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So, what other classes do you play?

Lan Deathrider.5910

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For kicks and giggles.


What other classes do you all play? What do you like about them that you don't about warrior and vice versa?


I have a necro and guardian that I play regularly. I like the sick sustain and quickness uptime on my reaper and wish that I could have more quickness on my warrior. The guardian I just like for the different flavor. The versatility of warrior overall still keeps me on it mostly. I like having options, and all the weapons warrior has keeps me from ever getting bored with it.

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My first character was a Thief, who is now a Daredevil because I prefer their boon spammy F1 over regular steal. Nowadays I only use him to craft stuff on, but he used to be my farming character over my warrior because of Shortbow 1 being one of the easiest farm spells to exist.

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I play Guardian, Revenant and Mesmer pretty much equally, but I always mostly play my Warrior.


I like the amount of support you can do with Guardian, Revenant and Mesmer while on Warrior it's just dropping banners for a stat boost...


But I still prefer slightly my Warrior because I enjoy simple and conventional playstyles, like knocking down while dashing, Slashing my way out with my weapons instead of using magic, etc...

I also was very interested with their resilience at first with their heavy armor and high base health, but it seems Revenant and Mesmer are better at surviving than Warrior if built for it. (Also they have more support).

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on good-level all classes

on high-level scrapper, holo and thief

on extreme-level spellbreaker and herald


sadly, this is for wvw


pvp is a different story. where it is spellbreaker and scourge


pve, it's whatever my group needs with a preferance for warrior

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I only pvp. In that context


I Warrior main now. Swap to Scrapper when I see Condi every where and don't want to deal with it. Those are the 2 classes I can play up to plat2 players and contribute.


Used to main deadeye. Could not get pass g3 after nerfs. Just zero sustain. But I use it for fun every now and again. The pew pew run aspect is fun. Get too feel like a sniper. Except it's more like call of duty now. With the lack of stealth


Ranger. Been playing alot recently big dps. Okish sustain. Might use it for ranked next season once I learnt how to deal with every other class. I like that it's fast, hits hard and u can get away if used correctly.


Holo. Also played alot recently. Massive dmg. I would say the burst is stronger than warrior because it's far easier to land. Warrior u have to melee connect. Holo u can just stealth up. exlixer,Rifle 4,holo5,3 and 2. And they very quickly die from stealth. Sustain is also great, what with photon wall and healing turret. I just like this cos well rounded.


Played around with guardian. Doing hyrbid burn and with good results in unranked. Not too into it. But it's a good mix up.


Rev, also played around with it. Massive burst. You are almost always guaranteed to do dmg. Which is fun.


Reaper. Played a little bit. Big dps is always fun. The animations feel good.


Lastly, thief. I still have most games in thief but pretty sure I m better with every other class. Hits like a wet noodle. But mobility and slipperiness is great.



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I'll bite, although Warrior is my secondary class. I've been playing Engineer and switching kits back and forth in all game modes since the very release of the game, I love Core, I'm indifferent to Scrapper and I don't like Holosmith all that much. Ever since Berserker came out I -needed- to make a Warrior, I wanted to have a character with a large array of weapons that could slice, bash, thrash and headbutt his way out of problems with all the recklessness of a Borderlands Psycho. I liked it for a time but here's the thing:


With engineer I always find a decent use for all kits, I wanna smack whack and thwack players and mobs alike with a wrench I can make it work. With Warrior... I'm not a fan of greatsword in general and I've tried to use swords, maces and axes in all hand combinations because I freaking loved these weapons and it's hard to justify not taking two axes due to the available skills and traits, which is a shame. In the case all these weapons were good, I would be totally fine having my inventory turning into a weapon rack. It's a very specific gripe I have but I stayed this long because I loved my engineer and the character embodying that engineer. I like my warrior too, but there could be so much more potential with a larger array of good weapons to choose from.

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I think warrior and ranger are my two most played classes, for the same reason: even with a very glass cannon build, you can tuck in a number of very solid sustain options in there as the same time.


I main a ranger for pve (and used to for spvp, but play it far less there now). I find soulbeast is great for pulling more than my own weight in group content on a glass build - even soloing dungeons with ease. The interplay between having a pet open fights, using LB3 to stealth out if I get pressured, and having pet swap and merge/unmerge as pet revive options lets me stay in a fight for a long time despite being built to hit hard with low sustain. This is the kind of pve gameplay I like the most, as it allows me to lazily stay in full dps builds meant for groups, even when I'm alone a lot of the time.


