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Im not getting the skyscale.

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> @"holodoc.5748" said:

> The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.


> If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


Then you dont know what you are being all naysayer to if youve never used it. It have a quite fine niche for ascending and reaching things much more easilly than normal. You give up too fast, learn to use the dash move. Seriously improves its performance when you master it. You can aim it with the camera direction. But dont use it too close to a wall. But correctly angled you can shoot over it.


I map completed hot again today, and with skyscale its been the fastest ever completion.

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> @"holodoc.5748" said:

> The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.


> If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


Yes, if you had a mount released with the same exact mechanics but with a default skin of, oh, a bumblebee (also change the engage skill) I am guessing less people would want it. The people that are saying it is great are just because they can say they have a dragon. Even though anet does not call it that.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

> >

> > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


> Yes, if you had a mount released with the same exact mechanics but with a default skin of, oh, a bumblebee (also change the engage skill) I am guessing less people would want it. The people that are saying it is great are just because they can say they have a dragon. Even though anet does not call it that.


As opposed to most of the people sighting its defaults but yet haven't even completed the collections yet?

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

> >

> > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


> Yes, if you had a mount released with the same exact mechanics but with a default skin of, oh, a bumblebee (also change the engage skill) I am guessing less people would want it. The people that are saying it is great are just because they can say they have a dragon. Even though anet does not call it that.


You have no idea what you are talking about. It does have great use. Learn to use it properly, instead of trying to be a naysayer just because you find the collection insurmountable.

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > Have I been remiss? Was I supposed to be making threads about all the things in the game that I've chosen not to do . . ?

> >

> > I just want to let everyone know ... I am getting the Skyscale. That is all. Thank you.


> Hey, so am I! We should start a club!


Let's start a thread about it!

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

> >

> > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.


> Then you dont know what you are being all naysayer to if youve never used it. It have a quite fine niche for ascending and reaching things much more easilly than normal. You give up too fast, learn to use the dash move. Seriously improves its performance when you master it. You can aim it with the camera direction. But dont use it too close to a wall. But correctly angled you can shoot over it.


> I map completed hot again today, and with skyscale its been the fastest ever completion.


It stands to reason that the "fully upgraded" part implies that the associated masteries have been at least tried out. They are clunky, especially the vertical clinging system which is unpredictable causing the player on uneven terrain to guess if Spyro is going to register flat horizontal spot an regenerate the "green" bar or just cling to the side. It also can't pass above the head blocking obstacles which are otherwise easily beaten by combining the Griffon and Bond of Faith. Portal closing mastery that does nothing else except adding a long path of 1-2 volatile magic spots? Don't get me started on that one.


Is the Spyro useful on itself? Absolutely. Is it worth getting if you already have all the other mounts unlocked? Absolutely NOT, especially if you are only interested in it's practical use. On the other hand if you are trying to justify to yourself the ridiculous amount of time and energy wasted into getting it, that's personal preference. Even then getting the Springer and Griffon is a far better and less time consuming time investment.



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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> You dont need to finish all ls episodes, you need to do only first quest when it gives you new map. All you need to finish 6th one full i think, others you need to start and play until you unlock that story's map, its easy, 20 min per story.


You also have to play far enough through... Episode 4, I think it is, to unlock Sun's Refuge. It's also a good idea to start the griffon quest, as that will give you an item that can teleport you right to Sun's Refuge from anywhere in the world. It'll come in handy for this, though it's not a "must have" item.


OP, if you ever do decide to get the skyscale, good luck. If you think you might eventually go for it, I'd strongly suggest spending some time now getting quartz crystals from Drytop and Crystal Oasis, then charging them (takes 25, once daily) into Charged Quartz Crystals. You'll want at least 22 to avoid a gold roadblock in the upcoming parts of the quest. And watch for the Festival of the Four Winds, that will grant access to a new zone where you can harvest even more quartz every day with worrying about the level of the character harvesting.

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> @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

> > >

> > > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.

> >

> > Then you dont know what you are being all naysayer to if youve never used it. It have a quite fine niche for ascending and reaching things much more easilly than normal. You give up too fast, learn to use the dash move. Seriously improves its performance when you master it. You can aim it with the camera direction. But dont use it too close to a wall. But correctly angled you can shoot over it.

> >

> > I map completed hot again today, and with skyscale its been the fastest ever completion.


