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Gift of Aurene and Scion Weapons

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For any who aren't aware, an ascended chest called "gift of aurene" drops from the mistborn coffers in Dragonfall. They contain new Scion Weapon skins that are pretty cool. After 1000 chests opened, if you haven't received a "gift of aurene", you will automatically get one on your account as a one-time guaranteed drop. This is great news! But.....


There's problems with this approach. As the popularity of Dragonfall inevitably decreases, Meta maps won't be available as consistently as they are now. Players will eventually move on to other things, new expansions, etc. It will be harder and harder to obtain these weapons.


Furthermore, what's the point of making these skins so rare? Couldn't you have allowed these to be crafted? Purchased at a vendor? Even just an exotic version, and leave the ascended version to be acquired through the coffers and let those continue to be super rare.


A lot of things were executed well with this new episode. It's stuff like this though that really sours the experience. Knowing that you will be dooming yourself to an endless farm to maybe get a chance at a drop for one skin, let alone a second, is a huge turnoff and extremely demoralizing.


Please consider allowing us to obtain these weapon skins in other ways, or increase the drop chance. Thanks.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> I assume the low drop rate is to encourage people to stay longer instead of abandoning the map after obtaining everything in 2 weeks.


> Let's not forget it's the best method to receive Yellow Unid gear.


Low drop chances aren't the only way to extend the life of a map, low drop chances or absurd time requirements just burn people out overtime. Not only that, but I really don't think many people are going to be doing Dragonfall to get these weapons in particular, as the skins aren't really new, just another recolor with different visual effects.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Dragonfall will always have players. Just like Silverwastes, HoT maps, LS3 maps and almost any other meta. It isn’t a concern to have


Well, until they nerf...ahem, fix a bug where unintended amount of loot dropped from mobs and events... it to make LS5 maps more appealing. #RIPIstan

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I think it's more interesting when some skins are this rare. A large part of why I return to Tequatl is the tiny chance I might get one of the comparable skins (and there's no guaranteed version there, as there is for Dragonfall).



Say they changed the drop rate to be less rare and with a guaranteed minimum of 1 skin every 1000 chests. Some would farm the skritt out of the map, up to 16000 chests (roughly 400 metas and follow ups, which is just 4x the number required to max [the Tarir achievement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auric_Basin_(achievements)#Saving_the_City_of_Gold) which doesn't award any skins). And then, having done the meta 400 times, those people would be completely burnt on the map.


Meanwhile, folks like me still wouldn't bother, except to return occasionally, because we like variation more than we want a skin.


That ends up not substantively different from the theoretical problem the OP describes; it just takes place later and with player burnout more widespread and longer lasting.


Or look at craftable Heroic Dragonsblood and Stellar weapons, all of which can be farmed to one's desire. Not that many people have gone after them, because, they consider it too much effort or too many materials.



On the whole, the game ends up being more fun for more people if there are a variety of methods to obtain skins, some easy and some not, some random & some not. The downside is that one of the skins I like (or the OP wants) becomes out-of-reach based on our preferred style; the upside is that some are easily-obtained just doing stuff we like to do anyhow.

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I haven't finished the Tequatl set yet either. I think I have 4? somewhere in there. I do still do Tequatl. I will still do Dragonfall. But what IS nice is that you WILL get one at least. I know folks that have /never/ gotten a Tequatl specific chest, although they have gotten ascended weapon chests from him(You can get random chests, they are not the same as the Tequatl's Hoard chest).


So props to Anet for at least guaranteeing one. I look forward to mine!

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> I assume the low drop rate is to encourage people to stay longer instead of abandoning the map after obtaining everything in 2 weeks.


> Let's not forget it's the best method to receive Yellow Unid gear.


There is a daily limit to get rare unidentified gear from the chests. As stated by a dev on Reddit:


>This is correct. Every 3 chests guarantees a drop of 3 rare items. There is an effect that plays when this happens. After opening 100 chests, you will no longer continue to get the rare items and a different effect will play to demonstrate that you hit the limit. This daily limit has been in place since the map shipped.


Still a great way to get them since you're guaranteed to get a certain amount each day.

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They really should make the effects of these weapons and the teq one into infusions that can be transfered to other weapons of our choice. i mean they are just base skins of ascended weapons with different colours. if they make the effects into infusions more people will try to get them to apply to their weapon of choice.

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You can already low man the meta so I don't see an issue. As long as you have roughly 15 people (5 for each boss) you should be able to clear it. Proof? I've done that a bunch of times late at night/early in the morning already. These are rare drops that contrary to other drops have a bad luck protection. Since you get to open around 50 chests per full meta run you also have 50 chances at getting one. But getting 50 every time might be a bit hardcore. Maybe more like 40 on average.


Tarir came with an achievement for completing it a 100 times. That's reasonable if you consider how valuable it is and the fact that people have literally run Istan thousands of times. If you complete the entirety of Dragonfall's meta 100 times you will have at least 2 or even 3 weapons.

