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[Feature Request] Enable Dismounting in Mid-Air


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I love everything about the mounts. They make movement not only freer, but they way Anet implemented them, they each represent a different type of movement. You can not only select the right mount for the current obstacle, but also switch them while traveling to make exploration that much more enjoyable.


There is one thing for me, however, that feels a little restricted about how mounts work, and that's the fact that you cannot dismount while in mid-air. Now that we have so many tools at our disposal for getting around, I often encounter situations where I would love it if I could switch to gliding or to a different mount in mid-air, but all I can do is continue falling with my mount until we both hit the ground.


As an example, it would feel awesome to jump off a cliff with my raptor, then at the end of his leap, hop off, switch to the griffon, fly to a nearby updraft, then dismount and take out the glider to make use of the updraft.


Hope I can do that in GW2 some day. :)

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I'd really like this.


Mainly because I've gotten so used to gliding that I no longer worry much about falling off a cliff - I can just open my glider and break my fall, or even return to close to where I was. Except now I can't, because I was on a mount (that's not the griffon) when I fell, I'm stuck plunging to my doom instead.


I suspect the reason they don't allow it is exactly what you suggested - combining mount abilities in mid-air would allow us to do a lot of things that are currently impossible. Especially if you could get to a high point, use the springer to jump higher, switch to the griffon at the top of the jump, flap to gain even more height and then glide from there.

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I think that for MOST mounts, this would break what balance they tried to achieve with them, allowing you to glide from super high on a Springer, or gain an added 50ft off a Raptor leap. However, since the Griffon already blows these balance issues out of the water, and can already do most of the things gliding can do, only better, AND since you can already mount the Griffon while in the air, I think there would be no harm in also allowing you to dismount the Griffon from the air. But _just_ the Griffon.

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Not sure how you would abuse anything by doing this that you can't already do with void jumping or current implementation. I've tried getting into certain areas in the new maps and they're pretty solid as far as breaking out or getting into places you shouldn't goes. I was able to break out of Highlands fairly easily and wasn't even really trying but if you stray too far you will be killed. So it's not like you have a huge advantage in doing so.


As far as older maps go, I was able to get into the tallest castle part of Divinity's Reach with current mount implementation until I ran out of objects with collision.


Where are people thinking they're going to be able to get to by doing this that they can't already?


I don't really see the harm in it to be honest and it would be nice to be able to ride a raptor, dismount, glide, and then switch to griffon for some of the areas that require you to glide/jump over without having to dismount immediately before jumping assuming you don't enter combat with a mob and have to kill it or run around and drop combat.


With the griffon it's not as necessary as I thought it would be going into the expansion though so it's really fine either way.




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I really like this idea, but for the sake of not breaking the game, after we have dismounted in mid air we can't select any mounts (except maybe the griffon, because of the first mastery related to it), that way you can use gliding without abusing the mount system.

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> @Adul.1520 said:

> I love everything about the mounts. They make movement not only freer, but they way Anet implemented them, they each represent a different type of movement. You can not only select the right mount for the current obstacle, but also switch them while traveling to make exploration that much more enjoyable.


> There is one thing for me, however, that feels a little restricted about how mounts work, and that's the fact that you cannot dismount while in mid-air. Now that we have so many tools at our disposal for getting around, I often encounter situations where I would love it if I could switch to gliding or to a different mount in mid-air, but all I can do is continue falling with my mount until we both hit the ground.


> As an example, it would feel awesome to jump off a cliff with my raptor, then at the end of his leap, hop off, switch to the griffon, fly to a nearby updraft, then dismount and take out the glider to make use of the updraft.


