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Which mount is the best and how would you rank them all?

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![](https://i.imgur.com/tfKensF.png "")


For S Tier


Griffon is obviously the best just for the sheer insane speed ability to ignore terrain when you reach a high point. And when you're moving fast it's speed and ability to flap it's wings to gain high just makes it almost a true flying mount with almost no real concern for actually gliding. Outside of updrafts the griffon eliminates gliding as a mechanic. And with Bond of Faith you can leap into the updraft, glide up it, and then hop back on your Griffon. Absolutely the best mechanically.


Jackal is just so underrated. An flat terrain it's almost as fast as the raptor and on any slightly uneven terrain it absolutely dunks on raptor. Plus the blinking has higher evade frames and synergy with Bond of Vigor. If I need general quick mount movement and don't have time to build up roller beetle endurence, or need more tight turning, the asnwer is jackal. Also it's magical nature and blinking makes it feel really great for magic using characters in particular. The Mirror Masked skin with my Mesmer is just the perfect combo.


For A tier


After that, beetle is like a ground version of the griffon. On some maps with lots of flat terrain it's superior to griffon, but most maps you can get that high point to make griffon's capabilities really shine. Also my god did I love the beetle races they added in core tyria. So much time spent working to get gold in Brisban and I loved every minute of it.


When you want vertical movement, Skyscale power creeps directly over Springer. Springer is a bit faster in terms of how quickly you can get that vertical movement, but really skyscale's greater precision landing and that it actually can have some better forward speed puts it ahead. And with climber you can reach truly ridiculous areas that even springer can't reach.


Raptor is pretty good in general over flat terrain.


For B tier


Skimmer has it's niche. It's great over water and quicksand. Which means its super super good in large parts of core tyria. It also has the most evade frames so it's just the absolute best for moving through areas with lots of enemies safely without getting dismounted. I'm personally in favor of giving it a general speed boost at this point. I love the flavor and handling of the skimmer, but it just doesn't keep up with Jackal or Raptor even remotely. I don't mind those two being faster with their movement but I think the skimmer should just have generally faster base movement at the expense of not having the burst movement jackal and raptor provide.


For C tier


Springer is struggling. It could use as buff similar to skimmer where it's basic run speed a bit higher so that it isn't so completely outshined by raptor and jackal's superior movement skills.


For D


Tier the Warclaw is the WvW mount. There is no other use. Personally I'd be fine with it being a copy of the Raptor in every regard in PvE so that there's a bit of a flavor choice but no power creep.


I put too much thought into this.



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Skyscale -> Beetle -> Springer -> Jackal -> Griffon -> Raptor -> Warclaw -> Skimmer


Skyscale is good across all types of terrain which means it has become my default mount, best overall in cities, open world and combat. It is only surpassed over long distances that would be better covered by wp anyway. Beetle races are awesome enough to put beetle second. Springer's vertical ability made it the most useful mount before the new one and it was also my favorite battle mount before the new one. Jackal was the best mount for general travel before the new one, esp in cities. Raptor is basically a jackal with slower endurance regen that can't avoid falls or move uphill. Warclaw is a great addition to wvw but hasn't been terribly useful for me personally. The skimmer has great functionality but I just really hate the way it looks . . .


Griffon was hard for me to place. It's so slow on land and oftentimes its airborne speed fails to offset the time and effort it takes to get the terrestrial altitude necessary to achieve it, so I put it between jackal and raptor bc those two were almost interchangeable :p

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the skyscale is my favourite, by far, not only because of it's all terrain factor, but also because it's a friggin dragon and there's nothing that could really top a dragon mount for me, especially one this useful.


But honestly, they do all have their own niche, and I like how each mount works and how they have their own special places that they are useful, and the designs for the mounts and i just love the gw2 mounts in general, all of them. for general travel i'll definitely use the skyscale over most, but if i know it's general ground travel and the other options won't necessarily be needed, i actually swap over to a lot of the other mounts when i feel like it, yes even warclaw sometimes. I'm an rper at heart even if i don't really rp with the community in general, so i get uses out of all the mounts.


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My list is based on how frequently I use them.


Griffon - My all around go to does everything I need at a speed that feels acceptable.

Springer - The latest buffs have really made this mount way better than it used to be with the quick High Jumps

Warclaw - I play wvw so its a very necessary mount to keep up with zergs

Raptor - Great for short sprints pairs well with the skyscale for quick distance if you use the evades on the skyscale.

Skyscale - Not a fan yet. I use it like a raptor. Fly just high enough to use the evade twice and then hop off and switch to raptor.

Jackal - only time I use this is for sand portals. Its a lesser version of the raptor in all other areas.

Skimmer - Only use when on water which is hardly ever.

Roller Beetle - I don't like how long it takes to fill the super speed bar without the skill. So I don't use it.