> It stands to reason that the "fully upgraded" part implies that the associated masteries have been at least tried out. They are clunky, especially the vertical clinging system which is unpredictable causing the player on uneven terrain to guess if Spyro is going to register flat horizontal spot an regenerate the "green" bar or just cling to the side. It also can't pass above the head blocking obstacles which are otherwise easily beaten by combining the Griffon and Bond of Faith. Portal closing mastery that does nothing else except adding a long path of 1-2 volatile magic spots? Don't get me started on that one.


> Is the Spyro useful on itself? Absolutely. Is it worth getting if you already have all the other mounts unlocked? Absolutely NOT, especially if you are only interested in it's practical use. On the other hand if you are trying to justify to yourself the ridiculous amount of time and energy wasted into getting it, that's personal preference. Even then getting the Springer and Griffon is a far better and less time consuming time investment.




I cannot take that serious. I find great use for the Skyscale. It is perfect for improved navigation of HoT, in particular Verdant Brink. Youve not given it enough time at all. It shines on ascending in spots where the springer seriously struggles.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> I can understand what OP is saying, which seems many have missed : the warning regarding other episodes of living story 4 comes at the eggs sightseeing stage, which by then you'd have already invested a significant amount of time on your skyscale.


> OP isn't asking to have his stuff for free, that some other posters have assumed so is rather sad and dismissive. OP Simply states that if he had known before starting the skyscale questline, he wouldn't have bothered, seeing as he cannot complete it without paying for it. Which to be honest, is a fair statement. The warning could stand to come sooner.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Saving_Skyscales


> By the time you receive this, you've already gone through the hoops of finding the medicine, the individual sick skyscales and the eggs. It's a considerable amount of time invested.


Thank you, thats all im trying to get at. I would not have did all of that if i had known. I even had a guildmate make me a grow lamp cause they said i would need it later. I wouldnt have started it if i knew that the account had to have all the lw stories. Maybe im dumb but i just assumed you went through all the hoops collecting and the wait periods to get the mount.

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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> You dont need to finish all ls episodes, you need to do only first quest when it gives you new map. All you need to finish 6th one full i think, others you need to start and play until you unlock that story's map, its easy, 20 min per story.


I don't agree. Try to enter Sun's Refuge with only the first quest completed :# .


> @"Linken.6345" said:


> Just keep playing the game and someday in the future you will have enough gold to buy the episodes and get the skyscale if you wish.

> Just for playing the game.

> You still got all the ap etc from getting as far as you are on your collection and the spirit shard rollover aint locked anymore so your not loseing anything.


HM - this seems an OK argument, BUT ...

But Anet just started a campaign to bring back the old players who don't play GW2 anymore today. Many of this players were tempted to try again the game and they found that some non stated details still exist:

- They should pay for every LS chapter they miss. The fact that the chapters were for free for a limited period did not change the fact that if you came back **after** the promotion, you should pay - not stated.

- OK - you have all the episodes. You want the new mount - available for everyone just from the start - ?!?. You cannot even think at it before completing all the episodes - another not stated detail.

- For the stubborn returning players - if they completed the LS episode, unlocked the new mount, started the collections, do you think it is over? As a returning players I doubt you have so many Charged Quartz for the gated items. So, you have to wait 22 days.

- I completed the gated items!!! I want the mount - you can have it. You only need 250 currency from all the maps. WHAT? I don't only have to complete the story, I have to **farm** the maps now?

- etc


So, from the point of view of the campaign to bring the players back, the Skyscale is a failure. ANet lured the old players back only to show them that nothing changed: the same vague (or non-existent) information. The same grinding. The same time-gates. And the promises that "**keep playing the game and someday in the future you will have enough gold to buy the episodes and get the skyscale if you wish**". I mean, most of the things able to make a player to leave GW2. Again.

Not to mention the necessity to buy the expansions (if you missed the limited promotion period).


The new players are in the same boat with the returning players. At the start of the journey, without resources, having high hopes and finding a lot of gates.


It seems that the efforts of the team trying to bring back the players are not supported by the developers of the game.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> It seems that the efforts of the team trying to bring back the players are not supported by the developers of the game.

How dare ANet promote the end-of-season chapter to new, returning, and veteran players alike!!!


Sorry, but starting or getting back into an MMO at a season finale and expecting the season rewards to fall into your lap in a couple of casual gameplay hours is entitlement to its extreme. Of course they promote the mount: it's the ultimate reward of the season. And you know what? Everybody starting now or coming back after a long break can get that mount. All it takes is for them to play the game.


