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Skyscale improvement suggestions

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-Make wall clinging a toggle button, for example, pressing shift while next to a wall will make you hang on it, until you jump off, press shift again, etc.


-Increase Flight Juice, currently the canopy with allotted flight juice is fairly underwhelming , and detracts from the sense of freedom and joy of movement the Skyscale is supposed to bring.


-Minimum Flight level: When you're flying close to the ground horizontally, you don't lose flight juice. This makes it harder to cheese various maps while allowing greater movement and freedom.


Thank you for reading this, if you liked or disliked my suggestions, please share why, and tell which ones you did or didn't like. This way if you dislike only one, people don't assume you dislike all of them, etc.


On a side note, what do you guys think of a single cool down ability for skyscale that lets you breathe fire while flying, kind of like the branded wyvern attack in dragonfall?

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The air rescue ability NEEDS to have a full flight juice meter. As you frequently end up with nothing in the tank and still plummeting, where it wouldve been better to just glide or use the griffon instead.


And I support toggleable cling. Way too easy to get attached to scenery.


The engage skill is hilariously difficult to properly target and needs a targetting reticule.

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I've noticed that I never cling to walls anymore unless I hold down W to go towards it. Before that really irritated me with the rented ones, but since I have my own clinging to walls I don't want to cling to doesn't seem to happen anymore.


Wouldn't mind your suggestions though. A bit more juice would be fantastic.

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I have issue with the skyscale when you reach a ledge and it decides to stick to in instead of getting on it.

Also about the Breathing fire maybe an emote that lets it do an animation (that would be nice for all mounts) with cooldown so its not spammed.

The engage needs to be made into targeted location like the Warrior longbow burst.

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According to the Guild Chat the Skyscale is meant to traverse landscapes by going from wall to wall. When you jump off a wall your canopy is slightly pushed back up so you're able to go both up and more importantly, go a further distance away from that wall (which wouldn't be possible with just a single jump and glide over.)


Most people just wanted a flying mount that wasn't a glider like the Griffon.


The altitude bar being empty when mounting midair is considered an oversight and they're going to try to fix it.


But as for everything else, it was somewhat announced only a few key things would be changed aka "exceptions"... However large ones like free flying are more than like ly never going to happen, even with newer mounts in the future.


The entire game is based, from a design aspect, around the traversal of terrain. Whereas tweaks aren't a big deal, free flying would generally omit the point of all maps up until now.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> According to the Guild Chat the Skyscale is meant to traverse landscapes by going from wall to wall. When you jump off a wall your canopy is slightly pushed back up so you're able to go both up and more importantly, go a further distance away from that wall (which wouldn't be possible with just a single jump and glide over.)


> Most people just wanted a flying mount that wasn't a glider like the Griffon.


> The altitude bar being empty when mounting midair is considered an oversight and they're going to try to fix it.


> But as for everything else, it was somewhat announced only a few key things would be changed aka "exceptions"... However large ones like free flying are more than likely never going to happen.


I'm not asking for free flight per se, my suggestion in point 3 requires you to stay close to the minimum flight level to avoid losing flight juice. This is so we can fly to a location, as if we were on a ground mount, without having to repeatedly land and jump back up again, additionally, it looks cool.

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> @"Nyraxx The Necromancer.1728" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > According to the Guild Chat the Skyscale is meant to traverse landscapes by going from wall to wall. When you jump off a wall your canopy is slightly pushed back up so you're able to go both up and more importantly, go a further distance away from that wall (which wouldn't be possible with just a single jump and glide over.)

> >

> > Most people just wanted a flying mount that wasn't a glider like the Griffon.

> >

> > The altitude bar being empty when mounting midair is considered an oversight and they're going to try to fix it.

> >

> > But as for everything else, it was somewhat announced only a few key things would be changed aka "exceptions"... However large ones like free flying are more than likely never going to happen.


> I'm not asking for free flight per se, my suggestion in point 3 requires you to stay close to the minimum flight level to avoid losing flight juice. This is so we can fly to a location, as if we were on a ground mount, without having to repeatedly land and jump back up again, additionally, it looks cool.


Mainly wrote that for those that ask about it in every topic. But yeah I get you.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I've noticed that I never cling to walls anymore unless I hold down W to go towards it.


