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I want to learn how to roam with Mesmer.


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(Elite specializations included.)


Are there any WvW Mesmer players that put out videos showing good, not-cherry-picked fights? Stuff where they're fighting competent opponents, not preying on losers like myself? I figure I can watch these at 25% speed to maybe, hopefully, be able to register what in the blazes is going on.


Further, are there any forms of practice anyone can recommend? Currently, I die before I can even comprehend what class is attacking me, which isn't terribly conducive to self-improvement.


Thus far, I've been going sniper Soulbeast and hiding up on ledges so I can pick on people in relative safety. But I really like Mesmer's Portal for other stuff and I can't be as cheap with them.

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Find build, practice burst on golems untill you can do IT in sleep. Unless you learn How to burst you will not be able to kill a competent player. Second you need to learn all other class, when they burst, and where is window for your burst. Best to start with that that is Most popular and downwards from there. You must know when to preassure and when to sustain.

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Macro sounds like the kinda thing that ArenaNet would frown upon. X) What kind of equipment should I use? I often see people mocking full Berserker in WvW, but that (and the equivalent all-out-damage stats for Condition builds) actually seems to be what the Metabattle builds suggest. Can I take defensive stuff, or is Mesmer all about confusing enemies with clones so you never get hit in the first place?

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Maybe this vid can help you to understand how to play power mesmer.

(Basic burst combo step by step explained).

I made a lot of guides for mesmer (power only but all specialisations) this is just the latest one. All (also the older) are in its essentials still up to date. I also always add a lot of tips in the montages if you dont mind to read wall of text. Some more burst combo variations (power miage this time) i added in the latest pvp vid, incl a lot of very decent player in enemy teams. On my youtube channel you also can find a lot of guides about general GW2 combat mechanics, important to know when you wanna play on high lvl and helpful for every class. I also started a series for matchup/ duel guides (how to counter different classes with power mes). If you have any questions you also always can just pm me (here or ingame) and i try my best to help.

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Sustain comes very little from stats, with few exceptions No class/build will facetank. Sustain is in build or How long you can rotate sustain skills and number of stunbreaks. Some classes must choose between preassure on enemy vs sustain. IT is pretty obvious to fight them. Some however preassure while sustaining as Most of the ability have double function, both sustain and damage. this is the case with many condibuilds and Most mesmer metabuilds. Problem is correctly assuming when it is ok to commit and when you need caution and bait enemys Big sustain cooldown. Stats are secondary and can help but very very little. As power build you lose more by dumping prec/ferocity as your preassure on enemy will suffer more Than you will gain from tough/vita. IF your preassure is bad enemy can set up fight at their own pace forcing you to only be reactive. And IF you are only reactive then you will eventually fold. Berserker compared to soldiers will survive soulbeasts sic em burst equally, as in not at all. And same goes for Most other Burst. IF you dont have cleanse you will not facetank any condi spam.

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> On condi : spam condis until your enemy dies.

> On Power : make a macro, press a button = win


its retarded as that... sadly

i cant understand how ANET thinks that the playerbase enjoys being oneshotted by someone that just pressed a few buttons in a given order, if i wanted to press buttons in order i would play rock band :disappointed:


also... if for some unknown reason you fail your buttons, nothing to fear... you can jaunt 3x away, use blink and no one cares about "high risk high reward" since you're now 10miles away from the attacker and cant be punished. cool right? :)

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > On condi : spam condis until your enemy dies.

> > On Power : make a macro, press a button = win




> also... if for some unknown reason you fail your buttons, nothing to fear... you can *jaunt 3x away,* use blink and no one cares about "high risk high reward" since you're now 10miles away from the attacker and cant be punished. cool right? :)


As soon as you typed this I instantly knew you don't know what you're talking about.


Edit: To further explain this so I don't have to waste our time with going back and forth.


The burst or one shot burst is a melee combo meaning. To get the most effective burst with the least amount of error you need to be in melee range and your target needs to not be aware of your presence. ( this has been explained countless times) For this reason the combo actually starts at 12-1300u away which incidentally is ALSO the range of blink .


That is important, in case you are like Badmed I will explain further.

You use stealth. Usually the Prestige from Sw/Trch or Scep/Torch if you are still running that then you switch-blink to the target , and begin the combo.

If the player is also playing a berserker power build you will one shot them after using about 6 or 7 abilities. ( This is for power mirage).

If you miss this combo, and depending on what you are fighting and the skill level of that player you will either

A.) Die OR

B.) Run and hope you can sustain long enough to try again.


**It is impossible to use jaunt 3x in a row in PvP.**

It is improbable that you will have done this combo and not have already used blink to get to the target in the first place.

