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Why did you nerf the Eater of Souls?

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> @"Ildrid Ildhjertet.2489" said:

> Disclaimer: I'm not a raider.


> I do not see the need to nerf this, but maybe add a "just story" mote in the instance, where his lifesteal is disabled all together would be a good option.


> I died 4 times on my Mirage, I was like "kitten this", opened my hero panel, changed a traitline, equipped 2 interrupt signets and crushed him so fast it wasn't even funny. (dropped Dueling and got Domination). I was really looking forward to doing this fight on other classes, because I feel this would be a great fight to "explore" options on different professions. But I didn't rush through story on any other class. Instead I kept hunting achievements, leveling an alt and now it looks to me as the boss has become a random trashmob. Now I'm not too keen to fight Eater of Souls on other professions anymore.


> This was part of what I loved in gw1. Load up a build, play a mission, fail miserably, talk to my teammates and figuring out why we died and how to counter it. Then change whatever we felt needed changing and try again. It's not like you need to get a new set of armor to change your build in this game, unless you're going to the endgame pve content (fractals/raids).


> Inb4 all bosses become multiple choice tests to see if you follow the dialogue.


Not that it matters now, but with mesmer staff you could easily cheese the fight while barely using any utility skills at all. Just use phase retreat to keep your distance from him, use F3 to break his bar instantly when it appeared, and then use chaos storm when F3 was on CD (this required some guessing of when the bar would appear since it was up for such a short time pre-nerf). If you messed up, PR and blink away before he can heal off you, along with using F1 to kill your clones so he can't steal their health either.


The thing with the fight was that if you used the mechanic it was a really fun, engaging fight. If you didn't use the mechanic, then it was really hard to impossible to outDPS his healing depending on your class and build. So nerfs that made the mechanic easier to use were entirely justified. Nerfs making the mechanic irrelevant I feel were a kneejerk reaction, but its something we have to live with now

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Actually your demonstration doesn't show how it's "clearly bugged".

> > It's normal that some builds have an advantage on some specific fights than others.


> That wasn't about some builds "having an advantage". It was about the fight being extremely hard (almost impossible to do) for some builds, because of mechanics, while at the same time being faceroll easy (to the point of people not even noticing there _are_ any mechanics to the fight) for other builds.


> That's just plain broken design.



It would be broken if a specific CLASS had no counter for this fight. Then yeah, it could be considered broken for this specific class.

However here, you are telling me that this design is broken because people don't want to change their builds to match a certain type of fight.


If you consider that broken, I can't imagine how broken GW1 is to you, a lot of fights requires thinking and build swapping... and nobody ever complained about it.

Just like swapping builds and traits is part of GW2's game design.


I'm sorry... but as a class, you have the capacity to change a build for free, and in that instance you can walk away and change your build.

There is nothing broken with that.

Now yes if you don't want to change your build then you might face different level of difficulties, but that's not the game's fault, nor does it make the fight broken.



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> @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> I beat it with like 3-5 tries, but as a story encounter it should be nerfed. If you want hard content go raid. Simple as that.


Out of everyone who used that argument, how many actually tried raids (not escort/cairn)?

Just to realize that this is not even fractal level of content, yet alone raid level of content

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Not that it matters now, but with mesmer staff you could easily cheese the fight while barely using any utility skills at all. Just use phase retreat to keep your distance from him, use F3 to break his bar instantly when it appeared, and then use chaos storm when F3 was on CD (this required some guessing of when the bar would appear since it was up for such a short time pre-nerf). If you messed up, PR and blink away before he can heal off you, along with using F1 to kill your clones so he can't steal their health either.


> The thing with the fight was that if you used the mechanic it was a really fun, engaging fight. If you didn't use the mechanic, then it was really hard to impossible to outDPS his healing depending on your class and build. So nerfs that made the mechanic easier to use were entirely justified. Nerfs making the mechanic irrelevant I feel were a kneejerk reaction, but its something we have to live with now


I used axe/pistol and scepter/torch. My build swaps were basically just to increase the chance of landing a daze/stun :p Felt cheesy as my dodges gave my clones Mirror Cloak so he couldn't heal off them, while they all spammed ambush skills for more dps. More of those mechanics in raids and Mirage might be viable after all. :)

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  • 2 months later...

