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A Positive Skyscale Journey

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I just wanted to share my thoughts and reflections on my journey to get the new mount. 1st of all i want to say thank you to Arenanet for a great job on this new content. The storyline the new map events, meta, music, is amazing and enjoyable. I mainly WvW but i do pve with living story and this by far has been a great ride through the story. As i quested last 10 days or so i realized quickly this was'nt going to be quick and a lot of us want it and want it now.. i get that but im glad it was setup the way it was. A true adventure can take days to achieve such as climbing a mountain or months sailing a boat from Florida to Hawaii. This too was 10 days of busy but fun busy. Along my journey sharing the time and events and moments with my fellow gamers was refreshing and awesome. I even made a few new friends along the way and thats a super bonus. I know some have been flustered with the time gating but in the end im glad it was there to hold me back from getting to the end too soon. All 10 days showed me more of the maps i was on and the detail of the scenery we sometimes miss because we are such in a hurry. The helpfullness of so many people that i experienced was simply refreshing and showed me that even in a game our humanity can shine in a positive way. For those just starting the journey enjoy it savor the moments with your fellow gamers. Don't stress and say you cant do it because you can !! Thank You Arenanet for your hard work and dedication to bring us a game that truly is alive. I enjoyed the Journey to get my Dragon . Hope you enjoy journey as much as i did. Jatari

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Seconded. I enjoyed the journey, even if I did grumble a few times that it was a Legendary journey for a non-legendary mount. But now that I've been playing with the Skyscale for a couple of days...I do believe it really IS a legendary mount, and was worth every step of the way.


Thanks for sending me to old places I had no reason to revisit before, for sending me to new places i didn't even know existed, for another chance to see how helpful and cooperative the community can be, and for the fun of raising my big scaly baby!

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Seconded. I enjoyed the journey, even if I did grumble a few times that it was a Legendary journey for a non-legendary mount. But now that I've been playing with the Skyscale for a couple of days...I do believe it really IS a legendary mount, and was worth every step of the way.


> Thanks for sending me to old places I had no reason to revisit before, for sending me to new places i didn't even know existed, for another chance to see how helpful and cooperative the community can be, and for the fun of raising my big scaly baby!


So much this!

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I've not finished the collections yet (my skyscale just hatched this morning!) but I've been enjoying it so far.


Especially seeing people helping each other out along the way. When I got to the Skyscale of Life step (revive allies) there was a group of people taking turns throwing themselves off a nearby roof so everyone could revive them. I was able to get it done in one go, then took a turn being the sacrifice for some other people. When I had to climb the Wall in Ascalon there was a mesmer there helping to portal people up. When I had to kill a doppleganger (and fortunately it turned out to be any of them, not just yours) people were slowing the fight down until everyone on the map who said they were coming had arrived.


It's things like this that remind me why I like playing games with other people in them. :)


(It's unintentional but it's also helped to see so many other people discussing the collection so I have some idea of what to expect. For example I knew that when I'd done everything except the Doppleganger fight I shouldn't say "Well it's getting late, I'll do that tomorrow" because there would probably be a one day time gate at the end of the collection, so I went to see if I could get it done the same day - and got very lucky because the event started up not long after I arrived.)

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> @"Irreverent.3594" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > Seconded. I enjoyed the journey, even if I did grumble a few times that it was a Legendary journey for a non-legendary mount. But now that I've been playing with the Skyscale for a couple of days...I do believe it really IS a legendary mount, and was worth every step of the way.

> >

> > Thanks for sending me to old places I had no reason to revisit before, for sending me to new places i didn't even know existed, for another chance to see how helpful and cooperative the community can be, and for the fun of raising my big scaly baby!


> So much this!


I second this

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> for the fun of raising my big scaly baby!




While I did not enjoy the initial 3 collections on the Dragonfall map (fully understanding why they were put in place: to make people experience the map and get to know it), starting the following collections was a lot of fun.


There was a thread about allowing us to keep playing with our baby and young skyscale, I'd would absolutely second that.


I like the balance Arenanet found with making the Skyscale useful in some situations (vertical non direct terrain scaling and over slow in air movement) but keeping it not mandatory.


Thanks TC for sharing, especially since people often only come to the forums to complain, which leaves a some what twisted view of the general in game mood (happy people play and don't come to the forums complaining).

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Thought I would throw my 2 cents in, I loved the new map & meta.... & now that I have the skyscale mount along with its masteries finished I will indeed say its a great mount & very useful in certain places in maps (could still use a little tweaking of course). And yes I even loved a couple parts of the skyscale collection (examples>> when the skyscale hatched, when you played ball with it & when you played hide & seek.


However...... other parts of the collection (map currency collections, time gates <<>> charged quartz requirements & needing access to previous areas that have there own achievements (dwarf area) still make me bang my head against the wall to this very day...... Just being honest people.

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Honestly, I had a blast.