Greatsword spellbreaker with Might Makes Right and Magebane Tether is my warrior version of deceptively-survivable-soulbeast. It's ridiculously easy to land a magebane tether on a sturdy pve mob, and with enough crit just about every greatsword hit heals me. It's another build I can easily use for both solo and group play, as just one trait change into Phalanx Strength turns me into a perma-25 might stacker for my entire 5-man cell.


After ranger and warrior, I probably play my necro the most. By default I run a quickness well reaper, which again allows me to run a full glass build that has a ton of sustain (shroud, aoe life siphon + vampiric aura, and sustain-y stuff like condition conversion and area blind tucked into a lot of offensive abilities). I do run full support blood magic scourge for a lot of groups though, as I'm nigh unkillable in pve as a scourge and can offer a ton of group support at the cost of not hitting nearly as hard as I could on a more damage oriented build.


The rest of the classes I play depend entirely on whatever my group needs at the moment, and usually fall into various support roles. Mesmer for porting guildmates to masteries and JPs, scrapper if my unranked team needs an annoying side noder, etc. The one notable exception to all this is elementalist, which I couldn't play to save my life. I'm starting to pick up weaver a bit, but I'm really the worst ele I know.


Compared to every other class I play, I just like how solid and simple the warrior feels. Hits hard, can always be counted on to soak up a few hits, and can even provide easy group support on offense. The flip side of warrior's reliable simplicity is that it's... quite simple, in that it lacks a lot of handy tricks other classes have. For everything that you can just straight charge in and slaughter the opposition, warrior is perfect. The instant I need more creative approaches is the instant I start thinking about what other class to bring to the fight.

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> @"MrForz.1953" said:

> I'll bite, although Warrior is my secondary class. I've been playing Engineer and switching kits back and forth in all game modes since the very release of the game, I love Core, I'm indifferent to Scrapper and I don't like Holosmith all that much. Ever since Berserker came out I -needed- to make a Warrior, I wanted to have a character with a large array of weapons that could slice, bash, thrash and headbutt his way out of problems with all the recklessness of a Borderlands Psycho. I liked it for a time but here's the thing:


> With engineer I always find a decent use for all kits, I wanna smack whack and thwack players and mobs alike with a wrench I can make it work. With Warrior... I'm not a fan of greatsword in general and I've tried to use swords, maces and axes in all hand combinations because I freaking loved these weapons and it's hard to justify not taking two axes due to the available skills and traits, which is a shame. In the case all these weapons were good, I would be totally fine having my inventory turning into a weapon rack. It's a very specific gripe I have but I stayed this long because I loved my engineer and the character embodying that engineer. I like my warrior too, but there could be so much more potential with a larger array of good weapons to choose from.


I confess, I use my bank as my warrior's locker! So many weapons for him clogging up a whole page lol!

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I think warrior and ranger are my two most played classes, for the same reason: even with a very glass cannon build, you can tuck in a number of very solid sustain options in there as the same time.


> I main a ranger for pve (and used to for spvp, but play it far less there now). I find soulbeast is great for pulling more than my own weight in group content on a glass build - even soloing dungeons with ease. The interplay between having a pet open fights, using LB3 to stealth out if I get pressured, and having pet swap and merge/unmerge as pet revive options lets me stay in a fight for a long time despite being built to hit hard with low sustain. This is the kind of pve gameplay I like the most, as it allows me to lazily stay in full dps builds meant for groups, even when I'm alone a lot of the time.


> Greatsword spellbreaker with Might Makes Right and Magebane Tether is my warrior version of deceptively-survivable-soulbeast. It's ridiculously easy to land a magebane tether on a sturdy pve mob, and with enough crit just about every greatsword hit heals me. It's another build I can easily use for both solo and group play, as just one trait change into Phalanx Strength turns me into a perma-25 might stacker for my entire 5-man cell.


> After ranger and warrior, I probably play my necro the most. By default I run a quickness well reaper, which again allows me to run a full glass build that has a ton of sustain (shroud, aoe life siphon + vampiric aura, and sustain-y stuff like condition conversion and area blind tucked into a lot of offensive abilities). I do run full support blood magic scourge for a lot of groups though, as I'm nigh unkillable in pve as a scourge and can offer a ton of group support at the cost of not hitting nearly as hard as I could on a more damage oriented build.


