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Cooking is a mess

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I've leveled all the crafting professions besides cooking and scribe. But I hate Jumping Puzzles so much that I decided to go ahead and do cooking for the skyscale collection.


All the crafting professions have the same format for recipies which makes leveling them not too bad: item A + item B + stat item.


Except for cooking, this made no sense at all. I found myself just clicking random stuff from the inventory for discoveries because there was no standard formula. More than half the items could not be deposited, none of it could be vendored, and when I needed to buy bags of X item from the vendor it doesn't actually display how many of that item I have in storage since it was a bag.


I read somewhere that they were thinking of raising cooking to 500, are part of those plans to make a standard crafting formula for it? Or a way to reduce the excessive amount of non-depositables?

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As the Chef who unlocked cooking for you said: this is meant to be a form of crafting unlike the rest. It's designed to follow some of the workflow of RL cooking, which includes paying attention to what you make and whether you really need it later.


If you cook randomly, sure, you'll end up with a lot of detritus. So either cook with a plan or be prepared to throw stuff away.


PS Over a dozen frequently-used preps can be stored in the bank, e.g Baker's Dry & Wet ingredients.

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Yes cooking is different and potentially more confusing, no it's not likely they're going to change that because it was intentionally designed to be different.


Like @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said it's designed to roughly mimic real life cooking (although some of the levels are a bit weird, pizzas especially, adding extra toppings is actually easier than making the base, but needs a much higher level) and if you think about it in that way it does start to make sense.


But if you just want to level it quickly the best way is to use a guide.

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