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Any reason to level up crafting when I only play WvW and casual PvE?

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Old player here on a new account. I played for about 2 years when the game was released and picked it up again a few weeks ago.


I'm only going to do WvW and causal PvE (no raids or fractal). That in mind, are there any good reasons I should level up crafting skills? Crafting as mostly been time consuming and boring for me in most games and even though the rewards at the end might be brilliant, I'm not so sure it would be worth the time and effort for me, seeing that I'm not going to do any hardcore raiding/fractals anymore. Been there, done that, I've switched over to a more causal laid back gaming style these days. (Not meaning I wouldn't pull my weight in WvW, I love that sort of team work!)


Also, selling the materials I gather seem to be somewhat profitable, especially the lower tier ones, so for me that could be a way to get gold. But on the other hand, do I really need gold? I got to 80 a few days ago, bought all new shiny gear plus upgrades, sold some low level materials at the same time and still made a profit of 5 gold. Everything else I need seems to cost badges and other forms of currency.

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I think you don't. I don't and I have the same playstyle but without the wvw. I am far from being a min/maxer. I do like the occasional upgrade all the same though. Just not chasing it. I don't need the best, good enough is... well good enough. And I get by just fine without crafting. You slowly build up to good gear anyway you want, and once you have it you are set. You don't outgrow gear.


My playtime is limited and sporadic (leaving me out of raids and fractals) and I don't feel like wasting so much of it on crafting. Well honestly a long time ago I leveled weaponsmith to max to make my first and only ascended weapon for my then and still reaper main, a greatsword. And that kinda made me forgo any further crafting. It's just to timeconsuming and boring to me. The ascended greatsword is nice, but I could have done without and 2 years later i still haven't bothered making another ascended weapon, not even a weaponsmith one despite having it leveled. All my other crafts are around the 100 mark (been playing since the game came out) if I even have it on one of my 3 characters.


Some quests ask for crafted stuff, like the lamp from the skyscale collection. But seeing i just sell all my mats I gather i could simply buy that of the TP.


And for some things you do need gold... 250 for instance for the griffon if you go for that. A bit for porting around. And the rest for me goes in fun stuff really that's nice to have but not needed. So I get that whenever and if I have the gold saved up casually. I do not grind for gold. I get it when i get it playing how and what I like to play. Which is definitely not maximized for gold profit, not even in the same ballpark ^^


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The Ascended crafting mats run cost a lot and if you do WvW and casual PVE you are probably filling that Material tab pretty fast.

I have leveled all of them to be able to craft cool skins like for example the greatsword and the sword from Thundehead keep.

Also crafting something makes you feel more attached to the item.

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Crafting gives you easier access to top tier equipment (especially ascended weapons and armor), but with time you will get resources from playing wvw that will allow you to buy same tier equipment instead. Look out for [grandmaster mark](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_Grandmaster_Marks "grandmaster mark") shards ... you can earn up to three shards per week in wvw, 10 shards give one mark, and a piece of acsended equipment costs 3-4 marks of the associated crafting discipline. A crafter can craft an unlimited amount of those shards (account bound) provided they have the necessary crafting materials, so crafting is simply a way to get around the timegate here.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Also useful in WvW (besides ascended gear):

> * Buff food (!)

> * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Metabolic_Primer

> * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Utility_Primer


Chef is the one thing I've considered taking since some of the buffs that comes with it is pretty nice. I need to check the recipes though and see if those requires mats I would have a hard time getting with my approach to the game.

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> @"zeldara.4127" said:

> And for some things you do need gold... 250 for instance for the griffon if you go for that. A bit for porting around. And the rest for me goes in fun stuff really that's nice to have but not needed. So I get that whenever and if I have the gold saved up casually. I do not grind for gold. I get it when i get it playing how and what I like to play. Which is definitely not maximized for gold profit, not even in the same ballpark ^^


Thanks. 250g shouldn't be that hard to get. I got 50g the first two weeks selling materials (but I also spent maybe 25g on bags and gear) and I should have at least another 50-60 g worth in the bank.


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> @"Unum.8691" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Also useful in WvW (besides ascended gear):

> > * Buff food (!)

> > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Metabolic_Primer

> > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Utility_Primer


> Chef is the one thing I've considered taking since some of the buffs that comes with it is pretty nice. I need to check the recipes though and see if those requires mats I would have a hard time getting with my approach to the game.

Those primers do however require the purchase of a home instance garden plot which you can only get on the gem store. A lot of buff food on the other hand is tradeable and can be gotten from the regular trading post.


Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy crafting and don't want to talk you out of it, but if there is one crafting profession that is a convoluted mess and will leave you pulling your hair out (and filling up your inventory) during leveling then chef is the one. Hopefully this will improve with the overhaul of that crafting profession they have hinted at, but until then I really can't recommend doing it unless you really enjoy crafting.


Btw, the [portable provisioner](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Portable_Provisioner "portable provisioner") that you can unlock via wvw masteries also offers a selection of [canned food](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canned_food "canned food") that is usually 2nd best but more than good enough for most wvw purposes.

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> @"Unum.8691" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Also useful in WvW (besides ascended gear):

> > * Buff food (!)

> > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Metabolic_Primer

> > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flask_of_Utility_Primer


> Chef is the one thing I've considered taking since some of the buffs that comes with it is pretty nice. I need to check the recipes though and see if those requires mats I would have a hard time getting with my approach to the game.


Those are Artificer, as the links will tell you, and you need the home instance garden for the crops. But they are quite useful IMO.


> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Btw, the [portable provisioner](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Permanent_Portable_Provisioner "portable provisioner") that you can unlock via wvw masteries also offers a selection of [canned food](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Canned_food "canned food") that is usually 2nd best but more than good enough for most wvw purposes.


But no utility buff consumables, right? (Would have to look that up, but am pretty certain).

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy crafting and don't want to talk you out of it, but if there is one crafting profession that is a convoluted mess and will leave you pulling your hair out (and filling up your inventory) during leveling then chef is the one. Hopefully this will improve with the overhaul of that crafting profession they have hinted at, but until then I really can't recommend doing it unless you really enjoy crafting.


Thanks. I might as well wait for that overhaul you mention, I'm in no rush anyway. And I'm bald so I should be fine. :)




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My recommendation is don’t level up crafting... until later if/when you want/need it. You can max it in less than an hour if you use an online guide.


I’m a casual player who only does “easy” stuff. I still maxed all crafting because I like being able to make ascended and legendary weapons. Just a preference.

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I wouldn't bother now - if one day you reach a point, where it's needed, you can do it in a day probably.



Weapons I don't craft - those I get from HoT and PoF collections. Some need level 400 crafting though, but that is still OK and better than crafting ascended from scratch to end.

Armour - I only use Grandmaster marks nowadays. All the way. No insignias, no vision crystals, balanced distribution of mats across tiers.

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I can level a crafting to the max with 50 gold and mats i might have in bank in only 2 hours...others might do it faster...so i don't think crafting is a issue..at least not anymore. In wvw a good gear is needed, but ascended drops there, also you can farm ascended from rewards ...so if you have patience you will get gear without crafting...only not that fast.

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