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The Skyscale Saddle

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> No, you are wrong and I will explain why. You are comparing this collection to a legendary collection but it is not comparable. Why, you may ask? Because, for example, Aurora (comparing it with Aurora because it was the end of LS3 as Skyscale is the end of LS4) requires you to unlock an ASCENDED piece of back which had ~15 days time gate and massive amount of farming, including hearts and collection. This was done for a piece of ASCENDED back and I literally have 10 ASC backs! Please keep in mind that this was ONLY one part of the collection. If we compare the ASCENDED back with the mount you will notice that the mount requires less farming and time to complete, but no - you are comparing it with the whole legendary collection, which further increases, first, the time you need to complete and, second, the amount of gold you need.

> Another point where you are wrong is implying your opinion as words of all people. You are saying that the mount can basically hover and is worse than the griffon. Well I find hovering pretty cool and I can see some benefits of these mechanics like I can do some maps for the world explorer achievement easier with this mount, I can afk mid air, I can fly behind edges, I can climb some rocks where unmounting feels bad idea because you are risking to fall.

> Third point - I find this mount more rare than any legendary. Why, you will ask again? Because its mechanics are unique and no other mount can do what this one can. While instead of having, lets say Aurora, I can have a normal ASCENDED trinket which will do exactly the same job. In fact I have several with different stats and I change them on demand. But I can't change to griffon and hover on one place, no? Not to mention that i will use this mount a lot more than 90% of my legendaries.


I guess I and many people here who are saying the same thing on forums are wrong then?

Skyscale does nothing other mounts can't, except hovering. I never said hovering is wrong, I just said that's literally the ONLY thing Skyscale can do 'better' and it's nothing that actually makes it stand toe to toe with other mounts.

Springer still jumps higher, Skimmer still hovers over water, Griffon is faster and better in every way as it stays longer in air and it can leap over the cliffs/go up the cliffs faster than skyscale can lift itself up to 'skip' over the cliff. Skyscale doesn't regenerate green bar when clung to the mountain, it's only done via mastery which still doesn't regenerate it, but just restore a portion of it, meaning you'll still get stuck if you run out of it. Skyscale flies a ton slower, it runs out of green bar fast and starts dropping low, meaning Griffon will outdo it via normal flight (no speed buff). Skyscale can't dive down either.

So yes, you are free to comb through the threads and look up what many people are complaining about too.

The mount is simply not worth the hassle.


So yes, Skyscale only does worse what other mounts can do better, minus hovering.


And in all honesty, see how wrong it is to compare it to a legendary? Unfortunately, Skyscale DOES feel like we are grinding for a legendary. Compared to Griffon, this is pure annoyance; and worst of all is that it IS worse than griffon, that's a fact, whether we like some mechanics about it or not, it's still worse.


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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > Nobody would complain had Skyscale been more superior to griffon, at least I know I wouldn't, as that way it would be a reward worthy of this mess. Right now it is not worthy of this mess, yet people still want it because it's a dragon, naturally. It's no wonder a lot of people complain about it though, it's worse than most of the mounts that we have and it drops from air faster than griffon.


> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > Oh wait...we are talking about a mount that is actually worse than griffon, but requires a ton more time, effort and even gold to get it!


> What i dont understand here: If the end-reward of the collection, the skyscale, is so bad for you anyway, why do you still want to have it? You say its not worth for you the amount of materials it requires. Well, then dont get it? Especially since you also say that you find the griffon to be better anyway.


> Also, there arent just a few pack-rats that have hoarded the materials. Its common knowledge that you keep account-bound materials and only convert them into gold if you are in dire need of it. Thats the reason people use to have tons of laurels: Ofc they could just convert them to gold, but they only do it if they are really in need for it, because gold is widely available through all kinds of activities, while laurels are not. The map currencies arent that bad anyway since you can get as many as you want per day through various ways: pvp and wvw reward tracks, gathering on the specific map, doing map dailies or metas.


Why would I not want it? Am I forbidden to not want it? It's a dragon, of course I want it. I want to have all mounts.

The fact stands that it is worse than a griffon and that it's unreasonable to ask such insane collections for it, **as it is worse**.


The issue here is that I've done the content so many times that I am sick of it. These materials collected dust, I have converted them to gold to get materials for Nevermore, which I was saying in many of my previous posts.

It's simply making me demotivated and fed-up to have to go through same content over and over again, whereas I've done it so many times already.

