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Nevermind the Timegate, Farmgate is waaay worse

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Why? Why do you hate casuals all of a sudden? Please at least give us alternatives for the 250 currency of each map (tradeable or better buyable for a fixed price in either gold or gems). You know I read the statement about lowering the timegates and wanted to vote with my wallet. I have a PSC lying around now, but not sure how and where (ANet?) to use it atm.

You wrote in your statement you didn't want a hard gold price... but that would have been preferable because everyone would have the choice to farm for gold or to buy with gems (win/win right there for you, too). The way it is you have to farm (in my case for weeks maybe even months) .


And btw for those of you thinking " Yeah its exclusive for farmers" ... how would you feel if you can't buy gems for gold anymore and all skins would be exclusively for shoppers? (I would not like that either, for me its about balance and options, wich up to this point we had)

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Implying that casuals are absolutely unable to play on maps and get currency. 250 is not much. Half of that you can easily get in a single day without selling your life. Hint: This is not a race. If you are already on that step you must have rushed it from the start. That's not something a casual would do.


Edit: Fixed typo <.<

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I get what you are saying i just wanna nitpick about one thing.


Lets say you make a game, where you can buy everything. Does this not affect the game for everyone that wants to earn it?


yes it does, it's not always win/win as you want to make it look like, i love the things that take effort unless its waaaaaaaay over the top or requires commitment to raid groups. If it's just about me putting in effort myself, i'm all for it.

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Time gating was a fundamental flaw in their design, and will be rectified. As for farming, while you could say this collection is way too massive, that's just a preference. I don't think the Skyscale mount is worth the amount of work required, so I'm not going to bother. IF my opinion on that should change when players actually HAVE the mount and can showcase it's abilities, I'll go back and complete it.

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Well i was trying to get some for Requiem collection... did manage around 50 in a whole week. Maybe I should mention that I really hate nearly every lws4 map (just did Story + Mapcompletion and not much else). If I could choose to trade winterberrys and bloodrubies 1to1 I guess I would personally be more okay (still too many though)

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You can imagine my shock. I got a little heart-attack as I have consumed all of these items not too long ago...wanting to get volatile magic and grab some of those leather crates.

I also used most of those to earn money for Nevermore as well, so I am practically on 0 for each of the currencies.

I used to farm these currencies for all the items from the magic vendor, for money, etc...and I'd consume them each time as I had nothing to spend them on.

I can say I am a little burned out already, as I farmed SO many for achievements too (the banner in Kourna, armor etc...).


All in all, I'm very...hmmm...burned out? Especially as I used to LIVE on these maps and farm like there was no tomorrow, repeat hearts every day etc.

Having to do it all over again and in such massive number is really horrible to me.

I imagine it's not hard for people who have hoarded them and not wasted them, but to me it is really horrible now...especially as there's no 'skip' or alternative, as I'd gladly spent all my gold to get them rather than have to farm everything all over again, repetition is killing me.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.


10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.


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Maybe my biggest problem is I expected a collection like beetle, maybe a little bit more but in the worst case I'd expected a second griffin like collection... for me this now is way worse.


250 in one day? A usual workday with 8 to 10hrs spent on working and driving plus 7 hrs of sleep or are we talking 24/7?


There is a reason why I don't have aurora or many other legendaries. I just don't see this fit a mounts.

Btw im not on this step i just finished feeding (I rushed myself last week trying to keep up... because usually this is even possible as casual with a few hours in the evening)


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Unhappy players: The time gates are killing this collection, please change it!

ANET: Okay, we will reduce the time gate.

Unhappy players: Time gates are nothing, remove the requirement for Charged Quartz of the collection and introduce less farming, I mean we don't want to farm at all.

ANET: But you can buy the food made from Charged Quartz and the Lamp from the TP.

Unahppy players: We don't care, they cost gold, we don't have gold, nor we want to farm gold (because we don't have time to farm), remove them please.

ANET: Okay, we remove the Charged Quartz req and reduce the map specific mats to 50.

Unhappy players: ANET, it is still not enough, why can't we just get the mount after the story, you are laughing at your player base. There is no such thing in any other MMO.

ANET: Okay, we give the mount after the story.

Unhappy players: OMG, so much wasted experience for the masteries of the mount during the story, why can't we get the mount once we enter in the map, ASAP???!?

ANET: Okay, we give the mount once the story starts.

Unhappy players: ANET, we don't like the new story, nothing to do there. It is super easy and boring. Is it what GW2 is going to become? This was the final nail in the coffin, bye!

ANET: .....

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> @"Minna.7895" said:

> Why? Why do you hate casuals all of a sudden? Please at least give us alternatives for the 250 currency of each map (tradeable or better buyable for a fixed price in either gold or gems). You know I read the statement about lowering the timegates and wanted to vote with my wallet. I have a PSC lying around now, but not sure how and where (ANet?) to use it atm.

> You wrote in your statement you didn't want a hard gold price... but that would have been preferable because everyone would have the choice to farm for gold or to buy with gems (win/win right there for you, too). The way it is you have to farm (in my case for weeks maybe even months) .


