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Core tyria should have their own mount.

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* Personal Bank is 3400g, which is more or less 24000 gems, that with the current exchange is more or less 240 €

* PoF is 30€, so in order to get your mounts the price is pretty low.

* The ability to carry someone else will be totally useless and could lead to afk farming and map completion sell.


I know that the f2p could be pretty nice for a game but cmon, it's 30€ every 2 years... if you like the game, support it and that's all.

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Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they ~~want~~ need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.


Also like Shirlias said they're almost certainly never going to make a mount that can access the bank because it would invalidate the existing systems - like bank access express, the town passes and things.

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> Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they want need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.


It's well known that game is fueled by microtransactions mostly. Box expansion are just a burst of money but in a long term micros income is much higher than expac money.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they want need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.


> It's well known that game is fueled by microtransactions mostly. Box expansion are just a burst of money but in a long term micros income is much higher than expac money.


Do you have a source for that?


I know back during Season 1 they said they didn't need to sell an expansion to keep the game going, but at the time they weren't making many new maps or features like masteries, mounts etc. and they didn't have a separate dedicated team developing raids. I get the impression the studio is a lot bigger now, meaning they need more money to pay everyone.


But also if you do have a source I'd be interested to see what it says. I've never seen any reports on Anet's finances except the NCSoft quarterly report which just tells us how much money they paid to NCSoft, nothing about how much they made in total or how much was from the gem store vs. box sales and lame as it probably sounds I'd find that very interesting.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they want need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.

> >

> > It's well known that game is fueled by microtransactions mostly. Box expansion are just a burst of money but in a long term micros income is much higher than expac money.


> Do you have a source for that?


> I know back during Season 1 they said they didn't need to sell an expansion to keep the game going, but at the time they weren't making many new maps or features like masteries, mounts etc. and they didn't have a separate dedicated team developing raids. I get the impression the studio is a lot bigger now, meaning they need more money to pay everyone.


> But also if you do have a source I'd be interested to see what it says. I've never seen any reports on Anet's finances except the NCSoft quarterly report which just tells us how much money they paid to NCSoft, nothing about how much they made in total or how much was from the gem store vs. box sales and lame as it probably sounds I'd find that very interesting.


It's kind of unclear how much they make through what. It's sort of assumed that most Expac sales are made when it launches, so you can guess that most profits in that quarter are "box sales" and then compare that to sales during other periods, but then I imagine that they also sell a lot more gem store stuff during this time period (which adds to this quarter), and also sell boxes to stragglers, so it's really hard to tell.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they want need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.


> It's well known that game is fueled by microtransactions mostly. Box expansion are just a burst of money but in a long term micros income is much higher than expac money.


I agree that the game is generally funded by cash shop sales. That said, people who aren't going to buy the expansions are also less likely to spend money in the cash and shouldn't be catered to. The idea of a free version is to get people to buy the game, because this is a business, not a charity. And PoF is cheap enough with the mounts you can get to invest the $30.


There's no reason to reward people for not buying the game. They already get plenty for free.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Yeah! Just like core tyria has its own glider! Oh wait...


That's not the same. Glider skins are merely cosmetic, mounts have several, different functionalities. Yes, I understand that you were referring to the availability of gliders in core Tyria (or the lack thereof). But there really could be a core Tyrian mount or two that do not have any special skills other than an enhanced speed (and maybe something the OP suggested). They do not need to have special abilities like the PoF mounts, but at least core Tyrian players would be faster than on foot. :+1:


I am all for **horses** and dolyaks and the kind. <3

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > Mounts are a feature of PoF, just like gliding is for HoT. They're not going to include expansion features in the base game (even slightly modified versions) because they want need people to buy the expansions so they can pay their staff and keep making the game.

> >

> > It's well known that game is fueled by microtransactions mostly. Box expansion are just a burst of money but in a long term micros income is much higher than expac money.


> Do you have a source for that?


