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Treasure Hunting Kits

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I thought treasure hunting kits were supposed to have been "fixed" to show the next closest buried treasure. Seems that is not what the fix was. It was to reveal only the treasure if it happened to be a little farther away from where you are standing. I had been saving some to do a treasure hunt. Sadly, I was still having to trek to opposite ends of the map for each one (not fun). I had one in front of the Tomb of Primeval Kings, next was north of Derelict Delve waypoint, then next was back in front of the Tomb of Primeval Kings in almost exactly in the same spot (not fun). My dotted line of where I was walking was still on the map. I had clear mobs twice in the same spot because they respawned and I couldn't mount or waypoint (not fun). Ugh, I think these things are pure trash and are going back to an automatic delete for me. Not once has one been anywhere near me when I clicked it. Why are these "loot drops"? I would prefer a 2c broken claw.

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It's much more consistent now. It's not a 100% chance to get the closest one, but it happens a lot more frequently than before. I've had streaks of 5 chests in a row that were close, alternating between 3 different locations, before I had to WP across the map again.

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Well, that's good to know. I tried the meta once after the change and after it still sent me across the map to Prophet's Fall, I went "Nope, it's not fixed." and stopped doing it.


I still think that the best solution would have been to change the Treasure Hunting Kits to function like Zinn's Stashes in Draconis Mons; all of the treasure locations are fixed, and the kit merely points the way to the next closest treasure after you open one.

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Well, that's good to know. I tried the meta once after the change and after it still sent me across the map to Prophet's Fall, I went "Nope, it's not fixed." and stopped doing it.


> I still think that the best solution would have been to change the Treasure Hunting Kits to function like Zinn's Stashes in Draconis Mons; all of the treasure locations are fixed, and the kit merely points the way to the next closest treasure after you open one.


That is also how the SW shovels work.


One of the biggest difference might be the fact that there are a lot more buried chest locations. For desert highlands there seems be only around 20 or 30 treasure kit locations.

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I had some extra time so I tried this again... yeah, I also thought that "fixed" meant it wouldn't send you clear to the other side of the map with every new treasure. I did a search because the four kits I tried were the exact opposite of that. Equipped the kit at the southern entrance, got sent to the far NW corner. From there, sent to the far east. And then back to the NW corner... fourth kit sent me back to the crystal hell in the east and that was when I quit and came to the forums to complain. Fix it for real please.

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Yeah, after doing this meta a few more times, I've come to the conclusion that the actual mechanics haven't really changed at all. It's still entirely random (including the possibility that the next buried treasure is in exactly the same spot you were before); the only real QoL update that was made is that the Treasure Maps now automatically re-equip once you pick up the last treasure. (Which, I'll admit, is nice to have.) Still, I would urge ANet to have another look at this meta, especially considering that a lot of the valuable loot you used to get from the Superior Buried Treasure such as Pulsing Brandsparks and Intact Mosaics have largely collapsed in price, so taking into consideration all the waypointing you have to do (and very often, you get hit by enemies who are milling around the treasure's location so you're trapped in battle and can't waypoint to the next location), you're actually not earning very much from the Superior Buried Treasure at all. I have guildies who tell me they just insta-delete any Treasure Kits they get, because it's just not worth the time and hassle to bother doing this meta. At the barest minimum, the Kits should always point you to/activate the next closest Buried Treasure spot in your immediate zone, not send you to a new one.

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Tried it today since it happened to be up when I was there to do the bounty daily. Seems slightly less bad with a skyscale. Still wouldn't do it if I wasn't already there.


> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> the only real QoL update that was made is that the Treasure Maps now automatically re-equip once you pick up the last treasure.


I actually had that bug out today. Using the skill didn't display anything. Had to deactivate and reactivate the kit.




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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> I still have 250 treasure hunting kit... Tempted to delete them from inventory :p


I know how you feel. I really can't stand the treasure hunting kits as they are now. I tried them again a couple of days ago during the bonus hunt and they sent me a long way across the map each time. The shovels on Silverwastes are much better. The THKs are just a way of making the player cross back and forth across as many aggroed creatures as possible. They really aren't worth the effort.

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Well I tried using them for the first time yesterday, as I happened to be there anyways doing map completion. I don't know if it's been 'fixed', but I had to travel quite a ways before the seeing yellow/green. I found the Skyscale made it a bit easier, since I could follow the path in a straight line, going up and over any vertical impediments along the way.

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