I was whiny and I complained, primarily because of grind as I had to get 250 of each mat again xD but heck...how else would I have paid attention to all my unused alts? It resulted with me re-doing my female Sylvari and tidying her up, now she's my second main!

I did all collections with a friend (unfortunately he stopped at saddle part, which imo...still needs to be lowered with requirements :/) and we voiced up and had a lot of fun together doing them.


I did complain about Skyscale's mechanics too, but the more I use it, the more I realize how much I prefer it over ANY other mount at the moment!!! ...but it could use with a small tweak, like making it spend less of green bar when flying ^^ as it starts falling really too quick >>

So...I take back most of my complaints and I want to send big thanks to ANet <3


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Seconded. I enjoyed the journey, even if I did grumble a few times that it was a Legendary journey for a non-legendary mount. But now that I've been playing with the Skyscale for a couple of days...I do believe it really IS a legendary mount, and was worth every step of the way.


> Thanks for sending me to old places I had no reason to revisit before, for sending me to new places i didn't even know existed, for another chance to see how helpful and cooperative the community can be, and for the fun of raising my big scaly baby!


That "old places" thing made me think a *lot* about the Wayfarer's Reverie quests in GW1, back in the day (I refer you to the [Talk Page and specifically someone's comment](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talk:Wayfarer%27s_Reverie#Thank_you_ArenaNet.21 "Talk Page and specifically someone's comment"). "cynique" is me.) It had the same feel of a journey through familiar places made unfamiliar by the passage of time.


And yes, the Dragocopter is, indeed, a load of fun, capable of many interesting, if specialised, things. Definitely the front-runner in the elections for "Legendary Mount among all MMORPGs".

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I've not finished the collections yet (my skyscale just hatched this morning!) but I've been enjoying it so far.


> Especially seeing people helping each other out along the way. When I got to the Skyscale of Life step (revive allies) there was a group of people taking turns throwing themselves off a nearby roof so everyone could revive them. I was able to get it done in one go, then took a turn being the sacrifice for some other people. When I had to climb the Wall in Ascalon there was a mesmer there helping to portal people up. When I had to kill a doppleganger (and fortunately it turned out to be any of them, not just yours) people were slowing the fight down until everyone on the map who said they were coming had arrived.


> It's things like this that remind me why I like playing games with other people in them. :)


> (It's unintentional but it's also helped to see so many other people discussing the collection so I have some idea of what to expect. For example I knew that when I'd done everything except the Doppleganger fight I shouldn't say "Well it's getting late, I'll do that tomorrow" because there would probably be a one day time gate at the end of the collection, so I went to see if I could get it done the same day - and got very lucky because the event started up not long after I arrived.)


I'm still in the feeding stage, and I have 4 more quartz crystals to make for the grow lamp, so I'm using my game time now to go after the map currencies I'll need for the saddle.


I ran into helpful people along the way too like you did (a thousand thanks to the person who got me into the delve water room :) )


It will take me several days yet but I'm enjoying it. My first run through the other LW4 maps was just to get the story steps done, so there's a lot there I haven't seen.


I'm really looking forward to getting my skyscale!


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I loved it too, I hope they add more content like this in the future, more journeys to get something, more stories told in game.


I like my dragonscale, pretty good stuff, would have been nice if our "legendary" mount had 4 dye channels though.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> I loved it too, I hope they add more content like this in the future, more journeys to get something, more stories told in game.


> I like my dragonscale, pretty good stuff, would have been nice if our "legendary" mount had 4 dye channels though.


Just wait until the first add-on skin makes it to the Gem Store. (None of the other mounts' base skins have more than one dye channel.)

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > I loved it too, I hope they add more content like this in the future, more journeys to get something, more stories told in game.

> >

> > I like my dragonscale, pretty good stuff, would have been nice if our "legendary" mount had 4 dye channels though.


> Just wait until the first add-on skin makes it to the Gem Store. (None of the other mounts' base skins have more than one dye channel.)


Very true, but it is also accurate to say that none of the other mounts, Griffon included, required the same amount of work and time to obtain. If there was going to be a mount whose stock skin had 4 dye channels, this one would/should be it. But we all know that mount skins are a big money maker, so why would ANET do anything to reduce potential income?

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Couldn't have said most of that better myself. Was looking for an official feedback thread, didn't see one, this will suffice. I'm on the last step (pretty sure) of the skyscale, haven't gotten to see the masteries yet, and have done the story and a fair amount of the map achievements, but still have lots of metas and mobs to kill yet, and have really enjoyed everything to this point.

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I just unlocked my very own Skyscale today, and I've enjoyed every step of the way. I did the whole thing in duo with a friend, but without any guides. I even turned off map chat so I wouldn't spoil the surprise of what was still to come. In a way I am a bit sad that I already reached the end of the journey ;) .

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Just completed yesterday on one account, still have another one to go. It's been interesting revisiting the previous maps, and the collection takes me back to the legendary collections for weapons such as Chuka and Champawat. Considering there's likely a long wait for further content, this has been implemented well in my opinion.

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