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5 matches, 5 match manipulaters.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > **If this is the case, I would say to Arenanet that it is important to recognize at this point, that this free commercialization is no longer helping to strengthen Arenanet's product. It only helps strengthen the repute of the streamers themselves. In truth, they are ruining Arenanet's product and running off the consumer base in the process.**


> Let's not act as if Arenanet is the only one at fault here.

> The most highly publicized incident of a PVP streamer wintrading saw that player welcomed back by the community with absolutely open arms. Who cares that the first Montly AT was tarnished by this person who for years went off about how bad wintrading was before selling out for a Chak Egg Sac. Lets get him back on Tea Time to discuss PVP!

> And no one said a thing.

> Arenanet did the right thing in this case, they outted the player, stripped him of rewards and handed him a suspension that was in alignment with other punishments.

> It was this community that welcomed him back as some kind of hero, subbing to his stream and treating him like a celebrity.


1. Arenanet ultimately makes the decision to ban a player or allow them back. They alone hold the power and the responsibility, not the player community.

2. The community welcoming back a streamer has nothing to do with Arenanet's policies and remaining professional by administering them.

3. Most of the streamers that were involved in that had their main accounts banned. They came back on alt accounts. It isn't that they were allowed to come back on alt accounts that bothers the community. What bothers the community is that they began doing the exact same things again, wintrading and such, and for some reason the 2nd time around, it is being completely ignored and allowed to happen. Again, this has nothing to do with if the community likes a stream or not, it has to do with Arenanet honoring their TOS for the sake of the rest of the community and the quality of their own product.


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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> Sounds like player chat from the opposing team should be invisible.


> Allowing cooperation between negligent team members (of both teams) to throw matches should never have been given the means to be possible anyway.


Don't you mean visible?


Either way in the highest ranks they all know each other and jump to their raidcalls, nothing is set up on in-game chats

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Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.


Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.


> Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.



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I think allot has gone way of track to point we talking about moon landings.!

Do some people match fix? Yes but very rare and random. Do allot of top players know each other? Yes and over 4 years of pvp building relationships ofc voice coms are going to be shared and that’s smart game play! But you have to remember most people at top do t actually like each other so it’s 50/50 and I think hopping on voice coms is a great thing and what should happen in pvp. Do think think some people play many different tactics to get number one spot? Yes I think there is better times to play and how many games u play as well as haveing a amazing duo who is good on many different classes aswell as playing only broken classes will get you in top 5. But that’s open to everyone..

And for the 10g never seen it apart from trolling and as for the fake d!c only see a d/c one every 10 games and I put most down to d/c as I d/c sometimes and I get mail trolling for me fake d/c when in fact I just d/c lmao

I think being in top ten there is many problems you face but if u make top ten u need to slow down and play smart to keep that spot

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.


> Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.




The top 25 is gated in NA. Any player who isn't paying or found a way to gain the favor of the shall-mention-no-names, won't be playing in the top 25. And if you piss off the shall-mention-no-names, you'll find yourself on a lose streak right down into gold 3, until you set yourself offline and lay real low for awhile.


But that's the least of the problems in NA. There has been an outbreak of kids learning how to perform half match manipulation within the recent year, and it does effect everyone. It effects lower tiers much less than higher tiers, but there are levels of unfair things happening in every tier.


These two posts that I had recently made in a different thread are a fairly accurate summary of what is happening in NA right now:


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Most people think that the match manipulation is all tied to win trading, but it isn't. There are still a handful of people performing serious win trading activities, those of which who seem to never get caught, suspiciously enough. But the bulk of the rando match manipulation has nothing to do with win trading or bribing for throws or anything like that. Most of the match manipulation isn't even against the TOS, which is why it has gotten so bad. The bulk of the kitten is like this:


> * 75% of mms is nothing more than General Smurfing. Yes, it isn't even against the TOS. Players who have several alt accounts, whether paid for with expansions or f2p, these accounts are actually in their own name, therefore it is not against the TOS for them to play on those accounts. The problem lies that some player actually performs at a 1650ish rating on his main account, but he has several alt accounts that he alternates on, and only uses them on rare occasions to dink around on a class he is trying to learn "so he appear as embarrassing on his main while doing it", or to help some said given friend who plays at a much lower elo, achieve some desired bare minimal plat 1 rating. So his alt account even when being played rather actively, is never actually achieving the rating he could achieve if he tried on it. The alt accounts also sit for enormously long periods of time in between play, so whenever he logs into them, they always have large actual MMR decay, even though he actively plays all day long on his main. This creates general smurfing effects, which completely throws off the purpose of the match maker. I actually purchased and upgraded and alt account with both expansions, very specifically so I could do the same thing, with friends who play at much lower elo ratings than I do. Every time I log into this account, usually once or twice during a season, I am doing it to que with friends who want to play, that I don't want to risk playing with on my main, because they ride 1350 levels or something. But when I log into this alt, I always ride some kind of a 10 game winning streak and go on a Jason Vorhees like rampage in g2 games. When I notice the match maker catching up and updating data, I log off the account and let it go back into decay for a month or two, so we can do the same thing again next season. I've spoken to other users who do the same thing for their friends. <- This kind of thing is just General Smurfing, it isn't against the TOS, but it is in every way match manipulation, and this sort of thing is happening all day long in just about every other match we are in. This is the largest reason why matches are so kitten funky lately.