I have no intentions to explain myself for nth time, as it seems people simply don't want to understand how some of us feel about it.

I believe nobody would complain had requiremend been lowered to 100-150 of these materials instead of a whole stack.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Fine, people don't have the materials. So?

> >

> > Play the game and get them.

> >

> > Or not and don't have the mount.

> >

> > The amount of instant gratification desire and the constant complaints from people unwilling to play the game for the rewards they want has never been a strong argument in my book.

> >

> > Back when the Griff on released, people freaked out about 250 gold requirement.

> > Back when the Requiem armor released, people were freaking out about how unjust it was and that all they wanted is a way to work towards it at their own pace.

> > Now people freak out that given the ability to work towards the mount at their own pace, without the TP, they don't have it instantly.

> > The 1 constant is people want stuff. Period.



> *Facepalm*

> I don't want to sound rude, but...would you really say something like this had you....say, lived in LS4 maps, farmed these currencies to get gold and buy legendary? Now naturally, one would NEVER assume that a mount would require a 'legendary' collection, a mount that is even worse than griffon! Not only does it cost a ton to get it, but it also requires a horrible amount of grinding.

> Now if you take my case for example, I lived on these maps and farmed, got Nevermore that way as I bought so many materials for it thanks to Volatile Magic and Leather crates.

> Why the heck...would I save up these currencies knowing they'll never be used for anything except legendaries? (Aurora I am looking at you)

> Logically, one would convert them, get gold and get things a person likes, right? I had no interest in any other legendary after Nevermore, so it's only natural I focused on gold hoarding, only to get slapped with this grind, meaning I have to go back and repeat EVERYTHING over and over and over and over and over...whereas I did achievements and everything of interest there. I don't **want** to be forced to do this, but I am being forced because I want Skyscale. I got this far and I have to torment myself now to complete these hearts which I loathe so much.

> Anyone would get fed-up had they done them as much as I have.

> Judge all you want, but all of us have a different way of playing and a little understanding would be appreciated. I could do better things in game instead of grinding these currencies which I've done nth times.


> Nobody would complain had Skyscale been more superior to griffon, at least I know I wouldn't, as that way it would be a reward worthy of this mess.

> Right now it is not worthy of this mess, yet people still want it because it's a dragon, naturally. It's no wonder a lot of people complain about it though, it's worse than most of the mounts that we have and it drops from air faster than griffon.



Yes I would and I have in the past, yet I never came to the forums and whined and complained but rather decided to either take my time with the content, omit it or plan ahead better in the future. If you farmed the currencies for gold, you got gold to use and were likely happy with getting that gold.


Now suddenly you have buyers remorse because there is some shiny which you value more than the legendary or gold you got earlier now that the old shiny has passed.


The issue if the mount is worth the hassle is one of: is it worth it for people to do this amount of farm and absolutely unrelated to if people have the materials or not.


On the contrary, every person can now make an educated decision if the mount is worth this hassle to them or not. If not, fine then don't get it.


Every person has to farm the materials at some point in time. Those materials have value as both conversion into gold (which is less now with the new farm bottoming out prices, where do I go complain that my Volatile Magic is worth less currently?) and as resources for the mount.


If people want to argue that the required materials are to much, fine. Then argue that and I will say that from a game design perspective as encouragement for the maps to see play it makes sense. If you don't feel the reward justifies the effort, then don't go for it. My assumption though is this: a lot of people will whine and moan because they didn't get their new shinny immediately, but a vast majority will play the content either way and 2-3 weeks down the road this issue will be resolved both with some people deciding it's not worth it and others having achieved their goal.

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in that other thread peope; disagreed with me (even made fun of me) when i said skyscale was the aurora-equivalent legendary of ls4.


and now here we are, does need 250 curency of every map, just like aurora did

requires a kittenload of colelctions, just like aurora did






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This Saddle step doesn't make any sense at all.


I guess i can be considered as a casual player, more or less. I started playing 2 months ago, i got every other mount, enjoyed both HoT and PoF, and was really excited about the Skyscale.

I did every step, until this Sad(dle) one, and i was frustrated when i realized that for this last step, it would take me about 3 hours a day for 2 months of farming to get the required stacks of currencies.


It's an insane amount of time to simply get a mount, of which all previous steps were time consuming but doable, even for a new player like me.


Compared to this, even the Griffon one was a piece of cake. I gladly farmed the 250g for it, because i knew there were no surprises around the corner.