Anyone that watches you Naruto sprint in front of them to kill them would probably die to *Any and Everything*. Most people usually don't factor in players of that skill level when considering the effectiveness of a build.


If you are looking for high damage and high sustain with little to no learning.

The Ranger and Engineer forums are not here.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > On condi : spam condis until your enemy dies.

> > > On Power : make a macro, press a button = win

> >


> >

> > also... if for some unknown reason you fail your buttons, nothing to fear... you can *jaunt 3x away,* use blink and no one cares about "high risk high reward" since you're now 10miles away from the attacker and cant be punished. cool right? :)


> As soon as you typed this I instantly knew you don't know what you're talking about.


> Edit: To further explain this so I don't have to waste our time with going back and forth.


> The burst or one shot burst is a melee combo meaning. To get the most effective burst with the least amount of error you need to be in melee range and your target needs to not be aware of your presence. ( this has been explained countless times) For this reason the combo actually starts at 12-1300u away which incidentally is ALSO the range of blink .

> Now.

> That is important, in case you are like Badmed I will explain further.

> You use stealth. Usually the Prestige from Sw/Trch or Scep/Torch if you are still running that then you switch-blink to the target , and begin the combo.

> If the player is also playing a berserker power build you will one shot them after using about 6 or 7 abilities. ( This is for power mirage).

> If you miss this combo, and depending on what you are fighting and the skill level of that player you will either

> A.) Die OR

> B.) Run and hope you can sustain long enough to try again.


> **It is impossible to use jaunt 3x in a row in PvP.**

> It is improbable that you will have done this combo and not have already used blink to get to the target in the first place.

> Anyone that watches you Naruto sprint in front of them to kill them would probably die to *Any and Everything*. Most people usually don't factor in players of that skill level when considering the effectiveness of a build.


> If you are looking for high damage and high sustain with little to no learning.

> The Ranger and Engineer forums are not here.


i was listing options not saying that you had them all at once...

anyway, you need stealth+blink to do the combo, you still have jaunt and mirage evade+sword 1 to jump 300km away :)

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> 1- Create a mesmer

> 2- Level your mesmer up L80 (Use scroll's if you have)

> 3- Delete your mesmer

> 4 - Go back to main & Create a Holo instead saving you all the frustration of playing a nerfed to death class .

> 5- you can thq me now


I do not have much sympathy for the Holosmith spec but damn, where is my violin to accompany this...

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:


> i was listing options not saying that you had them all at once...

> anyway, you need stealth+blink to do the combo, you still have jaunt and mirage evade+sword 1 to jump 300km away :)


If only this gets me away that easily.... it doesn't, and we have 2 Jaunts on 30sec cd, the 3 and 20second cd is whats left in pve, and in wvw many MANY classes outrun the mesmer, means you are not getting away easily (that if you manage)


As for one shot, I think we need to change it to instant kill, one shot happened with DE back in the day, where you can have good laughs, because the things like auto endure pain etc will not proc if you take the deadly damage which takes you from 100-0 with one hit =p

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> 1- Create a mesmer

> 2- Level your mesmer up L80 (Use scroll's if you have)

> 3- Delete your mesmer

> 4 - Go back to main & Create a Holo instead saving you all the frustration of playing a nerfed to death class .

> 5- you can thq me now


But then how will I spam Portals everywhere? :(

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> @"Toolbox.9375" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > 1- Create a mesmer

> > 2- Level your mesmer up L80 (Use scroll's if you have)

> > 3- Delete your mesmer

> > 4 - Go back to main & Create a Holo instead saving you all the frustration of playing a nerfed to death class .

> > 5- you can thq me now


> But then how will I spam Portals everywhere? :(


You don't..portal been nerfed to oblivion. It's kitten!

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> @"Yoci.2481" said:

> Yes, thief and warrior are certainly faster than mesmer, I think ranger engineer are faster too.


Wait what, A mesmer got great burst mobility with Blink, Jaunt and ambush sword, thats all that is needed for you to mount up and gtfo... Only Teef is faster or situationally a Rev with superspeed and NPC target for shiro dash..

Unless you are counting PvP, then Mesmers Mobility > Warriors mobility, only rivaled by Teef shortbow and engaging Revs Shiro...

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> @"Noha.3749" said:

> > @"Yoci.2481" said:

> > Yes, thief and warrior are certainly faster than mesmer, I think ranger engineer are faster too.


> Wait what, A mesmer got great burst mobility with Blink, Jaunt and ambush sword, thats all that is needed for you to mount up and gtfo... Only Teef is faster or situationally a Rev with superspeed and NPC target for shiro dash..