> * 15% of mms seems to be the margin in which you run into actual Throwing, whether it is due to bribery or maybe someone on your team is on one of his alt accounts at the time, and would rather see you or someone else on your team lose rating, than gain it. In fact, there are higher rated players who own several alt accounts "In their names so it isn't against TOS", who purposely play alts up into higher ranges, specifically so they can land in games with other higher rated players that threaten the rating margins, so they can throw games on them, and knock them out of threatening ranges. They don't care about the ratings of these alts, the alts are being played to tank other people's ratings when they run into them. If the player who threatens them is on the opposing team, then they try hard to win vs. that player. This is exceedingly easy to do nowadays, because of the low population allowing the match maker to reluctantly make matches where 1700s are with and against players in g3 or sometimes even g2. This gives the alt throw phasing a lot of wiggle room to work their magic. They can play around 1500 range and get to choose when they want to play hard for a win, or throw a game, with alarming accuracy in that decision. The reason is because a placement in a match of around 1500, but actually being played by someone plat 2+, is a milestone position to be in, in terms of how much of a difference that player makes if he chooses to try hard at the actual plat 2+ rating or throw. If he tries hard, a placement in your team that was only supposed to be 1500, who suddenly begins performing at 1650+ is a huge momentum shift. But if he decides to throw, the 1500 placement isn't exactly a weak placement, the algorithm definitely expected this person to do SOMETHING, so when he throws, you're losing a 1500 role on your team, which is a detrimental 4v5 situation. In other words, if he was placed as a 1250, it wouldn't be as bad of a 4v5 situation, because the algorithm wasn't expecting him to do much anyway. 1500+ throws, are the types of throws that result in 500 to 100 situations.

> * 10% of mms is the small margin in which actual organized Win Trading happens. It isn't often guys, but it is still around. When it is happening, it's pretty obvious and everyone should be reporting it.


> The ultimate point I'm trying to make here is that like 90% of the match manipulations that are happening, is just general smurfing and alt phase throws. These players are using accounts that are purchased in their name, and they are technically doing nothing wrong. Even if you considered favoritism and throw tactics to be suspendable, how is Anet suppose to prove that any of that is happening? This is the tuff situation Anet has left us in with some of their marketing & patching decisions. Unfortunately there are only two reasonable actions at this point, if Anet cares about the state of ranked mode pvp at all:


> 1. Stop allowing f2p accounts from joining ranked ques, period. No exceptions.

> 2. Once again enable 5 man ques in ranked so that players who want to block their team from mole throws, can protect themselves.


> Oh and INB4: "But I HATES 2 go against the 5 man teams!" Anyone who would respond with this, needs to seriously ask themselves: "Aren't I still going against a 5+ man team when I'm being thrown or win traded against?" Solo/Duo is an illusion and ya'all need to wake up from it.



> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > what rank is this. starting from bronze 3 now in gold 3 over 500 matches I think I've played max 5 matches I think were match manipulation or ppl really faked well. In lower ranks they are just toxic as I was, we lost mid fight, whole game is lost, afk. 1, 3, 1 in the start, afk. Teammates losing 2v1, afk. I didnt like your outfit, afk. Double thief, afk, and so on. Toxic ppl most of the time not wintraders. If you're talking about plat 2. and up you might be right.


> You're seeing it, you've probably just not played long enough to able to recognize what it is you're seeing.


> Unfortunately for newer players unto the scene, they have no ability to compare & contrast the monkey business going on nowadays vs. say 4 years ago, when population was much higher, f2p wasn't a thing, fewer players even knew how to perform win trading, and the ratio of match manipulations vs. clean matches was like 1/20 instead of 1/3. If you had played in year 1, 2, or 3 as example, you would be able to remember what a real match looks like, when players are actually trying hard, when everyone is on their main accounts, no one is smurfing, and no one is win trading or throwing for some misc. reason. The closest thing I can example to you, to explain what that felt like, is if you go to play in an AT now. If you play in ATs, even with an all gold 2 team, you'll see that the flow of the matches is NEVER suspicious.


> Let me further example this so you have a better idea of how to spot obvious match manipulation.



> **In ATs matches generally flow like this. Remember that ATs are 5 man chosen teams, and the chances are virtually 0% for a match manipulation to happen:**


> * Two teams are facing off and one team seems to be dominant after the initial split first rotation. Even though the Blue team knows it's going to lose, they still try hard in hopes that maybe the Red team might fumble a rotation and allow them a comeback. The match ends something like 500 to 400. But the "feel" of the mechanical skills of the players on both teams was consistent through the entire match. There were no moments where "ALL OF A SUDDEN The Red team comes back from the grave at 200 to 400 and magically begins mechanically outplaying the Blue team as if they suddenly pokemon like evolved from gold 1 players into plat 2+ players mid game and began dominating with a triple cap rampage that couldn't be broken." or "All of a sudden, some guy that was clearly outplaying everyone with superior mechanical combat skills, begins to walk onto nodes only spamming 1 and never using his heal, as if he were wanting the other team to farm him."