At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.

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> @"hell.8364" said:

> At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.


No, it should not. GW2 is not an interactive movie but a MMORPG and as such should teach basic gameplay through it's storyline. The boss you've mentioned is easy if you follow the proper mechanics, which are fairly easy and intuitive. People who just want to run around brainlessly should fix their mindset, as harsh as that may sound. People who cannot even follow basic game-mechanics are no benefit for the game. The story should be a bit more difficult so people learn that. A particular all-time-problem are people who have absolutely no idea what defiance bars are.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"hell.8364" said:

> > At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.


> No, it should not. GW2 is not an interactive movie but a MMORPG and as such should teach basic gameplay through it's storyline. The boss you've mentioned is easy if you follow the proper mechanics, which are fairly easy and intuitive. People who just want to run around brainlessly should fix their mindset, as harsh as that may sound. People who cannot even follow basic game-mechanics are no benefit for the game. The story should be a bit more difficult so people learn that. A particular all-time-problem are people who have absolutely no idea what defiance bars are.


fewer players=better game?....thats a new one

lets see, if that holds water, caus thats where GW2 is heading

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"hell.8364" said:

> > > At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.

> >

> > No, it should not. GW2 is not an interactive movie but a MMORPG and as such should teach basic gameplay through it's storyline. The boss you've mentioned is easy if you follow the proper mechanics, which are fairly easy and intuitive. People who just want to run around brainlessly should fix their mindset, as harsh as that may sound. People who cannot even follow basic game-mechanics are no benefit for the game. The story should be a bit more difficult so people learn that. A particular all-time-problem are people who have absolutely no idea what defiance bars are.


> fewer players=better game?....thats a new one

> lets see, if that holds water, caus thats where GW2 is heading


Just where have i written that fewer players would lead to a better game? Exactly: nowhere. I just want people to actually learn basic game-mechanics, which is what the game actually needs. The problem @"hell.8364" mentioned is your typical L2P-example. The fight is easy; you just have to execute the (fairly intuitive) mechanics properly. GW2 is a MMORPG and not an interactive movie. I don't want ANet to dumb down easy content like they already did with the Eater of Souls. Conceptional-wise you have to teach people basic game-mechanics so they wont be a burden to other players in Multiplayer-Content like Meta-Events, fractals, etc. Sadly, too many people aren't even able to read and communicate in this game; the same problem with following commands in squads or (the everlasting problem) breaking defiance bars. Everyone should have the right to expect basic gameplay from others.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"hell.8364" said:

> > > > At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.

> > >

> > > No, it should not. GW2 is not an interactive movie but a MMORPG and as such should teach basic gameplay through it's storyline. The boss you've mentioned is easy if you follow the proper mechanics, which are fairly easy and intuitive. People who just want to run around brainlessly should fix their mindset, as harsh as that may sound. People who cannot even follow basic game-mechanics are no benefit for the game. The story should be a bit more difficult so people learn that. A particular all-time-problem are people who have absolutely no idea what defiance bars are.

> >

> > fewer players=better game?....thats a new one

> > lets see, if that holds water, caus thats where GW2 is heading


> Just where have i written that fewer players would lead to a better game? Exactly: nowhere. I just want people to actually learn basic game-mechanics, which is what the game actually needs. The problem @"hell.8364" mentioned is your typical L2P-example. The fight is easy; you just have to execute the (fairly intuitive) mechanics properly. GW2 is a MMORPG and not an interactive movie. I don't want ANet to dumb down easy content like they already did with the Eater of Souls. Conceptional-wise you have to teach people basic game-mechanics so they wont be a burden to other players in Multiplayer-Content like Meta-Events, fractals, etc. Sadly, too many people aren't even able to read and communicate in this game; the same problem with following commands in squads or (the everlasting problem) breaking defiance bars. Everyone should have the right to expect basic gameplay from others.


but i dont want to do fractals and meta events either

so why on earth should i prepare for it?

