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Listen ANET this achievement is just stupid.

It ruins the whole meta, as a lot of players just spend their time sitting near bridges awaiting fot the repair or defence events instead of helping with the main event.

Not only that but you have to do 25 of these events to finish it, so can you at least reduce it to like 10? If not then you could integrate them into the metas, so they will only occure when we are doing some escort events which require crossing them. So like when the escort reaches them it will be the moment when they get attacked and if we fail we have to rebuild them again so the escort can continue.

Then again you could just make the requirements more elaborate, like it could be that we have to participate in the repair and defence event for every bridge once rather than just keep redoing the one we prefer.

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Its quite doable in a multimap group, which makes it a lot faster.

You get a large group with multiple subgroups that spreads out among the bridge zones on different maps. So if the event spawns for south bridge on map 3. Then people at south position on like map 1-2-4-5 warps to 3 and knocks it off, before going back to their previous maps and calling out if they get it there.


took me about 2 hours to get x25

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> Listen ANET this achievement is just stupid.

> It ruins the whole meta, as a lot of players just spend their time sitting near bridges awaiting fot the repair or defence events instead of helping with the main event.

> Not only that but you have to do 25 of these events to finish it, so can you at least reduce it to like 10? If not then you could integrate them into the metas, so they will only occure when we are doing some escort events which require crossing them. So like when the escort reaches them it will be the moment when they get attacked and if we fail we have to rebuild them again so the escort can continue.

> Then again you could just make the requirements more elaborate, like it could be that we have to participate in the repair and defence event for every bridge once rather than just keep redoing the one we prefer.


I agree that it does encourage just camping at a bridge. The events happen so fast that they are easy to miss even if someone calls them out. I don't really see how forcing people to do the events at more than one bridge would help the issue.


If you are fast (beetle is good) you can rush the events right after the map resets and usually get at least 3 (sometimes all 4). You rush to the first one and hand in just a couple parts since you can get participation even if you aren't still at the bridge when it finishes. Jump the gap and rush to the next one to give some parts. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

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We are starting to see the real problem with the current "bridge meta."


Since these large groups of players are leaving just when the map enters the final pre-event, this often forces the map to close. Not only does this set a hard timer on the meta (including long pre-events) and bonus events, **players cannot enter the map via LFG.** This leaves players who _want_ to complete the meta event stuck in an undermanned map. While sometimes doable, it makes the meta event much harder than it ought to be.

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It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.


So, what I mean is ... if you just play around the map, you get these events without going out of your way to do them. I only wish more achievements were like this one because it really enforces the idea you play that game, not just go through the motions of completing checklists.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.


The problem with these achievements is: the other players become your opponents instead of your allies. They keep rushing collection events, boss kills (although with bosses, it's a 50/50 chance that someone won't stick to the squad rotation and prematurely kill a boss others need too for their collection), stealing soul binders literally right under your nose (why didn't the devs make those reusable for several players instead of just one?).


Everyone for themselves when it comes to such achievements. ANet should reconsider this approach.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I am sitting at 9 of 25, and it's majorly annoying.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> The problem with these achievements is: the other players become your opponents instead of your allies. They keep rushing collection events,



You are right, I felt I had to race against other players to get the bridge events done, here is how I did that.


At the start of a fresh map, I got on my beetle mount and raced down the crystal bloom lane to the bridge, hoped off and handed in a salvaged scrap then waypointed back to the pact command, next, got back on my beetle and rode down the mist warden camp lane to the first bridge and grabbed a salvaged scrap and handed it in, next, I jumped across the gap where the bridge should be, mounted up and headed towards the howling gate bridge and handed in a scrap there. Using this method I got 3 bridges done in about 3-4 mins everytime there was a fresh map. It felt dirty but seemed the best way to do it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.


> So, what I mean is ... if you just play around the map, you get these events without going out of your way to do them. I only wish more achievements were like this one because it really enforces the idea you play that game, not just go through the motions of completing checklists.


I agree with your sentiment but I'm not sure it applies here. I was at 0/25 during 'regular play', which I consider to be story, map completion, metas, boss events, mount collections, other cheeves, harvesting elder logs, etc. and I didn't get any bridge events until I specifically started looking for them to complete the cheeve . . .


That said, I don't really see this as a problem either. I'm at around 13/25 now and I pretty much only look for bridge events when I first log in or when I'm about to leave the map. They haven't been hard to find and usually when you find one you can find three more in quick succession if you hurry. Seems like a non-issue . . .

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I am sitting at 9 of 25, and it's majorly annoying.


> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > The problem with these achievements is: the other players become your opponents instead of your allies. They keep rushing collection events,



> You are right, I felt I had to race against other players to get the bridge events done, here is how I did that.

> At the start of a fresh map, get on my beetle mount and race down the crystal bloom lane to the bridge, hop off hand in a salvaged scrap then waypoint back to the pact command, next, get back on beetle and ride down the mist warden camp lane to the first bridge and grab a salvaged scrap and hand it in, next fly across the gap where the bridge should be, mount up and head towards the howling gate bridge and hand in a scrap there. Using this method I got 3 bridges done in about 3-4 mins everytime there was a fresh map.


I was just heading south and continuing on from that bridge in the jungle area, then south, then around to west bridge, and would get three that way. And I know it doesn't help with players not doing the meta chains, but doing the loop on your beetle helps with catching events at the various bridges rather than just sitting at one bored. actually kind of fun doing that loop (IMO). Get bored, turn around and run the opposite direction, lol.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Its quite doable in a multimap group


> No one on the EU server has been doing this, though. It's a shame. I am sitting at 9 of 25, and it's majorly annoying.


