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Skyscale worth?

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It's not worth it to me, although Griffon is barely worth the cost and I didn't enjoy the scavenger hunts. It's just not fun gameplay to me. I would need to plug in a second monitor just to see where I need to go next constantly. Once I got past the first scavenger hunt to the part where you just need to do events I was having fun again, but then you have to make another tour of the island to find sick skyscales. No thanks. The Taco addon helps, but it doesn't make it much less tedious.


I'd normally be the first to agree that the whole purpose of Skyscale is to sell skins, but if that's the case I would think they would have made the mount easier to get.



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At first, I thought skyscale is like griffon. I did griffon very late. I felt no need for it. Even now that I have it, I rarely use it. It's just a mean - for me - to cross over long distances safely. That's why I had no hurry to go for skyscale. However, I discovered that the "collections" required to get it are a package of several treasure hunts, that I found very fair, pleasantly varied and most of all, not too long. I had such fun at doing all those little hunts, that I got my skyscale quite fast. And once I had it, I had the surprise to love the mount, because:

- I have mild motion sickness. The way of moving of the skyscale does not start it (the diving high speed of the griffon with the sudden going back up is impossible to me).

- We can take breaks, immobile while flying. I enjoy that a lot! It allows for many things like calming down my stomach if motion sickness wakes up, taking the time to watch map if I search for something, wait for someone in safety even if there are foes below, adjust properly my path if I want to ride a line of flying lights, and so on....


Because of those two points, important to me, it was worth getting the skyscale in my case. Since I have it, my griffon is in the pack of the "close to never used" mounts, together with beetle and jackal. o:)

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I feel it's subjective, but as someone who originally had no intention of getting it as it seemed mediocre, I must admit after having it for about a week now, it's the mount I've used the most.


If I need to get from A-B quickly, I'll use the Raptor/Beetle/Griffon. But if I have to get to a specific point above the ground, I'll use the Skyscale every time. Absolutely love this mount now.


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Is it worth it? It's a game. Try the rented ones and decide yourself if it's fun or not. I personally liked the collections and story around it and I like my skyscale flying mechanics too. IMO it's far better than the griffon if you want to navigate in narrow places or want to land on a specific point.

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> Is it worth it? It's a game. Try the rented ones and decide yourself if it's fun or not. I personally liked the collections and story around it and I like my skyscale flying mechanics too. IMO it's far better than the griffon if you want to navigate in narrow places or want to land on a specific point.


I’ll also add that the mount doesn’t truly shine until you have all of the masteries for it.

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> @"Tumtums.5164" said:

> Is it worth it completing the Skyscale collections. Ik there very long and very boring, also is there a paywall like the griffin?


> I’ve tried riding the Skyscale and it runs out of green bar fast and then just declines, also it’s slow. I feel like everything you do with it can be accomplished by the griffin or springer. I don’t even use the griffin too much as is.


> So is it worth doing the Skyscale collections?


It's basically a Griffonspringer that can hover. Currently the Skyscale has a problem born from an oversight where if you try mounting in mid-air at any point higher than from where your feet last touched the ground, you're gonna plummet and it's really annoying. However it is really convenient and nice to use otherwise. You should definitely get one. It makes navigating HoT areas a lot easier. The dash is also nice to use while soaring over enemies. It's a huge quality of life addition to the game if you learn how to and when to best use it. Definitely not the end-all be-all, but I've been using it a lot more than my other mounts.


There are just as many things that the griffon and springer can accomplish as there are that they cannot that the skyscale can. Remember, anet specifically called the Skyscale the helicopter to the jet that is the griffon for a reason and it is exactly as they said. Think of the skyscale as a wall-climbing helicopter. Skyscale really needs that mastery btw so don't base impressions off the rentals. And be sure to abuse bond of vigor. You can also get more height by dashing upward by up to four times in a row with bond of vigor, then jump off with bond of faith if you choose and then mount your griffon and get a huge starting height advantage for flight.

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> @"Kelieto.6375" said:

> Of course it is worth it! I don't know why people here are saying it's subjective. _Every_ mount Anet has released so far has _objectively_ been worth their investment cost and I expect it to be the same for future mounts if we get any more.


_Objectively_ worth the investment cost? That would imply that you can make gold (faster) with it, and then I'd ask you how long it takes to reach the break-even point. ;-)


Given that it doesn't offer much higher mobility above other mounts, it's probably _objectively_ a waste of time and gold, but let's not forget that we play the game to get a subjective enjoyment out of it. For many (hopefully most) people that doesn't involve obsessive gold hoarding, so subjectively it might be very much worth it.


Sorry, just had to nerd that one out.