> * Sometimes a comeback can happen in an AT, but when it does, it isn't from bad players who were getting crunched mechanically in combat, suddenly pokemon evolving into plat 3 players half way through the match. Real comebacks in real matches, happen from clutch rotations or one team secures an important objective, or very rarely the dominant team makes a serious fumble or someone IRL actually DCs. The point being is that player's mechanical combat skill factors remain steady through the entire match.

> * Sometimes in ATs, the match is a slaughter. You get a Monthly AT worthy team going against some guys who just joined to get 5g. The match is going to end up being 500 to 0 or maybe 500 to 40 or something if the strong team is getting lazy and doing funny things instead of taking the match seriously. The point being is that during these kinds of matches, the mechanical skill factors of the players on each team remain exactly the same through the entire match as they were in the beginning.



> **In Unranked, it is solo or duo or trio or quad or 5 man, yes. But there is no competitive incentive to perform match manipulations. The only incentive to perform a match manipulation in Unranked, is if you wanted to for some reason attempt to grind reward tracks? I assure you, no one is going out of their way to form organized win trading to grind reward tracks. If a person really wanted to grind loot, there are far far more lucrative places to do that in Guild Wars 2. Unranked matches flow like this:**


> * You get some serious trollol builds joining in Unranked. People just having fun, or people practicing new things, doesn't matter. The point being is that in Unranked matches it generally has the same type of flow as AT matches. In fact it is so similar, that there is no reason but to make one asterisk here. The idea to keep in mind is that players are either winning or they are losing, and comebacks are rare, and they happen through clutch plays, not sudden evolvement or de-evolution of player's mechanical skill values. The players you are with or against are staying the same skill level, visually, clearly, tangibly when you fight them. You can tell people are actually trying at their actual skill levels.



> **Old matches in Ranked from times past, when the population was high. They flowed like this:**


> * Everything exampled in the above was even MORE true 4+ years ago. Now we have various teams of various skill levels going against each other in ATs, or in Unranked the hidden MMRs which function basically just like Ranked, we have 1700 level Unrankers getting teamed with and against 1400s or maybe even lower during off peak hours. But in matches 4+ years ago, those gaps in skill margins were less than half of what they are now. You had 1700s getting put with and against 1800s and maybe 1650s. Back then the 1750s would complain if they had a 1650 on their team ^^ Point being is that the games were actually quite a bit more balance than they are now. It was rare to see 500 to 100 blowouts or even 500 to 250 type situations. Generally about 8/10 matches back then looked more like 500 to 400. Again, it was even MORE true back then, about how you could clearly see the level in which every play was playing at, and that it did not suddenly change halfway through a match. The match quality was just better back then.



> **Matches in Ranked now.... post S6, when the beans got spilled. What happened was that during S6, a particular popular streamer was suspended for win trading.

> Then some particular old pro players were suspended for other things. And then people began talking on Reddit & The Official Forum, about what exactly was win trading, and how were they doing it? Long story short, during S6, so much discussion was perked about this, that everyone learned how to do it. And by S7, when these people who were suspended or banned were allowed to come back and keep doing it while remaining safe while doing it with new types of methods, other players also saw how to do it safely, and that Arenanet either could not prove what they were doing, or possibly didn't care at all that it was happening. Here is how matches flow in Ranked today:**

> * On an average day, about half of your matches will be clean. About half of your matches will look and feel like the matches I had described in previous examples, where there are no sudden evolutions or de-evolutions of player skill factors. The other half of your matches... well...

> * About 1/4th of your matches may feel generally lopsided the entire game, as if the algorithm were targeting you to make you lose. The game starts and you're immediately met with the realization that your team is going to lose after the initial split. Your team wipes 3v3 at mid in a little less than 20s. Your guy who pushed far didn't even hold long, got chopped nearly as fast as the guys at mid, and now you're standing at home finishing the cap, figuring out how you're going to survive and regroup from the snowball. You end up losing the match 250 to 500. Nothing looked suspicious so to say, but the match just felt like improper placement. Sometimes in those 1/4th of your matches you are the one who gets on the winning team of 500 to 250. But in these 1/4th of games, there is still no real sudden evolution or de-evolution of player mechanical skills. <- This is all effects of low population and general smurfing, players who play at plat 2+ levels who are on alts that are being placed in teams at 1400 levels. This is how these kind of games happen. No one is necessarily throwing or win trading.