There a often multimap-bridge-groups also on EU servers. Just try again looking.

I am on EU servers and did the first 10 solo and then found a multimap-group and did the remaining with them.


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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> The question is, should a multi-map group even be a necessary requirement? Probably not.


> I do not believe that's what the achievement intended to cause.


My thoughts exactly. That rushing is taking the fun out of it. How much nicer it would be if people announced bridge events or created a squad for them that works together on the same map instead of "everyone for themselves" or multimapping to get is done ASAP. Everyone would get it done regularly if people were more inclusive on their achievements. The same with the soul binders in the final part of the meta: you see someone heading for one, you take the next one and don't suddenly speed up to steal it from them. That's pure egoism, not team spirit.

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This is a near mirror of the Bitterfrost Frontier mini-meta, as after Jormag's 9 Champions begin to spawn, often enough everyone immediately splits up uncooperatively in order to pick the Champion nearst them to kill it. This chaotic dance of "I'm going to the closest one to me," results in all players getting less than 9 Champion Boxes by the end of the event.


The one single time I managed to get everyone to cooperate was when I popped my tag and announced in the map for a few minutes to keep with my tag so we can coordinate and kill each of the 9 Champions together so we can get the max amount of rewards for everyone.


It worked, but the effort was a little much. In general I would have liked to see that only 1 Champ spawn at a time and this would have prevented the problem altogether.




But that's off-topic. In the end the Bridge Events should be tied into the Meta in some way, it's the smart thing to do. As you complete the Meta for the rewards you will also be providing progression to your achievement -- it will be a secondary thought you will not have to stress over.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> This is a near mirror of the Bitterfrost Frontier mini-meta, as after Jormag's 9 Champions begin to spawn, often enough everyone immediately splits up uncooperatively in order to pick the Champion nearst them to kill it. This chaotic dance of "I'm going to the closest one to me," results in all players getting less than 9 Champion Boxes by the end of the event.


Nah, this is even more vicious. People do one bridge event 75%, then immediately rush to the next and receive credit for both, counting on those who stay behind to finish it. And so on. Like their lives depended on it.

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It's not that bad. Every time a new map is created after the Meta, all Bridges have to be rebuild. So you can hop on your Mount and run to the Bridges. It's enough to give the NPC 1 metal scrap to participate on a event. So, I recommend that go to the bridge to the south (Jungle) first, give the NPC one piece, and then go to the northern bride (Burning Forest). Maybe you can make it to another bridge - I dont know. But you should be able to make progress every time a new map is created.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > This is a near mirror of the Bitterfrost Frontier mini-meta, as after Jormag's 9 Champions begin to spawn, often enough everyone immediately splits up uncooperatively in order to pick the Champion nearst them to kill it. This chaotic dance of "I'm going to the closest one to me," results in all players getting less than 9 Champion Boxes by the end of the event.


> Nah, this is even more vicious. People do one bridge event 75%, then immediately rush to the next and receive credit for both, counting on those who stay behind to finish it. And so on. Like their lives depended on it.


I believe it. Even more reason for it to be addressed soon so it isn't such an issue. This is new content though, so changes are to be expected.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.


> The problem with these achievements is: the other players become your opponents instead of your allies.


With some stuff, they got it right, where people help each other getting into dungeon chambers or getting the resurrection achievement. With others not so much. For the mount collection, I asked people to only use low damage skills so everybody has a chance to hit. Didn't happen and someone even said no, he will kill as fast as possible.


For the bridge achievement, I'm not eager to get these skins, but what I gathhered from guild chat is: the less people are on the map, the better. So don't even open an LFG for the events.

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It takes disproportionately long compared to the rest of the gear achievements. That said, you could join a bridge group (boring af) or **just do a quick round of bridge events after the meta finished and the map has reset**. Easy +3 every time. Which means you'll have your bridges before you have 10/10 meta events.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.


> So, what I mean is ... if you just play around the map, you get these events without going out of your way to do them. I only wish more achievements were like this one because it really enforces the idea you play that game, not just go through the motions of completing checklists.


no you do not, because not one event is near the bridges when playing the map.

You have to camp or circle the map with the beetle to find die bridge events.

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You can get 4 every time the map resets, just go to the guy on the bridge and give him 1 metal scrap and rotate to the others. Also you don't need multimap bullshit you can make large groups and stall the map event and do only the bridges and rotate like RIBA in the Silverwastes , people should always follow the commander tag and not run around like headless chickens cause it messes up the timing.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> You can get 4 every time the map resets, just go to the guy on the bridge and give him 1 metal scrap and rotate to the others. Also you don't need multimap kitten you can make large groups and stall the map event and do only the bridges and rotate like RIBA in the Silverwastes , people should always follow the commander tag and not run around like headless chickens cause it messes up the timing.


on paper yes


but goodluck in actual game.

your way of thinking is based on everyone following the same pattern, and handing in 1 salvagable part.


reality however is:

people can and will split, completing everything by the time you are done


result 1/4 done.


same with the chamoions after meta, instead of following the tag and kill 12/12 people split up, resulting in 7/12 for main squad.




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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > It's funny to see these 'issues'. I'm not going to tell anyone how to play but if you are camping an area to get an event, I seems to me you really aren't in the mode of 'playing' the game as it's intended.

> >

> > So, what I mean is ... if you just play around the map, you get these events without going out of your way to do them. I only wish more achievements were like this one because it really enforces the idea you play that game, not just go through the motions of completing checklists.


> no you do not, because not one event is near the bridges when playing the map.

> You have to camp or circle the map with the beetle to find die bridge events.


You didn't understand me .. that's OK.

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