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I am in the camp of those who are surprised at how quickly the Skyscale became my #1 mount for pretty much all situations. I'd say it's a big quality of life upgrade for everyday play as it often allows you to skip awkward mount switching and lets you go to hard to reach places in one go. For example, just the other day I was map-completing Crystal Oasis, went from the zephyrite village towards the Sanctum of Nabka by going over the mountain range with my Skyscale and picking up the runeforger's chest and the three final puzzle chests up in the sanctum on my way to the poi in there, completely bypassing any need for precission jackal movement or complicated springer/griffon combinations.


As an added bonus for me, it doesn't make me motion sick nearly as quickly as skimmer/griffon/roller beetle/springer sliding off cliffs does, so if you are in the camp of those affected by motion sickness when using mounts in this game, definitely go for the Skyscale.

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I actually enjoyed the skyscale collection, timegates and all. Having a bit of skyscale downtime each day broke the monotony of it , because it is a little on the long side to do.

One thing I do find to be a pita.. the mount engage skill 1 is pretty poorly done imo.. so many times it just never hits the flame circle anywhere near your target even when you make allowances for distance/direction... that could use a bit of a rework imo, aside from that it does have uses vertically but outside of the collections for skyscale/vision not much use so I tend to use other mounts and end up just chilling on Skyscale when AFK.

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Skyscale is very much useful. People here havent taken their time to get good at using it. Learning to use the dash is essential. It complements the griffon quite well. Griffon is for when you gotta go fast in the air, and or descending. The skyscale is superb for traversing upwards. But yes, the oversensitive cling and the engage skill needs work.

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> @"Taylan.2187" said:

> _Objectively_ worth the investment cost? That would imply that you can make gold (faster) with it, and then I'd ask you how long it takes to reach the break-even point. ;-)


> Given that it doesn't offer much higher mobility above other mounts, it's probably _objectively_ a waste of time and gold, but let's not forget that we play the game to get a subjective enjoyment out of it. For many (hopefully most) people that doesn't involve obsessive gold hoarding, so subjectively it might be very much worth it.


> Sorry, just had to nerd that one out.


Assuming we're still talking about the Skyscale, it's not about offering higher mobility. It's about offering more _precise_ mobility (and it goes much higher than a Springer so it does offer higher mobility in that case anyway).


As for break even points, I've never calculated and don't know the best way to but I'll try anyway. So the current gold investment from a Skyscale seems to be 1x Grow Lamp + 12x Skyscale Food which seems to total to 41g 30s from [gw2efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-66993;12-90910 "https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-66993;12-90910"). Now from what I can see from the Wiki you need 6g of components for the Saddle too which brings us to a total of 47g 30s (at the time of this post). I only quickly checked so let me know if I missed any other components. Now from [gw2lunchbox](http://gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html "gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html") we can see that you make 1g 41s profit (at the time of this post) per 250 Volatile Magic. This means you need to collect around 8400 Volatile Magic with the Skyscale to break even. A good chunk of this will be collected while trying out the new rifts and the rest you'll probably pick up accidentally if you keep playing until Season 5!

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Rinn.2375" said:

> > Is it worth it? It's a game. Try the rented ones and decide yourself if it's fun or not. I personally liked the collections and story around it and I like my skyscale flying mechanics too. IMO it's far better than the griffon if you want to navigate in narrow places or want to land on a specific point.


> I’ll also add that the mount doesn’t truly shine until you have all of the masteries for it.


Definitely, the last mastery skill turns it into the Jeep of vertical travel. You might not get there fast, but you will definitely get there.

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If you have all other mounts already, then the SkyScale does not add very much on itself.


But it falls into the "nice to have" category, brings a nice list of related achievements and it is required for the legendary trinket "Vision". So, if you're into anything with achievement points or competitionist: Go for it. The skyscale takes time due to the large amount of collection steps, but I haven't seen steps that are unreasonably hard.

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I believe its worth getting as there are places in the game you wouldn't normally be able to reach directly without one. Its very useful on the new map Dragon Fall (for getting around), its flame attack is useful for boss events & it can dash forwards like a raptor but in mid air (V Key). For short distances its great for flying directly up to high places. It definitely has its uses. In the end though... its up to you.

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I use my skyscale for exploration and zone complete more than any other mount. It's true the bunny can jump higher, but it's harder to turn and make precision jumps with it and making the same jump two or three times is time consuming. With the sky scale it's more of a one stop mount. It combines features from several mounts, making it unnnecesary to switch. It's particularly useful in HoT zones, or zones with a lot of verticality. The griffon is faster to cross long distances if you can get high at the start, I'm not always interested in going somewhere faster. Sometimes I'm interested in getting to hard to get places.

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