> I know back during Season 1 they said they didn't need to sell an expansion to keep the game going, but at the time they weren't making many new maps or features like masteries, mounts etc. and they didn't have a separate dedicated team developing raids. I get the impression the studio is a lot bigger now, meaning they need more money to pay everyone.


> But also if you do have a source I'd be interested to see what it says. I've never seen any reports on Anet's finances except the NCSoft quarterly report which just tells us how much money they paid to NCSoft, nothing about how much they made in total or how much was from the gem store vs. box sales and lame as it probably sounds I'd find that very interesting.


We really don't need a source for that because it's plain as the day that, anet's main source of income are the microtransactions, and I'm not saying that just because everywhere I go I see people with outfits/unique armor/weapon skins etc... but based on personal experience from working in the "gaming" industry, one year ago I worked for a mobile game developer app, we were working on a crappy freemium mmo game, and the only thing id be allowed to say is, they make a shitton of money from microtransactions, you wouldn't even belive how much money people spent daily for that shitty game, gw2 is the same thing, I myself spent over 200 euros over the 4 years Ive been more or less playing and I've only bought things I consider would improve my game time, that would be my case, others might not spend a penny others maybe like to collect everything they come across and pour even more cash, now I don't say that like it's a bad thing, hell, if I had a shitton of money that I wouldn't know what to do with them, I'd probably unlock every outfit/skin get every farming tools and other comodities as well.


> @Verthurnax.2784 said:

> You people who say to just buy expansion if you want mount because ''it's only 30hurr durr'' i will mark you as white knights of anet. First of all i have all expansions, secondly i said i want a mount just for tyria wich should carry more than 1 player with tyria masteries, thirdly i said 'maybe f2p players should access it aswell' since most will want to try out the game because of how mounts are unique here. The fact that you need an xpac just to have mounts in an mmo is stupid because just like what happens with the elite specs it makes it as PAY2 WIN(new elites will allways shine above the others in any pvp mode and mounts will make events easier to reach ).




Why should f2p players have access to content that is only available in the expansion pack? it makes no sense, having a mount that can carry other players...I guess it could be used to boost new comers, but it's almost pointless, once you unlock the mount, you can use it on every character on the account, having a mount that can carry other players would only be a bit beneficial for those who just got into the game, but I don't see that ever happening.

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The point of an expansion isn't to "make made cash from box sales", it is to inject the game with new players to get hooked on the game so they can sell more glider/mount skins to to make the actual money.


You can't generate the amount of hype an expansion does with just regular content patches, that's why Anet had to scrap their "GW2 won't have expansions since it doesn't need them" policy, the game was slowly dying out and they were running out of player base to sell gem store items to.

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> they could still add a core mount, they did the same thing with GW2.

> you buy nightfall and you gain a hero per extra chapter bought, both proph and factions has their own unique hero.


Again, mounts are the unique feature of the PoF expansion, you cant glide without HoT either.

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I also vote **no**. If you want mounts, buy PoF (**and support Anet in the process**). If you want to glide, buy HoT. Both? Buy both. Anet shouldn't have to extend features that solely came with each expansion simply because **some** people refuse to buy the associated expansions.

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> @Dante.1763 said:

> > @sorudo.9054 said:

> > they could still add a core mount, they did the same thing with GW2.

> > you buy nightfall and you gain a hero per extra chapter bought, both proph and factions has their own unique hero.


> Again, mounts are the unique feature of the PoF expansion, you cant glide without HoT either.


you can't play GW2 without core so....your point?

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> > @Dante.1763 said:

> > > @sorudo.9054 said:

> > > they could still add a core mount, they did the same thing with GW2.

> > > you buy nightfall and you gain a hero per extra chapter bought, both proph and factions has their own unique hero.

> >

> > Again, mounts are the unique feature of the PoF expansion, you cant glide without HoT either.


> you can't play GW2 without core so....your point?


GW2 **is** the core. Then you have GW2: HoT, GW2: PoF

Just like the predecessor game -> Guild Wars: Prophecies, Guild Wars: Factions, Guild Wars: Nightfall -**Edit**- almost forgot Guild Wars: Eye of the North

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