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Include Deaths as a Top Stat in PvP


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> @"tacomex.8179" said:

> Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.


> Thanks


It's actually a great idea.


In fact, I'd like to see a complete 2nd page that pops up after the first page of top stats, that would show us something like this:


* Most Damage Taken

* Most Deaths

* Least Amount Of Healing

* Revived The Most By Other Players

* Most Time Spent Off Node


It's funny the more I think about it, these stats in conjunction with the original stats, would create a very strong indication for who was carrying, who was getting rolled, who was contributing in general, and if someone was throwing. Out of all the new stat suggestions, this would probably be the best implementation.


IE: Someone on your team gets Top Damage, Top Kills, Most Revives, Most Offense. Then if he also gets Most Damage Taken, it would indicate that guy was baller stronk and constantly in the fray carrying team fights. However if someone had no top stats, but received Most Damage Taken, it would indicate he was a punching bag that match and really didn't contribute much at all.


Most of those 2nd list stats would function like that. Depending on what top stats they get, it would indicate if something like "Least Amount Of Healing" meant that they were an indominable force to reckoned with, or if they were just dying too fast to use heals at all.


That's exactly what we need for a better representation of individual contribution.. an alternative list of top stats to pair with the first, to better define the actions that the player took to get those stats.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> * Least Amount Of Healing

I don't think this is really important, s/d thieves will probably get it all the time.


> * Most Time Spent Off Node

Again, s/d thieves will get it if they play correctly.

Fighting off-point is not always a bad thing, kiting a node as a scourge is better than dying on point.


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> @"SpinDashMaster.5680" said:

> >We need more ppl playing pvp


> >Here's an idea! Let's shame out any newcomers that might head our way.


> Sounds intuitive.


Nothing else helps new players learn. And they don't want to listen to more experienced people. They're disillusioned by top stats, and they're even confused by their "placement on the pedestals," because they "want to move closer to the middle which is the best spot but can't," as well as their spot on the team roster, thinking the "higher up on the list of players, the better I played."


If we can't convince these people that they're not playing well AND that they don't know what they're talking about, maybe them getting all low-performance top stats would help.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> You know what is going to happen when a system like this is implemented? New players see the top deaths stats and improve?


> They will get flamed by their teammates for losing them the match and say "screw this gamemode" instead of sticking around.


This is the most likely outcome.


Think about it this way: if you're playing a build which gets focused a lot (e.g. necro), it's expected that you'll die quite a bit. It relies on the team peeling for you. But most players only look at the surface - it's your fault for dying instead of their fault for bad support.

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> @"tacomex.8179" said:

> Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.


> Thanks




Doing this means : Player will not take risks anymore => You see your friend holding 1vs3, you dont go to help (despite the fact that you can actually win a 2vs3) so you dont die...


It can be a good idea, but people will all play survive, so they dont get blame at the end...


Second, we all know a guardian mantra bunker will die less than a Thief, but the thief or another weak class, can do more good work than anyone even if he dies the most.

When you hold 1vs3 for a lonnnnnnng time the enemy team, and you die, but your team is 4vs2 so they took all basses, its a bad idea ?


how many times i died 5-6 times in a game, always winning time for my team so they can score a lot of points...


ArenaNet, don't do this.

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The true intention here is not to make people quit, but to actually get better. You will find players that say: "I had 3/6 top stats and you only had one" as a way to shelter from a loss. Not displaying any "negative" stat helps to create mediocre PvPers, because even though they lose they still feel good by getting a "positive" stat and they don't actually focus on what they could improve on.

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> @"tacomex.8179" said:

> The true intention here is not to make people quit, but to actually get better. You will find players that say: "I had 3/6 top stats and you only had one" as a way to shelter from a loss. Not displaying any "negative" stat helps to create mediocre PvPers, because even though they lose they still feel good by getting a "positive" stat and they don't actually focus on what they could improve on.


I don't think showing those people negative stats will change how they approach the game mode. They'll just find some other way to pass off the loss or just ignore their short comings all together. It would also paint a big target for toxic players as they would feel like they are valid in harassing worse players. All these stats are kind of irrelevant since a game can be decided when someone looses an important duel or rotates to the wrong place at the wrong time. There is much more to it than what can be derived from raw data.


I think a better option might be to do away with stats all together and allow us to save replays. That way no one has any way to say "Look at my good stats/look at your bad stats". All you know is that the decisions you and your team made lost you the game. If you want to know why you need to go research the replay and learn what went wrong and why.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"tacomex.8179" said:

> > Please include deaths as a top stat in PvP, so that players who're feeding actually feel bad and perhaps they'll want to play better or try to improve.

> >

> > Thanks


> It's actually a great idea.


> In fact, I'd like to see a complete 2nd page that pops up after the first page of top stats, that would show us something like this:


> * Most Damage Taken

> * Most Deaths

> * Least Amount Of Healing

> * Revived The Most By Other Players

> * Most Time Spent Off Node


> It's funny the more I think about it, these stats in conjunction with the original stats, would create a very strong indication for who was carrying, who was getting rolled, who was contributing in general, and if someone was throwing. Out of all the new stat suggestions, this would probably be the best implementation.


> IE: Someone on your team gets Top Damage, Top Kills, Most Revives, Most Offense. Then if he also gets Most Damage Taken, it would indicate that guy was baller stronk and constantly in the fray carrying team fights. However if someone had no top stats, but received Most Damage Taken, it would indicate he was a punching bag that match and really didn't contribute much at all.


> Most of those 2nd list stats would function like that. Depending on what top stats they get, it would indicate if something like "Least Amount Of Healing" meant that they were an indominable force to reckoned with, or if they were just dying too fast to use heals at all.


> That's exactly what we need for a better representation of individual contribution.. an alternative list of top stats to pair with the first, to better define the actions that the player took to get those stats.



better a complete ranking of stats or at least gold silver bronze medals, sometimes you get 0 top stats but if you look at percentiles you see high percentile on each one, I know top stats often are meaningles butwhen you do a hard work get a high percentile on every one category 25% or more of team contribution but you get awarded for no one is a bit frustrating and you seem irrelevant when probably you are the true match carrier

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  • 1 month later...

I dont think negative top stats like amount of deaths will be effective, it will just discourage people from trying again and they will give up. Rather add a lot more positive stats to show how much people contributed and improve their moral a bit, ie: Cap assists, decaps, conditions cleansed, boons given, boons removed, stomps prevented, barriers given, conditions applied, map specific bonuses acquired (stillness, svanir etc), time spent in combat, steps taken (this might show afk'ers too).


Maybe give players the option to vote for an mvp after the game finishes, you dont have to vote but it might encourage ppl to assist more with chat directions and to stop being such kittens to their own team while the game is in progress.


I know in the end top stats dont mean everything but if it encourages people a bit then the population gets better and pvp gets better for it. More enjoyable for the players





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