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Idea: Holding down Minion skills for 6 seconds banishes minions


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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > this sounds like it'd be alot of work on the back end to make this work


> count to 6 when a button is pressed. yea a lot of work.


Which buttons tho? Does it matter if a minion is out or not? What happens if the user only presses for 4s and then another 4s, with a tiny break?



In the end, it's always better to describe the issue than to try to pick a specific solution. We don't really know what changes will cost what nor should it matter to us. The actual problem for _some_ necros is that they find it difficult to get out of combat.

There are all sorts of ways to address that, including ones that are conceptually simpler for programmers and users alike (e.g. "dismiss minions" hot key).


That only leaves the questions of: is that best of the game or does it remove one of the tradeoffs to balance some of the advantages of minionmancery? And: how soon after dismissal before the player can resummon them? (Full cooldown? partial?) Those are probably both questions that ANet wants to reserve for themselves, although I'm sure players will have their own views too.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > this sounds like it'd be alot of work on the back end to make this work

> >

> > count to 6 when a button is pressed. yea a lot of work.


> Which buttons tho? Does it matter if a minion is out or not? What happens if the user only presses for 4s and then another 4s, with a tiny break?


it always amaze me what people think how complex coding is. its not magic, its pretty simple. Doing this for over 30 years now.

for a developer thats not a problem at all.


and yes it would be very nice if minion classes can release there minions. i mean it happens all the time, but we can not control it.

picking up things for example chest in Sirenes Reef, Switching maps and so on.


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I agree this is a good idea, if rangers can stow pet to avoid drawing too much aggro when they don't want to then minion masters should be able to do the same. It would be such a small change it wouldn't break anything in game, just add slightly to convenience. But personally I'm in favor of a stow button like the pet rather than hold down the utility still keys as some people can be a little absent minded and hold keys too long by mistake.

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Honestly a stow minion button should have been created at same time as rangers stow pet as the reasoning for one is the same for both classes. At least rangers had a return command. Both these classes should have got a stow bind shortly after the community complained about it as in design it seems kind of like a oversight.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> There is much more simple way, juts implement a F6 skill on necro, that kills any active minion without any damage to surrounding for balance sake. Done. People are asking for a way to get rid of minions for long now.


That would require adding another UI button compared to this idea. UI buttons like that tend to be used for class mechanics and elite specs. Not for a single skill type.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > There is much more simple way, juts implement a F6 skill on necro, that kills any active minion without any damage to surrounding for balance sake. Done. People are asking for a way to get rid of minions for long now.


> That would require adding another UI button compared to this idea. UI buttons like that tend to be used for class mechanics and elite specs. Not for a single skill type.


I'm sure it would be a good class mech button.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > There is much more simple way, juts implement a F6 skill on necro, that kills any active minion without any damage to surrounding for balance sake. Done. People are asking for a way to get rid of minions for long now.

> >

> > That would require adding another UI button compared to this idea. UI buttons like that tend to be used for class mechanics and elite specs. Not for a single skill type.


> I'm sure it would be a good class mech button.


But it would only be available if a player has Minion skills equipped, which is optional. So having a class mechanic F(x) skill is a waste of a mechanic slot for a skill that is optional and can be used with all future elite specs that may have their own additional F(x) skills.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> this sounds like it'd be alot of work on the back end to make this work


I point you in the direction of Signet of Agony.

Holding down the key causes its range to extend


I would actually like to see more skill functionaility with this kind of thing in general to be honest where holding down the key expands the attacks range or extends the attacks effects / damage up to a certain limit.


Other tools built on this same idea could be put to use for other purposes as well such as spawning minions etc.

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