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Suggestion: Shared Gathering Tool Slots

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Today, if someone has multiple characters and a single set of unbreakable gathering tools, they can buy shared inventory slots and use those to share the single set of tools between all their characters. This requires just a few clicks on the inventory, but can lead to a few inconveniences (forgetting on which character the tools were, being unable to unequip them in combat, etc).


So, I suggest creating Shared Gathering Tool Slots:

* A new set of three slots below the current (character-based) gathering tool slots

* Tools placed there would be used by all characters on the account...

* ...Unless there are tools equiped in the character-based slots. If there are, the game prioritizes those (so people who have multiple sets can still use them, or use different enhancements with different characters)

* The three slots would only be sold together, and they would be a bit more expensive than the Shared Inventory Slots.


ArenaNet would make a profit, since this feature would be both more expensive and more useful than the Shared Inventory Slots (that may be used for basically the same purpose today). And players would be able to choose to have an increased convenience for a higher price.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> It won't happen, cuz they won't make money on it.

> Lot of ppl has multiple sets. 1 set of tools is 2k gems, so how expensive u want to make it, so anet will profit?


That depends, some people don't buy permanent tools at all due to the inconvenience of having to move them, or only buy one and do deal with the inconvenience of moving them. There's already more than once incentive to buy more than one set too, skins and glyphs; some cost just as much, or more, than just converting the gold to 1,000 gems to buy the tool with them. Multiple sets also means you wouldn't have to worry about swapping glyphs for people that use a different one for different areas.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> It won't happen, cuz they won't make money on it.

> Lot of ppl has multiple sets. 1 set of tools is 2k gems, so how expensive u want to make it, so anet will profit?


They will save money on customer service for all those people who accidentally delete Toons with Tools. I am certain that one day sooner or later, I will be one of those crying to CS about the key farmer I just deleted with all my permanent gear still equipped.

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> @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> I'd be happy just to be able to bind certain items to the shared slots, so when I unequip the gathering tools, they go straight to their assigned shared slot instead of normal inventory.


You do know if you got for example copper tools since they are cheap on all your alts and 3 shared slots with unlimited tools in then clicking those tools will move them bettwen char and said 3 shared slot and back 100% of the time never ending up in the normal inventory already right?


For being clear always click the tools in shared slot no matter if its normal use or unlimited ones to switch around.

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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

> Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.


I don't think Anet would go this way, it's 1. Too expensive, and 2. Shared Inventory slots don't work this way.


What they might do, is sell each slot separately for 2k gems, and a bundle back discounted to 5k gems.


Even if it cost 2k per slot, I would get them. However, I wouldn't bother if one has to pay 1k per character.

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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

> Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.


How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

> > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.


> How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.


Only 2k? Why are people even asking for this thing then? Just buy the tools and be over with.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> Today, if someone has multiple characters and a single set of unbreakable gathering tools, they can buy shared inventory slots and use those to share the single set of tools between all their characters. This requires just a few clicks on the inventory, but can lead to a few inconveniences (forgetting on which character the tools were, being unable to unequip them in combat, etc).


> So, I suggest creating Shared Gathering Tool Slots:

> * A new set of three slots below the current (character-based) gathering tool slots

> * Tools placed there would be used by all characters on the account...

> * ...Unless there are tools equiped in the character-based slots. If there are, the game prioritizes those (so people who have multiple sets can still use them, or use different enhancements with different characters)

> * The three slots would only be sold together, and they would be a bit more expensive than the Shared Inventory Slots.


> ArenaNet would make a profit, since this feature would be both more expensive and more useful than the Shared Inventory Slots (that may be used for basically the same purpose today). And players would be able to choose to have an increased convenience for a higher price.


Would be good with them just doubling the number of shared inventory slots that we can acquire and that would solve this as well.


I think if they were to go slots, which we have, just for gathering tools it should be more toolbox where all your tools could go. With Glyphs they continued to give use reasons to have multiple sets. Need volatile magic, here is a set, need unbound, here you go. Need wood, sprockets....With some sort of toolbox we could share and store them all.

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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

> > > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.

> >

> > How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.


> Only 2k? Why are people even asking for this thing then? Just buy the tools and be over with.


Lol! You must not play a lot of alts...


I have one full set and only one pick axe with my leather glyph. There is very little benefit to me buying more tools. I would l, however, appreciate and pay a reasonable fee for unique slots for these tools so that I would not have to remember to unequip them.

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I have 2 sets of unbreakable tools that I use on all my chars. 1 set with reaping sigils and 1 set with industry sigils. So depending on what/where I'm gathering depends on which tool set I want equipped. Usually the industry ones but when speed gathering the trees in malchors or iron nodes in brisban I use the reapers set.

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Im not going to buy more unlimited tools. I have the 3 and use shared invent slots.


I would however pay for a shared tool slot between all toons, so I didn't have to switch


But I think the inventory slots was their solution to this and don't see it happening

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It is hard to say how this works out financially.

For new players, they would be 1 set of tools + shared tool slots, as that would be cheaper (or 1 set of tools + shared inventory slots)

But there are lots of older accounts who they are unlikely to share any additional tools to - infinite tools have been out long enough. However, as evidenced from above, there are a lot f players that would pay something for the convenience of not moving tools around.

I'm definitely in the second category - I have 1 set of infinite tools, and will never by another. I move them around through shared slots, but would be willing to pay around the same price (or a bit more) as the shared slots for shared tool slots, as that would effectively free up some shared slots.

So there is a way for Anet to get money from me right now if they offered that feature. The majority of my purchases are convenience related - I care less about skins & dyes, so I actually have not bought much recently because of that.

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > > Sure, they can make it works like bag slots.

> > > > Each slot cost you 1k gems, and you need to unlock it on every single character you want to use this feature.

> > >

> > > How is that of use? Doing it this way is 3k/character vs a new set of unbreakable tools/char is 2k.

> >

> > Only 2k? Why are people even asking for this thing then? Just buy the tools and be over with.


> Lol! You must not play a lot of alts...


> I have one full set and only one pick axe with my leather glyph. There is very little benefit to me buying more tools. I would l, however, appreciate and pay a reasonable fee for unique slots for these tools so that I would not have to remember to unequip them.


So do you mind playing 1k gems per char per slot, for the convenience of not having to move your set around and keeping all your glyphs?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> Of course I like idea, but I have unbreakable active set of tools and don't see any big problem to swap them on my max shared tool slots between 9 characters. Just remember always before logout remap them on shared.


It's about convenience. Before hot, we used to have to press F to loot around us, ever since the pact mastery for autolooting, I haven't needed to do that again.


People with multiple characters would probably appreciate having the gathering tools automatically shared between them, rather than try and remember before each logout to remove them, and equip them after every login.

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