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This is jacked up

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Half the broken classes are bunkers and cant be killed. The other half literally kill you in .5 seconds. Both builds are stupidly broken. By now we're all aware of which builds these are. NO OTHER BUILDS ARE VIABLE and that's what really irritates me. Why have all these pvp options if 90% of them can't be realistically used? TEST YOUR PATCHES before you release it devs. This kind of incompetence is to a level i've never seen in any game before.

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I'm fine with ranked just being warriors, engineers, and revs. Less toxic this way.


Gw2 Pvp should rebrand and go on a marketing blitz, Warriors vs Engineers and hard ban all other classes. I honestly think the game could at least be revitalized to Overwatch tier in player population if they did that.

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> @"kittyfur.6459" said:

>Why have all these pvp options if 90% of them can't be realistically used?


Good question. That being said-


> TEST YOUR PATCHES before you release it devs.


They probably do., but probably not to the extent you are seeking. If they don't I doubt they'd pay people to sit in a room, grind the amount of hours requires to get competent in pvp baseline, test out every available combination of skills and synergies and manage to sniff out all the busted stuff before the patch goes live. Even if they did that, patches would be even longer than they are now.


All that being said, it is understandably irritating when obnoxious mechanics are dropped into the game or classes are reworked in a way that both makes their meta build more powerful and removes the viability from modified builds.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> >Why have all these pvp options if 90% of them can't be realistically used?


> Good question. That being said-


> > TEST YOUR PATCHES before you release it devs.


> They probably do., but probably not to the extent you are seeking. If they don't I doubt they'd pay people to sit in a room, grind the amount of hours requires to get competent in pvp baseline, test out every available combination of skills and synergies and manage to sniff out all the busted stuff before the patch goes live. Even if they did that, patches would be even longer than they are now.


> All that being said, it is understandably irritating when obnoxious mechanics are dropped into the game or classes are reworked in a way that both makes their meta build more powerful and removes the viability from modified builds.


There's no way many of the things going into patches are tested. Look at Phantasm rework. p Defender hitting for 16k, pDenchanter for 12kx2 on paladin amulet. This took them months to fix. Arc divider, 60k crits. Scrapper face tanking three people without the need to dodge.


There's no QA team in place, I refuse to believe they can be this inept.

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