> * The other 1/4th of your matches.. are completely botched and make no sense at all. Seriously at least 1/4th of Ranked games are like this nowadays.. You start off the match and your team is just smashing the other team. You end up with this lead of 350 to 150, and you're thinking: "Ok this is an easy match, we're going to win." You can clearly see that your team is mechanically outplaying the other team. As if your team were stacked with plat 2s and the other team had gold 2s. And then ALL OF A SUDDEN, you have a player or two on your team just randomly begin to play like complete utter garbage. They somehow were winning 1v2s halfway through the game, repeatedly, with clearly visually superior mechanical skills, but then devolve into a player who seemingly doesn't know his class, or role, or even where his buttons are. <- That is not normal, and that is not something we've seen like this in the previous 5 or 6 years of the game. This is a phenomenon that began trending after the secrets of win trading and alt throwing were unleashed into the community. I remember once I was on the losing team, and I wasn't even getting mad, but I was getting very serious about trying to give rotational intel into the /t chat, I was trying hard to get them to win. Then this guy from our team on an account I had never once seen before, whispers me and says: "We're good, just watch." and then ALL OFF A SUDDEN, the other team just sort of stopped trying. A couple of their players began doing very stupid things. Things that were too stupid to be real. My team was able to come back from the grave from like a 200 point difference and win the game. It didn't happen from a clutch play or rotation, or securing a clutch objective. It happened because the other team suddenly devolved into players who didn't know their class, job roles, or even where their buttons where. That's just one example of many many others I could give you, where there was a moment that I knew I was caught in the middle of some kind of a win trade or throw.


> So yeah, for those of you who weren't around in earlier years or who don't play ATs, to be able to see what real matches look like and feel like vs. the kitten we have going on in Ranked today, there is the difference for you, laid out for your enjoyment & recognition.







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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.

> >

> > Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.


> @"bluri.2653"


> The top 25 is gated in NA. Any player who isn't paying or found a way to gain the favor of the shall-mention-no-names, won't be playing in the top 25. And if you kitten off the shall-mention-no-names, you'll find yourself on a lose streak right down into gold 3, until you set yourself offline and lay real low for awhile.


> But that's the least of the problems in NA. There has been an outbreak of kids learning how to perform half match manipulation within the recent year, and it does effect everyone. It effects lower tiers much less than higher tiers, but there are levels of unfair things happening in every tier.


> These two posts that I had recently made in a different thread are a fairly accurate summary of what is happening in NA right now:


> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Most people think that the match manipulation is all tied to win trading, but it isn't. There are still a handful of people performing serious win trading activities, those of which who seem to never get caught, suspiciously enough. But the bulk of the rando match manipulation has nothing to do with win trading or bribing for throws or anything like that. Most of the match manipulation isn't even against the TOS, which is why it has gotten so bad. The bulk of the kitten is like this:

> >

> > * 75% of mms is nothing more than General Smurfing. Yes, it isn't even against the TOS. Players who have several alt accounts, whether paid for with expansions or f2p, these accounts are actually in their own name, therefore it is not against the TOS for them to play on those accounts. The problem lies that some player actually performs at a 1650ish rating on his main account, but he has several alt accounts that he alternates on, and only uses them on rare occasions to dink around on a class he is trying to learn "so he appear as embarrassing on his main while doing it", or to help some said given friend who plays at a much lower elo, achieve some desired bare minimal plat 1 rating. So his alt account even when being played rather actively, is never actually achieving the rating he could achieve if he tried on it. The alt accounts also sit for enormously long periods of time in between play, so whenever he logs into them, they always have large actual MMR decay, even though he actively plays all day long on his main. This creates general smurfing effects, which completely throws off the purpose of the match maker. I actually purchased and upgraded and alt account with both expansions, very specifically so I could do the same thing, with friends who play at much lower elo ratings than I do. Every time I log into this account, usually once or twice during a season, I am doing it to que with friends who want to play, that I don't want to risk playing with on my main, because they ride 1350 levels or something. But when I log into this alt, I always ride some kind of a 10 game winning streak and go on a Jason Vorhees like rampage in g2 games. When I notice the match maker catching up and updating data, I log off the account and let it go back into decay for a month or two, so we can do the same thing again next season. I've spoken to other users who do the same thing for their friends. <- This kind of thing is just General Smurfing, it isn't against the TOS, but it is in every way match manipulation, and this sort of thing is happening all day long in just about every other match we are in. This is the largest reason why matches are so kitten funky lately.

> > * 15% of mms seems to be the margin in which you run into actual Throwing, whether it is due to bribery or maybe someone on your team is on one of his alt accounts at the time, and would rather see you or someone else on your team lose rating, than gain it. In fact, there are higher rated players who own several alt accounts "In their names so it isn't against TOS", who purposely play alts up into higher ranges, specifically so they can land in games with other higher rated players that threaten the rating margins, so they can throw games on them, and knock them out of threatening ranges. They don't care about the ratings of these alts, the alts are being played to tank other people's ratings when they run into them. If the player who threatens them is on the opposing team, then they try hard to win vs. that player. This is exceedingly easy to do nowadays, because of the low population allowing the match maker to reluctantly make matches where 1700s are with and against players in g3 or sometimes even g2. This gives the alt throw phasing a lot of wiggle room to work their magic. They can play around 1500 range and get to choose when they want to play hard for a win, or throw a game, with alarming accuracy in that decision. The reason is because a placement in a match of around 1500, but actually being played by someone plat 2+, is a milestone position to be in, in terms of how much of a difference that player makes if he chooses to try hard at the actual plat 2+ rating or throw. If he tries hard, a placement in your team that was only supposed to be 1500, who suddenly begins performing at 1650+ is a huge momentum shift. But if he decides to throw, the 1500 placement isn't exactly a weak placement, the algorithm definitely expected this person to do SOMETHING, so when he throws, you're losing a 1500 role on your team, which is a detrimental 4v5 situation. In other words, if he was placed as a 1250, it wouldn't be as bad of a 4v5 situation, because the algorithm wasn't expecting him to do much anyway. 1500+ throws, are the types of throws that result in 500 to 100 situations.