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > > @"hell.8364" said:

> > > > > At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.

> > > >

> > > > No, it should not. GW2 is not an interactive movie but a MMORPG and as such should teach basic gameplay through it's storyline. The boss you've mentioned is easy if you follow the proper mechanics, which are fairly easy and intuitive. People who just want to run around brainlessly should fix their mindset, as harsh as that may sound. People who cannot even follow basic game-mechanics are no benefit for the game. The story should be a bit more difficult so people learn that. A particular all-time-problem are people who have absolutely no idea what defiance bars are.

> > >

> > > fewer players=better game?....thats a new one

> > > lets see, if that holds water, caus thats where GW2 is heading

> >

> > Just where have i written that fewer players would lead to a better game? Exactly: nowhere. I just want people to actually learn basic game-mechanics, which is what the game actually needs. The problem @"hell.8364" mentioned is your typical L2P-example. The fight is easy; you just have to execute the (fairly intuitive) mechanics properly. GW2 is a MMORPG and not an interactive movie. I don't want ANet to dumb down easy content like they already did with the Eater of Souls. Conceptional-wise you have to teach people basic game-mechanics so they wont be a burden to other players in Multiplayer-Content like Meta-Events, fractals, etc. Sadly, too many people aren't even able to read and communicate in this game; the same problem with following commands in squads or (the everlasting problem) breaking defiance bars. Everyone should have the right to expect basic gameplay from others.


> but i dont want to do fractals and meta events either

> so why on earth should i prepare for it?


Yeah, so the game should differentiate in solo-players who want to play an interactive movie and people, who basically want to play the game how it's supposed to? No. Just no. How should the game diffentiate anyway? The game should focus on people who want to take part in the games content.

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> @"hell.8364" said:

> At this point of the storyline i almost give up the game.However after this boss in the next story i was let the entire story because archon iberu was too hard for me.So i have no any choice.I can not jump over the part of the storyline,i can not buy it even the griffon mount can not be purchased.I think i should make toughts about what kind of game is proper for me.This content should be so easy (almost)like a cinema because it is the content for that i give money.


Its a game. Not an interactive movie. A game should have you to actually do sth more than just pressing enter. You did not pay for that, you paid for a game. If you wish sth else then try different types of games. Try point and click and things like heavy rain.


The archon iberu fight is fairly easy. It does not require anything than knowing the basic of how the game is played. Let alone the fact that if you die i do not think he resets because of the NPCs. Thus at worse you can just faceroll him. I am curious on what things did you get stuck on.


If you had issues with it then it could be the fact that you lack some understanding on game basics and it might be a better idea to go back and level up a new character to learn how the game is played in a bit more depth. I suspect you just boosted a character to 80 and played the expansion. But skipping leveling is a bad idea, you do not learn some very basic things. Plus leveling is pretty fast at this point and its great content if you are new and a shame to miss.

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That is not a basic-game mechanich,you should kill the mobs avoiding the life draining so that you during this time are many many times interrupted.In another mmo its can happen only in raid content and not in the core story content.I dont want to be made my entertainment became to a second working place.When i want to challenged do i in the real life and not care to much about a mmo.Secondly it is true that i never levelled a character,this warrior is the first one levelled intantly to lvl 80,but what should i exercise at the levelling for helping killing that boss?There are nothing to learn as could be helpfull for that situation.Comming back to the topic the soul eater was the maximum what i was able to do somehow,but archon iberu much more difficulter.

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> @"hell.8364" said:

> That is not a basic-game mechanich,you should kill the mobs avoiding the life draining so that you during this time are many many times interrupted.In another mmo its can happen only in raid content and not in the core story content.I dont want to be made my entertainment became to a second working place.When i want to challenged do i in the real life and not care to much about a mmo.Secondly it is true that i never levelled a character,this warrior is the first one levelled intantly to lvl 80,but what should i exercise at the levelling for helping killing that boss?There are nothing to learn as could be helpfull for that situation.Comming back to the topic the soul eater was the maximum what i was able to do somehow,but archon iberu much more difficulter.


