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WvW rewards: why are they so lacking?


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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> It's because of the "winning vs losing doesn't matter" mentality they have taken with the mode.


The alternative is far worse because it incentivises server stacking. That's the last thing we want.


> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Funny all i see is wvw clearing out after wvwers get their diamond chest, mid sunday. Also the expansion which was all pve based, pretty much destroyed the wvw population. So I'd say you're in the minority.


Here is McKenna Berdrow saying that's exactly the player behaviour that they don't want (start at 26 minutes 24 seconds):



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1)They could add WvW rank finishers and/or skins based on your rank and unlocked via reward tracks.



Reaching gold rank unlocks gold finisher reward track.

Reaching diamond unlocks diamond finisher reward track.


2) Create a decent skin for the wvw legendary armor. Why do Pve players get a new skin putting less effort than wvw players?


3) WvW tittles unlocked via wvw ranks. Ex: reaching gold and completing the reward track unlocks Golden Something. Or unlock a collection after reaching gold, complete the collection and win a tittle.

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  • 3 months later...

It's true; even in the old days of EoTM K-train farming, it still yielded no where close to the same rewards PvE does. At most, WvW should be throwing more gold at people than it does in PvE.


If anything, I'd be happy if they added a "gold" reward track, where WvW could rack up if they so choose if they play a lot (which many of us do). Have it align with the time frame of gold making from fractals. If people are making 20g an hour in fractals, and supposedly it takes 4 hours to complete a reward track for WvW, it equate to 80g per completion (as an example)

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I am very grateful for the strides taken by development to improve rewards in my favorite game mode. Could it be improved? certainly. It still doesn't take into account that WvW is the only game mode that many want to play, but have to go pve to support their ingame growth with mats and gold. In this respect a tweak or two would be nice.

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It would help a lot if Anet would increase the material rewards from Mist-Warped Packets by 10 (exclusing the ascended). Add a few more Mist-Warped Bundles (e.g. 1/5 chance instead of a Packet) and add Mystic Coins to all the chests (not only Gold and Diamond), e.g. 1 coin to Bronze and Silver chest, 2 coins to Gold, Plat and Mithril.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> It would help a lot if Anet would increase the material rewards from Mist-Warped Packets by 10 (exclusing the ascended). Add a few more Mist-Warped Bundles (e.g. 1/5 chance instead of a Packet) and add Mystic Coins to all the chests (not only Gold and Diamond), e.g. 1 coin to Bronze and Silver chest, 2 coins to Gold, Plat and Mithril.


Would be good to add 2-4 mystic coins to the repeatable diamond chests....


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The rewards are "mostly" fine. The disparity is in the grandmaster marks. We should be getting them just like the PvP folks are...not having to spend even more money crafting them. It already costs a butt ton of money to siege stuff in wvw if you play often, no reason we should have to craft our marks when other game modes don't.

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  • 1 year later...

When WvW is recognized as being the real endgame, rewards will improve.


Real freedom of builds; not limited by the gimmicks of the sPvP system.


Real challenges, not dumbed down to memorizing the dance routines of never changing encounters in PvE


And real content, not one trick ponys like LS maps, ignored after played.


Freedom of unrestricted combat where anything goes.

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> @"Angelweave.1856" said:

> I was going to start a new thread saying the same thing, I never WvW much cause PvP and PvE give way better rewards, but this week with the double rewards I thought why not. Maybe it's just me but do most people even get to Diamond?


if you are talkin about the pip chest, then yes. it is much easier tho when you simply gain more pips for being high rank, i got more than 50% of my pips so far this week from rank for example.

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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> With mounts now you can just find a good silverwaste map run around in a circle tagging every event and earn around 100 green loot bags every event chain and that's not including other rewards. lol

This is exaggerated, it's about ~40-45 bags total including the meta unless you count bandit crests.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The rewards from WvW are absolutely pathetic. If I do 3 hot metas which takes an hour I make more gold than 6-7 hours of doing WvW. ;/


SPvP gives a really high amount of gold in comparison to WvW, why are WvW rewards so crappy?


Please buff WvW rewards anet.

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> I don't play WvW for rewards, i play it to have fun in wvw. Maybe you should reconsider playing if all you care about is getting useless stuff filling your bags.


Agreed; content cannot be both fun and rewarding.

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I don't play for rewards though, like most regular wvwers don't as far as I know.


They are at least alot better than before, because of the reward tracks, but I guess it can be alot slower for lower ranked wvwers.


They have to be careful about rewards, if players bandwagon to servers or like when eotm turned into a ktrain, as it is.

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One problem is that lots of WvW players are only WvW players, and rewards now are FAR better than when the game first started, however WvW players tend to not understand how far behind they really are, a few guild members of mine do WvW and PvE and it's ALWAYS a complaint that after they finish a day in WvW, they are getting a fraction out of it vs PvE.


The common excuse is that "WvW is fun, so it's a trade off". Uhhh, do you think PvE players don't have fun? These people in the guild I am in enjoy the PvE runs just as much as their time in WvW, and why on earth should you be _punished_ for enjoying a game meant for.....wait for it.....Having fun?


As for those saying PvE players will flood WvW, its more free bags for me. Also, no one is asking for better rewards for WvW than PvE, just an even reward amount. Because as it stands now, pure k-training will not get you even close to the same effort in PvE will net you and this is assuming you are not a tag, at which point WvW actually COSTS you money, as the amount of siege you throw costs far more than what you earn in the same time, this is why tags will often ask for siege donations. It's sad when I have sent a stack of sup rams/catas to a tag before because he was using paper siege and I have never seen someone so thankful before, WvW should NOT be that way.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> The rewards from WvW are absolutely pathetic. If I do 3 hot metas which takes an hour I make more gold than 6-7 hours of doing WvW. ;/


> SPvP gives a really high amount of gold in comparison to WvW, why are WvW rewards so crappy?


> Please buff WvW rewards anet.


The issue with WvW vs PvP (or PvE) is you can't compare their reward track and pip rewards. Ranked PvP (or Pve) requires more participation, unless in Ranked pvp you just always afk lose (which results in less). In WvW if your world has SMC all you have to do is repair every 10-13 minutes to maintain participation for the reward track and pips. You can even cap out pips with no effort if you play on an out-numbered map, just get a camp every 10 minutes. PvE provides little gold if you only killed something once every 10-15 minutes.


Something to also consider, you get gold from killing opponents (bags+exotics), so if you want the most, it's best to WvW during active times in a group that is actively fighting over objectives, or joining those "GvGs" where there's constant battling in the middle of EBG for the bags+exotics. There's 30-40 silver or so per level too.


I would be surprised if they buffed the passive rewards of WvW, they would more likely buff the more active aspect (drops from players). Which still wouldn't please people, because them roamers would complain it isn't enough of an increase due to getting less drops than bigger groups.

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WvW rewards simply show to us all how little ANet is interested in developing and supporting this game mode.


Besides WvWer's being the most dedicated players, if WvW rewards were increased we would have much more people playing a few hours per week on WvW.


When the WvW mount was released we had many new players around.

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loot in this game is garbage anyway.


crafting material woo

junk woo

salvage material into more crafting material woo

OH AN EXOTIC WEAPON! but when you already have full ascended it's just sold on the TP for gold.


People should be playing wvw for the fun of killing enemy players.

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