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I think I fixed Weaver


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Alright so I had a silly idea:

You know how it takes about ~3 seconds to reattune to a new element or fully attune to access your 3rd elemental skill as opposed to a dual attack?


What if there was a grace period of about ~2 seconds where you could use your primary elements 3rd skill before the dual attack replaced it? Or maybe make it the full ~3 seconds and replace fully attuning entirely with this new mechanic?


Elements of Rage could be reworked to be something like after ~3 seconds gain 10% damage for 8 secs. Unravel could become some new skill entirely. What do you think?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Alright so I had a silly idea:

> You know how it takes about ~3 seconds to reattune to a new element or fully attune to access your 3rd elemental skill as opposed to a dual attack?


> What if there was a grace period of about ~2 seconds where you could use your primary elements 3rd skill before the dual attack replaced it? Or maybe make it the full ~3 seconds and replace fully attuning entirely with this new mechanic?


Elemental Polyphony? Also sometimes I might camp Fire-Air before fully attuning to Fire for Meteor Shower, unless that mechanic only affects skill #3, but still... Elemental Polyphony.


> Elements of Rage could be reworked to be something like after ~3 seconds gain 10% damage for 8 secs. Unravel could become some new skill entirely. What do you think?


Here's an idea that has been mentioned many times on this sub-forum: Make Unravel F5 with 2 charges on 20-30s cooldown, and introduce another utility skill because even patching Unravel and providing it boons changed nothing OR Make dual attacks F5 with 2 charges (but this 2nd suggestion would feel a bit awkward imo)


Might as well remove dual attacks and introduce a better mechanic.

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I saw a suggestion about dual skills somewhere and I liked it: every time you cast dual skill, it disappears and your main weapon skill 3 becomes available until you swap attunements.


I'd also like to see some change in EoR GM trait because I dont see a point for weaver to want to fully attune to one element. It could be similar to condi trait or something else, dont have ideas that arent utterly broken atm.


Considering that both changes would result in unravel being completely useless, it can be reworked to give static effect based on main attunement (like immunity to certain condition, bonus stats, damage boost etc) and short (aoe) boon pulse depending on current attunements (like primordial stance). Boons would be different from ones gained from arcane minor trait so retal/fury, vigor/alacrity, fury/quickness and aegis/resistance.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Elemental Polyphony?


If anything Elemental Polyphony would be stronger since there was never any extra bonus for fully attuning, only for dual attuning.


> I might camp Fire-Air before fully attuning to Fire for Meteor Shower


I see what you're saying. In this instance it would change the primary element. You would be Air/Fire, and have access to MS while keeping the Elemental Polyphony bonus for fire and air.


Attempting to fully attune would just switch your primaries around. This would also let you get a use out of your 3rd skill for both elements if it's off cooldown before the dual skill pops up again.


Switching to a different element would do what it does now in that your former primary becomes the secondary to whatever you switched to. Unravel would be unnecessary and it could be made to be a new skill.


It can keep the cool voice lines, just has to vaguely match the theme of "I have mastered the elements!" or "You're unfit to challenge me!". Shouldn't be hard to come up with something in that framework.


> Might as well remove dual attacks and introduce a better mechanic.


I don't agree with that. Some of them could use some work but the idea is awesome.


> @"steki.1478" said:

> I saw a suggestion about dual skills somewhere and I liked it: every time you cast dual skill, it disappears and your main weapon skill 3 becomes available until you swap attunements.


I almost like that idea. I'd be for it if the dual attack skill came back up after the CD and they sort of rotated in and out based on CDs.


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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Alright so I had a silly idea:

> You know how it takes about ~3 seconds to reattune to a new element or fully attune to access your 3rd elemental skill as opposed to a dual attack?


> What if there was a grace period of about ~2 seconds where you could use your primary elements 3rd skill before the dual attack replaced it? Or maybe make it the full ~3 seconds and replace fully attuning entirely with this new mechanic?


> Elements of Rage could be reworked to be something like after ~3 seconds gain 10% damage for 8 secs. Unravel could become some new skill entirely. What do you think?


Bad idea, I need Lava Skin immediately (Fire/Earth 3), but here I will be forced to wait another 3 sec? I will die then, no. no!

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > Alright so I had a silly idea:

> > You know how it takes about ~3 seconds to reattune to a new element or fully attune to access your 3rd elemental skill as opposed to a dual attack?

> >

> > What if there was a grace period of about ~2 seconds where you could use your primary elements 3rd skill before the dual attack replaced it? Or maybe make it the full ~3 seconds and replace fully attuning entirely with this new mechanic?


> Elemental Polyphony? Also sometimes I might camp Fire-Air before fully attuning to Fire for Meteor Shower, unless that mechanic only affects skill #3, but still... Elemental Polyphony.


> > Elements of Rage could be reworked to be something like after ~3 seconds gain 10% damage for 8 secs. Unravel could become some new skill entirely. What do you think?


> Here's an idea that has been mentioned many times on this sub-forum: Make Unravel F5 with 2 charges on 20-30s cooldown, and introduce another utility skill because even patching Unravel and providing it boons changed nothing


This is the best idea I've seen so far. Well, as for me, I would greatly enjoy this.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I saw a suggestion about dual skills somewhere and I liked it: every time you cast dual skill, it disappears and your main weapon skill 3 becomes available until you swap attunements.


I really like this idea. Good job to whoever thought of it, though I only wish it could become a reality.

Keep dreaming, boys. ArenaNet can't touch us there.

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Fix to ele over all would be making core ele have no gobble cd on atument swamping but once your not a core ele you get a 3 sec gobble cd on swamping. Tempest would get its over-lodes after that 3 sec and weaver would have low cd on its other atuments then the one it just came out of.


It would give ele a real close from core to its elite spec. It will let tempest over-lode better and it will give weaver better swap to its duel atuments.


There are problems still but over all that would fix as lot wrong with this class over all.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I saw a suggestion about dual skills somewhere and I liked it: every time you cast dual skill, it disappears and your main weapon skill 3 becomes available until you swap attunements.


I don't like it. I think you should have to fully attune in order to get benefit from that 3rd skill. A thing you can do is picking Fresh Air, so you can "climb" from Air to Fire while using all three weapon skills #3 in a matter of 2 seconds, I do that and it feels amazing (yes, even in PvP). Picking Fresh Air also gives you near-instant access to all of your off hand weapon skills, by swapping to the attunement you want and then instantly going back to Air.

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