> > * 10% of mms is the small margin in which actual organized Win Trading happens. It isn't often guys, but it is still around. When it is happening, it's pretty obvious and everyone should be reporting it.

> >

> > The ultimate point I'm trying to make here is that like 90% of the match manipulations that are happening, is just general smurfing and alt phase throws. These players are using accounts that are purchased in their name, and they are technically doing nothing wrong. Even if you considered favoritism and throw tactics to be suspendable, how is Anet suppose to prove that any of that is happening? This is the tuff situation Anet has left us in with some of their marketing & patching decisions. Unfortunately there are only two reasonable actions at this point, if Anet cares about the state of ranked mode pvp at all:

> >

> > 1. Stop allowing f2p accounts from joining ranked ques, period. No exceptions.

> > 2. Once again enable 5 man ques in ranked so that players who want to block their team from mole throws, can protect themselves.

> >

> > Oh and INB4: "But I HATES 2 go against the 5 man teams!" Anyone who would respond with this, needs to seriously ask themselves: "Aren't I still going against a 5+ man team when I'm being thrown or win traded against?" Solo/Duo is an illusion and ya'all need to wake up from it.

> >


> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > what rank is this. starting from bronze 3 now in gold 3 over 500 matches I think I've played max 5 matches I think were match manipulation or ppl really faked well. In lower ranks they are just toxic as I was, we lost mid fight, whole game is lost, afk. 1, 3, 1 in the start, afk. Teammates losing 2v1, afk. I didnt like your outfit, afk. Double thief, afk, and so on. Toxic ppl most of the time not wintraders. If you're talking about plat 2. and up you might be right.

> >

> > You're seeing it, you've probably just not played long enough to able to recognize what it is you're seeing.

> >

> > Unfortunately for newer players unto the scene, they have no ability to compare & contrast the monkey business going on nowadays vs. say 4 years ago, when population was much higher, f2p wasn't a thing, fewer players even knew how to perform win trading, and the ratio of match manipulations vs. clean matches was like 1/20 instead of 1/3. If you had played in year 1, 2, or 3 as example, you would be able to remember what a real match looks like, when players are actually trying hard, when everyone is on their main accounts, no one is smurfing, and no one is win trading or throwing for some misc. reason. The closest thing I can example to you, to explain what that felt like, is if you go to play in an AT now. If you play in ATs, even with an all gold 2 team, you'll see that the flow of the matches is NEVER suspicious.

> >

> > Let me further example this so you have a better idea of how to spot obvious match manipulation.

> >

> >

> > **In ATs matches generally flow like this. Remember that ATs are 5 man chosen teams, and the chances are virtually 0% for a match manipulation to happen:**

> >

> > * Two teams are facing off and one team seems to be dominant after the initial split first rotation. Even though the Blue team knows it's going to lose, they still try hard in hopes that maybe the Red team might fumble a rotation and allow them a comeback. The match ends something like 500 to 400. But the "feel" of the mechanical skills of the players on both teams was consistent through the entire match. There were no moments where "ALL OF A SUDDEN The Red team comes back from the grave at 200 to 400 and magically begins mechanically outplaying the Blue team as if they suddenly pokemon like evolved from gold 1 players into plat 2+ players mid game and began dominating with a triple cap rampage that couldn't be broken." or "All of a sudden, some guy that was clearly outplaying everyone with superior mechanical combat skills, begins to walk onto nodes only spamming 1 and never using his heal, as if he were wanting the other team to farm him."

> > * Sometimes a comeback can happen in an AT, but when it does, it isn't from bad players who were getting crunched mechanically in combat, suddenly pokemon evolving into plat 3 players half way through the match. Real comebacks in real matches, happen from clutch rotations or one team secures an important objective, or very rarely the dominant team makes a serious fumble or someone IRL actually DCs. The point being is that player's mechanical combat skill factors remain steady through the entire match.

> > * Sometimes in ATs, the match is a slaughter. You get a Monthly AT worthy team going against some guys who just joined to get 5g. The match is going to end up being 500 to 0 or maybe 500 to 40 or something if the strong team is getting lazy and doing funny things instead of taking the match seriously. The point being is that during these kinds of matches, the mechanical skill factors of the players on each team remain exactly the same through the entire match as they were in the beginning.