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I use the Griffon a lot, it's easily the best one, incredibly fast, skip over terrain, gain height, launching from it. Springer gets me up cliffsides very quickly. Raptor is fast across normal terrain. Jackal is an fine alternative to Raptor, so it's on the same level for me. All obvious stuff. I put the next 2 ranked the same as I tend to find myself on maps with water, so the Skimmer is up there as it helps traverse it a lot faster and I frequent WvW, so the Warclaw gets a fair amount of use for me.

Roller Beetle....I wish I could use it more. It's so fast, but the slightest twig or bush in the path and you come to a dead stop and you always start with 0 endurance. Even just fixing the endurance thing would make me use this a lot more.

Skyscale...well, its good for AFK-hovering. It's probably one of the coolest looking mounts and I'm sure people like to use it for cliffsides, but I find it so slow compared to Springer and really awkward to control. Like why isn't there a keybind for latching onto walls instead of just being close? I haven't come across any situation where Skyscale gets me any higher any faster (or even as fast as) than Springer or Springer+launch.

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I chose the Griffin, overall I find the it the most useful. Based on how often I use each mount my order is Griffin, Jackal, Springer, Skimmer, Rapter, Rollerbeetle, Skyscale. The Skyscale will probably move up on the list as I get used to it, but unless they make significant changes I don't see it supplanting the Griffin. I have the Warclaw but I don't do WvW so it's basically useless for me, though I might use it while I'm waiting on an event just for a change.

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From favorite to least favorite:


**Griffon** (I actually use this one as a climber, swift and versatile)

**Springer** (Poor thing has lots of brain damage from whacking all those overhangs, but otherwise a solid steed)

**Raptor** (Excellent directional control and turn radius)

**Skimmer** (The pancake only shines in watery areas, but it's perfect for them despite the slippery driving)

**Jackal** (Nice for dodging through mob-heavy areas, but I always feel like I'm losing control of it and have trouble timing my leaps)

**Warclaw** (Pretty much useless in PvE, visually confusing if it's supposed to be living armor, redundant design, enjoyable to pounce around the map on, excellent directional control, allergy-friendly)

**Skyscale** (A crippled Griffon, I don't think of dragon when I look at it, high-demand acquirement for a mount that has the same level of functionality as other, less demanding mounts)

**Roller Beetle** (Difficult handling, imprecise directional control, very gimmicky/limited, the mount is actually the motorized seat attached to it)


It's possible I could 'learn to love' some of these if I chose to invest more time into studying and honing my skills with their different mechanics and movement styles, but it's unlikely that I will. If something doesn't show promise within a week, I will usually move on to something that does (the Griffon in this case) as I have limited gaming time.

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I am leaving skyscale, roller beetle and warclaw out of my ranking as I’ve never ridden them (going to eventually get the skyscale and beetle though!)



1) Griffon (beautiful and a joy to ride)

2) Springer (love the changes to high jump)

3) Raptor

4) Jackal

5) Skimmer (even though last, still love this mount, its speed over water and the ability to rise skim over many obstacles)

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Beetle or Griffon -> Springer or Skyscale -> jackal or skimmer -> other...


Beetle and Griffon are fun to ride and extremely fast. They're my primary mode of travel when I don't feel like stopping to see the scenery.


Springer and skyscale help me platform.


Jackal and Skimmer are great for moving around enemy encampments, with decent speed and high evasion uptime. They are my primary mode of transportation when I don't want to be somewhere yesterday.


I don't use the Raptor (too similar to the jackal) and the Warclaw is a trophy mount in PvE.

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Springer > Raptor > Warclaw > Skimmer > Jackal > Roller Beetle > Skyscale (Don't have Griffon yet)


Springer is my favorite, since I don't feel like spending 250 gold on a griffon, but still lets you reach high places. This is also my order of frequency of use (Springer when I need to go to high places with moderate speed, Raptor when I want speed in flat locations, Warclaw in WvW, and the others as necessary.

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Bunny and Griffon used to be my most used mounts, but now Skyscale kinda combines their movement options so it has mostly replaced them. I do like my new flappy lizzard friend!


Least used is the dog.. I really should take it out more, poor thing.


Bunny will still be the cutest!


Skimmer has a special place these days because of the bird skin and as we all know, bird is the word.


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I guess it depends best for what?

For me Jackal is my favorite mount.

Then Bunny





beetle/skyscale I dont have the skyscale yet so i cant really place it. The borrowed mount is bad though. Hopefully it gets better with mastery

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**1 Griffon**, for combined movement freedom and top speed.

**2 Skyscale**, close second to Griffon based on movement freedom and decent flight distance just not as long fast or sustainable as Griff'.

**3 Jackal**, best ground mount for evade, ability use midfall to negate dmg, and speed imo made Raptor redundant almost immediately after unlocking.