It never did. But it still often results in your mount involuntarily clinging to a wall when you are attempting to fly around it and get a little too close. It's annoying, especially when you are in a hurry during a boss run or meta event.


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> @"Nyraxx The Necromancer.1728" said:

> -Make wall clinging a toggle button, for example, pressing shift while next to a wall will make you hang on it, until you jump off, press shift again, etc.


Disagree. I need wall clinging as it is the only way to recharge my flight juice without resetting base maximum altitude for the skyscale.



> -Increase Flight Juice, currently the canopy with allotted flight juice is fairly underwhelming , and detracts from the sense of freedom and joy of movement the Skyscale is supposed to bring.


Not necessary, I never really had a problem with Flight juice since wall launch recharges a lot of flight juice and endurance regeneration is pretty high. But it wouldn't hurt me to have more of it.


> -Minimum Flight level: When you're flying close to the ground horizontally, you don't lose flight juice. This makes it harder to cheese various maps while allowing greater movement and freedom.


Not necessary. Just touch the ground to recharge all flight juice immediately. You can hover above the ground again for quite a while.




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> > -Minimum Flight level: When you're flying close to the ground horizontally, you don't lose flight juice. This makes it harder to cheese various maps while allowing greater movement and freedom.


> Not necessary. Just touch the ground to recharge all flight juice immediately. You can hover above the ground again for quite a while.




The point wasn't to hover. It was to look cool while hovercrafting along to wherever you were going, /without/ having to touch the ground. I get it. For ME it goes too slow for this unless for appearance only, but I ALSO think the reason they aren't doing it is because that is what the skimmer does.


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I definitely think the bond of faith part needs to be looked at but I think he said he was looking into a way to fix it. I don't know why they're so afraid of people abusing masteries or whatever to break the initial height ceiling though. I mean, you've been able to do it on Gryphon since launch. It takes a lot of effort and time, but you can get infinite height without skyscale. Honestly, it adds an extra sense of adventure to the game for me.


I got all the way to the top of the trees in Bitterfrost, which I had done once before with Gryphon, and I can't say it feels any less clunky. But perhaps as people experiment with it they can find some of the hidden features of the mount that he was hinting at in the guild chat. He mentioned that you're better off moving horizontally after you propel from a cliff with the wall cling mastery, but I can't say that I noticed a huge difference. The few times I did notice a difference in terms of altitude punishment and what not felt pretty inconsistent too.


It's certainly more fun with the masteries, but it could still use some love all around.


I'd also add onto what Joel mentioned on the guild chat in terms of wall cling, release, and fly away being the best method?... It has a really slow turning radius. I guess that isn't that big of a deal, but it's just something I noticed. I think the same could be applied to descending. You can hold c and descend, but then it just looks like you're falling, not that your mount is actually intentionally traveling straight down. And the dash always dashes forward, but it would be nice if you could dash in the direction you're intending. Straight down, straight up, left, right, wherever you're pointed.

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One of hilarious things is jetting through some archway or big gates and full stop suddenly clinging to invisible wall in upper half of it. Never noticed griffon hitting its head there at full speed. Anet pls fix?


But overall this

> @"Heisenberg.1482" said:

> I'm really happy with the skyscale now that I've got all the masteries. Aiming the attack might require some more practice. Not a big deal to me.



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> @"Nyraxx The Necromancer.1728" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > According to the Guild Chat the Skyscale is meant to traverse landscapes by going from wall to wall. When you jump off a wall your canopy is slightly pushed back up so you're able to go both up and more importantly, go a further distance away from that wall (which wouldn't be possible with just a single jump and glide over.)

> >

> > Most people just wanted a flying mount that wasn't a glider like the Griffon.

> >

> > The altitude bar being empty when mounting midair is considered an oversight and they're going to try to fix it.

> >

> > But as for everything else, it was somewhat announced only a few key things would be changed aka "exceptions"... However large ones like free flying are more than likely never going to happen.


> I'm not asking for free flight per se, my suggestion in point 3 requires you to stay close to the minimum flight level to avoid losing flight juice. This is so we can fly to a location, as if we were on a ground mount, without having to repeatedly land and jump back up again, additionally, it looks cool.

That's actually pretty good idea you get the base height from one flap off the ground and that would be the lowest point of the flight juice canopy, so you have that feeling of flying but you are just hovering like with skimmer.


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