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Weeklong Bonus Event: Meta-Event Rush!

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Where is the reward?


Honestly, fix your loot table and give us real rewards. This is a bonus event so it should hand out bonus stuff. Give people tokens so they are able to buy the things they want. This is a game not a job. So disgusting to still see companies preventing players from getting their pieces of choice.

I won't do any further Shadow Behemoth (the gazilion time for Skyscale) and stuff like that unless it's needed for a collection.

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Eh. So they made everywhere somewhat profitable instead of just Silverwastes and Dragonfall. Still underwhelming with no token system and unique rewards like minis/weapon skins/titles/armor pieces.


That's the stuff that will make people participate in anything.

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Glad they are starting to crack down on the more retarded ways to "play" the game, like multi loot. Plus trying to fix more events to a state of being playable.

Still not a fan of them preying on the idiots who suck at statistics (and at the same time fueling the tp baron game), but eh, if that means diverse events being populated, fuck em, fine with me lol


Cautiosly optimistic.

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The 15 min timer is a good thing. About rewards, will see but the number of materials is increased so more gold but what about the rare category? Have to check that when it starts.

As said and resaid tokens would be better, with unique rewards tied to each world bosses: armor/weapon/title...

Will praise for the monocle god.

If they kept the same drop rate as ToT bags it's totally wrong, those bonus box don't drop by hundred and hundred..

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"swap", "core" C-could this possibly be an event where we can only play core classes in WvW? Can i have hope for this dream? Man i would love to relive the vanilla meta even for a day. Please make make it a core only event! With WoW releasing Vanilla WoW, this might have given Anet the idea to do Vanilla classes event?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> As said and resaid tokens would be better, with unique rewards tied to each world bosses: armor/weapon/title...

Tokens will only be better for those willing and able to play a lot of the qualifying events during the week. To those only able to play a few events tokens are literally worthless.


The way rewards are set up now, you will get rewards comparable to the time invested, no matter if you played one event or 100.

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Can't say I'm all that hyped after Boss Rush week. Most of the bonus boxes contained the lowest possible tier items that could be dropped in it for me.


I understand it's RNG and all. But after 4 days of materials you could have just gotten killing random mobs just passing through on the way to the next harvesting node, the urge to participate drops.


At most I'll probably take this as an opportunity to open up some legendary collections to take advantage of actually populated Orr maps rather than looking forward to the box.

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I'm really happy with the changes, both in PoF metas and the bonus box contents. A bit of extra stuff is always welcome, especially if the events you have to do in order to obtain them are actually engaging (unlike the autoattack spam fest that were world bosses). Hopefully this will serve as a sort of pseudo CC tutorial to more casual players joining in for the shinies.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> why Auric Basin Octovine and Verdant Brink Night time are not Meta event?


Simple, you can easily leech both events by:

- in case of tarir, come after meta and open the chests

- in case of verdant brink, join at xx:09 and leech a boss


They are basicaly free rewards.

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I participated in around 100 bosses during the last event "World Boss Beatdown", didn't get a single good thing from it, just normal crappy stuff & everyone I talked to (guilds & other players) also didn't get anything good. I'm not going to be so quick to go all out on this next one thats for sure. I fell for it once, not going to fall for it twice.


Personally (in my own opinion) I would of done the reward system completely differently.... for example, the first time around where you are guaranteed to get something good (perhaps something you can even choose from a list of things thats account bound.... limit 1 per account), for actively participating in 100 or more world boss events during the event.


Then at least we would all have something to strive for & something to show for the effort.... as it stands, RNG is a double edged sword & more often then not the majority of players get nothing good out of it. The new implementation is an improvement over the old one.... but... I'm still not over the moon about it at all. Don't take this the wrong way ANET or other players, this is definitely constructive criticism & I'm offering my opinion as a possible way of improving the existing reward system (I'm not just complaining about it).

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > is this it?

> >

> > is this the moment i get my chak egg sac?????!


> No. No it is not. Don't set yourself up for disappointment :p




Well I wouldn't be surprised to see the trade off of giving us a few extra lower tier mats for another 50% reduction in the chance of getting the rare/super rare items.. still think you will be able to count the number of those drops across the community on 1 hand by the end of it.

Pretty sure I will of had enough of certain metas for an eternity after this, much like the chills I get now when a world boss pops up on a map I am running through.

Nah I will just carry on doing my own thing otherwise it begin to feel too much like a 2nd job real quick.

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Now, who would have thought that? In a game with a focus on a great cooperative experience, events which focus this experience work well! Great to hear you're following up on that.

While I was underwhelmed with the rewards last time around, the community experience was awesome - and I say this while primarily playing WvW. This was great fun and shows, how active the game can be. Keep shaking things up with these events, it's what this game needs.

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> @"Bawi.9541" said:

> Glad they are starting to crack down on the more kitten ways to "play" the game, like multi loot. Plus trying to fix more events to a state of being playable.

> Still not a fan of them preying on the idiots who suck at statistics (and at the same time fueling the tp baron game), but eh, if that means diverse events being populated, kitten em, fine with me lol


> Cautiosly optimistic.


I also like the changes they’re making to meta events, especially PoF, and I’m looking forward to this event! =)


But “preying on the idiots who suck at statistics”??? I’m sure that was hyperbole but we’re not talking about anything people are paying for but only the extra rewards for events. And regardless, if you are able to play this game at all you are able to understand the concept of a one-in-a-million chance, etc. This isn’t multiple regression analysis we’re talking about here! :p Some people like to believe in the impossible, or as in this case, highly improbable. As for me, I never expect more than the most basic rewards so when I get something extra nice it’s a wonderful surprise! :3

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I have another question besides[ this one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/935279/#Comment_935279 " this one")


> You guys just trew in game lots of things, most people didn't even finish skyskale, you renew PoF metas, made the Vision boom etc.

> Why on Earth this event is launched in such a busy time? This is really strange move.


To keep the momentum, obviously. :D anyway, I can imagine that the bonus week is here to motivate players to the pof metas, and get them used to doing them (specially serpent's ire).

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> The chances of tou getting a egg sac is still very rare but maybe ill get my lyssa backpack recipe.


Don't think about that. Instead, think about the boosters, banners, etc., that you will be getting. Whatever your thoughts are on those, they are still way better than random T1-T3 mats. And if you get the Chalk Egg? Mazel Tov!


At least with this "rush" event, it seems like there are worthwhile rewards available.


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