**4 Skimmer**, jetski critter enough said.

**5 Springer**, liked the way it looks but a slow runner, can't evade much even with Jackal mastery 4, and became redundant to me somewhat after Griffon but Skyscale was the final nail in it's coffin as a cliff climber. RIP Adorabunny.

____________________________________________ The Bar ___________________________________________

**6 Roller Beetle**, loved the speed boost idea but hate it in practice slightest bit of lag will ruin any attempt at using drift for any control.

**7 Raptor,** Meh, also like the way they look just not necessary anymore for me.

**8 Warclaw**, I don't have one because not doing WvW I don't see the point getting one just for PvE as it's abilities won't work there anyway. Maybe it would rank higher if I could be bothered with WvW, but I can't so... sorry kitty.


Edit: moved Bunny up the list, not that I use it now really but I used to, so it still gets recommends for peeps without Skyscale. And image for TL;DR.


![](https://i.imgur.com/hioQmuV.png "")


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Skyscale on top, no contest. It is much easier to stay in the air with it, unlike the griffon And its a relief not to constantly have to wingflap. But griffon still have its uses for rapid descent and speedy flying in places where its useful. Skyscale gains so much when you master dashing with it.


And beetle is way too fun to use to zoom past large shreds of flat land. I cant help being amused when reacting too late and careeing out into the abyss in Dragonfall.

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To add, I would rank all of them equally. ANet managed to do what no competitor (that I tried) managed: create truly distinct mounts. What I'd like to see is the use of the mounts becoming less cookie-cut: hey here's a high ledge, break out the springer. Hey, head-butt a door, I knew I didn't buy that nice roller skin for nothin'. Make it more synergetic, whatever the kitten that means. Not so obvious. How? No clue, handle it! :)

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1. **Jackal:** fast, easy to evade with, 0% fall damage, high mobility (can easily jump over obstacles, quickly change direction, easily run up slopes/stairs/etc)

2. **Griffon:** highly versatile in the air, lots of fun to speed up with (love its mechanics), can also hop over obstacles with ease on ground

3. **Springer:** my trusty companion that quickly takes me up to high places

4. **Rollerbeetle:** so much fun to race across proper terrain

5. **Skimmer:** only useful in the water and across quicksand

6. **Skyscale:** only useful if there are many heights (i.e., walls, mountains) between you and your target destination that cannot be overcome with the Springer or be otherwise reached faster (example: bounties in the Desolation), also useful to reach places you never thought of going before

7. **Raptor:** only useful on flat terrain and to overcome huge gaps; nice pull-in attack

8. **Warclaw:** 100% useless outside of WvW (and even there only fun for tearing down gates or the rare finishing of an enemy player)

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My list


Jackal - Fast, easy to evade/change direction quickly, avoids fall damage, portals and excellent mobility up/down inclines. (amazing different portal sounds and howls!)


Griffon - Fast in air, leaps over small obstacles.


Skyscale - hovers in place when stationary, steady 'constant' climber. Decent speed in air, though out performed by griffon.


Springer - good for those high jumps. annoying if it decides to not make it and 'slip' down lower.


Raptor - Great for long jumps. Fast on clear paths, but too prone to bashing into obstacles. Slow climbing and takes fall damage.


Skimmer - Great over water and quicksand. Can climb a little on land but griffon/springer/skyscale do that better.


Rollerbeetle - Fast on clear paths. Long build up before speed, tricky handing, slightest obstacle/upwards incline and the speed is gone.


Warclaw - Great for mobility & quick stomps in WvW. Sadly pointless apart from looks in PVE.



So jackal for me, one place where it really shone for me was the Halloween labyrinth race. I noticed that most people went for the raptor. I always preferred the Jackal and almost always won with it, often with a good margin over other racers. Just pop bond of vigor at the start past the candycorn viscount and again near the end.


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I like all of the mounts so to me there is not a bad mount, but if I have to rate them...


1. Skyscale - DRAGONS

2. Jackal - very fast, easy to control, cool design and lore

3. Griffon - always useful, a fun mount to use and one of the most common ones I do use. Very fast.

4. Skimmer - I like floating above water quickly, it's just a fun idea and a fun mount despite the difficult steering

5. Raptor - Nice mount on even terrains, lovely animations

6. Warclaw - I do WvW and enjoy the animations and the design of this mount

7. Roller Beetle - a very fun mount, but difficult to steer

8. Springer - I am not a fan of the design, and with skyscale I see less use for this mount now. I do still use it, just not as much.

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1. Raptor - first mount, best mount.

2. Springer - very useful.

3. Jackal - not that useful but looks cool.

4. Skimmer - my least used mount. I often forget I have it.

5. Beetle - looks neat, handles terribly. This thing makes me miss driving the Mako in Mass Effect.


I still don't have the griffon (though I do want it), I don't plan on getting the warclaw (not into pvp), and the skyscale seems like a nightmare to obtain. Too much of a grind for me, personally. Maybe someday.

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