If i have known that in order to finish the Skyscale i needed this huge amount of farming, i wouldn't have wasted my in-game time (and gold) for it in the last 7 days.


I'm really demotivated now, and i'm thinking about taking a long break from GW2.



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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> >

> > I'm confused, how is people not having the materials a problem?


> It isn't a problem. There's nothing wrong with requiring the materials. I posted saying that expecting people to have them is silly.


> If we compare the skyscale to the new legendary greatsword, we can see what the problem is. The skyscale collections are like Bendy and the Ink Machine. Particularly the chapter in the middle (can't remember which one) where you get sent on a near endless series of fetch quests. You spend the whole time running around in circles doing menial and detached tasks. There is no end in sight, little to no rhyme or reason, nothing to gain elsewhere, no way to measure your progress, no telling what's coming next. It was the most hated chapter in an otherwise beloved indie game.


> See, Exordium is kind. You know it is coming from a mile away, and you know what you'll need. Gift of Mastery, Mystic Tribute, the precursor (which is really a whole lot of mithril, elder wood, and a few ascended mats), and the weapon gift of which you already know half of. It makes no qualms about what it is. But the Skyscale is mean. Every day you wake up to find a new burden, and another wall full of random stuff that you weren't expecting.


> If I were to translate the gameplay behind earning the skyscale into any other medium, it would be terrible. Imagine a book, where every chapter is released sequentially each week. The contents of each chapter are: man climbs 20 different mountain tops to watch a bird fly away, man hunts and kills 20 non-specific animals of no significance, man climbs 20 trees to collect bird feathers, man climbs the same 20 trees to feed a bird, man climbs the same 20 trees to get an egg, etc. It would be terrible. You're told the end is worth it, about after the third week of reading these meandering stories you'd be pretty ticked off. Now, try putting it into a television show, where the next 7 episodes aren't a self contained story, but a slowly meandering story of meticulous detail and no payoff. Try putting it into a comic book, where each issue is a man making 20 of the same object for the next 7 issues. Try putting it into a song, where for 7 minutes the chorus just loops with a slight alteration every minute.


> It's all terrible, right? Now imagine you have to pay a whole lot more for the last chapter/issue/episode. You discover this on the day that the last chapter is released. Of course you're ticked off. That's just another kick in the teeth. But hey, you could always not watch the last episode!


> Here is the problem: everything about the skyscale is poorly designed. Hiding all of the collections away is a bad idea. Making these collections take several hours for the average player each is a bad idea. Giving absolutely no indication of financial cost or time investment is a bad idea. Putting so many collections together in one continuous stream is a bad idea. Making nearly every part of these collections function the same way is a bad idea. Arbitrarily gating these collections for vague, touchy-feely reasons is a bad idea. Worst of all, this information was discovered in the worst possible order. First you learn that it'll take a few days. Then you learn that it'll take many more days. Then you learn that you have to pay so it won't take weeks. Then you learn you have to pay even more. Then finally you learn that you have to pay a whole lot more, and the real-time gate behind earning all of these mats is actually longer than the arbitrary gate.


> It's like every day you wake up, you go to eat breakfast. You can see it, you can smell it, and just as you're grabbing the fork it gets snatched away. Then, you get punched in the face. Every day, you get punched a little harder. The material costs themselves would've been fine, if Anet was up-front about it weeks before the release. The time gates... were excessive to the point of sadism BUT, if we knew beforehand that it would take so long to get the skyscale, then it wouldn't have been as big of a problem. But, Anet did not let us know. We were left to discover, and what we found we did not like.


You're examples are bit misleading aren't they?


The coming out chapter per chapter thing is in yor example not really the cause of the problem. Only the bad story is.


Their are good parts in the collection as well. (as I've heard lots of people enjoy playing with their skyscale).


I do agree that telling people in front would have been a good idea but that doesn't really happen most of the time. (in a lot of cases for good reason).


But why is taking long a bad thing for a collection?


As a last question if the not having of the materials is not a problem why bring it up in the first place?

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A friend of mine and I started doing the collection together, as neither of us wanted to do it on our own.

We rolled our eyes at Time-gate, but he kept saying how it wasn't bad, as it allowed us to chill in the meantime and focus on something else while waiting for the daily reset.

I agreed, so we went through the rest of the collections slowly. I crafted all the food for us as he had 0 Charged Quartz.