> And btw for those of you thinking " Yeah its exclusive for farmers" ... how would you feel if you can't buy gems for gold anymore and all skins would be exclusively for shoppers? (I would not like that either, for me its about balance and options, wich up to this point we had)


I would LOVE to see some alternative. I have already decided it is not worth inflaming my RL health conditions to even start the collection (vertigo from going up high and flashes from the final instance). I would happily buy things with gems or gold if that were an option but no, it has to be content locked. Do not pass go if you have epilepsy.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.


> 10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

> That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.



I would propably not mind the gold as much... Im at 5k magic though thats the problem here aswell and I only buy karmic retribution 1 (if even)

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> ANET: Okay, we remove the Charged Quartz req and reduce the map specific mats to 50.


^ This is all that is needed.

Still, one can buy food off of TP and not worry about Charged Quartz. So there's a way around it, so a nerf is not even needed for Charged Quartz.

The issue is the massive number of the map currencies. 250 is overkill, especially as some maps reward so little. You have to actively participate in metas and keep repeating them.

Repeat hearts every day and do them on X amount of alts. That's not...that's not right, I mean I don't consider this as 'fun' or engaging or actual work...it's mindless repetition that will burn players in every way...

Heck I am a veteran and I used to have SO MANY of these in my bank, consumed them not so long ago after farming my butt off in the maps for ages, completing meta achievement, collections, armor, banner etc...so you can imagine how defeated and burned out I already am.




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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.


> 10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

> That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.



Sorry, I was unclear. I don't mean this as a sollution to this specific situation, but as a general advice as insurance against this type of problem.


If Season 5 offers similar nodes, get it for any map you dislike. That way, you'll be able to slowly get rewards related to it without having to play it.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Time gating was a fundamental flaw in their design, and will be rectified. As for farming, while you could say this collection is way too massive, that's just a preference. I don't think the Skyscale mount is worth the amount of work required, so I'm not going to bother. IF my opinion on that should change when players actually HAVE the mount and can showcase it's abilities, I'll go back and complete it.


Glad to see I am not the only one sitting this out and seeing what will happen. As to getting mats what people can do is farm the instance nodes. Team up with someone who has all the S4 nodes in their home instance (like me) and you will get 250 of each in a couple months without setting foot in any of the new zones.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Unhappy players: The time gates are killing this collection, please change it!

> ANET: Okay, we will reduce the time gate.

> Unhappy players: Time gates are nothing, remove the requirement for Charged Quartz of the collection and introduce less farming, I mean we don't want to farm at all.

> ANET: But you can buy the food made from Charged Quartz and the Lamp from the TP.

> Unahppy players: We don't care, they cost gold, we don't have gold, nor we want to farm gold (because we don't have time to farm), remove them please.

> ANET: Okay, we remove the Charged Quartz req and reduce the map specific mats to 50.

> Unhappy players: ANET, it is still not enough, why can't we just get the mount after the story, you are laughing at your player base. There is no such thing in any other MMO.

> ANET: Okay, we give the mount after the story.

> Unhappy players: OMG, so much wasted experience for the masteries of the mount during the story, why can't we get the mount once we enter in the map, ASAP???!?

> ANET: Okay, we give the mount once the story starts.

> Unhappy players: ANET, we don't like the new story, nothing to do there. It is super easy and boring. Is it what GW2 is going to become? This was the final nail in the coffin, bye!

> ANET: .....


You forgot the part where people are done with the content 2 days after the patch and complain there is nothing to do. Then leave the game for good. Oh wait, that is literally what people were complaining about with the time-gate: once done I have nothing to do to progress my mount.


Otherwise, spot on.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> for me jumping-puzzle-gate is my worst nightmare...


From what I understand you can buy the items? I would hate to have to do JPs but having to do all of the finale (with those flashing lights and the vertigo heights) was the showstopper for me.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > for me jumping-puzzle-gate is my worst nightmare...


> From what I understand you can buy the items? I would hate to have to do JPs but having to do all of the finale (with those flashing lights and the vertigo heights) was the showstopper for me.


You can skip all jumping puzzle related achieves on step 4. The price is around 4 gold per sub achievement skipped (some are very easy and literally just require you to walk somewhere), so you would have to invest around 80 additional gold (there is 21 sub-achieves and you get 1 free food item for skipping) if you literally want to skip the entire section.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.

> >

> > 10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

> > That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.

> >


> Sorry, I was unclear. I don't mean this as a sollution to this specific situation, but as a general advice as insurance against this type of problem.


> If Season 5 offers similar nodes, get it for any map you dislike. That way, you'll be able to slowly get rewards related to it without having to play it.


I know you didn't :)

I just wanted to point out that those nodes even sigular are not a cheap investment tbh.. and if you want all of them like I do your wallets going to hurt lol


I expect season 5 will definitely continue the trend with more nodes although I'm pretty sure I recall hearing that not all the episodes in Season 5 will be introducing new maps so it's anyones guess how Season 5 is going to play out.


> @"Minna.7895" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.

> >

> > 10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

> > That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.

> >


> I would propably not mind the gold as much... Im at 5k magic though thats the problem here aswell and I only buy karmic retribution 1 (if even)


Gold doesn't come easy for me tbh but that Volatile Magic.. uhh I can't stand how slowly that accumilates.

I can't force myself to run daily meta's in each map.. that kind of tedium makes me not want to play anymore so I just have to collect VM as I go which is a very slow process.

Would be nice if there was a converter so I could convert unwanted unbound magic into volatile magic and vice versa.

I'd gladly buy that off the gemstore.

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