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Out of Keybinds - Need a better Mount UI

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With the arrival of the skyscale, I am officially out of easily reachable keybindings for mounts. I have it bound like so:

x - set Raptor in UI

ctrl-Z - Griffon

ctrl-X - Bunny

ctrl-C - Skimmer

ctrl-v - Jackal

ctrl-b - beetle

ctrl-N skyscale

in WvW set x to warclaw as it's the only one to use


If another mount comes out, I cannot use ctrl-m, as it's too far to reach (ctrl-N is already pushing it). We need a better in game UI for mount selection; hotkeying everything is no longer practical. Before anyone asks why I don't use alt, it's hard to hit reliably and half the time I go for it I hit windows by accident and leave the game. Quite frankly, the mount wheel add-on is a good UI and could be implemented into the game (so you don't have to worry about it having bugs and getting banned), but even that will start running into trouble with many more mounts (I'd say more than 8 will make it hard to use).

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You could also try doubling up on hotkeys using Shift+, and then even Ctrl+Shift+ if you need more. I personally use various combinations of Ctrl, Alt, and Shift with a single key to use all my mounts, but I also have a keyboard with a secondary 'gaming' keypad set up offset from the main board, so I don't know how practical my method is on a standard keyboard. Still, I can't imagine using Shift would be too much of a hassle, unless you use that for something else.


Edited for spelling, because autocorrect is dumb.

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My hands are tiny... :'(

So I know your pain

I literally don't have my Beetle bound cuz I don't use it as often so I just keep it as a default on the bar so if I ever need it, I can click it. In WvW Warclaw is set by default. As for Skyscale I won't bound that one either as I find it pretty much useless so far so I won't ever use it unless Anet forces it on me in which case I'll just swap beetle for it.

I do however wish they just added a wheel like you said.

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Do you have a number pad on your right hand side? The client acknowledges that the number pad are different buttons than the numerics above the letter keys. I have it set up where you just need to hit the button once. No alt or ctrl keys necessary.

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I use Ctrl + 1, 2, 3 etc and Num Pad (.) As my default mount up, but, my situation gets trickier, I have 3 accounts...


Through WC, the Griffon on my main account shifted to the last number in the sequence because my alt accounts didn't have Griffon but they had all the other mounts and I wanted consistency in my bindings, but with Skyscale (which will be on all 3 accounts) I've decided to remove WC from the bindings on all 3 accounts and remove SS from my main and have the following partially consistent layout:

Ctrl+1 Raptor

Ctrl+2 Springer

Ctlr+3 Skimmer

Ctrl+4 Jackal

Ctrl+5 Beetle

Flying Mount: Ctrl+6 Griffon (main) SS Alts


I don't know which would be easier, having 3 accounts trying to maintain consistency or having 1 account that's up to Ctrl+8 by now.


Either way, I see your dilemma and nervously look to the future.

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I use the number pad, but that is also getting full.










0 is keyed as the second mount skill (It's positioned where I can hit it with my pinky while my right hand is on the arrow keys, for beetle drift) so I only have one number left to use. Not sure if the various symbols on the keypad are also usable. (+-*/.)

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Not sure if the various symbols on the keypad are also usable. (+-*/.)


They are! Num pad is my combat pad.


(+) is my weapon swap

(*) is my special action attack


I haven't employed (/ or -) yet :) but the other 2 defiantly work.


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> May i suggest using the numpad for the mounts?

> 0 warbeast

> 1 raptor

> 2 springer

> 3 skimmer

> 4 jackal

> 5 beetle

> 6 skyscale

> 7 gryffin


> Or you can look for the add-on: mount wheel. A fully 'legal' add-on


Thing is: this add on should be built into a game.

Every suggestion to use ctrl+shifts etc are just stupid, op knows about it, we just have to many mounts atm, and qol is needed

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > Every suggestion to use ctrl+shifts etc are just stupid.

> Not really. CTRL+N is a bad shortcut for example. but CRTL+Mouse 3 not. Or ALT+Mouse 3 or ....



What I mean shortcuts are not a solution. We have 9 mounts rn? We just need better ui.

Ur solutions are: "I'm doing fine with, what I have which means it's all good, and it doesn't need qol". False, it needs.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > May i suggest using the numpad for the mounts?

> > 0 warbeast

> > 1 raptor

> > 2 springer

> > 3 skimmer

> > 4 jackal

> > 5 beetle

> > 6 skyscale

> > 7 gryffin

> >

> > Or you can look for the add-on: mount wheel. A fully 'legal' add-on


> Thing is: this add on should be built into a game.

> Every suggestion to use ctrl+shifts etc are just stupid, op knows about it, we just have to many mounts atm, and qol is needed


Agreed, it should've been.

Funny thing is, we had a serious topic on that.

Anet considered it, but apparently hundreds of posts on the forum and reddit isn't enough 'demand'.. i know, crazy, right?

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Ah, the eternal MMO dilemma.


I'm using a naga trinity mouse, so all my weapon attacks are on the closest two columns. This allowed me to shift my abilities from 6 - 0 down to 1 - 5, with my mounts now occupying 6 - 0 (this allows me to stretch my thumb and choose a different mount while still moving forward) in order from raptor to griffon.


Still have seven unused mouse buttons since I find the furthest two columns awkward to use. Might just have to accept that's my only real option for the beetle and skyscale since I can't see myself altering my keyboard layout or going for any out of the way key press.

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> Out of Keybinds - Need a better Mount UI

There's lots of good advice about how to avoid being "out of keybinds"


Still, it seems clear that the UI could use attention:

* There is an upper limit to how many binds one can usefully enable, even if it might be higher than the OP suspects.

* There's a limit to the vertical menu: it already takes up around half the height from skillbar to top of screen.

* it's also in "game order", i.e. as they were added to GW2. That's arbitrary for gameplay purposes, even if it wasn't arbitrary.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > Every suggestion to use ctrl+shifts etc are just stupid.

> > Not really. CTRL+N is a bad shortcut for example. but CRTL+Mouse 3 not. Or ALT+Mouse 3 or ....

> >


> What I mean shortcuts are not a solution. We have 9 mounts rn? We just need better ui.

> Ur solutions are: "I'm doing fine with, what I have which means it's all good, and it doesn't need qol". False, it needs.


Please read my first post.

my 2nd post is a solution for the current situation

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I also dont like the selection option, I finally reached m, I tried just using 'c' but it felt off not hitting shift for a mount


X: Raptor

Shift Z: Skimmer

Shift X: Griffon

Shift C: Springer

Shift V: Roller Beetle

Shift B: Jackal

Shift N: Warclaw

Shift M: Skyscale

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