> The rest of the classes I play depend entirely on whatever my group needs at the moment, and usually fall into various support roles. Mesmer for porting guildmates to masteries and JPs, scrapper if my unranked team needs an annoying side noder, etc. The one notable exception to all this is elementalist, which I couldn't play to save my life. I'm starting to pick up weaver a bit, but I'm really the worst ele I know.


> Compared to every other class I play, I just like how solid and simple the warrior feels. Hits hard, can always be counted on to soak up a few hits, and can even provide easy group support on offense. The flip side of warrior's reliable simplicity is that it's... quite simple, in that it lacks a lot of handy tricks other classes have. For everything that you can just straight charge in and slaughter the opposition, warrior is perfect. The instant I need more creative approaches is the instant I start thinking about what other class to bring to the fight.


I've had good mileage on my reaper with Valkyrie stats, decimate defenses, and depth perception. If you run Curses as well you can have 100% crit while in shroud without any precision on your gear, which opens up a number of options.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Warrior when I want to just swing sword, throw axe, rince repeat. Necro when mobs need to be a minor annoyance when I'm trying to get something done. Elementalist when I want a challenge and know that mistiming something will mean I go back to waypoint, but also knowing that if I get it right, no enemy mob can beat me.

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[From a WvW player perspective] I play everything - I like to try all classes, all weaponsets, meta and non meta, power/condi/hybrid. I like messing with builds, and figuring enemies builds. This is the greatest pull in the game for me, but the biggest of all is just trying to get better as a player. I like seeing/understanding how others play. When a nerf happens, I gravitate to using what just got nerfed and try to stubbornly make it work. Since I change builds so often, almost all my armor/wep are exo [i did manage to make 4 legendaries though, incinerator/predator/bolt/sunrise], but all my trinkets and back are asc. It would be interesting if more people would be open to multiclassing, and I mean all of them, because it really is fun. Got a class you hate with the utmost passion? My advise would be to make that class and treat it like a main to truly understand it, and play it extensively, not just 1 or 2 weeks. It's really fun to experiment in this game.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> [From a WvW player perspective] I play everything - I like to try all classes, all weaponsets, meta and non meta, power/condi/hybrid. I like messing with builds, and figuring enemies builds. This is the greatest pull in the game for me, but the biggest of all is just trying to get better as a player. I like seeing/understanding how others play. When a nerf happens, I gravitate to using what just got nerfed and try to stubbornly make it work. Since I change builds so often, almost all my armor/wep are exo [i did manage to make 4 legendaries though, incinerator/predator/bolt/sunrise], but all my trinkets and back are asc. It would be interesting if more people would be open to multiclassing, and I mean all of them, because it really is fun. Got a class you hate with the utmost passion? My advise would be to make that class and treat it like a main to truly understand it, and play it extensively, not just 1 or 2 weeks. It's really fun to experiment in this game.


Kindred spirit right here lol. I've been providing my inputs on predicting the Soulbeast drawback, and one holier than thou forum poster just assumed I don't have one of my own and tried to call me jealous, envious, and spiteful for my predictions lol. I still need to buy 2 more character slots to roll up an Engi and Ele to complete the set...

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From PvE, my main is guardian. But I play warrior, rev and mesmer. I like warrior power build. I prefer core over SB and Berserker. My issue with warrior in PvE is that it is dead stagnant. Same damn build since as far as I remember.


I was very disappointed in SB. I was really hoping we get to use a new functional weapon. Nope.. Sure, MH dagger is meta in sPvP, but what about OH and how about PvE. I have been using axe/axe for years. I was hoping for something new :/






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> @"otto.5684" said:

> From PvE, my main is guardian. But I play warrior, rev and mesmer. I like warrior power build. I prefer core over SB and Berserker. My issue with warrior in PvE is that it is dead stagnant. Same kitten build since as far as I remember.


> I was very disappointed in SB. I was really hoping we get to use a new functional weapon. Nope.. Sure, MH dagger is meta in sPvP, but what about OH and how about PvE. I have been using axe/axe for years. I was hoping for something new :/







Well OH Dagger can be fun. I find Hammer SB to be very fun, have you tried that? Its very easy to stack Attacker's insight with hammer, and if you put a sigil of draining into it you get quite a bit of life steal.

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