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One of the many things gw2 does well is emphasize that not everything is for everyone. Having items locked behind a variety of walls -- gold, time, rng, game mode, etc. -- is an important part of that. Everyone isn't supposed to have access to all of these skins, it's part of their appeal. If you like doing df, a chance at one of these skins is part of the reward. If you really want the skins, you have to farm df and hope you get lucky. Introducing an alternate means of getting the skins would defeat their purpose . . .

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > I am curious: do previously unlocked weapons count or do you have to craft six anew?


> I don't believe this is required for Vision if that's what you're asking.


Yep, that was it. Thanks. :) Must have mistaken them for the Astral weapons requirement. :s <--isn't doing the collection, hence the noobism


> @"squallaus.8321" said:

> They really should make the effects of these weapons and the teq one into infusions that can be transfered to other weapons of our choice.


I am not sure you can separate that particular glow effect or have it limited to the weapon if made into an infusion. I just don't get why some items in this game are so rare that you can never get your hands on them. They could at least make those tradeable.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> > @"squallaus.8321" said:

> > They really should make the effects of these weapons and the teq one into infusions that can be transfered to other weapons of our choice.


> I am not sure you can separate that particular glow effect or have it limited to the weapon if made into an infusion. I just don't get why some items in this game are so rare that you can never get your hands on them. They could at least make those tradeable.


Pretty sure they can if they wanted to ;). Currently we have infusion auras around characters. I'm sure anet can create weapon specific infusion auras if they wanted to. Just a matter of whether enough players would want it. And I think there is enough a market out there. It's the same thing with the wvw 2k chest armor skin that spawns tentacles. It would be awesome if we have infusion versions of those that we can use to customize our character's looks without being restricted to particular weapon or armor skins.

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The meta is so time consuming if you want to actually get a decent number of keys/coffers, which is a huge difference compared to other metas such as Tequatl. A lot of the people here are flat out missing the point that having decent items locked behind pure RNG grinds that have no guaranteed payout is ridiculous.


Having done ~30 metas I'm approaching the 1000 chest mark and have probably seen maybe 2 or 3 people actually get the Gift of Aurene as a drop. When I get the guaranteed one I'm not touching the map again. In the time it _could_ take me to get another skin I would've earned enough gold for a legendary.


My suggestion:


Make an achievement for acquiring all blossoming mist shard which unlocks an item to purchase either 1) the skin only for 250 motes or 2) the full ascended item for 250 motes + necessary ascended crafting parts similar to how the WvW items are handled.

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> @"Aretak.3826" said:

> Having done ~30 metas I'm approaching the 1000 chest mark and have probably seen maybe 2 or 3 people actually get the Gift of Aurene as a drop. When I get the guaranteed one I'm not touching the map again. In the time it _could_ take me to get another skin I would've earned enough gold for a legendary.



Like, same.

I’m at 23 completes and I’m not touching the map once I’ve got my guaranteed box.



> My suggestion:


> Make an achievement for acquiring all blossoming mist shard which unlocks an item to purchase either 1) the skin only for 250 motes or 2) the full ascended item for 250 motes + necessary ascended crafting parts similar to how the WvW items are handled.


I actually really like this idea, and I’m baffled as to why it didn’t work this way from inception. This could also be how Tequatls weapons could be handled with a new currency that would drop from the world boss.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> I assume the low drop rate is to encourage people to stay longer instead of abandoning the map after obtaining everything in 2 weeks.


> Let's not forget it's the best method to receive Yellow Unid gear.


Your post contradicts itself. The best method to receive "Yellow Unid gear" is sufficient incentive to keep players "longer instead of abandoning the map after [...] 2 weeks".


The models are nice, but not unique, since they are enhanced versions of the stock ascended weapon models. No reason to make them this scarce.


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> @"Aretak.3826" said:

> The meta is so time consuming if you want to actually get a decent number of keys/coffers, which is a huge difference compared to other metas such as Tequatl. A lot of the people here are flat out missing the point that having decent items locked behind pure RNG grinds that have no guaranteed payout is ridiculous.


> Having done ~30 metas I'm approaching the 1000 chest mark and have probably seen maybe 2 or 3 people actually get the Gift of Aurene as a drop. When I get the guaranteed one I'm not touching the map again. In the time it _could_ take me to get another skin I would've earned enough gold for a legendary.


This is very true. When you start to feel that you are grinding content, it's always a bad sign. And the disappointment at the end of each time-consuming meta when you don't get the lucky drop you were waiting for. It's like doing Tarir just for the Aurillium infusion, only that Tarir takes about 20 minutes, while the Dragonfall meta has to be done beginning to end to gather the keys required, which is 2-3 times the time Tarir takes (where you don't have to do the pre-events, unless you want to farm for currency, but you are free to decide each time).


> My suggestion:


> Make an achievement for acquiring all blossoming mist shard which unlocks an item to purchase either 1) the skin only for 250 motes or 2) the full ascended item for 250 motes + necessary ascended crafting parts similar to how the WvW items are handled.



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