or not, but the mentallity from raid trainings and t3 fractals is a massive difference.


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> @"Lorfi.7562" said:

> > @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> > When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


> That's your problem, T3 is a toxic hellhole filled (I'd say even worse than ranked pvp) with people too bad for t4's, but think they're godly players so flame others. Raids can be learned easily with a good training guild/dc group. Builds are infact imporant, but like butcher said there are a few easy builds. SB3 is super easy for condi bosses and DH/DD/DE are also easy, not as easy but still easy enough for decent dps as dps role.


> Ofc it's your decision if you want to try raids or not, but the mentallity from raid trainings and t3 fractals is a massive difference.





T4s are actually about twice as easy as t3s. Serious. Because the people you get matched with, while not always great, are at least "OK". In t3s, almost everyone is clueless or coming back from a 2-year break from the game running an old build and not being able to remember any mechanics.

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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> I can't do Raids. Like, I really want to, but I just can't. It's not about the finding the right group to train, or the willingness to try. I just can't handle/play that competitive. I suck at it.


I get you. I really do. I can do some raid bosses, but there reaches a point where I just don't enjoy it. I find playing with guildies on voice chat helps, but I am kind of neutral to raids and the whole "150LI" nonsense. I've tanked veil guardian and Gorseval once or twice, I can do it again. I don't need to have done it 20 times. I've actually started by just going into 9/10 groups looking for chronos and saying I'm a support chrono and we can start and see how it goes or I can leave and 90% of the time I get in. Raid culture is silly.


I get that they're meant to be mechanically challenging, but they feel like a slog. I like the idea of a 'training' raid with 50% health or something, just so I can play them without to make it into a marathon event.


> When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


People say it a lot, but I've found it to be true: tier 4's are easier because you've got more experienced players. I play support chrono in fractals, and I remember being kicked out of one T3 party for suggesting we try the mechanics rather than die repeatedly trying to out-DPS a boss for the fourth time.


In T4's people are much more chilled out because they know it's hard and they know what can and can't be skipped. T3's are notorious for toxicity. When people hit T4's, they're normally much more fault-tolerant, but also better players and more able to support themselves and their whole party. You do get the odd person who doesn't know something (like thinking mesmers had 4 seconds of invulnerability on demand whenever so they can just out-tank AoE effects), but that's fine because no one knows the game perfectly.


Honestly, make it your mission to hit AR150 and get in on T4s when you can. They're as smooth as T2's with none of the toxicity of T3's.


> Sorry for sucking guys!


Honestly, I don't think you suck; I think you've been partnered up with people whose attitude sucks. I've cleared raids with 3 out of 10 people never having tried a raid before. Finding a good guild that communicates and has a focus on fun over efficiency goes a long way in this game.


Remember: it's a game. The purpose is to entertain yourself. Do what you want to do. Don't feel bad because other people have different goals.

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As others have said, T3 has become a bad place to learn, even though it's the first time that people really need to know mechanics. Those who PUG T3s seem either (a) impatient to progress to T4 (and have become intolerant of delays or mistakes) or (b) frustrated to have not already made the jump to T4 (and so even grumpier than the first group).


It's much, much, much easier to find a group of 3+ (including yourself). That allows you to set the terms of the LFG and to decide if you want to take your time or rush, if you want to go back and try something or push on, and so on.


If finding two others is unlikely, find just one other and duo T1. You have to learn a lot more than a lot of T4 PUGs seem to know to progress. When you "master" T1, the two of you can progress to T2 without anyone else. When you master that, you'll find the jump to T3 is huge... and you'll begin to understand the frustration of those that gave you a hard time (no excuse for being rude, of course; you'll just see their side a bit better).


If you can duo T3, great; you're ready for PUGging T4. If you can't, then add PUGs to your mix. With what you learned as a duo team (and sticking with your partner), I am confident you will be able to manage the PUGlings that join your team.


**tl;dr if you can't join them, beat them... by duoing T1 then T2.**


Good luck.