ANet even gave away episode access as part of the promotion, but even if you missed that, it's not the end of the world. You can easily gather the resources to unlock those episodes while playing through the wealth of content this game offers, the very content that the veterans already played through and used to gather resources to make it easier for them to gain the season rewards. But those rewards aren't going anywhere. If you just start out today, you can gain them like everybody else. Just don't expect to get them without playing the game.



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I was wondering why they were giving away the chapters the months before the finale was released. It was a very poor decision to tell people they needed all the content _after_ they'd committed time and effort however. I know a friend who's not touched the game for a bit, and if/when he picks it up again and sees this flying mount, he's probably not going to be chuffed about this either. I can understand OP's grievances entirely.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> The new players are in the same boat with the returning players. At the start of the journey, without resources, having high hopes and finding a lot of gates.


New players (and returning players based on when they stopped) have the rest of the game to play before they get the Skyscale.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > The new players are in the same boat with the returning players. At the start of the journey, without resources, having high hopes and finding a lot of gates.


> New players (and returning players based on when they stopped) have the rest of the game to play before they get the Skyscale.


Sorry, but the (hopefully) returning players left the game having the rest of the game to play. The LS4 has been advertised to be the reason to come back. And if a returning players sees that he can have the rest of the game (he already left once) but not the new mount .... HM.


The same is with the new players. By allowing the mounts in core Tyria ANet gave an incentive for the new players to buy PoF. Because, no matter what it is stated, the core Tyria is much easier with mounts. And they want the mount - this was the reason they bought PoF. They want it, but they cannot have it too soon :# They have the rest of the game, BUT the rest of the game (the core) is **free**. You don't have to spend a penny to play it. So, they want the mounts.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > > The new players are in the same boat with the returning players. At the start of the journey, without resources, having high hopes and finding a lot of gates.

> >

> > New players (and returning players based on when they stopped) have the rest of the game to play before they get the Skyscale.


> Sorry, but the (hopefully) returning players left the game having the rest of the game to play. The LS4 has been advertised to be the reason to come back. And if a returning players sees that he can have the rest of the game (he already left once) but not the new mount .... HM.


> The same is with the new players. By allowing the mounts in core Tyria ANet gave an incentive for the new players to buy PoF. Because, no matter what it is stated, the core Tyria is much easier with mounts. And they want the mount - this was the reason they bought PoF. They want it, but they cannot have it too soon :# They have the rest of the game, BUT the rest of the game (the core) is **free**. You don't have to spend a penny to play it. So, they want the mounts.


So your solution is to hand them the new mount so they can move on to the rest of the game, which they would not enjoy in the first place? Why am I confused by this logic?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> So your solution is to hand them the new mount so they can move on to the rest of the game, which they would not enjoy in the first place? Why am I confused by this logic?


So, by advertising the LS4 and preventing them to have the mount will bring the returning players a greater time enjoying the game? If this is the right logic .....


With other words - you left the game. We have a new mount to make the game more entartaining for you. Sorry, you cannot have it yet. Until then enjoy the game - the same game you left.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> So, by advertising the LS4 and preventing them to have the mount will bring the returning players a greater time enjoying the game? If this is the right logic .....


> With other words - you left the game. We have a new mount to make the game more entartaining for you. Sorry, you cannot have it yet. Until then enjoy the game - the same game you left.


Where is this advertisement that clearly states "IF you hate everything in our game and left because of it, you should come back because we have a new special mount for you that will fix ALL the game's problem's that made you leave in the first place"

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > So your solution is to hand them the new mount so they can move on to the rest of the game, which they would not enjoy in the first place? Why am I confused by this logic?


> So, by advertising the LS4 and preventing them to have the mount will bring the returning players a greater time enjoying the game? If this is the right logic .....


> With other words - you left the game. We have a new mount to make the game more entartaining for you. Sorry, you cannot have it yet. Until then enjoy the game - the same game you left.


No, the mount is a mid- longterm goal. It is there to encourage players to give the game a new try. Not as free reward.


What point is there to hand out rewards when the people do not enjoy the game?


That's idiotic.


If you come back to the game, get the mount but do not enjoy the game, you will leave either way. The mount will not change any of this.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> > You dont need to finish all ls episodes, you need to do only first quest when it gives you new map. All you need to finish 6th one full i think, others you need to start and play until you unlock that story's map, its easy, 20 min per story.


> I don't agree. Try to enter Sun's Refuge with only the first quest completed :# .


> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> >

> > Just keep playing the game and someday in the future you will have enough gold to buy the episodes and get the skyscale if you wish.

> > Just for playing the game.

> > You still got all the ap etc from getting as far as you are on your collection and the spirit shard rollover aint locked anymore so your not loseing anything.


> HM - this seems an OK argument, BUT ...

> But Anet just started a campaign to bring back the old players who don't play GW2 anymore today. Many of this players were tempted to try again the game and they found that some non stated details still exist:

> - They should pay for every LS chapter they miss. The fact that the chapters were for free for a limited period did not change the fact that if you came back **after** the promotion, you should pay - not stated.

> - OK - you have all the episodes. You want the new mount - available for everyone just from the start - ?!?. You cannot even think at it before completing all the episodes - another not stated detail.

> - For the stubborn returning players - if they completed the LS episode, unlocked the new mount, started the collections, do you think it is over? As a returning players I doubt you have so many Charged Quartz for the gated items. So, you have to wait 22 days.

> - I completed the gated items!!! I want the mount - you can have it. You only need 250 currency from all the maps. WHAT? I don't only have to complete the story, I have to **farm** the maps now?

> - etc


> So, from the point of view of the campaign to bring the players back, the Skyscale is a failure. ANet lured the old players back only to show them that nothing changed: the same vague (or non-existent) information. The same grinding. The same time-gates. And the promises that "**keep playing the game and someday in the future you will have enough gold to buy the episodes and get the skyscale if you wish**". I mean, most of the things able to make a player to leave GW2. Again.

> Not to mention the necessity to buy the expansions (if you missed the limited promotion period).


> The new players are in the same boat with the returning players. At the start of the journey, without resources, having high hopes and finding a lot of gates.


> It seems that the efforts of the team trying to bring back the players are not supported by the developers of the game.


You may be confused about your 'facts'.

You do not need to complete _all_ the Episodes, merely play enough for access to the 6 maps, access to Sun's Refuge, and access to the collection (finish Episode 6).


How is it the same game returning players left if content has been added since their departure? If these returning players can not acquire ~60 Gold to purchase a Living World Season 4 Episode, how would they _ever_ be able to acquire a Skyscale? The collection requires a bit of play.

If these returning players have found all of Core and all of Path of Fire so unsatisfactory, why would the collection for the Skyscale, and the Skyscale itself magically make a difference?

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I see the word loyalty thrown around when it comes to unlocking Living Story maps. You literally just have to log in once while the Episode is the latest one. I don't see how that makes you loyal. It only punishes new players. Everyone should have to pay for living story or it should be free for everyone. I think the current system is terrible, but I know, lets praise Anet for allowing you to buy them by converting gold to gems.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"holodoc.5748" said:

> > > The Skyscale isn't even worth it. It has been sitting fully upgraded on my main account for days without being used once. Flashy Spyro wannabe to impress players that don't have it, sure. Usable? Not by a long shot. Just a giant waste of time and energy.

> > >

> > > If I'd known the cost and content of the entire Skyscale collection I would have never done it. Not in a million years.

> >

> > Yes, if you had a mount released with the same exact mechanics but with a default skin of, oh, a bumblebee (also change the engage skill) I am guessing less people would want it. The people that are saying it is great are just because they can say they have a dragon. Even though anet does not call it that.


> You have no idea what you are talking about. It does have great use. Learn to use it properly, instead of trying to be a naysayer just because you find the collection insurmountable.


I do not see anything great about the mount and that is my opinion. Besides, the main reason why I am not getting it is because in order to do so I have to do things that will probably give me a seizure in RL. I am not about to trade my RL health for pixels.

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> @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

> I see the word loyalty thrown around when it comes to unlocking Living Story maps. You literally just have to log in once while the Episode is the latest one. I don't see how that makes you loyal. It only punishes new players. Everyone should have to pay for living story or it should be free for everyone. I think the current system is terrible, but I know, lets praise Anet for allowing you to buy them by converting gold to gems.


That means you got the game installed and login, thats alot more then a person who dont have the game seems logical to call it loyalty.

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The reason for the earlier maps is to farm the mats I assume, plus whatever is in Sun's Refuge, right? If so, just farm someone's S4 home nodes every day and buy the mats from the vendors (plus buy ep 4). Yes, it will take some time but if people are screaming about not having the earlier eps it is a way to get the mats without ever setting foot on those maps.

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