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What do you guys think of the waypoint gems feature?

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > I know bags in gemstore are not pw2. I know the gathering materials aren't. The extra bank. However arenanet announced unlocking waypoints in a map? Arenanet just gave mounts so why did they waste time on making unlocking map? There's so many things they could've fixed or added. But since I said they added a p2w feature. I'm saying because basically 100 complete all maps give a mastery point and extra farming materials. If you get all zones with that in the gemstore wouldn't that mean p2w? What you guys think?


> I just bought it, and love it. Stay salty.



XD lol. Did you get mats included?

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> P2W means getting something by paying, that is otherwise unobtainable.

> Waypoints are obtainable without cash, so its not P2W. This is not a discussion.

> As four whether it's a good product, maybe, but not for me. Now we have mounts you can run across a map in 5 minutes, so i think its a waste money to buy these


Actually pay to win also means paying for the best of what's possible in-game.


Most pay to win games do include free options to get the same things, but it's usually hugely impractical. For example you'll have the option of buying a more powerful weapon for 30 tokens, where you can get 1 token per day by defeating a boss, or you can pay £2.99 and get it right now. So either you spend a month grinding that same fight over and over before you can move on to things that require better equipment or you can pay a small amount of money and move on to doing something more fun right now. Then you'll complete the next bit and be faced with the same choice again - pay for an upgrade or spend ages working on it for free.


That's what sets this apart for me - getting all the waypoints unlocked, even getting to level 80, isn't difficult and there's actually advantages to doing it the old way instead of paying to skip it. But I'm concerned that if players accept this, and pay for it, they could start selling other things - like full map completion. Maybe dressed up as a more minor thing - like paying 100 gems to unlock a random heart - relatively harmless on it's own but it means if you pay enough you can buy a huge chunk of world completion, much more than the waypoints which unlock automatically as soon as you get near them. Then maybe they'll let you buy random hero challenges too, and POIs or vistas and...oh look, now you can actually buy world completion. Players already sell dungeon and raid clears for gold, if that's ok why not let Anet sell it for gems too? You can pay to unlock a story step, why not pay to complete it too? Or to get the items that come from the achievements?


I think (hope) it's highly unlikely Anet would ever implement any of that, but it's a similar idea and it's where I could easily see this going with some other games/studios.

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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> They ruined their once beautiful core-game with mounts.


> Now they sell the debris.


> Guess, they made an big error with mounts in tyria and now the playerbase is melting down.


> Now they're panicking.


> I think, selling-rate for waypoints is very low - look at the low changing-rate gold for gems


Ruined the core-game with mounts? It makes it much more fun. I don't understand this mindset.


Anyway about the Waypoint item. I don't mind it, I just hope it's not opening the door for more blatant stuff.

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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> They ruined their once beautiful core-game with mounts.


> Now they sell the debris.


> Guess, they made an big error with mounts in tyria and now the playerbase is melting down.


> Now they're panicking.


> I think, selling-rate for waypoints is very low - look at the low changing-rate gold for gems


The expansion has been out for two weeks. Odds are that this gem store item was in development a good while before its release this week and a good while before PoF was released. I doubt that anyone is panicking here.

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Sure it's a nice thing for those who dont have much time for playing and can afford gems to unlock this special feature and want all WPs on their main/alts, though I don't get why this is only a single purchase per character. If it was accountwide then I would def buy it right away since I do have quite alot of characters, in fact the maxed slots along with the PoF extra slot, 71 in total, :sunglasses:


But the best thing they created was the **Teleport to a Friend**. Best thing ever! :D

So if you have lots of those, you dont really need to unlock all the WPs since Vanilla is... done, :tongue:

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> For the amount of gems it costs it should be account wide and literally every WP in the game.


And every future wp as well. Seriously this price is insane for a single character, just under thirty dollars is crazy.


If this feature was "every way point unlocked is unlocked account wide for all current and future characters and maps", the price would maybe be justifiable.


As it is, it costs way too much. 600 gems for full core tyria unlock on a single chatacter at best,if not every map currently available.

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