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WvW Rebalancing


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This just my personal view as a whole of what i think should or could be done to WvW


Boon and Condition.

Condition damage should By pass barrier HP bonus. as it stand i often find myself with 9 stack of burn myself going meh i do not care i can barrier myself forever.


Resistance: should be change to 1 stack = 10% con dmg reduction max stack of 10. Resistance should not interact with Immobile blind cripple or chill.



Mounts Should should have a break bar added to them. an cause a player take 200% damage for 10 seconds if broken. Right now mount just used as a immune to CC mech an it just not a good design.


with adding of mounts i think HP in general should be revisited on every class for balance.


Player redesign

player that dies will drop all there supply on the ground in a bundle a player can pick up 25% of total supply they had. There just to much supply in the game at moment this make it much harder to take T3 stuff if always bottle neck for supply making defending far more important.


All player should have a hit box making it impossible for them to stack on top of one another. This will cause fighting to be much less mindless. an make aoe far more effective then they currently are.


Future design.

Add a new mech for removing ground target skills(mark, field, trap, so on ). currently game is just aoe clutter no counter to it. i recommend adding a skill with a High CD that can delete all of them on the ground such as swirling wind on ele.


Home realm perk should be rewarded extra 10% skrim bonus point for anything owned.


Siege blue print design:

Walls that are tall enough that you can not get Line of sight over allowing you to create choke point.

Shelter that allow you take no damage from all ground target skills until it destroyed.(would not protect siege)

Tactical banner that focus around traps.


i am sure i had other idea for game mode but that all i can think of at moment Hope you guys can add more idea <3

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Use bubble system that pushes players out who didn't occupy space first. This would be cpu intensive to handle the mechanic while moving. It might be problematic since movement is client side.

I think the supply could be carried by a mount up to 50 supply total between you and the mount. If you are dismounted, you lose the extra supply. Can also build on the mount. I believe siege turtle baby would be good for this mount concept. Have it scuttle really quick for its dodge mechanic, but move at normal swiftness speed overall.

Edit: I could see the outnumbered mechanic being used to pickup the supply from the Teenage mutant siege turtle mount.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> You have some neat ideas. =)


> ~ Kovu


glad you found it interesting.


> @"Franke.8147" said:

> Use bubble system that pushes players out who didn't occupy space first. This would be cpu intensive to handle the mechanic while moving. It might be problematic since movement is client side.

> I think the supply could be carried by a mount up to 50 supply total between you and the mount. If you are dismounted, you lose the extra supply. Can also build on the mount. I believe siege turtle baby would be good for this mount concept. Have it scuttle really quick for its dodge mechanic, but move at normal swiftness speed overall.


I think if we going to allow mounts to carry extra supply i would make it so player that has extra supply has a skill to drop that as a bundle on the ground for allies to pick up to build siege with. i also make it so that when carrying extra supply they run at 25% less normal speed making it more risky an far more noticeable to enemy zerg of who there supply line.

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> @"Taobella.6597" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > body block would be funny but would break the game in many ways.


> i mean stacking to abuse aoe limit is already broken let it be broken in the right way :).


Game was not built with body collisions inmind. Implementing it might be close to impossible and if they managed it would probably make the game have 10-15 seconds of lag in fights.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > @"Taobella.6597" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > body block would be funny but would break the game in many ways.

> >

> > i mean stacking to abuse aoe limit is already broken let it be broken in the right way :).


> Game was not built with body collisions inmind. Implementing it might be close to impossible and if they managed it would probably make the game have 10-15 seconds of lag in fights.


To be fair i thought that idea was a stretch to begin with i threw in there with lot of other ideas :). an to correct you the game already has the option for target melee assist they could just use that code to apply to all players.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > @"Taobella.6597" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > body block would be funny but would break the game in many ways.

> >

> > i mean stacking to abuse aoe limit is already broken let it be broken in the right way :).


> Game was not built with body collisions inmind. Implementing it might be close to impossible and if they managed it would probably make the game have 10-15 seconds of lag in fights.

Agreed, lets just enable friendly fire instead as that is without any lag issues.

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Body collision is already friendly fire.


If you move standing players away, you push allies off of walls and ledges.

If you stop moving players while you stand, they can't evade damage anymore.


While you suggest that this might improve strategy, this will likely destroy all kind of zerg play and encourage builds with low mobility that can facetank as much as possible.

Even ports and so on: imagine a 70vs70 fight with collision on. I doubt there will be an available port target in your range. ^^

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> Body collision is already friendly fire.


> If you move standing players away, you push allies off of walls and ledges.

> If you stop moving players while you stand, they can't evade damage anymore.


> While you suggest that this might improve strategy, this will likely destroy all kind of zerg play and encourage builds with low mobility that can facetank as much as possible.

> Even ports and so on: imagine a 70vs70 fight with collision on. I doubt there will be an available port target in your range. ^^


yeah lol... imagine being in the middle of a zerg, unable to move, and being pummeled by aoes. LOL. would be funny for about 10 minutes. saddest thing is that zergs probably wouldn't break up, they'd just leave game instead. that's because theres a severe lack of leadership in wvw.

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There was body collision in GW2 which led to **rubber banding issues** as the client side collision de-synced with the server side. They would snap play back after a few seconds hence the phrase "rubber banding." This was a jarring experience even in the small setting that was GW1 (No more than 16v16 if you consider alliance battles).


I don't really care about the rest...so.



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Much of the issues of imbalance has to do with out dated lazy mechanics.

Every action should have an opposite an equal reaction.