Well if you leveled the character as it was supposed to be lvled, you would know how to build your character in terms of traits, skills and armor so that you can easily beat the story.

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> Well if you leveled the character as it was supposed to be lvled, you would know how to build your character in terms of traits, skills and armor so that you can easily beat the story.


That is not true.First i explain what is core mechanic.Learning your skills and the and the game teach you dodging.that is.Trait and everything available on internet sites.Even the for the killing of this boss i find a fine video but it is not enough.So i prepared myself,but the only one thing i want to be avoid,brainless only try for several hours the boss because not my style.

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> @"hell.8364" said:


> > Well if you leveled the character as it was supposed to be lvled, you would know how to build your character in terms of traits, skills and armor so that you can easily beat the story.


> That is not true.First i explain what is core mechanic.Learning your skills and the and the game teach you dodging.that is.Trait and everything available on internet sites.Even the for the killing of this boss i find a fine video but it is not enough.So i prepared myself,but the only one thing i want to be avoid,brainless only try for several hours the boss because not my style.


Guess we will have to agree to disagree then.

By the way, on a different topic, I m having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say as well.

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When I encounter a boss for the first time that has unusual mechanics, I usually run around and dodge like a headless chicken and ruffle my sparringly growing hair while my brain tries to decpiher what is going on. Iberu was one such example, I just could not figure out how to keep him from healing. A simliar offender is the beast that protects the scroll, it´s rather easy once you know it but it is hard until you get it. Then it usually dawns on me what do do after some trial and error or through sheer luck I find out how it works and defeat the mob.


That particular mob took a long while for me to chip away with a soldier guardian. Being tanky gives you some time to figure out how a mob works, and after realizing that you have to dodge away when he comes after you by jumping, it was pretty manageable.

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Yeah it needed a nerf, for a story boss that's suppose to completed by literally any player of any skill level

I am not seeing it doable by a good chunk of the audience


No point throwing the word easy or hard around as you can't generalize such things on a massive scale. It isn't a raid boss, dungeon boss or a world boss lol


Lmao@ guys saying 4 ppl complained about it.

Your metric vs Arenanets , yeah i know who ill wager on

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> @"JVJD.4912" said:

> Yeah it needed a nerf, for a story boss that's suppose to completed by literally any player of any skill level

> I am not seeing it doable by a good chunk of the audience


A good chunk of the audience aren’t on the forum. People complaining about the EoS fight, both before and after the nerf is more likely the *vocal minority*. I had no problems with it before the nerf, once his break bar appeared and I didn’t break it and he healed, told me I’ve got to break it to avoid the heal. It’s called learning.

Now even Chill breaks it without issue. There might as well be no break bar.


> No point throwing the word easy or hard around as you can't generalize such things on a massive scale. It isn't a raid boss, dungeon boss or a world boss lol


It is a boss though. Just because it’s not a world boss, dungeon fractal or raid boss doesn’t mean it needs to be a potato.


> Lmao@ guys saying 4 ppl complained about it.


Four people is an understatement for sure, but it is definitely a vocal minority that caused the nerf. If you shout loud enough some things change.


> Your metric vs Arenanets , yeah i know who ill wager on


Anet likes to keep paying customers happy. Regardless of skill level, the only reason EoS was nerfed was because a vocal minority complained that Story content should have zero challenge. That would be boring. So it’s finding a middle ground to keep most if not all players happy.




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> @"Mourningcry.9428" said:

> > @"Mourningcry.9428" said:

> > Necro OP pls nerf


> Ok... I should have realized being blunt and obvious is the only way to go...


> This is a necro'ed thread from October... stop feeding the troll.


> Mods please close.


Thread was created after the nerf, so discussion is still a relevant topic.

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