We looked forward for next collection after feeding our little one. Jumping puzzles are not a problem for us, as both of us like doing them, and should we hiccup we can use TP to a friend and resume there.

The problem appeared when the saddle collection got revealed and I told him the requirements.

Needless to say my friend doesn't get triggered easily, as we enjoyed the collection and simply chilled through it.

Now he is demotivated to even log in and continue the collection with me.

I am in same position as he is, I am not even motivated to log in to do things which I kept repeating for so long...

250 is overkill, period. It's not something which is hyping us up to login and finish it off...on the contrary it's pushing us away from the game.

I stated my reasons as to why I can't do these hearts and metas again, I simply can't. It's killing me.

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> @"DarkKaiba.3057" said:

> This Saddle step doesn't make any sense at all.



This is probably my biggest issue, and why I have now decided to quit going for the skyscale in the immediate future. Having to do all this for some leather to make a saddle is really stupid. If we had to craft it? OK. If we had to use the Mystic Forge? OK. But having to gather all these mats just to make a saddle? And mats that have literally nothing to do with how a saddle is actually created? And is something that came with the other mounts? Just has me scratching my head. This is obviously nothing more than a time sink.


If Anet wants people back in zones that are mostly abandoned now...here's an idea: stop making more zones. You're just spreading out the player base so much that metas are becoming difficult to complete. If you want folks back in zones, put something fun back in them...not an ungodly grind. Yeah, I think new zones are fun too, but only for a week or two, then most become ghost towns.


More personally, and I don't imagine there's many in my boat here, I've been trying to create all the Gen 1 legendaries. That means that I've been taking these mats as I get them and converting them to volatile magic, and then using that to buy obsidian shards. So once I saw what was required for the saddle, I knew it was now relegated to the back burner. This is my choice, I get that, but had this required 25 or 50 of each, I may have progressed with the saddle, but 250 of each? That's a ton of obsidian shards.


I may get to the skyscale...in a year or two. Again, my choice. But just wanted to voice my discontent at the severe inanity of this decision by Anet with these others.



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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Wow with the amount that has to be done to get this mount it should just fly, its not worth it otherwise. Too clunky and awkward, no real advantage over griffon and it takes much much more than griffon to get. Im not even bothering at this point, this is just bad all the way round. It should have been known upfront that this was going to be like this, i never would have even went to dragonfall


> @"DarkKaiba.3057" said:

> This Saddle step doesn't make any sense at all.


> I guess i can be considered as a casual player, more or less. I started playing 2 months ago, i got every other mount, enjoyed both HoT and PoF, and was really excited about the Skyscale.

> I did every step, until this Sad(dle) one, and i was frustrated when i realized that for this last step, it would take me about 3 hours a day for 2 months of farming to get the required stacks of currencies.


> It's an insane amount of time to simply get a mount, of which all previous steps were time consuming but doable, even for a new player like me.


> Compared to this, even the Griffon one was a piece of cake. I gladly farmed the 250g for it, because i knew there were no surprises around the corner.


> If i have known that in order to finish the Skyscale i needed this huge amount of farming, i wouldn't have wasted my in-game time (and gold) for it in the last 7 days.


> I'm really demotivated now, and i'm thinking about taking a long break from GW2.



I was pretty interested in the Skyscale and did/do want one, but if I had known up front the amount of effort and cost required to get it, I probably would have done without. Maybe Anet realized that a ton of players would feel the same way and so did not let us know what was going to be involved. Now that I've gotten this far, I'm going to finish it. Perhaps that is what they were counting on.


One more down side of this grindfest is that it's taking away from the time that I would have spent in the DF meta. Even on the timegated "waiting days" I was just too meh to even bother with the meta. This thing has soured me that much.


I was hoping that the masteries would pump up the Skyscale and make it more than it appears to be now, but others seem to be saying that is not the case. My last hope here is that there will be some future content that makes this all worth it, but...



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I wish anet informed us about this and I wouldn't bother tbh.. I didn't mind timegate stuff but the saddle part is just ridiculous. The colletion already took a lot of my time and I was happy when I finished Troublesome Skyscales.. oh how wrong I was. Now I just feel pretty demotivated and drained out. "All for Nothing"

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> @"Saleerian.2973" said:

> I wish anet informed us about this and I wouldn't bother tbh.. I didn't mind timegate stuff but the saddle part is just ridiculous. The colletion already took a lot of my time and I was happy when I finished Troublesome Skyscales.. oh how wrong I was. Now I just feel pretty demotivated and drained out. "All for Nothing"


Exactly how I feel. I thought Troublesome Skyscales was the final bit. When Gorrik said to make a saddle, I thought "Oh no." Then when I went to the first vendor and saw what would be required, i just said " F it" and moved along.