> >

> >

> > **In Unranked, it is solo or duo or trio or quad or 5 man, yes. But there is no competitive incentive to perform match manipulations. The only incentive to perform a match manipulation in Unranked, is if you wanted to for some reason attempt to grind reward tracks? I assure you, no one is going out of their way to form organized win trading to grind reward tracks. If a person really wanted to grind loot, there are far far more lucrative places to do that in Guild Wars 2. Unranked matches flow like this:**

> >

> > * You get some serious trollol builds joining in Unranked. People just having fun, or people practicing new things, doesn't matter. The point being is that in Unranked matches it generally has the same type of flow as AT matches. In fact it is so similar, that there is no reason but to make one asterisk here. The idea to keep in mind is that players are either winning or they are losing, and comebacks are rare, and they happen through clutch plays, not sudden evolvement or de-evolution of player's mechanical skill values. The players you are with or against are staying the same skill level, visually, clearly, tangibly when you fight them. You can tell people are actually trying at their actual skill levels.

> >

> >

> > **Old matches in Ranked from times past, when the population was high. They flowed like this:**

> >

> > * Everything exampled in the above was even MORE true 4+ years ago. Now we have various teams of various skill levels going against each other in ATs, or in Unranked the hidden MMRs which function basically just like Ranked, we have 1700 level Unrankers getting teamed with and against 1400s or maybe even lower during off peak hours. But in matches 4+ years ago, those gaps in skill margins were less than half of what they are now. You had 1700s getting put with and against 1800s and maybe 1650s. Back then the 1750s would complain if they had a 1650 on their team ^^ Point being is that the games were actually quite a bit more balance than they are now. It was rare to see 500 to 100 blowouts or even 500 to 250 type situations. Generally about 8/10 matches back then looked more like 500 to 400. Again, it was even MORE true back then, about how you could clearly see the level in which every play was playing at, and that it did not suddenly change halfway through a match. The match quality was just better back then.

> >

> >

> > **Matches in Ranked now.... post S6, when the beans got spilled. What happened was that during S6, a particular popular streamer was suspended for win trading.

> > Then some particular old pro players were suspended for other things. And then people began talking on Reddit & The Official Forum, about what exactly was win trading, and how were they doing it? Long story short, during S6, so much discussion was perked about this, that everyone learned how to do it. And by S7, when these people who were suspended or banned were allowed to come back and keep doing it while remaining safe while doing it with new types of methods, other players also saw how to do it safely, and that Arenanet either could not prove what they were doing, or possibly didn't care at all that it was happening. Here is how matches flow in Ranked today:**

> > * On an average day, about half of your matches will be clean. About half of your matches will look and feel like the matches I had described in previous examples, where there are no sudden evolutions or de-evolutions of player skill factors. The other half of your matches... well...

> > * About 1/4th of your matches may feel generally lopsided the entire game, as if the algorithm were targeting you to make you lose. The game starts and you're immediately met with the realization that your team is going to lose after the initial split. Your team wipes 3v3 at mid in a little less than 20s. Your guy who pushed far didn't even hold long, got chopped nearly as fast as the guys at mid, and now you're standing at home finishing the cap, figuring out how you're going to survive and regroup from the snowball. You end up losing the match 250 to 500. Nothing looked suspicious so to say, but the match just felt like improper placement. Sometimes in those 1/4th of your matches you are the one who gets on the winning team of 500 to 250. But in these 1/4th of games, there is still no real sudden evolution or de-evolution of player mechanical skills. <- This is all effects of low population and general smurfing, players who play at plat 2+ levels who are on alts that are being placed in teams at 1400 levels. This is how these kind of games happen. No one is necessarily throwing or win trading.

> > * The other 1/4th of your matches.. are completely botched and make no sense at all. Seriously at least 1/4th of Ranked games are like this nowadays.. You start off the match and your team is just smashing the other team. You end up with this lead of 350 to 150, and you're thinking: "Ok this is an easy match, we're going to win." You can clearly see that your team is mechanically outplaying the other team. As if your team were stacked with plat 2s and the other team had gold 2s. And then ALL OF A SUDDEN, you have a player or two on your team just randomly begin to play like complete utter garbage. They somehow were winning 1v2s halfway through the game, repeatedly, with clearly visually superior mechanical skills, but then devolve into a player who seemingly doesn't know his class, or role, or even where his buttons are. <- That is not normal, and that is not something we've seen like this in the previous 5 or 6 years of the game. This is a phenomenon that began trending after the secrets of win trading and alt throwing were unleashed into the community. I remember once I was on the losing team, and I wasn't even getting mad, but I was getting very serious about trying to give rotational intel into the /t chat, I was trying hard to get them to win. Then this guy from our team on an account I had never once seen before, whispers me and says: "We're good, just watch." and then ALL OFF A SUDDEN, the other team just sort of stopped trying. A couple of their players began doing very stupid things. Things that were too stupid to be real. My team was able to come back from the grave from like a 200 point difference and win the game. It didn't happen from a clutch play or rotation, or securing a clutch objective. It happened because the other team suddenly devolved into players who didn't know their class, job roles, or even where their buttons where. That's just one example of many many others I could give you, where there was a moment that I knew I was caught in the middle of some kind of a win trade or throw.