> Unless you are counting PvP, then Mesmers Mobility > Warriors mobility, only rivaled by Teef shortbow and engaging Revs Shiro...


No.Warriors Mobility > >Mesmer mobility,ambush sword can be thought of as having ten seconds of cd

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > @"Noha.3749" said:

> > > @"Yoci.2481" said:

> > > Yes, thief and warrior are certainly faster than mesmer, I think ranger engineer are faster too.

> >

> > Wait what, A mesmer got great burst mobility with Blink, Jaunt and ambush sword, thats all that is needed for you to mount up and gtfo... Only Teef is faster or situationally a Rev with superspeed and NPC target for shiro dash..

> > Unless you are counting PvP, then Mesmers Mobility > Warriors mobility, only rivaled by Teef shortbow and engaging Revs Shiro...


> No.Warriors Mobility > >Mesmer mobility,ambush sword can be thought of as having ten seconds of cd


To be fair a mainhand sword & bullrush warrior will catch up, but a dagger or axe warrior wont. Greatsword mobility is quite dumb and popping rampage to catch a mesmer isnt always the smartest choice.


So ill agree to being biased in my previous statement;

Mainhand sword + bullrush = better mobility than mesmer

Other warrior builds < Mesmer when it comes to burst mobility.


However any warrior with greatsword beats a mesmer in the marathon run.

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I'd just like to say, kudos to you for _wanting_ to learn how to roam with Mesmer. It's not an easy class to play and has suffered some recent ahem, setbacks of late. :P I see so few new mezzies in wvw anymore. This forum is sprinkled with many good tips for basically all play styles so I won't rehash. (But I will say, Jazz's video series have been great. Shorts Mesmer and Yumi on Youtube as well. Lot's of Power video focus with a sprinkling of Condi) Ultimately, if you find something you like, master it and the basics of wvw roaming. Especially with the roaming mechanics, your situational knowledge can even your chances significantly and even turn the situation to your favor. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing alot of current Condi/Hybrid stuff in Youtube. You can hit me up in-game if you'd like to roll and get some tips. I'm in the Armistice Bastion often. (Also - that's a great place to learn how to duel other classes, even if just observing)

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> @"MesmerizedNYC.2479" said:

> But I will say, Jazz's video series have been great. Shorts Mesmer and Yumi on Youtube as well.


Now that's what I'm talking about. :) Just checked out Shorts Mesmer. One video talked about the burst combo slowly and with enough detail that I could actually figure out what was going on (rather than just "this is the burst. Here it is slowed down. Got it? Good, moving on"), and another talking about baiting and probing defenses gave me information I'd never considered. Thanks a ton!

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I roam with my Mirage, even though it is not meta. I tried Shorts power (burst) build(s). They were ok; the burst was there, but so was the squish-factor. If you missed or somehow got the burst nullifed--the lack of defenses and sustain was painful. Its a niche role that it totally player subjective if they enjoy and master its timing.


Balance in this game is so heavy handed (both good and bad) that the pendulum-swings, destroys builds and leaves other powercreep builds viable for too long.


I play now for the 'fun factor' of seeing my cute Asura, swing his Astaralia around and have 3x clones mirage cloak a target (with Auora blobs and pvp armor), with a dancing array of lights and sounds. I feel as if, day by day, I am getting more enjoyment of 'fashion' vs 'fighting.'

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Watching videos isn't likely to help if you're at the point where you die before you even register what class you're up against. You just need to practice. At the point where you immediately know what you're fighting against simply from the skills they're using and find yourself reacting automatically to that, then watching videos could be a useful tool to fine-tune your play.


Having said that, some builds are much more forgiving than others. While it's no longer the beast that it once was for roaming, condi mirage remains an extremely survivable roaming build. This might be a good choice for you to start learning with. You may not win every fight, but it probably won't take you long to figure out how to survive and escape unfavorable matchups. This might be more conducive to learning than simply getting destroyed in 2 seconds every time you come up against decent competition!


Here's an adaptation of my open world build that I use for WvW roaming:




It's a little light on damage output since the nerfs, which smart enemies can exploit by utilizing mobility and condi cleanse. Where before it would have been sufficient to finish most fights, against good competition many builds can force a stalemate. However, it is extremely mobile with good access to stealth and should therefore allow you to disengage or reset at will, which you will probably find useful when you're just learning! Against the uninitiated, overconfident, or overly aggressive, however, this build is still a nightmare and is perfectly capable of winning even when outnumbered.


Unfortunately, I took a break from GW2 before I could get much video recorded using the build, but here's a duel against a sword thief which I find to be one of my more difficult matchups:



Good luck out there!

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