Resistance should act mechanically the same way a toughness and armor does for power damage .Resistance could be based on the players healing and vitality and should mitigate condition damage the same way armor mitigates power damage .


Retaliation has no mitigation or counter so should be removed .


Large AOE's should never be mobile .Any mobile aoe should never have a larger diameter of a great sword and with short durations that require a repetitive key stroke to reapply.


Boon stacking is out of control

Boons that are applied to an individual from a single skill of another individual can only be done one time until that skills original boon duration time expires. All succesive applications from said skill extends duration only.This means that if player (A) is being booned by player (B) for a alotted number of stacks applied by a single skill ,that skill used by player (B) cannot be used to apply any additional stacks to player (A) only duration . Additional Stacks can only be applied if a different skill is used by player (A) or player (B) or by a Third player uses the original skill that applied the boon in the first place.This would prevent massive boon stacks appled on individual players for indefinate periods of time.It would also make it more difficult for groups.


Stability hasn't been properly adjusted to the increase in control effects .This could be set as an individual ability based on a players precision.Precision could be used as a factor of stability and ability to evade for individual players.


Similar skills across different classes should have the same restrictions.For example if one class can't throw a trap from a distance then no class should be able to.


All pulls should be line of sight ,short range ,single target only.


No action should go beyond its descriptive range. This would include range attacks and AOE attacks .


No skill should be allowed to circumvent any obstruction or path way in the map geography without penalty (I suggest very long cool downs and activation's).


If line of sight is lost ,targeting should cease.This would apply to full obstrucions such as a wall but not partial obstructions such as slight terain changes.


Combat speed needs to evolve

Only attacking players should be considered in combat . The defending player remains non combatant until that player returns attacks .But control effects would still apply but would not put noncombatant players into combat until such player returns attck.This would include any aspect of that player that can attack such as pets ,clones ,minions ect. This would allow individual noncombatants to retreat more successfully.Ganking would become much more difficult.


Stealth needs to change

Once a player is revealed that player can not stealth again until out of combat,This of course would come with appropriate adjustments to damage ,sustainability, and survivability to classes that currently rely heavilly on steath .Also the time from last attack to what is considered out of combat needs to be shortened and targeting won't keep retreating players in combat.See "Combat needs to evolvle"


To much siege.

Any siege placed within the damage zone of any other siege including friendly takes damage.This would mean that if siege is place against a wall or to close together that siege would take damage from the attack if within the damage zones of its self or other siege.


Spying and sabotage should come with some degree of risk.

Bounties should be allowed to be placed upon infiltrators for a suitable period of time , that troll ,tamper or destroy siege ,tactivators or are otherwise disruptive . This would cost a suitable amount of gold ,badges and heroics and possibly other account bound currencies to prevent abuse. And only NPCs will be allowed to carry out said bounty and all NPCs become invulnerable and unfriendly to that individual with a bounty for a period of one hour.Bounties can never be placed on individuals from outside the server on which it is placed.And only the person that placed said bounty may lift it.Bounties cannot be placed on commanders with active squad members present in WvW.


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Mokk.2397 to reply to your messsege


Resistance should act mechanically the same way a toughness and armor does for power damage .Resistance could be based on the players healing and vitality and should mitigate condition damage the same way armor mitigates power damage .

well that may sound good on paper that already the answer to dealing with condition you just be doubling down on soft counter. i must disagree with this idea.


Retaliation has no mitigation or counter so should be removed .

Sharing retaliation has become alot harder since it no longer given threw light fields. i think this boon is fine. it only really hurt player that abuse lots of chain hit skill.


Large AOE's should never be mobile .Any mobile aoe should never have a larger diameter of a great sword and with short duration that require a repetitive key stroke to reapply.

Well i agree that Aoe size should be changed. i think topic of being mobile is to vague to pin on AoE itself. Maybe you are referring to something that should be view into


Boon stacking is out of control i think more correct way to fix this would be globally lower amount of sources you can have pre boon arc type.


Stability hasn't been properly adjusted to the increase in control effects .This could be set as an individual ability based on a players precision.Precision could be used as a factor of stability and ability to evade for individual players.

Problem with this idea is If stability become a % chance of say blocking stun that mean boon mech that give stab go threw the roof an game would become a % game of winning. Well hearthstone does that well i rather avoid that type of game-play.


Similar skills across different classes should have the same restrictions.For example if one class can't throw a trap from a distance then no class should be able to.

i do not even know how begin to answer this. short answer is No


All pulls should be line of sight ,short range ,single target only.

same as above i strongly do not see how this improve game play anyway.


No skill should be allowed to circumvent any obstruction or path way in the map geography without penalty (I suggest very long cool downs and activation's).

Just no


If line of sight is lost ,targeting should cease.This would apply to full obstrucions such as a wall but not partial obstructions such as slight terain changes. Well this would be a game changer for stealth classes. it used as one of there hard counter so either way i am fine with this change happening or not happening.


Combat speed needs to evolve

i do not mind this idea does not really hurt the game anyway.


Stealth needs to change Stealth i 100% disagree with i am sorry. Stealth need to be change on classes them self But not how stealth works. as example a D/P thief that spam black powder to stay in stealth is not breaking stealth game mech it the field. much better to just remove black powder from the game. Or example for Mesmer If a clone deal physical damage it should Reveal the real Mesmer.


To much siege. i do not like this idea. if people build a bunch siege closes to one another you just spam disable it. already has a hard counter.


Anyways that just my input thanks for taking the time to give a real reply :)

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