> >

> > So yeah, for those of you who weren't around in earlier years or who don't play ATs, to be able to see what real matches look like and feel like vs. the kitten we have going on in Ranked today, there is the difference for you, laid out for your enjoyment & recognition.

> >

> >






Record your games and post them here with what games you believe are wintraded so i can laugh at you

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Funny part is the wintrade wars was proven correct last season. Lol "top" player went like what 109-13 and now this season is no where to be seen. Before the season he is on record saying he sucks and would pay for a top spot.


Yeah doesnt happen lol. Sadly the top hasn't been the top since season 5/6. Just mostly joke trolls.

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I played 2 placement matches and I decided to kitten ranked games. First game I got a soulbeast who went 1v4 when we were 50 points ahead of the enemy team, he died, flamed us and went on to jump around in spawn till the end of the match which made us lose the game. I probably am going to get banned for that match because I got into discussion with the guy unnecessarily but I couldn't stand it. In the second game I got a duo who right after the start said they're sorry but they're trolling because this gamemode is shit. Even though I've played this game for few years, this is my second season of PvP and I have to say that it's just sickening how often cancerous situations like this happen. I wish trolls and match manipulators got taken care of by ANet. But they won't, they will still play and destroy pvp experience and remain virgin losers till GW2 is all about skins, casuals and single player experience.


Maybe I went a little bit offtopic but, yeah. Match manipulation should be an instant permaban for ranked games. I don't understand why ANet decided to implement PvP in the first place when there is noone REALLY taking care of it.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:


> Record your games and post them here with what games you believe are wintraded so i can laugh at you


I don't think that's necessary considering you yourself have been put on the stand vs. certain controversies even as of recent. I'm sure you well know what is going on. Judging from as much, I find your responses acting as if match manipulation isn't happening, to be of the least ironic and most predictable responses I've seen in a very long time.


People aren't as blind as some may think they are. Especially in 2019 after many prominent streamers have plenty covered this topic, publicly exposing much evidence to prove that it is. Including but not limited to, screenshots of win trade discussions in discords, recordings, screenshots of paypal payments in conjunction with other discussions, proving payment for placement, and that's not even to mention everything on reddit. Remember when I created a discord dedicated to exposing win trading? You should have seen what was anonymously or sometimes not anonymously at all, dropped into that discord chat. So I don't know who you're trying to convince here that win trading isn't happening, the community? Arenanet? Me? I certainly hope it isn't me, because that would be a complete waste of time, and in all ways similar to poking a beehive with a stick.


Also, don't you think that this @"Ragnar.4257" guy who keeps responding within very short intervals of time of your posts, is interesting? Check out it's total discussions & responses posted. I wonder who this guy is?


Some people aren't so blind, Sindrender. And some people should learn when it is better not to say anything at all.


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It would be best for everyone if those who have been banned for previous wintrading to be banned from forum chat. That way least something is prema banned if not their character account.


I always find it ironic those claiming wintrading is a myth but partake in wintrading. It's pretty sad.. but that's a basement troll for ya.

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?

> And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense


That individual has already lost more matches this season than they did for the whole of the last season, which is totally legit.


I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason that individual hasn't been banned or removed from the ladder (as happened to some others previously) is because they're a famous AP hunter and probably buy a lot of gemstore rubbish. ANet doesn't want to anger their most devout whales.

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?

> > And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense


> That individual has already lost more matches this season than they did for the whole of the last season, which is totally legit.


> I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason that individual hasn't been banned or removed from the ladder (as happened to some others previously) is because they're a famous AP hunter and probably buy a lot of gemstore rubbish. ANet don't want to anger their most devout whales.

Then I wonder why they just didnt let him buy all AP/titles he want from Anet directly :joy:

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?

> > > And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense

> >

> > That individual has already lost more matches this season than they did for the whole of the last season, which is totally legit.

> >

> > I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason that individual hasn't been banned or removed from the ladder (as happened to some others previously) is because they're a famous AP hunter and probably buy a lot of gemstore rubbish. ANet don't want to anger their most devout whales.

> Then I wonder why they just didnt let him buy all AP/titles he want from Anet directly :joy:


Wouldn't it be scary if he did?


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To be clear, I'm not saying this stuff doesn't happen at all. I'm just saying some people seem to think it is impacting +50% of games, and it just really, really isn't. It is impacting, maybe 0.001% of games.


Aside from mAT rewards, or top 5 titles, what would be the point? Who, in 2019, is actually gonna be impressed by a platinum badge or a merciless-legend title? You really think someone is gonna pay gold to win a game in G3? Nope, sorry, unless you're a contender for mAT final or top-5 ranked leaderboard, this isn't the reason for your 5-game losing streak.


Yes, there are a handful of cases you can point to, but hey, guess what, those were all for top-end rewards. If someone "mysteriously" goes afk in a P1 game, the overwhelming likelihood is that he either rage-quit, takeaway just arrived at the door, phonecall, being harassed by partner, etc. Not the Smurfiarchy.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > > Wasnt top1 on NA a wintrader that got a free pass ? So you think your rant will change something?