Really, all it is is a cool looking, and relatively safe, afk emote.

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What it boils down to is people are ticked off because we did not save up the resources necessary to do this as fast as we would have liked. I think most of this frustration could have been avoided with a little communication about what will be required material/currency wise beforehand.


What grinds my gears most is that I watched the livestream where the devs were showing off the new mount and its mechanics. They had every opportunity to give us a heads up on some of this. They did not need to lay out the full path on how we would obtain the mount but a quick hey you will need charged crystals and LWS4 map currencies to complete the quest line fully. This would have got people out doing those maps in droves.


But Instead we have a new map out and are now we are being forced away from it for the most part to go get these absurd amount of map currencies. Yes it is our fault we do not have the stockpiles saved up but I think its just a bad move on Anets part really. Something that holds this much shock value would have been better to known sooner than later.


It feels like we are beta testing something bigger than this really and Anet is just sitting around seeing how we will respond. To me it seems everyone who is waiting on getting the mount or just away from the game right now will have an advantage because of the changes coming on the 28th. Heck maybe we will see a currency reduction at some point too. If that happens I do feel sorry for the people who got it before all the adjustments to the system. They deserve at least one free skin in my book and reimbursement for any material/currency differences if there are any.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Last warning before this thread is going to be closed: if you're not posting about the Saddle or **directly connected** topics, please don't post in this thread. I'm seeing too many threads showing up about the different aspects of the Skyscale and its acquisition, and we're trying to get this feedback more structured. Without structure, these threads end up going in all directions and serve little purpose. I hope everyone understands that we're not trying to tell you what to say or how to say it (except when you break the [the forum's Code of Conduct](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/the-forums-code-of-conduct/)) , but rather keep a certain order. Thanks a lot for your understanding!

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> People asked for longer content, complained about empty ls4 maps, once anet gives you reason to come to these maps you all start to complain that is too hard and not worth it.... SO DONT DO IT.

> I am not doing myself, not because its time or farm gated, but because I dont like that mount, griffon is superior to skyscale anyday and anytime.

> If you so badly want that mount, so just shut your mouth and take it slowly, meet people, talk to people while farming.

> Ive done aurora and it was fun to come to old ls maps and meet people, talk to them.


They key word there is "content". Having people grind out rare map material/currency that they probably used up or never bothered with after they did the story step on those maps is not longer or even new content. Its just a grind that is put in to inflate the time spent in game doing mindless drivel. If I went to a restaurant and had an ok meal but asked for more food on a dish and their idea of more food was a bowl of flavored foam and more frequent water refills I'd be a little irked. That's all this collection is in he end. Filler bloat busy work meant to get people on a map so their metrics show how many people are on a given map. Nothing new has been added to the game and the grind on those maps is just obnoxious. More so if you have limited play time and now have to spend it doing this grindy nonsense instead of playing parts of the game you might enjoy more.

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I have the materials available because I bought the home instance nodes and farmed them every day. Yet still I do not have a Skyscale today.


I definitely object to the time gates that are not reliant on some previous accumulation of materials. Having the saddle available only after an additional reset is an example of this. If you've had the foresight to build an inventory of the materials to purchase the saddle you should be able to do it immediately.


Preparation and foresight should not be arbitrarily thwarted.


If it weren't for this form of time gating I would have been done with this 3 days ago.



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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > >

> > > > Going to quote myself:

> > > > > - If you **gathered the materials in the past** and spent the materials, **you had your benefit then**.

> > > > > - If you did **not gather the materials in the past, you need to gather them now.** You get to decide what to spend those materials on and if it's worth it to get the mount and at what pace.

> > > > > - If you **gathered the materials in the past and saved them**, you get to **not have to gather them now** (and have to gather more for all the items you did not get in the past).

> > > >

> > > > At some point in time, every player needs to gather the required materials for the collection. I don't care if people now have buyers remorse about spending their resources in the past. I care even less about players who didn't gather the materials in the first place.

> > > >

> > > > The collection requires 250 of all T4 map resources from everybody.

> > >

> > > Let me quote myself:

> > >

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > It's pretty silly to expect players to have full stacks of every currency just sitting in their bank.

