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A way to use racial skills...

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I know almost no one uses these. And it's a damn shame. Most of them are so awesome and well thought out.


I know they have been nerfed into the ground but hear me out.


What if we had one extra button to the action bars just for one racial skill? It could not hold a normal profession skill; only a racial one.


That way everyone can pick one and not feel bad about wasting a utility slot.



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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> Race with the best racial would become the best race to play then. Race would not be only cosmetic choice then.


Surely one wouldn’t be meta for all specs? And so long as it’s only marginally better for particular specs, what is wrong with that? I like to customize and don’t need every character to have the absolute bestest options in all points meta clone. Those that do want this are free to do so. I would love to see racial characteristics and skills have greater influence in how one plays the game! :) If anything, it could inspire me to create even more alts!

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > Race with the best racial would become the best race to play then. Race would not be only cosmetic choice then.


> Surely one wouldn’t be meta for all specs? And so long as it’s only marginally better for particular specs, what is wrong with that? I like to customize and don’t need every character to have the absolute bestest options in all points meta clone. Those that do want this are free to do so. I would love to see racial characteristics and skills have greater influence in how one plays the game! :) If anything, it could inspire me to create even more alts!


Each spec would have a meta skill among them. Rather than the cry being "asura only", it would be "guardian? asura only", "renegade? female charr only", etc.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > > Race with the best racial would become the best race to play then. Race would not be only cosmetic choice then.

> >

> > Surely one wouldn’t be meta for all specs? And so long as it’s only marginally better for particular specs, what is wrong with that? I like to customize and don’t need every character to have the absolute bestest options in all points meta clone. Those that do want this are free to do so. I would love to see racial characteristics and skills have greater influence in how one plays the game! :) If anything, it could inspire me to create even more alts!


> Each spec would have a meta skill among them. Rather than the cry being "asura only", it would be "guardian? asura only", "renegade? female charr only", etc.


I don’t see that as a problem, so long as it the advantage from race for any particular spec was small. Someone skilled at a spec with a non-meta race would still be better than an inexperienced person playing the perfect meta. I’m sure I don’t care what the super exclusive groups demand; I avoid then anyway (I’m not talking about putting together a comp for a smooth run or requiring easily obtainable advantages like pots for fractals, but meaningless requirements like LNHB, etc. I avoid).


Tl;dr There have been ultra exclusives since the days of dungeon speed runs (before my time) and will continue to be even without meaningful criteria. I think it a mistake to restrict meaningful variety for fear of them.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> and then races become important to the meta and that's exactly what anet is trying to avoid




It was a refreshing change for me, coming to GW2, to find out that your choice of race had NO IMPACT on the game other than personal story and flavor....as it should be.


Too many games force you to play the race you dislike, or punish you with sub optimal performance for picking the race you liked.


Having Racial Skills that exist solely for RP and meme purposes is a very small price to pay.

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > > > Race with the best racial would become the best race to play then. Race would not be only cosmetic choice then.

> > >

> > > Surely one wouldn’t be meta for all specs? And so long as it’s only marginally better for particular specs, what is wrong with that? I like to customize and don’t need every character to have the absolute bestest options in all points meta clone. Those that do want this are free to do so. I would love to see racial characteristics and skills have greater influence in how one plays the game! :) If anything, it could inspire me to create even more alts!

> >

> > Each spec would have a meta skill among them. Rather than the cry being "asura only", it would be "guardian? asura only", "renegade? female charr only", etc.


> I don’t see that as a problem, so long as it the advantage from race for any particular spec was small. Someone skilled at a spec with a non-meta race would still be better than an inexperienced person playing the perfect meta. I’m sure I don’t care what the super exclusive groups demand; I avoid then anyway (I’m not talking about putting together a comp for a smooth run or requiring easily obtainable advantages like pots for fractals, but meaningless requirements like LNHB, etc. I avoid).


That's your own personal take on it. The universal take is different. There's a lot of elitism going around as is already and working to make racial skills viable as part of a meta build only further encourages elitism to the point where you are forced to play a specific race.


Yeah sure you might not care, but raid people will ask for specific race, fractal groups will ask for specific race, PVP players, WvW players and so on. That's one thing that Racial skill will encourage, asking for a specific race because it's superior.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > and then races become important to the meta and that's exactly what anet is trying to avoid


> Exactly.


> It was a refreshing change for me, coming to GW2, to find out that your choice of race had NO IMPACT on the game other than personal story and flavor....as it should be.


> Too many games force you to play the race you dislike, or punish you with sub optimal performance for picking the race you liked.


> Having Racial Skills that exist solely for RP and meme purposes is a very small price to pay.


tbf it'd be even better if the race exclusive skills were reworked into novelties and stuff

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Other non-combat benefits could be possible as racials

- Reduced vendor costs in your race's "capital"

- more xp when leveling a specific crafting

- free access to a bank from anywhere once per day

- more magic find

- more xp from exploration (including PoI and vistas)


Stuff that's nice to have and makes story-sense in some way.

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I think I saw a vid from woodenpotatoes a long time ago where he mentioned something about if the racial skills got implemented like masteries could get around the whole race elitism problem, by giving all races equal access. I think it was in a vid around when HoT was still new, sadly no clue which one however.

Personally I think it could be an interesting way to make racial skills more valid, but also properly way more work then it's worth, but still a fun thought.

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> @"BattleRattle.5420" said:

> I think I saw a vid from woodenpotatoes a long time ago where he mentioned something about if the racial skills got implemented like masteries could get around the whole race elitism problem, by giving all races equal access. I think it was in a vid around when HoT was still new, sadly no clue which one however.

> Personally I think it could be an interesting way to make racial skills more valid, but also properly way more work then it's worth, but still a fun thought.


alot of ppl don't like the idea since it would homogenize the races further

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The community is too toxic to have anything other than humans be of any consequence, I mean they out-right hate the norn despite any moves to make norn cooler being poo-pooed on. Frankly I Gave up a long time ago for any meaning to anything in this game, If you wana look good play a human. If you want to play anything else have fun enjoying the little (Neglegible) bennefit you do get.

* Armors look terrible on male norn and charr as a whole.

* Salad people are basically plant humans, so they good.

* Asuran look decent in armor.


As a charr/male norn player I just enjoy the fact that my main (Norn) has the best voice in the game, and that my charr gets to run on all fours which is pretty sweet despite how bad the armor in this game looks. I'd love to be in werebeast form all the time as my norn and have that be a cosmetic option and just loose our stupid racial skills as they suck and as a revenant I can't even use them anyhow.

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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> They are still in game?

> It's about time they removed them. Those skills are only cluttering the skill choice menu.


I think I'm repeating myself from a previous thread on the subject, but:




Signed: a team of asuran golemancers (fully equipped with golem racial skills, golemancer runes, golem minis, golem backpacks and golem finishers B) )

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > They are still in game?

> > It's about time they removed them. Those skills are only cluttering the skill choice menu.


> I think I'm repeating myself from a previous thread on the subject, but:




> Signed: a team of asuran golemancers (fully equipped with golem racial skills, golemancer runes, golem minis, golem backpacks and golem finishers B) )


Okay, I agree, they can be useful for RP purposes.

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