> > > > And wintrading at start of the season makes no sense

> > >

> > > That individual has already lost more matches this season than they did for the whole of the last season, which is totally legit.

> > >

> > > I wouldn't be surprised if the main reason that individual hasn't been banned or removed from the ladder (as happened to some others previously) is because they're a famous AP hunter and probably buy a lot of gemstore rubbish. ANet don't want to anger their most devout whales.

> > Then I wonder why they just didnt let him buy all AP/titles he want from Anet directly :joy:


> Wouldn't it be scary if he did?

So, buying top1 from the players it is less scary?

You are all late to the party, you should have started a riot when first time wintrading was spotted and punished not with just dishonor for 3 month and let them peacefully play whatevery they want,smurf on alts but bans/perma bans, 3 months of dishonor is pretty much nothing, meanwhile god forbid you insult someone, you are going to jail.

Even more playing on alt accounts its another kind of legal "matchmaking manipulation" as you can throw games of your opponents and try hard to win them and drop from their spot while your main is safe. Its working here because of small player base

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> You want to know what's real depraved?


> I've been noticing strange activity in unranked, since the start of specifically this season 17. I've never had this problem in unranked, ever. But the match quality is beginning to resemble the effects of obvious win trading and throwing. Why would anyone even do this in unranked? To troll people? To practice the method before using it in ranked? I don't know, but if unranked gets overran with casual manipulations like ranked, we really will see this game mode die. There will be nothing left to do but move to a new game.


I noticed this too in the off season. Several players appeared like they were wintrading.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I had 5 games, each with someone throwing.

> Map chat is "ill pay everyone on the enemy team 10g to let me win"..


> Got annoyed, figured I would start recording and post to the world the state of GW2 PvP, told a dude I had him and his guild recorded (well known guild too from ATs).. He started playing properly after that and we almost won after being down 200 points.




> If anyone is good with video editing, make a montage of several matches being thrown and manipulated.. Post it up on these forums, other forums and hopefully something gets done about it.


> End rant, sorry guys just frustrated that my game time today was nothing but pure frustration.


Every time I consider taking ranked seriously for some pipe-dream shot at a title, I get reminded of this kind of stacking.


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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.


> Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.


Had an important phone call, was in an unranked game, so I answered it. Stopped moving for 30 seconds and got accused of match manipulation. Manipulating with whom? The person who called me who has never heard of the game?


This guy is correct, match manipulation only occurs at the very top of the leader board. Match manipulation is when someone pays someone on the opposing team to throw the game. There's a hundred reasons why someone might stop responding during a match. Maybe someone other than a Jehovah witness was knocking on the door, maybe the neighborhood stray cat got ran over by a dump truck, maybe it was the Publishers Clearing House in which case they're probably already on a boat in the Bahama's so good luck. Most of the time it's a reason other than match manipulation--especially if you're in plat 2 or below or unranked.

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> @"Crius.5487" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > Riiiight, Moon landings were fake, 9/11 was inside job, Queen Elizabeth is a 10,000 year old lizard and 2008 crash was Illuminati.

> >

> > Look, I'm not saying this stuff never happens, but the way people talk here you'd think this is going on in nearly every game, across all tiers. I hate to break it to you, but nobody is win-trading in Gold tier or Unranked. If your team throws a game there, it's because, they suck and threw the game. Not because Illuminati. Outside of the top 10 this is 100% pointless and irrelevant.


> Had an important phone call, was in an unranked game, so I answered it. Stopped moving for 30 seconds and got accused of match manipulation. Manipulating with whom? The person who called me who has never heard of the game?


> This guy is correct, match manipulation only occurs at the very top of the leader board. Match manipulation is when someone pays someone on the opposing team to throw the game. There's a hundred reasons why someone might stop responding during a match. Maybe someone other than a Jehovah witness was knocking on the door, maybe the neighborhood stray cat got ran over by a dump truck, maybe it was the Publishers Clearing House in which case they're probably already on a boat in the Bahama's so good luck. Most of the time it's a reason other than match manipulation--especially if you're in plat 2 or below or unranked.


I guess I must be a top player then.


@"bluri.2653" Coincidentally enough, directly after our interaction today I had gone to do a few placement matches for season 17. I immediately was reminded why I told myself last season, that I wasn't going to play season 17. Check out what happened:



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I think that video is worthy of its own thread. Still wouldn't go as far to call it match manipulation--how would one person coordinate with your entire team to stay at spawn? ANET should definitely look into that one though.



Off of the video but onto another complaint people (and myself) have which isn't but is commonly referred to as match manipulation are the players (bots too) who are only there for the reward track progress and pips. These players don't care about winning and don't even try which really hurts the other players on the team who are trying to win. A suggestion I have to combat this is to make the dailies only count if the match is won. Reward track progress and pips for season rewards will only be earned if the match is won. If you lose, you get nothing. It's suppose to be a competitive game mode--there should be no reason to come if you're not willing to compete.

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