> > > >List of reasons why

> > > > Really, what we're hearing are the pack rats and paranoid taking a condescending victory lap.

> > >

> > > Everything you just said and have been saying is completely irrelevant to what **I** said. Players do not have the mats. Period. Any argument to the contrary is immediately defeated by the hoards of players saying they don't have the mats in game, and on social media. Whether you feel the cosmic scoreboard emotionally validates you doesn't change the fact of the matter. It does no good to argue against the self-evident. If you cannot understand why people don't have the mats, then I've already explained to you why. If you can, then there's nothing left to discuss on the matter. If you want to talk feelings, call a therapist.

> >

> > I'm confused, how is people not having the materials a problem?


> Not having the materials = have to farm the materials = have to spend time in the game working towards something that they believe should be granted, instant gratification. No instant gratification = big problem.


No. This isn't about instant gratification. I could care less that i had to wait a day/until reset to continue the collections. I don't care that I've had to do all those collections for the skyscale. Some of those were fun and made me have to think about where to go for the best farming (like for the snacks). All in all those were meaningful to the mount and getting it going. In fact, I'd rather they put in mount related quests into the game world like pick up this mount and teach it to burn x amount of branded on this map, etc. My problem with this is that after doing a lot of those things, it comes back to needing materials that most people need to grind for. And grind an absurd amount. For no reason other than anet wanted to push numbers of people to those maps. Thats it. Worse still, after this mount is done and people have it, there will be a huge vacuum on those maps again meaning newer players finally getting to that content, if they didn't know what they'd be in for are going to wonder why no one is there. This step of the mount procurement is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, and the errant "just do it and stop complaining" comments don't help the real problem here which is Anet conflates "we want meaningful quests and content in the game for these things" with "here go grind for the few hours you get to play, but also grind the next day, and the day after that because we've limited how much you can even grind for."

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I think I'll wait till some people actually get the mount to know about the full requirements.

Also I don't think this is the first new collection that requires doing something in older maps or using older currencies. Why do people assume those currencies wasn't going to be used ever again?

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> I think I'll wait till some people actually get the mount to know about the full requirements.

> Also I don't think this is the first new collection that requires doing something in older maps or using older currencies. Why do people assume those currencies wasn't going to be used ever again?


Many people have already obtained the mount and the full requirements are already available.


What specifically about the saddle requirements do you have questions about?

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You know, I have plenty of characters I could go and do the hearts on.


I also have plenty of characters who I could _completely gear in ascended trinkets_ for the amount of map currency you're asking I put into this collection. Am I getting an Ascended mount? A _legendary_ mount? No, no I'm not, I've gone over this in other topics before but the Skyscale is not a legendary mount, it's not an _upgrade_ to any mount, it's a _sidegrade_ at best and in terms of efficient travel it's an outright _downgrade_.


I could upgrade two or three characters in complete ascended trinkets, or I could get a mount that doesn't improve anything I don't already have.


This entire collection has turned out to be a bitter, bad joke. You sold me this finale of this living world season on the mount, the mount was the _selling_ point you used to make me play this game again: "oh, look at this shiny dragon! It _flies_" - but it doesn't fly, it only has true flight in a small canopy radius and glides everywhere after that. You also didn't bother to tell me, when trying to convince me that you had _new_ content that this mount was a part of, that actually this mount was a grind akin to a legendary collection. I could understand if you asked for 100 of every currency, because that's a reasonable amount to ask that does take some investment to farm but doesn't become frustration. But 250 across all these maps?

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I almost rage-quit the Skyscale collection a few times so far but I think that the saddle is where it ends for me. I thought I was getting another mount but somehow it turns out it's some legendary mount or something. I have close to almost no currency from the new maps because I only did the story (maps were unplayable on my laptop), and I just don't have the energy or will to keep going at this point. I'll probably take a break from the game and play some other games and then maybe finish it one day.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Players are steadily moving to instant gratification request. This thread is the step before you want to buy the mount with gold (and there is a thread about that BTW). And after that is the instant gratification, because players won't stop here - they didn't stop after ANET said they will reduce the time gates :)


> I have to look at that thread but I would not call that an unreasonable request. Players likely just want to earn their mount their own way.



It's still an RPG, and this is like a very long quest chain. There is no earning it your own way.


Since the saddle is the topic. You cannot mount your dragon without a saddle. This saddle is custom made as, per the queststory, you're making it from scratch, custom made. THis is.. well... expensive.



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