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If Arenanet Cancelled Future GW2 Development Would You....

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I say no, because mmorpgs are a major investment to players. We play them for long long times, we get attached to our characters and everything we have accomplished. If they stopped supporting the game, then a lot of people would be really upset. If they said they are making gw3, then unless i can port my characters over to it, no dice.

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I would buy another Guild Wars game, seeing it evolve from CORPG(GW1) to full-fledged MMORPG(GW2) has been fun!

Note that I say Guild Wars game, another game, I'm not too sure...especially if they go towards different genres.


The question does feel somewhat relevant, Season 5 to me personally feels like a Eye of the North-type season, wrapping up GW2 and who knows where to next. . . GW3, 3d Expansion? Another Season? Maintenance Mode? Time will tell...


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> @"Aerick Blackmoore.8167" said:

> I would buy another Guild Wars game, seeing it evolve from CORPG(GW1) to full-fledged MMORPG(GW2) has been fun!

> Note that I say Guild Wars game, another game, I'm not too sure...especially if they go towards different genres.


> The question does feel somewhat relevant, Season 5 to me personally feels like a Eye of the North-type season, wrapping up GW2 and who knows where to next. . . GW3, 3d Expansion? Another Season? Maintenance Mode? Time will tell...



thats what i thought too, it feels like The End , is foreshadowing. Time will tell, but there will be many ticked off people if this is the end.

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I didn't know it was possible to make a poll that was basically asking a question which has no decisive voting option.


Why not "If Guild Wars 2 development is canceled, would you be interested in future Arenanet games?"


Regardless, this requires more than a Yes or No. Primarily, what new game are we talking about?... Hypothetical questions aren't great when there's nothing to base a decision on.

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I disagree with how you frame your poll. No player "invests" in a game.


> The purpose of MMORPGs: They are intended to last indefinitely, they are intended to require a significant amount of investment for the purpose of it being a continuous game.


That is not the purpose of an MMO game in my book. I make two forms of payments, one for the license to even get into the game (+ each expansion). Another form is continuos payment for the service or services (via gem store). In exchange for my money I get entertainment. I am fully aware that the service could end any time, and I expect no money from the publisher, there is no return on investment. I pay for the fun the game offers me. When you start, you pay in advance, let's say when you buy the package with both expansions for 50 bucks and maybe gems for 50 to get started. Now, if the servers shut down a week after you made your purchase, that would clearly be a waste of money. The question is, how much entertainment do you expect for X money? That's different for every player. I feel I already got my money's worth by now, and keep buying gems for 10 bucks once in a while. If the game shuts down tomorrow, it would be sad, but I wouldn't feel like I wasted money or made a bad "investment". I never owned my characters or the stuff I bought for gems.


Just don't spend 500 Euros/Dollars on gems and expect to have 2 years to use them up. While in theory, there is no planned end for an MMO game, reality can hit any time.

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I'm heavily invested in this franchise. It is part of my daily life.


I can't vote anything meaningful in this poll, as you don't specify what kind of games ArenaNet would release then. A GW3 could be a possibility, if it allows for a solid continuation of our GW1/GW2 achievements/characters in the new game.


I have no plans on starting a totally different game nor starting all over again from scratch. No matter who makes it.

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**No** - there is no question to me. Even if they would stop developing for GW2 to make GW3. I haven't forgotten how many years it has taken to reach the current level of GW2, and GW2 looks pretty good today as well.


Therefore, I would prefer if they steadily improve GW2, and one day maybe even upgrade the graphics API. Even WoW offers DX11 and DX12 support and the game is older than GW1.


It would also be welcome if we were to get some shader effects to make optimizations with ReShade unnecessary. That is not even difficult and brings a lot.

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I can't put an answer to this because this will depend on ANet's future development of other games.


I do love ANet so I definitely support them as of current. Speakin of the future is difficult simply because I don't know what they have planned outside of Guild Wars series as of this current moment. Would love to know what they are doing outside of GW series but NDAs are a thing which is understandable.

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The question seems to be incomplete - all you mention is ANet ceasing development, not working on a another game. "buying their games" - don't they only work on GW2? and your hypothesis of "a history of closing down games" doesn't feel right to me - they still maintain and even do minor work on GW1 up to this day,

Just the whole phrasing of this poll is odd to me.

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I don't care about Arenanet outside Guild Wars 2. I got invested in the world and characters of Guild Wars 1, and moved to Guild Wars 2 because it is a continuation of my favorite game world. If the Guild Wars games end, there's no point. Maybe Arenanet would create something after which would catch my interest, but probably not. I'm kind of picky about games.

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