> Hope I can do that in GW2 some day. :)


They said this is the exact reason we aren't allowed to dismount in mid-air. Allowing us to just jump with the springer and then just glide wherever we want is not how Anet wants us to get around. Its gamebreaking, because it allows us to takeoff in a glider from anywhere, isntead of having to find higher ground to glide from

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Theres a limit to the height of a springer jump. If we springer jump onto a higher elevation and then glide from there, that is essentially the same height as if we could just switch mounts/gliding. Also there are more than enough invisible walls and kill zones if you pass beyond certain boundaries to prevent player exploitation. However, I do believe while it isn't gamebreaking, it is kind of taking the realistic fun out of the game, i.e. making things too easy or convenient would actually make it boring

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> @Pax.3548 said:

> I really like this idea, but for the sake of not breaking the game, after we have dismounted in mid air we can't select any mounts (except maybe the griffon, because of the first mastery related to it), that way you can use gliding without abusing the mount system.


~~I like this suggestion too, it would be a good middle ground. You can dismount whenever, but only switch mounts while on the ground.~~


Ah, nevermind... I just realized you can't mount any of the mounts except the griffon while in the air anyway. So that wouldn't change anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the removal of the mounting cooldown when you dismount and the ability of the griffon mount to mount mid-air, being able to dismount midair would cause a big issue. Now that the mounting cooldown is gone when dismounting, you can remount IMMEDIATELY if you mash the mount button. When you dismount, your character's elevation rises as he "jumps" off the mount. If you could do this mid-air, you could dismount from the griffon then immediately remount, gaining elevation. This would allow players with the griffon mount to fly wherever and for however long they wish.


I doubt this will ever happen now.

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> @Adul.1520 said:

> As an example, it would feel awesome to jump off a cliff with my raptor, then at the end of his leap, hop off, switch to the griffon, fly to a nearby updraft, then dismount and take out the glider to make use of the updraft.


I'm not so ambitious. I was just hoping that if I botch a jump in Verdant Brink that I don't uselessly raptor-flail to my death. :skull:


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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Adul.1520 said:

> > As an example, it would feel awesome to jump off a cliff with my raptor, then at the end of his leap, hop off, switch to the griffon, fly to a nearby updraft, then dismount and take out the glider to make use of the updraft.


> I'm not so ambitious. I was just hoping that if I botch a jump in Verdant Brink that I don't uselessly raptor-flail to my death. :skull:



I don't want to kill my mounts either :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Perhaps, livingstory4 in an upcoming episode.. Include a mastery for the griffin only. That would have some logic, and probably satisfy people. As a mastery that only a SUNSPEAR could accomplish. The Griffin would make sense to be able to mount as you fall, ...The Griffin alone should be purposed to DIS-mount as you fall. Rock solid logic.

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> @"mrfrostybeer.9328" said:

> Perhaps, livingstory4 in an upcoming episode.. Include a mastery for the griffin only. That would have some logic, and probably satisfy people. As a mastery that only a SUNSPEAR could accomplish. The Griffin would make sense to be able to mount as you fall, ...The Griffin alone should be purposed to DIS-mount as you fall. Rock solid logic.


I would be surprised if there were a griffon only mastery seeing that the griffon mount was considered "optional"


/me shrugs


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Not gonna happen. If you know a bit about game design you know why it wasn't an option to begin with.


People could use the Springer/Griffon to gain height and then glide to places they were never intended to reach.


This would mean that before adding this feature, Anet would have to go around and patch in invisible walls in every single area of the game which would be far too much effort/work for too little benefit.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Not gonna happen. If you know a bit about game design you know why it wasn't an option to begin with.


> People could use the Springer/Griffon to gain height and then glide to places they were never intended to reach.


> This would mean that before adding this feature, Anet would have to go around and patch in invisible walls in every single area of the game which would be far too much effort/work for too little benefit.


You can already do that without dismounting in the air and they _did_ add collision planes everywhere. :)

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I think mainly just dismounting griffon in the air would be nice.

Since if you're too high up and want to get to the ground, falling and then shortly gliding close to the ground is a lot faster to get down than having the griffon go all the way down. Or if you're in a location like the final fight on Dragon's stand and end up below the platforms with Griffon, you're kinda doomed if you can't find a spot to land on ground since Griffon can't take updrafts.

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