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wow ya i second/third/whatever everyone said, t3 sucks ass




but don't stop believingggggg


do you know why you were kicked (or by what metric they decided you sucked based on) though? @__@ eg not knowing mechanics, downing a lot, they were probably just assholes tho bc everyone in t3 is fairly new and learning things + makes mistakes

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Ryudnard, I think the most helpful advice anyone can offer you is to make friends with people that play Tier 4 Fractals on a regular basis and start there.


Many of us go out of our way to help new players get into the mode, and would much prefer to play with someone like yourself that's there to chillax and have fun.


If you'd like to team up sometime, whisper me in game (and remind me of this thread). The only way to stop sucking at something is to keep moving forward.


T4s are truly rewarding and worth the effort.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> The elitism is spreading from the raids to T4, T3 fractals like a virus...

> Hope ANET do something about it.


And what could anet do to that? Ban every toxic player until there isnt any left? Its not anets proplem, its players proplem. Fractals aren't toxic, players are.

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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> I can't do Raids. Like, I really want to, but I just can't. It's not about the finding the right group to train, or the willingness to try. I just can't handle/play that competitive. I suck at it.


> When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


> I am going back to daily tier 1 fractals, the world boss trains, SW farms, meta events, crafting, and opening the map and doing the personal story with a level 1 character to farm the Black Lion Key. I can use whatever build I want. No one cares. And I can chill whenever I want to :)


> Sorry for sucking guys!


It isn't because you suck. You are just not as hardcore that's all. As long as you don't let other ppl ruin your game and put you off the game that's all matter. It's true that there's so many more toxic as you progress up more small group challenging contents


Btw. If you enter this game late, it's better to search and join a guild that focus on specific runs.. some guild does fractal.. some raids training some general world contents farm. Im a grandma and I have retire from fractal cm and raids now just like many others vet players.

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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> I can't do Raids. Like, I really want to, but I just can't. It's not about the finding the right group to train, or the willingness to try. I just can't handle/play that competitive. I suck at it.


> When I tried out tier 3 fractals for the first time, people flamed me so hard for sucking. I not only got kicked out, but I actually felt sorry for my teammates coz I know I messed up.


> I am going back to daily tier 1 fractals, the world boss trains, SW farms, meta events, crafting, and opening the map and doing the personal story with a level 1 character to farm the Black Lion Key. I can use whatever build I want. No one cares. And I can chill whenever I want to :)


> Sorry for sucking guys!


I wouldnt dare to say that Im fractal veteran but as people said before. T3 is really bad for anything. Filled with bad players. I suggest to train T2, learn the mechanic and then you can start your LFG for T4 where you write "T4 Daily Chill" and I promise you, that you will find good people when you will know the mechanic.


For the raids I believe its harder. Myself with few other people trying to find some group. If you dont know anything about raids I would suggest look at snowcrows.com where is some list of training guilds. When you find some guild what suits you, stick with it becuase you just have found a treasure.

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I am a forever scrub but I can suggest that what you need is a buddy that will help you transition from T2 to T3/T4. First month doing fractal, I was stuck at T2/T3 because I was too afraid doing T4 but then my in-game friend helped me boost my confidence to try T4 and now I am doing it daily alternating between dps and healer.

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I really applaud this mindset.


A lot of players expect to just automatically graduate into T4s, CMs, and raids, under the mentality of "Well, I've played the game a long time, have the proper gear, and fulfill the requirements to get into T4s -- so now I should obviously be in T4s." No. Every content in the game is optional. Even the single-player story content is not truly noob proof; I've seen plenty of guildmates requesting help for this or that mission.


Play up to your limits. Strive higher if you want to, but you are not entitled to complete T4s and raids.

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Hey at least you can do T1/T2. I haven't bothered to try either or Raid for that matter. I'm purely Meta/World Boss right now since I've not yet decided on what character I want to use for doing Fractals/Raids with. And with the changes in meta builds since PoF E-specs came out, I'm gonna need to juggle around what I find to be the most efficient class for me to play.


Don't be too hard on yerself, you'll get to the point where you overtake the T3 people. When you find the right people to play with, those T3 folks are gonna hate you even more because they can't get past T3 but you would (: So don't get caught in the hate, just perfect your skills and look for the right people.

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